Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good evening. Thursday truth. I'm choosing to fall short of my minimum 5 miles per day goal today. Cathy can't walk with me tonight, and I've already walked 4.2 miles today. I'm just not motivated enough to go alone this evening.
    Under calories and doing fair in water today.
    Grammy, I've eaten very old M&Ms from some pretty strange places. Just can't resist them!
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Hi my name is Jessica and I have an eating disorder and also need to loose about 30 pounds but desperately need motivation to loose weight in a healthy way. I binge and then starve myself for long periods of time and have been doing this for a long time now. dieting and exercising are new to me and I don't want to do what ive been doing anymore because it dosnt work obviously. it has caused me to have a number of health problems and i am only 27. i hope this will be a helpful tool to help me. any comments are welcomed.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Just a super quick check in to say hello! And for Friday fitness -- nope, I'm still rubbish. OK. A fitness goal for next week -- I am going to start wearing a fitness thing of some kind. I have enough! Hopefully my Fitbit if I can work out where it is. Tomorrow I am parkrunning and Sunday I've got badminton, and Monday there's morris practice. So I just need to sort something out for the rest of the days and I'm done.

    September logging and thread-checking. 8/12 so far; I'm counting yesterday, though I sat up drinking with my friends and didn't log everything until this morning. It did not come out well.

    -- Alison
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    TGIF!! I'll be glad to have this work week over and done with. It's supposed to be a rainy weekend, so I'll have to decide if I'm going to brave the rain or head to the mall for a walk. Plus for outside, my dog can go along. Plus for the mall, window shopping! I've bought some new things for Fall, but I still need some basics to pull outfits together. Maybe a walk in the rain, a hot shower and then the mall..... decisions, decisions.

    Have a great day everyone!

    September Challenge - Days at or under daily calorie goal 8/30

    Good Days: 8
    Bad Days: 3
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Marsha~LOL Well, I’m a transplant Texan but my mom is full-blooded, so I’m half-Texan? :laugh: I didn't end up going due to a conflict with my trainer, but my friends are going again Saturday so may go with them then—they are going to Midnight Rodeo in Addison. LOL at the shame of eating the old M&Ms—I may have done the same thing, but lint & all. :blushing:

    @Laurie~I know it’s hard to get back into a routine when school starts, hope you find the right balance soon! The Apple Watch has wireless charging, not sure of the battery life though.

    @L2T~We’re supposed to be kind of rainy here, too, the next couple of days. They promised cooler temps, but if you ask me its humid and warm outside—need rain!

    AFM~Didn’t go dancing last night, ran into scheduling conflict with trainer so had session with him instead. Today I need to get stuff (errands, plus vacuum and clean bathrooms) done that I can’t do tomorrow since I’m meeting my mom at the mall for some retail therapy and mom/daughter time.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Elliptical at home DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Active Rest Day DONE!
    Thursday~Trainer DONE!
    Friday~None (running errands/housework)
    Saturday~Rest Day (shopping with mom)
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Wahoo. I don't want to jinx it but I have been getting really good night's sleep the past few nights. I wake up and feel like I have a ton of energy. It's a good feeling. I have finished moving everyone out of the art room with the exception of my heavy book shelves and desk. This weekend Brian is going to move them into his office and get rid of his old desk. Then we can begin on the nursery. Wahoo!

    My latest favorite foods are Mac and Cheese and black bean burritos with spinach. Not together of course, that would just be weird IMO :laugh: I highly recommend the burrito if anyone is interested. We cook up a bunch of fresh black beans (I stay away from canned foods) then have them with meals all week long. For the burrito I take a bunch of fresh spinach and put it in a pan with a little olive oil and a few cloves of grated garlic. I let it cook on low for 4-5 minutes until the spinach begins to wilt. Then put the black beans on a whole wheat tortilla, top with spinach and roll. Serve with some sour cream, salsa and sometimes guacamole depending on my mood. Super easy to make and extremely yummy, especially if you are a garlic lover like me! I just made myself hungry typing that. I may have to make that for lunch today. :laugh:

    Tanya - I can understand what you are saying in regards to logging being tedious and makes you stress too much. Honestly, I have not been logging the past few weeks. I have been focusing on eating healthy for myself and baby but let my body dictate how much or how little I consume rather than the site. I also can cut 1 oz of cheese off the block. I am always amazed when I weigh it and it is close but just slightly under. Once the baby comes I plan on going back to logging 100% of the time to help me get back on track but for now I don't stress too much if I don't log every meal. Sounds like you have a good plan set up. I wish you the best!

    Welcome KathiJo! Jump right in and join us.

    Grammy - That sodium is a nightmare when it comes to weighing. Congrats on the loss. That is fantastic!

    Teresa - Congrats on all your purchases. That must be really exciting.

    Skinny, Laurie and Susan - The week won't work for me because I have to work and don't finish until the early evening. Unfortunately because I am Eastern LI it takes anywhere between 1.5 - 2 hours to get into the city. That would be just too much on me after working. If I wasn't pregnant it wouldn't be a problem but now I find I am exhausted at the end of the day. :cry:

    Mel - hang in there. We all go through rough patches from time to time. It is most important that you keep trying and don't give up on yourself. You can do it!

    Toots - I hope you have a safe trip and everything goes smoothly. I cannot wait to hear all about it. Oh my goodness to that FB post. I had no idea.

