Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 3



  • 194 this week! not a huge loss, but my body looks so different from 2 weeks of zumba! it's kind of crazy.
  • So i have had the most horrible week, and put on a ton of weight. I was gonna skip weigh in this week, but I might as well post it. maybe it will be more motivation. 186.2 for me this week. I feel disgusting.
  • annie422
    annie422 Posts: 114 Member
    quick Monday check in. I'm down 2 more pounds. 11 total! woohoo!!!
  • I'm down to 119.6 so 1.4 pounds this week! Woo!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    197.4 here.
  • 193. EXACTLY the same- with exercise and tons of water! must be that my eating wasn't as good as I had thought. This week I need to write it down- ALL of it- maybe that's the culprit! :grumble:
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    khaleesinoodlebelly Posts: 165 Member
    I am at 258.8 :)

    With this week being TOM I am hoping I don't gain too much back!
    Must work on drinking more water and getting to the gym despite my bordeom with it lately!
  • I was wondering what this group was all about! It looks like fun and can I join?!
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    140. No loss this week. Boo!

    Keep it up ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    gym scale says i've lost 2.5 lbs since last week. home scales says i've lost nothing. since it's been 10lbs since my last plateau... and TOM's on the way... I'm going to leave my weight the same... and hope my home scales show a loss soon.

    PS. kind of in a funk today. not sure what my deal is... besides pms of course! haha
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm in a funk too. I've been losing and regaining the same 5lbs for months. I know exactly what I need to do, I'm just not doing it. It should all get easier when we move in a month though. I'll have access to the apartment's treadmill and weight machine, and I'll have a kitchen to myself so I can cook again. I borrowed my roommate's Taste of Home cookbook and copy a BUNCH of casserole and soup recipes. Meals I can make and store in portions, so they're grab and go for lunch or dinner. My bf and I are BOTH ready to really change and get into good habits.
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    I'm the same this week. But well done to everyone who has lost!!
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    I'm in a funk too. I've been losing and regaining the same 5lbs for months. I know exactly what I need to do, I'm just not doing it. It should all get easier when we move in a month though. I'll have access to the apartment's treadmill and weight machine, and I'll have a kitchen to myself so I can cook again. I borrowed my roommate's Taste of Home cookbook and copy a BUNCH of casserole and soup recipes. Meals I can make and store in portions, so they're grab and go for lunch or dinner. My bf and I are BOTH ready to really change and get into good habits.

    Rach thats awesome! For me... it seems no matter what i do... every 10 lbs i lose i get stuck for 3 weeks. its so frickin frustrating!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Rach thats awesome! For me... it seems no matter what i do... every 10 lbs i lose i get stuck for 3 weeks. its so frickin frustrating!

    My body does the same! Every 7 or 8lbs it seems. They say our bodies do that because they need to adjust to a 'norm'. It's definitely frustrating though, but I keep concentrating on how much better I feel, physically and mentally.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    Rach thats awesome! For me... it seems no matter what i do... every 10 lbs i lose i get stuck for 3 weeks. its so frickin frustrating!

    My body does the same! Every 7 or 8lbs it seems. They say our bodies do that because they need to adjust to a 'norm'. It's definitely frustrating though, but I keep concentrating on how much better I feel, physically and mentally.

    well i don't want a 'norm'. haha. jk

    pms isnt helping... all i want is chocolate.. ice cream... and my bed!
  • feetypajamas
    feetypajamas Posts: 104 Member
    BLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Nothing this week. NOTHING.

    Thought I was being good, up until Saturday night. O.o Drank like, over 9000 calories (+50 cool points if you get the reference). Though, I figured I'd work em off with all the jumping around, dancing, and narrowly avoiding the drunk dude trying to mosh that I did. I felt like I sweat off 20lbs after the show. However, I ate a bit of pizza in my "cracked out Sunday" mode... :(

    My gym membership starts tomorrow, I'll get back on track, if it kills me darnit!!
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    ugh 238.8 that wonderful time of month starts this week. its sucks cause i did really well this weekend and then this comes and suprises me. well i know next week will be alot better.
  • beanie242
    beanie242 Posts: 94 Member
    171.0! Although I have been pretty sick lately so that's probably just it
  • No weight loss again this week. Still at 165.6 I am beyond the point of frustration and am gettign so depressed. All I want to do at this point is indulge in some of the things that are so not good for me. Arghh!!!
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