3 day military diet- information and a rant



  • It originally started out as the American Red Heart Diet designed for patients that were going into heart surgery. The diet works on a chemical breakdown. It is a low fat, high protein diet. IDK where the "Military" tag came into play, but this diet has been around and I have done it MANY times. I have lost up to 8 lbs in 3 days. So... there you go! ENJOY!
  • cjdevenish
    cjdevenish Posts: 2 Member
    It isn't really a diet, I have been told it is to reset your metabolism, just like a cleanse that a lot of people use when they are at a plateau. That is why it is a 3 day thing. You also need to drink a lot of water. The 3 days is around a 1000 calorie then you go to the 4 day it is a 1500 calorie. If you want you continue on the 1500 calories or you can use the 3 day again. They don't recommend you stay on the 3 day for longer then the 3 days.
  • cjdevenish
    cjdevenish Posts: 2 Member
    I did try it this last week and it worked lost 5lbs no exercise. But wasn't in the mood for the last dinner. Did chicken instead.
    I will try it again and exercise this time. :smile:
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    It isn't really a diet, I have been told it is to reset your metabolism, just like a cleanse that a lot of people use when they are at a plateau. That is why it is a 3 day thing. You also need to drink a lot of water. The 3 days is around a 1000 calorie then you go to the 4 day it is a 1500 calorie. If you want you continue on the 1500 calories or you can use the 3 day again. They don't recommend you stay on the 3 day for longer then the 3 days.
    You lost credibility when you said to reset metabolism just like a cleanse...
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    and I cannot recall eating many burger and fries during basic training, but yeah we would all pile the plate with as much as they would give ya and could scarf down in the 3-5 minutes you were allowed to eat.

    the key? Making everything a sandwich!
  • I did this diet like 3 years ago for 6 months an lost 40 lbs it really works but you really have to stick to it
  • coopieclan
    coopieclan Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I started this diet this week and weighed in this morning. day 4, I'm down 7.6 lbs. I'm under a doctor's care and have 70+ more lbs to loose. He suggested it (calling it a 3 day diet) to help my speed up my weight loss so I can get off some medications more quickly.

    I did find it very hard to follow but stuck to it because it was only 3 days. I'm trying to keep my calorie intake today and on the off days to 1200 calories.

    I started a group "3 day diet plan" because it is very hard to get in contact with others who are trying this. There are other forum topics where the posts are so mean spirited by these diet know it alls. It's hard to find anyone who has tried it. Potential dieters start a topic but the comments get so negative they don't come back.

    If you're still using this diet or have done it and would like to offer constructive advise please join my group.

    PS: whoever named it the military diet should be shot by the firing squad. This name seems to rile up people and bring the nasty out of them. LOL
  • Hello I started the 3 day military diet yesterday but I'm a little concerned because yesterday I ate white bread for the two times that was required to eat it it for breakfast and lunch but then it hit me that I should be eating whole wheat which is what the diet recommends. I switched to whole wheat for the second day will this change affect my diet and weight loss??
  • I am on Pinterest a lot and thought I'd try it. I just did the 3 DAY Military Diet for the past three days exactly and lost 4 lbs. It wasn't bad (except for the grapefruit!) and it actually wasn't difficult and I wasn't starving either. Today is Day 4 so I am supposed eat healthy for 4 days and then if I want to do the diet again for 3 days, I will. It interested me since I have NO willpower and I thought, "I can do anything for 3 days!" Now, I am a big diet soda drinker but I could not have any during those 3 days and it has motivated me to give up diet soda for good. I did have the black coffee (ewww!) in the mornings since I NEED my caffeine but I could tolerate it for just those days. I feel like I don't crave all those sugary carbs. I don't know if that has to do with the 3 day diet or giving up the diet soda as supposedly there are studies that say the "fake" sweeteners make you crave sweets. Oh yeah, but I did not exercise at all! So not bad for just changing my food for 3 days!
  • With the caloric values of the foods given, the diet can be reworked to be healthy and for the individual to have up to five meals a day. 3 day diet or lifestyle change?