Sugar is the CULPRIT!



  • Merrychrissmith
    Merrychrissmith Posts: 235 Member
    Invincible Ignorance of OP......facepalm....
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member

    That's all I've taken in from this thread.
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    OP, when you state an opinion as an "absolute" people will get defensive, particularly if you try to say that your opinion is more valid because you are thin.

    People do tend to respond very harshly on the internet. Its easy to be a bit of a bully when you can hide behind a computer. But by that same token, you can't expect to be pedantic like you are being and receive a positive response.

    Most people on this forum are well aware that sugar is not a health food, and they moderate their intake to be a part of their healthy diet. That's why they don't need someone popping in to make grand and sweeping proclamations that don't do much other than make it seem like you think people are dumb for not already knowing that sugar isn't great for you.

    I limit sugar because delicious sugary treats are hard for me to put down, but I'm still going to have something sweet sometimes. Tonight I'm going to have a fantastic manhattan at my favorite speakeasy. Others limit sugar because they are diabetic or it makes their skin break out. Some people may avoid sugar because of a hormonal imbalance. But MOST people cut back on sugar when they are dieting or trying to be healthier. Most people do not cut it out entirely. And for every story you might have about someone who ate sugar getting ill, there are stories of a 95 bad *kitten* old lady who still drinks a whiskey and smokes a cigar every day. No one really knows what makes us develop illnesses as we age, we only know risk factors. Point is, do what works for you, offer your opinion in a measured and reasonable manner and you are likely to draw less harsh criticism and make your point in a way that may be more satisfying to you.

    Amen to this^^^^.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    OP, when you state an opinion as an "absolute" people will get defensive, particularly if you try to say that your opinion is more valid because you are thin.

    People do tend to respond very harshly on the internet. Its easy to be a bit of a bully when you can hide behind a computer. But by that same token, you can't expect to be pedantic like you are being and receive a positive response.

    Most people on this forum are well aware that sugar is not a health food, and they moderate their intake to be a part of their healthy diet. That's why they don't need someone popping in to make grand and sweeping proclamations that don't do much other than make it seem like you think people are dumb for not already knowing that sugar isn't great for you.

    I limit sugar because delicious sugary treats are hard for me to put down, but I'm still going to have something sweet sometimes. Tonight I'm going to have a fantastic manhattan at my favorite speakeasy. Others limit sugar because they are diabetic or it makes their skin break out. Some people may avoid sugar because of a hormonal imbalance. But MOST people cut back on sugar when they are dieting or trying to be healthier. Most people do not cut it out entirely. And for every story you might have about someone who ate sugar getting ill, there are stories of a 95 bad *kitten* old lady who still drinks a whiskey and smokes a cigar every day. No one really knows what makes us develop illnesses as we age, we only know risk factors. Point is, do what works for you, offer your opinion in a measured and reasonable manner and you are likely to draw less harsh criticism and make your point in a way that may be more satisfying to you.

    Amen to this^^^^.

    So Amen to this. I have been careful with my health all my life and still got cancer. I limit my sugar intake because supposedly some tumors feed on excess sugar. I still don't believe the malarky that's been blathered on and on about in this monstrously long feed.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So Amen to this. I have been careful with my health all my life and still got cancer. I limit my sugar intake because supposedly some tumors feed on excess sugar. I still don't believe the malarky that's been blathered on and on about in this monstrously long feed.

    I can totally understand limiting sugar if you have o had cancer, just in case.

    But the way it was worded in the prior post made me picture little tumors running around sniffing people to see which ones smelled sweet, then burrowing into their bodies like little parasites to feed off the sugar. lol
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    You know if there's a book out there where a doctor proved that sugar caused cancer...don't you think that would be KIND of a big deal? And not just something you remember reading in some book a while back.

    But ok. This is what you've decided to tell people. This is the advice you want to give.

    Back it up.

    Provide some sources. Some evidence. Jesus how about at least the NAME of the doctor you claim to believe.

