40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Good Morning!

    Friday check-in.....I had a really good week in terms of working out and eating. My eating was really clean.....no chocolate, sweets, processed food, alcohol, etc. I'm beginning to feel like I'm losing some of the Christmas weight, which is good. I'm focusing on high intensity cardio workouts and endurance-based resistance training right now in an attempt to shred off some of these pounds I've gained. It seems to be working. It is taking a bit of a toll on my body right now (especially the really high impact), so I continue to monitor that. I'm going to give it another week and see how I do. At that point, if I need to take it down a notch for a week or so, I will. But I'm happy with where I'm at right now. I'm planning on sticking with this type of routine through the end of March when I will then return to P90X and try to beef up the strength training a bit more. I have no trips to the beach or anything like that to look forward to right now, so my motivation for staying slim is simply to be able to fit into my clothes better.

    singfree, we escaped the snow again. The temps are dropping here and we aren't supposed to be above freezing all weekend, but that's okay. No snow or ice in sight. I wouldn't know how well they do at clearing the roads here because we've not had enough snow yet to clear! I expect issues with snow removal in places like Georgia since it doesn't ever really snow there, but I'd think PA would be better prepared.

    My husband is bringing me home some goodies from Germany, so I'm not sure how well my diet will be this weekend. He enjoyed his dinner at the winery, but he won't be bringing me any wine (unfortunately). I've been to the vineyard where he ate before and probably have some bottles of wine in storage from there out in Los Angeles. We've really got to figure out how to get that out here sometime soon. My husband doesn't drink at all (or, more accurately, he'll drink the odd half glass of red wine every now and again but that's all). I figure it just leaves more for me!

    Enjoy your weekend everybody!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning! Just an FYI, I changed my username from kadetr this morning because I just got tired of not using my name--not that I love my name so much, but am used to it at least.....anyway, hope everyone is good!

    We have more snow here too but thankfully they did not cancel school again. The week has been good--I could copy Stiring's note and say the same. I have been really on track with eating this week, and feel much more "streamlined" in my clothing than I did after Xmas. I'm on my 2nd week of not drinking wine mid-week. Hubby just left for 5 days, so that means I'll have a nice stretch of good eating and light dinners, so I foresee feeling really great by next week as long as I can keep it up. I have been eating at a reduced calorie level too, I will probably up it again back to my regular maintenance level next week.

    Altushe--I'm the same way--my appetite does increase on maintenance. I think that's why my exercise rest days are so difficult I am accustomed to a certain # of calories each day, regardless of what I burn throughout the day in exercise. So on rest days I still want to eat that extra 400-450 calories, I really can't scale it back. I hope you are ok --did you hurt yourself on the icy sidewalk?? I hate ice and try to avoid going out on it at any cost.

    CardGirl--I didn't eat much dairy but since being on MFP I have been trying to incorporate more into my eating because I know I need the calcium and when I see the report on calcium each day I have been coming up short. I usually have yogurt (like Altushe, Fage Greek Yogurt is my go-to brand), and maybe 1/2 cup of 2% milk --either in a cappachino I make at home, or with a little cereal. I eat really well so don't go for skims or 1%, my fat #'s are on track. I still don't think I get enough but am working at it....I think it's all good.

    One question for you--I want to incorporate more yoga on my rest days--do any of you have any favorite video workouts you could recommend??

    Hope you all have a great day and weekend!
  • cef957
    cef957 Posts: 86 Member
    Hello all - Sorry it has been a long time since my last post. It has been great seeing everyone's progress. I stayed the same weight till New Years weekend and then gained 4 (almost overnight). I am back working full time in the classroom. I took over for a friend who is on maternity leave at the school I used to teach at before we moved to China. The first week back in the classroom I was able to get to the gym once during the week and then on the weekend. I haven't been back since. I have managed to loose 2 -3 (depending on the week) of the 4 I gained. I was doing well with the water consumption till this week - the diet coke was calling me back. I am doing great with the eating. The chef at school now has great salads (when I was here before) he had cheese fries. No more cheese fries. Dinner at home has been not bad as I am in control of that and I am just too tired to eat sometimes.

