"NO FAT CHICKS" Bumper Stickers



  • findingmarina
    Lol this post reminded me of how one day I was doing my usual walks, I passed these two guys and one said "dang that girl is nice". The other one said "eww wtf dude? Are you a chubby chaser now?" LMAOOO I wasn't even upset I was more shocked that he labeled me!! Ummm...okay dude whatever!! Hahaha
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i cannot stand the term "reverse-racism"

    it's either racist or it isn't.

    WRONG! it's much worse when it goes against white people. Everyone knows that.

  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    It's kind of like those "Nice truck, sorry about the size of your penis :(" bumper stickers. HEY! since those fat chick thingys are usually on trucks maybe you could put one on the front of your car in response to the back of the truck! I wouldn't suggest following them and putting one on when they're in the store tho, parking lots have cameras.
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    Anyone been lucky enough to see one of these on the back of some *kitten*'s car? Makes me want to take a sledgehammer to it.

    Imagine if there was a similar sticker referring to another group based on appearance. I can think of a few examples that would not be legal. These should be illegal too I reckon.

    This is the logic that got Obama elected. Twice.

    Its called freedom of speech. You can read about it in the US Constitution. While I personally think you are a turd if this is on your car, i also feel you shouldn't have your right to look like an idiot infringed upon...

  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    i cannot stand the term "reverse-racism"

    it's either racist or it isn't.

    WRONG! it's much worse when it goes against white people. Everyone knows that.


    See? Told yall. He plays em like a FIDDLE!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    This is my favorite thread ever. It might even beat the magic trampoline one.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    i cannot stand the term "reverse-racism"

    it's either racist or it isn't.

    WRONG! it's much worse when it goes against white people. Everyone knows that.


    I saw that on Cinemax once
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I think the correct term is "African American" and not "Black People" :) Live and let live. Just remember, all police officers my not be slender. Karma's a ":^%! :)

    i strongly prefer "black people". not even kidding.

    As a white guy, can I also prefer "black people"? I mean, I fine with defining as white.
  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    Did you notice that you called straight white men "normal"? What does that make everyone else? When people use the word "privilege", that's exactly what they mean.

    I'm not supporting an opinion one way or another. But, you did not read and interpret what she said correctly.
    Mmm, I'm going to have to disagree with you there.

    Since this "normal" refers to another, unspecified criteria and NOT being white, or male as they were already mentioned., you can disagree all you like, but you'd be wrong.

    That isn't to say that she isn't improperly labeling some other criteria as "not normal".
    You don't find the grouping of 'normal' along with white and male a little telling? I know this reverse-racism, reverse-sexism rhetoric too well to give anyone the benefit of the doubt with that grouping.

    EDIT: Had she compared "normal white men" to "abnormal white men" I would totally see your point, but I really don't think it applies here. Normal here is just another quality that these poor white men have in addition to being white and male. But I'm done diagramming sentences because it's a ****ty position either way.

    Yah. I'm done too. But it seemed to me paper tigers were being set up to slay. Anyway, enjoy.
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    No group should be "protected" and that goes for race, weight, gender, ANYTHING. "Protected" classes = reverse discrimination. There's nothing more "wrong" than being a normal, straight, white male in this country. It's sad. Are the bumper stickers stupid? Yeah. But it shouldn't be illegal to speak your mind and apparently he doesn't like fat girls.

    I'm going to take a wild guess that you are straight and white.

    She's 26 with 4 kids. Kind of increases the probability of straightness.

    Didn't need to check her profile, I just had to read her comment. It screams "Privileged white woman".

    So she's suddenly a "priveleged white woman" because she has an opinion about something that may not be the same as yours? That's pretty narrow minded considering you don't know her. Because she's white she's suddenly born into privlege? Because she doesn't think like you she's automatically targeted and branded as a certain type of person. By you. Someone who is admittedly too lazy to even look at her profile? WTF? You should be illegal, lol!
  • lizzybathory
    i cannot stand the term "reverse-racism"

    it's either racist or it isn't.

    WRONG! it's much worse when it goes against white people. Everyone knows that.

    Correct! Also, I think all of us white people have had the experience of not getting a job that we are highly qualified for, and then seeing the black person they offered it to walk through the door. And my memories of not being able to find a nice apartment because the landlords didn't trust me as a white person still sting.

    Thank you for taking my struggles seriously. It means a lot that you can look past the color of my skin.
  • lizzybathory
    No group should be "protected" and that goes for race, weight, gender, ANYTHING. "Protected" classes = reverse discrimination. There's nothing more "wrong" than being a normal, straight, white male in this country. It's sad. Are the bumper stickers stupid? Yeah. But it shouldn't be illegal to speak your mind and apparently he doesn't like fat girls.

    I'm going to take a wild guess that you are straight and white.

    She's 26 with 4 kids. Kind of increases the probability of straightness.

