"NO FAT CHICKS" Bumper Stickers



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    No group should be "protected" and that goes for race, weight, gender, ANYTHING. "Protected" classes = reverse discrimination. There's nothing more "wrong" than being a normal, straight, white male in this country. It's sad. Are the bumper stickers stupid? Yeah. But it shouldn't be illegal to speak your mind and apparently he doesn't like fat girls.

    Brb, starting a gofundme.com support account for all the poor, oppressed straight white males out there. It must be truly awful to be them.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I'm just saying its exactly the same as any group - "disabled people", "black people", "asians", "midgets", etc. These groups experience discrimination. There would be a major reaction if there were stickers referring to such groups. Fat people experience discrimination too, so similar logic.

    Never! Never call a dwarf a midget. They get highly offended by that. My cousin is a dwarf. ***Just a tip here.

    Do the sticker's bother me? No because it's like that other poster said " Shows me who to avoid".
    If my husband could find a sticker that said "Feed a skinny b---- a cheeseburger" He would have that on his car. Yes I know he's an idiot. LOL

    he prefers to be called a dwarf? I'd rather be called a midget... or a people mc nugget or something

    LMAO. I tried to buy her a shirt that said "Honary Oompa loompa"
  • Actions have consequences.

    I'd bet cars with truck nuts or "no fat chicks" stickers get keyed more often than cars without.

    Absolutely. A guy in my complex has his lifted-up d-bag truck all decked out with some rather nasty bumper stickers, gun rack, flag, etc., and now parks his car two blocks over because it kept getting vandalized in our family-friendly complex. Not saying it's okay to vandalize someone else's property, but I don't really have any sympathy for the guy either.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Wait, so what got Obama elected, exactly? Everybody else seems to understand that but me.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Wait, so what got Obama elected, exactly? Everybody else seems to understand that but me.

    fat chicks.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    Nothing illegal about them, but I bet they have small weenies and smaller brains if they have to have such a bumper sticker.

    I had a neighbor across the street that used to have a bumper sticker that said "show me your t*ts. I figured it just showed his lack of class. He worked for Carmax, and the bumper sticker was removed after a couple of weeks. Wonder why?

    "love your boobies" bumper sticker = breast cancer awareness
    "show me your tits" bumper sticker = lack of class

    Go figure...
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    I'm just saying its exactly the same as any group - "disabled people", "black people", "asians", "midgets", etc. These groups experience discrimination. There would be a major reaction if there were stickers referring to such groups. Fat people experience discrimination too, so similar logic.

    Never! Never call a dwarf a midget. They get highly offended by that. My cousin is a dwarf. ***Just a tip here.

    Do the sticker's bother me? No because it's like that other poster said " Shows me who to avoid".
    If my husband could find a sticker that said "Feed a skinny b---- a cheeseburger" He would have that on his car. Yes I know he's an idiot. LOL

    he prefers to be called a dwarf? I'd rather be called a midget... or a people mc nugget or something

    ^^^ This. "people mcnugget" is hilarious! But, I too would prefer midget, mcperson, or personita(o) than dwarf.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    No group should be "protected" and that goes for race, weight, gender, ANYTHING. "Protected" classes = reverse discrimination. There's nothing more "wrong" than being a normal, straight, white male in this country. It's sad. Are the bumper stickers stupid? Yeah. But it shouldn't be illegal to speak your mind and apparently he doesn't like fat girls.

    I'm going to take a wild guess that you are straight and white.

    She's 26 with 4 kids. Kind of increases the probability of straightness.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Actions have consequences.

    I'd bet cars with truck nuts or "no fat chicks" stickers get keyed more often than cars without.

    Absolutely. A guy in my complex has his lifted-up d-bag truck all decked out with some rather nasty bumper stickers, gun rack, flag, etc., and now parks his car two blocks over because it kept getting vandalized in our family-friendly complex. Not saying it's okay to vandalize someone else's property, but I don't really have any sympathy for the guy either.

    Inflammatory bumper stickers are a form of trolling. If you put out bait, you gotta expect to get a bite once in awhile.

    Add: it's tempting to make "prefers fat boys" bumperstickers to anonymously add-on to the displays of the "no fat chicks" bumpersticker crowd.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    No group should be "protected" and that goes for race, weight, gender, ANYTHING. "Protected" classes = reverse discrimination. There's nothing more "wrong" than being a normal, straight, white male in this country. It's sad. Are the bumper stickers stupid? Yeah. But it shouldn't be illegal to speak your mind and apparently he doesn't like fat girls.

