*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Weigh-In #4 1/21/11



  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    can someone please add my name to the spreadsheet??? i've asked quite a few times and still dont

    i started the challenge @ 177
    that is still how i weigh
  • merryxmas15
    merryxmas15 Posts: 45 Member
    I tend to lose motivation quickly. I'll be going strong for a week or so but then the scale numbers don't go down or go up or whatever and it makes me wonder why am I busting my butt if I'm not going to see any good results. This site and this group is a great help for that! It reminds me that even when the scale is mean to me I at least know that I'm improving my health and in the long run the weight will come off. I've fallen off the wagon so many times its not even funny. Sometimes its just for a day sometimes a month (or so) but I always come back because I know I have to do it. A couple of things that help me when I feel myself starting to slip is to watch shows like Biggest Loser or that new show called Heavy and Ruby. There are others but I can't think of them right now. I watch them and think ok well I don't want to get to that point!! It really hurts when I see people on the Biggest Loser that are my same weight or a little under and I just groan. But mostly they show me that if those people can do it then I can too and that I have to do it now because from here things really get bad. I've been lucky and have not developed any of the diseases that go with being overweight. I don't have diabetes or high blood pressure or anything like that but I know if I keep getting bigger or if I don't lose some weight I'm going to develop those things. There is no question about it and I certainly don't want to give myself shots everyday and I don't want to die young! So these shows sometimes give me ideas but mostly just show me that I can do it! I also love magazines and one I have a subscription to is Fitness. I love getting a new one in the mail because there are always good tips, exercises and recipes. I know some people hate magazines like this cause they always have such skinny, fit, pretty people but I use this for motivation also because while I may never actually look like those models I really want to! Sorry this turned into much more of a ramble than I anticipated but I wanted to give a few of the things that I use to keep going or to start again. Good luck everyone and just remember to keep on keeping on!
  • can someone please add my name to the spreadsheet??? i've asked quite a few times and still dont

    i started the challenge @ 177
    that is still how i weigh

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the reason you are not on the spreadsheet is either you didn't get in on the challenge before the deadline or you have missed 2 weigh ins and were removed. I looked back through your posts and did not see where you have reported a weigh in but one time.
  • ucms
    ucms Posts: 28 Member
    I think I am one of the people that put in the wrong name for the weigh in....so sorry. I was in such a rush and pissed off that I had gained a pound!!! I have now put my weight in under the correct name.

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    merryxmas15... I do that too. My motivation usually lasts less than a week. :tongue: I've been on MFP almost a year, and I have never been this committed to weight loss. (Even though I haven't lost much since coming here.) It's great to have somewhere to come back to and be reminded of what we need to do to get where we want to me, and that there are so many other people here with the same goals.

    Watching the Biggest Loser really helps me get inspired again too! (It's on tonight. :happy: ) And I really need the weekly re-inspiration. I recently found one on MTV about high school grads losing weight in a single summer, called I Used To Be Fat. It totally inspired me all over again as well. You could also YouTube people's weight loss success videos and watch a few of those. I feel like I do more watching than moving sometimes though. :embarassed:

    A little off topic, I've been going to fitness classes lately, and there are some girls there (it's mostly girls) that are a lot lighter than me, and they are huffing and puffing, and taking brakes, but I'm able to keep up with the instructor of the class. That makes me feel really good. That's what regular exercise can do to a person. :wink:

    WE CAN DO IT!!!

    (... Has anyone noticed how the weigh-in page here is being used more like the discussion page? ...)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member

    sorry I have been MIA the past couple of days. I have slacked off on my eating and exercising. I got really sick and still sick (which sucks!). I am lacking my motivation too.

    Kids are home from school today and tomorrow due to the blast of snow my area got. I am gonna try to exercise with them..maybe do Wii since my kids love wii...and so do I.

    Have a great evening!

    bb (hopefully) tomorrow, to catch up on post :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    I know I probably won't have a loss for this upcoming week. I have gone out to eat too many days and I didn't get my second workout in in the evenings. I don't feel any better or worse. But I know I can do a lot better and I will. I got all this out my system and I am ready to keep pushing forward.
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