    Provide evidence of the claim you're making or just admit you don't really know what you're talking about.

    People continuously provide and have provided plenty of evidence for people to only poo poo it. So go research it for yourself.

    We were never intended to eat sugar. And especially not in the quantities we eat it in today. Do what you like though. I try to abstain as much as possible.
    We'll if you're going top pull out that old canard perhaps you could start by explaining why we have sweet receptors in our mouths. Is it to detect poisons like the bitter receptors? Yes, the signal to our brains is, "that tastes delicious, I'd better avoid that because it's toxic". Not, "hmm, this tastes delicious and is full of quick energy so I can survive another day to hunt other things I need".

    I think the reality is probably more like we were never intended (if you could even try to assume what we are intended for at all) to be surrounded by so much sugar.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    You know if there's a book out there where a doctor proved that sugar caused cancer...don't you think that would be KIND of a big deal? And not just something you remember reading in some book a while back.

    But ok. This is what you've decided to tell people. This is the advice you want to give.

    Back it up.

    Provide some sources. Some evidence. Jesus how about at least the NAME of the doctor you claim to believe.

    Provide evidence of the claim you're making or just admit you don't really know what you're talking about.

    People continuously provide and have provided plenty of evidence for people to only poo poo it. So go research it for yourself.

    We were never intended to eat sugar. And especially not in the quantities we eat it in today. Do what you like though. I try to abstain as much as possible.
    We'll if you're going top pull out that old canard perhaps you could start by explaining why we have sweet receptors in our mouths. Is it to detect poisons like the bitter receptors? Yes, the signal to our brains is, "that tastes delicious, I'd better avoid that because it's toxic". Not, "hmm, this tastes delicious and is full of quick energy so I can survive another day to hunt other things I need".

    I think the reality is probably more like we were never intended (if you could even try to assume what we are intended for at all) to be surrounded by so much sugar.
    Going from, not to much around and hard to find, to, let me drive to the store or better yet pick up the phone and restock the coffers.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    Going from, not to much around and hard to find, to, let me drive to the store or better yet pick up the phone and restock the coffers.

    This also speaks to how little energy we have to expend to even get our calories...
  • Hormones may make people WANT to eat more, but they can't force people to eat more. Eating more than you burn is what makes people gain weight, period. WHY they choose to eat more has nothing to do with that equation.

    No one is arguing that hormones can make people hungry - at least, I'm not. I'm well aware of that.

    In a free living country, if people are hungry, they will more than likely eat. Calorie restriction(monitoring calories), is not the solution to the problem. You can sit there eating high GI foods all day. If you're under your calorie limit, you won't get fat.

    But that doesn't explain "WHY" most Americans are fat. To "solve" the problem, I believe they have to limit high GI foods.

    Everything you've said in this thread - every last thing - is completely wrong.

    Of course it is, you can say "you're wrong" all you want with out any evidence or proof to back up your claims.
  • Hormones may make people WANT to eat more, but they can't force people to eat more. Eating more than you burn is what makes people gain weight, period. WHY they choose to eat more has nothing to do with that equation.

    No one is arguing that hormones can make people hungry - at least, I'm not. I'm well aware of that.

    In a free living country, if people are hungry, they will more than likely eat. Calorie restriction(monitoring calories), is not the solution to the problem. You can sit there eating high GI foods all day. If you're under your calorie limit, you won't get fat.

    But that doesn't explain "WHY" most Americans are fat. To "solve" the problem, I believe they have to limit high GI foods.

    Counting calories is absolutely a solution to the problem, and also allows people like me to continue eating foods they enjoy, such as ice cream, burgers, fries, and cookies. If I couldn't count calories for some reason, I'd still be able to reasonably assess what I eat, and know if I was eating too much within a certain margin of error. I count calories because it makes life easier for me, simply put.