    Just a few comments
    1) everyone is doing great! keep up the great work - you are inspiring me!
    2) welcome to our new members - this thread is great and inspiring!
    3) I eat dairy. Sometimes, I don't think I eat enough.....I love cheese (expect Packer fans! GO BEARS!)

    My new resolution (once I am done with my teaching job). I am kinda scared to post this.....

    I want to run a 5k. I am going to start the c25k program Feburary 7th! Yikes now it is in writing!! I have never been a runner and currently I can run for about 7 minutes at a slow pace (3.5 on the treadmill) only about 2 minutes outside......
  • friday ck in....well surprise-did loose.....guess something came out of being sick.
    I feel stronger today....best so far. Went to the gym yesterday, but did not give it my all during the class..loving that homemade vegie soup. That is all I want along w/pb&j.

    I am making myself eat an apple right now.

    I plan on going to the gym laterbut haven't figured out what I will work on.....still don't feel like allot of strength.

    Sing.....on BL wonder why they only told 1 person their life span?? I saw a clip about a large person show starting Mon night at 10 on TLC.....I think it was that station......only saw the part about a big guy yelling at his trainer.

    my dau returns to college Sun, so I have to pick up some items for her. I am also on call tomorrow for work....hope there is no call.
    Striing-do you like snow? Wow, stuff in ca talk about cross crountry-will the stuff fit in your new dc place? Wouldn't it be nice to have all your stuff in the same place..ha :)

    well, the snow has passed and the sunn is out! They are hinting at another storm next week. At least the ground will be all wet for spring. I am starting to think about planting season

    Since I was under the weather.....I forgot to say WELCOME to the newbies...keep focused....we're here to help.

  • Has anyone here tried soy milk, rice milk or almond milk?

    I have had both soy and almond milk. I used the soy milk to make smoothies, and I used almond milk for you cereal. I am not much of a milk drinker, and I liked both.

    However, since I was the only one using it, I found that it spoiled before I could use it all.

  • BAH! I had a UGLY week!

    On Wednesday, my car decided to stop working! Blew a water pump. The mechanic said $1400 to fix it! We took the car off the lift and said NO thank you! Hubby and I shared a car this week... till we found a mechanic that said it could be done for $300....

    Just makes me so mad that the other guy was asking so much!

    Any rate.,, I am down a few pounds... cant bring myself to gone on "maintain" yet not sure I really want to lose more weight... feeling a bit crazy at the moment,,, I wish I just "KNEW" I was at a good spot...

  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Wow! This has been one busy week for me.
    Mon & Tues... Trip to Nevada to work on rentals
    Wed... Drove home from Nevada, got caught up on all my laundry, picked up the house
    Thurs & Fri... Hung out with my daughter running errands'
    Sat... Started cleaning off decks, inside of my car cuz it sat all winter and got mold in it (YUCK) then got a phone call that my son got busted and could get arrested... UGGGGGGG!!!!!!

    Dont get me wrong, my son is a good kid he's just STUPID sometimes. I sent both him and his friend back into the forest to return this motorcycle part (the gas tank) he took home. While they were out there they decided the wanted the seat belt from an old car that's been out there forever. Not being able to just yank the seat belt off they decided to try the burn and pull method... One drip on those old seats and I'm sure you can guess.... Poof! Up in flames it went. Good thing he learned this lesson when things are wet and hard to burn but seriously.... If the seat belt was so important wouldn't you find something to just cut it with??? Oh ya, he wanted it to make a belt out of it. I guess the sell those in hot topic.

    So that has been my busy week. Eating hasnt been unhealthy but still bad because I haven't eaten a thing all day because of running around then when dinner comes I'm sure I gobbled up more that I should have.

    Exercise... Non existent this week. :ohwell:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning from frigid (-2 F.) PA!!!!

    We are in a COLD spell, that's for sure! Yesterday was -6 F at 8 am on our way to Church. Now they are predicting even more snow for Wednesday! Great, bring it on (he says sarcastically)!!