    Didn't need to check her profile, I just had to read her comment. It screams "Privileged white woman".

    So she's suddenly a "priveleged white woman" because she has an opinion about something that may not be the same as yours? That's pretty narrow minded considering you don't know her. Because she's white she's suddenly born into privlege? Because she doesn't think like you she's automatically targeted and branded as a certain type of person. By you. Someone who is admittedly too lazy to even look at her profile? WTF? You should be illegal, lol!

    "Because she's white she's suddenly born into privlege?"
    Yes. That's what that means. Yes.
  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i cannot stand the term "reverse-racism"

    it's either racist or it isn't.

    WRONG! it's much worse when it goes against white people. Everyone knows that.


    I saw that on Cinemax once

    I watched it three times. It was the best thing they aired all month, especially with Strike Back and Banshee on hiatus
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    No group should be "protected" and that goes for race, weight, gender, ANYTHING. "Protected" classes = reverse discrimination. There's nothing more "wrong" than being a normal, straight, white male in this country. It's sad. Are the bumper stickers stupid? Yeah. But it shouldn't be illegal to speak your mind and apparently he doesn't like fat girls.

    I'm going to take a wild guess that you are straight and white.

    She's 26 with 4 kids. Kind of increases the probability of straightness.

    Didn't need to check her profile, I just had to read her comment. It screams "Privileged white woman".

    So she's suddenly a "priveleged white woman" because she has an opinion about something that may not be the same as yours? That's pretty narrow minded considering you don't know her. Because she's white she's suddenly born into privlege? Because she doesn't think like you she's automatically targeted and branded as a certain type of person. By you. Someone who is admittedly too lazy to even look at her profile? WTF? You should be illegal, lol!

    Yes, that is exactly what it means. I am also a straight white woman. It doesn't make me bad, but it does make me privileged. I acknowledge that my way in life has been easier than a black woman's by the fact that my skin is white. I didn't form an opinion of her, she gave me her opinion. Its right up there in the quoted post.
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    No group should be "protected" and that goes for race, weight, gender, ANYTHING. "Protected" classes = reverse discrimination. There's nothing more "wrong" than being a normal, straight, white male in this country. It's sad. Are the bumper stickers stupid? Yeah. But it shouldn't be illegal to speak your mind and apparently he doesn't like fat girls.

    I'm going to take a wild guess that you are straight and white.

    She's 26 with 4 kids. Kind of increases the probability of straightness.

    Didn't need to check her profile, I just had to read her comment. It screams "Privileged white woman".

    So she's suddenly a "priveleged white woman" because she has an opinion about something that may not be the same as yours? That's pretty narrow minded considering you don't know her. Because she's white she's suddenly born into privlege? Because she doesn't think like you she's automatically targeted and branded as a certain type of person. By you. Someone who is admittedly too lazy to even look at her profile? WTF? You should be illegal, lol!

    Yes, that is exactly what it means. I am also a straight white woman. It doesn't make me bad, but it does make me privileged. I acknowledge that my way in life has been easier than a black woman's by the fact that my skin is white. I didn't form an opinion of her, she gave me her opinion. Its right up there in the quoted post.

    Being white hasn't been a privlege since affirmative action. Being a woman is however.
  • RockstarWilson
    RockstarWilson Posts: 836 Member
    And yet another post on MFP goes racist. Couldn't there be anything else you guys can do to enrich your lives?
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    No group should be "protected" and that goes for race, weight, gender, ANYTHING. "Protected" classes = reverse discrimination. There's nothing more "wrong" than being a normal, straight, white male in this country. It's sad. Are the bumper stickers stupid? Yeah. But it shouldn't be illegal to speak your mind and apparently he doesn't like fat girls.

    I'm going to take a wild guess that you are straight and white.

    She's 26 with 4 kids. Kind of increases the probability of straightness.

    Didn't need to check her profile, I just had to read her comment. It screams "Privileged white woman".

    So she's suddenly a "priveleged white woman" because she has an opinion about something that may not be the same as yours? That's pretty narrow minded considering you don't know her. Because she's white she's suddenly born into privlege? Because she doesn't think like you she's automatically targeted and branded as a certain type of person. By you. Someone who is admittedly too lazy to even look at her profile? WTF? You should be illegal, lol!

    Yeah! You tell that straight woman to stop calling other straight woman privileged! Damn whitey, always holding whitey down! Give her what for!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Anyone been lucky enough to see one of these on the back of some *kitten*'s car? Makes me want to take a sledgehammer to it.

    Imagine if there was a similar sticker referring to another group based on appearance. I can think of a few examples that would not be legal. These should be illegal too I reckon.

    This is the logic that got Obama elected. Twice.

    Its called freedom of speech. You can read about it in the US Constitution. While I personally think you are a turd if this is on your car, i also feel you shouldn't have your right to look like an idiot infringed upon...


    Yet another person understands this comment and refuses to enlighten me.

This discussion has been closed.