    Education is far more important than restriction of specific foods, in my opinion. If people learn to balance their diet and live with a more active lifestyle, that is going to benefit them far more in the long run than simply cutting sugar and carbs out of their diet...

    Oh so you monitor to prevent yourself from OVER EATING...

    why do you over eat in the first place, what's the problem that causes you to do that?
  • Hormones may make people WANT to eat more, but they can't force people to eat more. Eating more than you burn is what makes people gain weight, period. WHY they choose to eat more has nothing to do with that equation.

    No one is arguing that hormones can make people hungry - at least, I'm not. I'm well aware of that.

    In a free living country, if people are hungry, they will more than likely eat. Calorie restriction(monitoring calories), is not the solution to the problem. You can sit there eating high GI foods all day. If you're under your calorie limit, you won't get fat.

    But that doesn't explain "WHY" most Americans are fat. To "solve" the problem, I believe they have to limit high GI foods.

    Stop, just stop, your stupidity is making my brain hurt.

    Why are you even on a calorie counting site?

    People's brains hurt when they don't have the intellectual capacity to understand something.

    You know, if I start showing equations of differential equations, and advanced physics(engineering physics) and you sit there trying to understand it.

    Okay as I said, i'll catch up later people.

    Advanced physics (engineering physics) is quite simple to me.

    You stupidity with what you are trying to convey in the rest of this thread is what makes my brain hurt.

    You're too slow to get the point, I guess you where born knowing advance engineering and physics. You never had to understand anything in your life. I get it.
    Yet you sit here making blank statements with no proof or no counters, just pointless words. I get it...
  • Hormones may make people WANT to eat more, but they can't force people to eat more. Eating more than you burn is what makes people gain weight, period. WHY they choose to eat more has nothing to do with that equation.

    No one is arguing that hormones can make people hungry - at least, I'm not. I'm well aware of that.

    In a free living country, if people are hungry, they will more than likely eat. Calorie restriction(monitoring calories), is not the solution to the problem. You can sit there eating high GI foods all day. If you're under your calorie limit, you won't get fat.

    But that doesn't explain "WHY" most Americans are fat. To "solve" the problem, I believe they have to limit high GI foods.

    Everything you've said in this thread - every last thing - is completely wrong.

    Dear sweet baby Jesus in heaven.. that is horrible advice.

    Okay yeah it's horrible advice. It's worse then the advice, of "eat less move more."

    If you had to go build up an appetite, how do you do it? You eat less to get hungry, and probably go out and exercise burn some calories. So to get hungry you "EAT LESS MOVE MORE"

    great way to lose weight, go around being hungry, makes great sense, it's realistic too.
  • Loved this...I agree totally!
  • Hormones may make people WANT to eat more, but they can't force people to eat more. Eating more than you burn is what makes people gain weight, period. WHY they choose to eat more has nothing to do with that equation.

    No one is arguing that hormones can make people hungry - at least, I'm not. I'm well aware of that.

    In a free living country, if people are hungry, they will more than likely eat. Calorie restriction(monitoring calories), is not the solution to the problem. You can sit there eating high GI foods all day. If you're under your calorie limit, you won't get fat.

    But that doesn't explain "WHY" most Americans are fat. To "solve" the problem, I believe they have to limit high GI foods.

    Why is monitoring calories not a solution to the problem of getting fat, when staying under your calorie limit will prevent you from getting fat?

    It's not a solution because it's not realistic. It doesn't address the problem at hand.

    If you want to go eat candy all day, be hungry all day and lose weight by counting your calories, go for it, but it won't last.
  • You know if there's a book out there where a doctor proved that sugar caused cancer...don't you think that would be KIND of a big deal? And not just something you remember reading in some book a while back.

    But ok. This is what you've decided to tell people. This is the advice you want to give.

    Back it up.

    Provide some sources. Some evidence. Jesus how about at least the NAME of the doctor you claim to believe.

    Provide evidence of the claim you're making or just admit you don't really know what you're talking about.