    Yesterday I was on my way home from the store. I was turning in to our street from the main road. A young lady (maybe 18) pulled out from the stop sign while I was turning and hit my car right in my driver's side door. It was a slow speed fender bender type accident, nobody was hurt, but now I need to take my car to get it fixed. Even though she hit me, I need to have it repaired through my insurance company and pay the deductible until they receive reimbursement through her insurance company. I am very glad in a way that if this happened to this young lady that it was me. If a car had been coming the other way and faster, she would have been injured for sure. I hope she learns a valuable lesson from this. She seems like a nice respectable kid, but needs to pay attention when driving!

    I must be mellowing a bit (you'll get an argument from my wife on this), but I'm really not upset about this accident. Yes, it's a hassle to go to Reading to one of Hartford Ins. certified repair shops and have my car out of comission for a few days. But in the big scheme of things, it's only a minor blip on the radar of life. Too many good things happen in my life to sweat the small stuff...such as, our Grandson will come for a visit this weekend. He always warms our hearts!

    BTW, Stiring, we had a GREAT time at the Evergreen German Club on Friday night. Two other couples went with us and had such a good time, they are probably going to join as well. I had a delicous Jägerschnitzel and most of the others had Zigeunerschnitzel. Top it off with a few Franziskaner Weißbiers, and I was a happy boy!

    I did not get any exercise in this weekend, because I was cold and lazy! Back to the gym today, however. Over the past several weeks, I've noticed a marked improvement in my strength, and my muscles have actually grown a bit. This is probably due to the fact that I have not decreased my caloric intake, with the exception of trying to cut out junk food (mixed success). I'm going to stay with this course for another month, then begin a transition to more cardio and at that time cut calories slightly to see how that affects fat loss. I don't want to do anything drastic, because I don't want to lose muscle mass as I am leaning out with cardio. Believe me, I've tried drastic things before and the results were far from good. This time I am going to do things in safe and sane way.

    Tron, kids can and will do the dumbest things! I was a fairly good kid, but as I look back to that time, I've done some incredibly stupid things!!! As a parent though, you really have to scratch your head and say What Was He Thinking??? Some day you will laugh at this episode.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Good Morning!

    JuliaSoCal, if I recall, you are about my height (I think you're 5'0 or there abouts, right?), and I think you are sitting at a GREAT weight for your height. It isn't harmful to lose more at this point, but it certainly isn't necessary to lose more either. And you will probably find it easier to maintain at this weight. Transitioning into maintenance is, without a doubt, one of the toughest parts of weight loss. At least it was for me. What I'd recommend is adding 100 calories a day to your diet and holding it there for two weeks. If you are continuing to lose, then up it again for two weeks and continue this pattern until you stop losing. In other words, if you are eating 1400 calories, take it to 1500 this week and hold it for two weeks. Then take it to 1600 and hold it for two weeks and see if you are still losing. Your body will tell you when to stop upping your calories because you won't be losing anymore. Sorry to hear about the car!

    tron, so sorry to hear about the issues with your son. Talk about stress!! Sounds like you had a crazy week.

    singfree, I'm sorry about the car accident! I'm glad nobody was hurt, but it is a pain to have to go through the whole repair process. You're right that in the big scheme of things, it isn't a big issue. But that doesn't mean it isn't a hassle! Glad to hear you enjoyed your time on Friday. I enjoyed seeing some of my husband's photos from our old stomping grounds there in Germany over the weekend. Made me homesick! Sounds like the strength training regime is really working. I imagine you'll be well pleased when you start to shred out later this spring.

    All here is well. I have leaned out quite a bit over the past few weeks and my jeans are getting much baggier on me right now. YAY! I'm happy about that. I'm going to keep this up for a few more weeks to get rid of all of the moving and Christmas weight. I'm happy with my results right now. I got in a good workout yesterday (cardio and lower body) and started my day this morning with Insanity. I'm fighting a bit of a cold right now, but it is concentrated in my nose/head, so because of that and because I feel fine otherwise, I'm continuing with my workouts. I'll monitor it and if it moves down into my chest (which my colds inevitably do over time), I'll have to stop for a few days no doubt. Mentally, I hate having to do that. But physically, with the really intense workouts I've been doing the past 5 or 6 weeks, my body will probably thank me! My eating was clean throughout the weekend, which was a real challenge given the treats my husband brought back from Europe.