    I'm going to take a wild guess that you are straight and white.

    She's 26 with 4 kids. Kind of increases the probability of straightness.

    Didn't need to check her profile, I just had to read her comment. It screams "Privileged white woman".
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    My favorite is "If you're going to ride my *kitten* at least pull my hair."
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    Actions have consequences.

    I'd bet cars with truck nuts or "no fat chicks" stickers get keyed more often than cars without.

    Absolutely. A guy in my complex has his lifted-up d-bag truck all decked out with some rather nasty bumper stickers, gun rack, flag, etc., and now parks his car two blocks over because it kept getting vandalized in our family-friendly complex. Not saying it's okay to vandalize someone else's property, but I don't really have any sympathy for the guy either.

    Inflammatory bumper stickers are a form of trolling. If you put out bait, you gotta expect to get a bite once in awhile.

    Let me see if I get this right...

    I don't have the right to put tasteless bumper stickers on my vehicle, but you have the right to deface and vandalize my private property if I do it anyways.
  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    Actually, deleting what I wrote. Don't feel like getting into this thread.
  • I think the correct term is "African American" and not "Black People" :) Live and let live. Just remember, all police officers my not be slender. Karma's a ":^%! :)
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    No group should be "protected" and that goes for race, weight, gender, ANYTHING. "Protected" classes = reverse discrimination. There's nothing more "wrong" than being a normal, straight, white male in this country. It's sad. Are the bumper stickers stupid? Yeah. But it shouldn't be illegal to speak your mind and apparently he doesn't like fat girls.

    Brb, starting a gofundme.com support account for all the poor, oppressed straight white males out there. It must be truly awful to be them.

    Wait! Can I get both my government check and the sugar lobby check I'm already collecting?
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    No group should be "protected" and that goes for race, weight, gender, ANYTHING. "Protected" classes = reverse discrimination. There's nothing more "wrong" than being a normal, straight, white male in this country. It's sad. Are the bumper stickers stupid? Yeah. But it shouldn't be illegal to speak your mind and apparently he doesn't like fat girls.

    Did you notice that you called straight white men "normal"? What does that make everyone else? When people use the word "privilege", that's exactly what they mean.
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    No group should be "protected" and that goes for race, weight, gender, ANYTHING. "Protected" classes = reverse discrimination. There's nothing more "wrong" than being a normal, straight, white male in this country. It's sad. Are the bumper stickers stupid? Yeah. But it shouldn't be illegal to speak your mind and apparently he doesn't like fat girls.

    Brb, starting a gofundme.com support account for all the poor, oppressed straight white males out there. It must be truly awful to be them.

    Wait! Can I get both my government check and the sugar lobby check I'm already collecting?

    only if you're not a citizen.
  • No group should be "protected" and that goes for race, weight, gender, ANYTHING. "Protected" classes = reverse discrimination. There's nothing more "wrong" than being a normal, straight, white male in this country. It's sad. Are the bumper stickers stupid? Yeah. But it shouldn't be illegal to speak your mind and apparently he doesn't like fat girls.
    Speaking of giant red flags...
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I'm just saying its exactly the same as any group - "disabled people", "black people", "asians", "midgets", etc. These groups experience discrimination. There would be a major reaction if there were stickers referring to such groups. Fat people experience discrimination too, so similar logic.

    Never! Never call a dwarf a midget. They get highly offended by that. My cousin is a dwarf. ***Just a tip here.

    Do the sticker's bother me? No because it's like that other poster said " Shows me who to avoid".
    If my husband could find a sticker that said "Feed a skinny b---- a cheeseburger" He would have that on his car. Yes I know he's an idiot. LOL

    he prefers to be called a dwarf? I'd rather be called a midget... or a people mc nugget or something

    ^^^ This. "people mcnugget" is hilarious! But, I too would prefer midget, mcperson, or personita(o) than dwarf.

    They consider the term Midget as an insult... mainly because of the whole jobs as Circus Freaks. Or "Little People"
  • I think the correct term is "African American" and not "Black People" :) Live and let live. Just remember, all police officers my not be slender. Karma's a ":^%! :)

    Not all black people are from Africa, fyi. My daughter is half black and her biological dad's family is from Barbados and he despises the term AA because they are not from Africa.
This discussion has been closed.