    People continuously provide and have provided plenty of evidence for people to only poo poo it. So go research it for yourself.

    We were never intended to eat sugar. And especially not in the quantities we eat it in today. Do what you like though. I try to abstain as much as possible.

    then please explain the existence of sugar cane, sugar beets, and honey. and berries. And apples. and peaches. and melons.

    I'll explain it, those types of foods are for primates. If we ate those foods, we will not have developed the way we have in to the humans we are. We can eat those foods of course, but they wouldn't have helped our development as a species if that's all we ate.
  • Hormones may make people WANT to eat more, but they can't force people to eat more. Eating more than you burn is what makes people gain weight, period. WHY they choose to eat more has nothing to do with that equation.

    No one is arguing that hormones can make people hungry - at least, I'm not. I'm well aware of that.

    In a free living country, if people are hungry, they will more than likely eat. Calorie restriction(monitoring calories), is not the solution to the problem. You can sit there eating high GI foods all day. If you're under your calorie limit, you won't get fat.

    But that doesn't explain "WHY" most Americans are fat. To "solve" the problem, I believe they have to limit high GI foods.

    How about just being more active, or mindful in their eating, or looking into the underlying reasons for emotional eating? It seems as though you are assuming that people eat in excess due to hunger, or at least that is how you have presented it above.

    Why do we have to be ore active to maintain our weight? As already discussed activity really doesn't do anything for weight management.

    I won't touch on the topic of psychological issues. I really don't know that much about them. I just suspect that sugars do have a negative impact on brain function, I am not certain though.

    This isn't to you, but to the others on the thread.

    It's pretty much common sense, but people just want to deny it.

    2 groups, 1 group eats as much as they want of HI GI sugary foods.

    The other group eats proteins and fats, as much as they want? It's common sense who would lose more body fat and be leaner... Not rocket science.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    We must educate ourselves that we can eat sugar in moderation


    DH actually tried maple syrup on spaghetti and likes it. And he got our daughters doing it to. :sick: That *kitten*.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Hormones may make people WANT to eat more, but they can't force people to eat more. Eating more than you burn is what makes people gain weight, period. WHY they choose to eat more has nothing to do with that equation.

    No one is arguing that hormones can make people hungry - at least, I'm not. I'm well aware of that.

    In a free living country, if people are hungry, they will more than likely eat. Calorie restriction(monitoring calories), is not the solution to the problem. You can sit there eating high GI foods all day. If you're under your calorie limit, you won't get fat.

    But that doesn't explain "WHY" most Americans are fat. To "solve" the problem, I believe they have to limit high GI foods.

    How about just being more active, or mindful in their eating, or looking into the underlying reasons for emotional eating? It seems as though you are assuming that people eat in excess due to hunger, or at least that is how you have presented it above.

    Why do we have to be ore active to maintain our weight? As already discussed activity really doesn't do anything for weight management.

    I won't touch on the topic of psychological issues. I really don't know that much about them. I just suspect that sugars do have a negative impact on brain function, I am not certain though.

    This isn't to you, but to the others on the thread.

    It's pretty much common sense, but people just want to deny it.

    2 groups, 1 group eats as much as they want of HI GI sugary foods.

    The other group eats proteins and fats, as much as they want? It's common sense who would lose more body fat and be leaner... Not rocket science.

    My point is, there is not necessarily one 'culprit' or one 'solution'. (Hence the use of the 'or')

    I also disagree with the fact that activity does not have anything to do with weight management (as a blanket statement).

    Also, you have presented a strawman.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    If you want to go eat candy all day, be hungry all day and lose weight by counting your calories, go for it, but it won't last.

    Who ever recommended that?
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,994 Member
    I also disagree with the fact that activity does not have anything to do with weight management (as a blanket statement).

    Exactly. As a society, the more advanced we get, the less metabolic currency we expend obtaining our calories. How anyone could logic that activity does nothing for energy balance is bewildering to me...