    And here's to Jack LaLanne! Definitely a man who proved that fitness can be a part of life well into our later years! Quite the pioneer.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning!

    Today I'm thankful for my geriatric car--at 11 years old and 180,000 miles, it started today (although protested a little) and I was able to get my boy to school. It is -25 degrees today. My lab wants to go for a walk but I have assured him if he's patient maybe it'll get up to like 0, and we can go out later. What a drag!

    Over the last few weeks I cut down my calories to a loss level to get back on track after the holidays, where I had gained 3 or 4 lbs. The work has paid off, and I can tell I have lost. So now I have to go back and set my body on maintenance again. I think I'm going to take the advice Stiring, that you wrote this morning for Julia, and do the "add back 100 calories a day" for a few weeks, then up it accordingly as my body gets used to it. I so agree with what you said that "transitioning to maintenance is, without a doubt, the toughest part of weight loss". This is certainly why most people who lose weight are not able to keep the weight off. They just assume they are done with losing weight and do not think about it anymore. I think consciously realizing you are on "maintenance" keeps you on track. The only problem with this is you are just as obsessed as when you are losing because to balance is such a fine line. I'm hoping one of these days it gets easier....

    Tron--so sorry about your son's incident. Boys. I guess it's all a learning experience and hopefully he'll know never to do that again! And, thankfully he's not hurt! My boy is 6 and I get scared to think about when he's off on his own.

    Sing--good luck getting back on the exercise track today!

    take care!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all from bright and sunny Kansas (at least for today)! :happy: We've had plenty of snow already and today's sun is making it disappear pretty quickly. I really can't complain; I'm grateful I don't live on the east coast where they're either getting pounded with blizzards or sub-zero temperatures. Sing, Robin, Stiring; you're all in my thoughts - hope you're all safe and warm and stay that way!!

    Helped good friends move over the weekend, starting Friday night AFTER I got in a workout at Curves. Didn't get home Friday night until after 10:30pm, then back to the old place at 9:30am to finish loading the trailers and then the 30+ mile drive to the new house. We had 7 vehicles in the convoy, ranging from a semi truck with 53' trailer to an ancient GMC S15 pickup, and all except one vehicle hauling some kind of trailer!:laugh: I'm sure we looked like quite the redneck brigade; we even had a stock trailer packed to the roof with boxes!!!:laugh: :laugh: I swear; I'm REALLY going to finish getting rid of junk out of my house this winter so that if we ever move it won't be as comical yet frustrating as this weekend was!! Lots of arm and shoulder work loading and unloading, but I was smart and didn't move anything that I shouldn't have, so my back and neck are feeling pretty good!!

    Yesterday the hubby left for a two week school in Des Moines, so the dog and I are alone again.....:ohwell: . I plan to try one of the new Zumba classes that our Curves is having a couple of times a week; it looked like a lot of fun last week when they started a class just as I was finishing my workout. Maybe a couple of Zumba classes is what I need to kick start my lazy metabolism again - still struggling to lose any of the Christmas weight gain :frown: :frown: The weekend's activities caught up with me; I'm exhausted today....... but, my workout bag is in the car and I'll force myself to stop at Curves, even if I feel like a walking zombie!!! These two weeks I'm going to focus on cleaner eating - no pizza or junk food. Easy for me to eat better when I'm just fixing something for me, which is the only good part about him being gone for two weeks.

    Take care all - I'll try to check in at the end of the week!!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Good DAy,

    I have completed 111.81 fitness miles this month. I have been sick this month and I still have 38.19 miles to go. I am grateful for all the support of myfitpals. Thank you.

    I am finding it hard ( becasue i dont shut my mouth) to loose the last 10 pounds.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    We still don't know how much snow we're going to get tomorrow. Even the computers can't agree! At least it's "warmer" this morning...20 degrees at 5 am, which is 25 degrees warmer than yesterday morning.

    After work yesterday I made a nice pot of beef noodle soup. We make a roast in the crock pot (aka slow cooker), and I used the juice from that, plus some beef stock to make a rich broth. It really tastes great on a cold winter day. I enjoy making meals, especially since my wife does not get home until 8:30 pm some evenings.

    I am determined to get some extra cardio in today. This is lower body day, which takes less time than the upper body workouts I normally do, so I can spend a litle more time on the eliptical. For some reason I feel bloated, and would like to remedy that situation. Still trying to eat clean-er...not always successful, though.

    After work I must take my car to Reading to have an adjuster look at it. Not much damage, but enough to be an inconvenience. I opted to drive out of my way to take it to a certified repair facility that Hartford Ins. recommended. No paperwork on my part, just sign & go...and they guarantee the repairs for the life of the car. Too bad, I'm selling it next year when we buy a new car.

    MK, it sounds like you've had quite a busy weekend! Moving can be a real pain! I recently helped my BIL move from CA to UT. Thankfully, he got rid of a lot of stuff before the move, even most of the furniture! They decided to buy new things when they got to Utah.

    LadyP, what kind(s) of miles are you doing? Whatever they are, good going!!

    Have a nice day all!
  • janski2
    janski2 Posts: 70
    Where are you that it's -25 degrees?
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Sorry for the misunderstanding, janski. It IS 25 degrees warmer (-5 yesterday to 20 degrees today = 25 degree difference).
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Good Morning!

    Robin, I've done the same thing since Christmas....cut my calories back down to dieting level. And I'm slowly beginning to raise them as well. I keep telling myself I'm going to be smarter about this next year and not have to do this in January. I hope that's the case. Hope you are getting out of the extreme cold up there a bit today!

    mkwood, moving is SUCH hard work. Everytime we move, I wonder why we've not just gotten rid of everything except for two suitcases and a few photo albums. But that's not realistic. Good job on getting the workouts in.

    LadyPersia, good job on the miles!! That's an amazing level given that you've been sick this month!

    singfree, we're warmer here today as well. And they can't figure out what the storm is going to do tomorrow either. Seems to be the pattern this winter. I'm not expecting much from this next storm since we haven't had anything to date. Even the weather people are hedging their bets this time and really downplaying the potential impact of this storm. After sending sand trucks all over the city a few times this month in preparation for a 'big' storm when we've gotten nothing, I have no doubt they've decided to stop crying wolf.

    Things here are all right. I'm fighting this cold and debating with myself right now as to whether I should workout today or not. It is still very much in my head, so I know it is all right to workout. But I also don't want to make it worse. I might go for a walk (since it is warmer) and maybe do a little lower body but keep the cardio down a bit today. I feel fine otherwise so I find it difficult to do nothing. Eating is good, so all is well there.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Hi! Its the professional lurker! As you know I am bad at posting when I have nothing to report, so I haven't talked to anyone in a while. Last night, I actually worked out for a whole 15 minutes! Might not seem much, but its been a long time. So, tonight I will improve on that. And things will only go up from there!

    Weatherwise, we were down to about 6 degrees yesterday, and today the weather guys got it wrong, as it was snowing when I woke up and wasn't supposed to start until tonight.
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    Oh Stiring please don't tell my I gave you my cold via internet :laugh:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sorry have not posted... :noway: I'm at work so it has to be short... My doctor recommended surgery, arthroscopy. He said I have extensive cartilage damage. He said the surgery can be very successful but it will require me to be on crutches for one month and no exercise for 4-6 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :noway: I just cannot even think about this without worrying about it. And that is everything comes out well... He left it up to me to decide. If I dont have the surgery it might get worse or it might stay the same. It is just a matter of dealing with the pain. He said in the meantime, while I think about it, I should avoid exercises that might aggravate it such as running, etc. I am not sure how much Zumba could make it worse since I dont experience any pain while doing it. I am trying not to jump too much etc. I have so many things going on right now that I dont really want to have surgery now. If my hip bothers me later on this year I might consider it early next year...dont know. What do you guys think? I also think since this is not a life or death situation it can wait...any type of surgery has its risks. :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf!!!! You are in our prayers!!! Please seek a second opinion before you decide to do anything. You are young, with many active years ahead of you. Whatever you decide, we are with you all the way! :flowerforyou:
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