    Lives - Oh my goodness to the Flu outbreak you experienced. I know I am probably being a nervous Nelly first time mom and overly dramatic but I am really worried about it. I don't want a sick newborn due to people and their nasty germs. I am especially worried because my MIL keeps saying "when I had Brian..." then goes on to everything she did. Like leaving the hospital while holding him and smoking a cigarette. She doesn't fully understand that was 41 years ago and times have changed drastically since then. :noway:

    Alison - I have been staying away from newborn clothes for that exact reason. Everything I bought was 3 months or larger. It is so hard trying to guess how big or small she will be. I bought a cute romper on clearance with butterflies all over it for summer. I was so torn on what size to get so I went with 3-6 months. I am hoping she isn't huge and won't fit in it come summer. I have also heard that you should not immediately wash the clothes and remove the tags until the baby is born and you know how big she will be. This way if you have a very large baby you can still return the clothes that are too small.
    Hope you have a great time at the 5K this weekend!

    Tanya and Kelley (Kah) - I have not heard about the new watch but you both have me curious and I want to look into it.
    If either of you have a Verizon plan they are allowing you to turn in your current iphone and upgrade to the 6. Brian sent me an article about it. I checked and my free upgrade is next month however I received an email from them this morning telling me I could upgrade early. I am debating if I want to upgrade to the new one.

    dhines - Welcome. LOL to the hula hoop. I have the same problem with it. :blushing:

    kuddled - I am not quite sure of exactly what exercises would be good for you with your knee. Maybe you can do some seated exercises? Some upper body exercises that involve your arms chest and torso? Maybe some leg lifts? How about some swimming? From my understanding that should not put a lot of stress on your knee but I could be wrong on that. Did your doctor make any suggestions of what you can do?
    I also agree with Kaye's and Alison's advice.

    Jessica - Welcome. Sorry to hear you have some health problems due to your ED. I wish you the best of luck.
  • niecey61
    niecey61 Posts: 54 Member
    New here!
    Been having foot problems (left) and I eventually need a left knee replacement (waiting until is really bad the MD said ?????). My knee occasionally gives me issues but the angle from my knee to my foot is huge because the structure caves in there.

    NO RELIEF. Received an injection and it worked for a month. Xray showed inflammation if foot joints. Finally my Nurse Practitioner told me to go to her Chiro. I was like What????

    It is working. He gave me $40 orthotics and "adjusted my knee and foot".

    I have some hope and that is a wonderful feeling.

    Today I will mow my yard in the 90 degree heat for exercise.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Annually celebrated on September 12, it is National Video Games Day.
    Video game players across the United States, enjoy this day with much enthusiasm. From their very earliest days, video games have gone on to become an art form and industry.
    There was, at one time, a United States National Video Game Team which was founded on July 25, 1983 in Ottumwa, Iowa, by Walter Day and the Twin Galaxies Intergalactic Scoreboard.
    The early games used interactive electronic devices with various display formats. The earliest example: 1947 – “Cathode ray tube amusement Device” was filed for a patent on January 25, 1947 by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann.
    Some other early examples include:
    • The Nimrod computer at the 1951 Festival of Britain
    • 0X0 – a tic-tac-toe computer game by Alexander S. Douglas for the EDSAC in 1952.
    • Tennis For Two – 1958 – An electronic interactive game engineered by William Higinbotham.
    • 1961 – Spacewar
    A different means of display was used for each game from a panel of lights to a graphical display to oscilloscope or the DEC PDP-1′s vector display.
    Computer Space, created by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney, in 1971, was the first commercially sold, coin-operated video game.
    Magnavox Odyssey was the first home console in 1972.
    Atari’s Pong followed with an arcade version in 1972 and a home version in 1975.
    “The commercial success of Pong led numerous other companies to develop Pong clones and their own systems, spawning the video game industry.”

    “Stumbling is not falling.” ~Portuguese Proverb

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Just a quick check-in to let you know I survived Open House. :laugh:

    @tom--we had Pong when I was a kid and then the original Atari system. When I went away to college, I found the old aAtari and games in a box and brought it with. My roommate and I would play on our 13" black and white dorm room TV. :laugh:

    @nettie--I was just thinking I haven't had Mac 'n Cheese in a long time. The weather suddenly turned cold here and it feels like October, so I am craving all of those warm comfort foods. It's too high in calories for me, but I may have to make my substitute Quinoa 'n Cheese soon. :happy:

    @alison--Sounds like you have an active weekend planned. I was wondering if you were still doing morris, but I see you are.

    @marsha--your m&m admission reminded me of a FB post from one of my friends who has a 3 yo. She was at a fast food drive-thru and found that her son had dumped a bag of m&m's into her purse without her knowledge. She ate/licked a smooshed, half-melted m&m off of her credit card b/c she couldn't find any napkins or tissues in her car, and it was her only form of currency to pay for the food. :laugh:

    Welcome to newlings and sorry for those I missed on this round--catch you next time. :flowerforyou:

    Thursday Truth:
    I ate a bunch of tootsie rolls yesterday that I completely forgot to log. Just now thought of it, so I will go back and adjust. Argh--I was already over last night due to post-Open House cocktails. :grumble:

    Firday Fitness:
    Not a great week due to all of the meetings, but will get back at it this weekend.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/60 Censorship article responses
    2. x/60 F451 Motif analyses

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day
    Wed--walk gunner + gym (????) NOPE
    Thurs--rest day
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -234
    100g of protein = 8/30 days
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    Kuddled You need to do swimming and pool excercises. Great low impact exercise.
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    I feel the need for confession, the Catholic in me. Today I bought Talenti ice cream, although I knew that I wouldn't be able to make it last. Ate the whole thing. It is hard not to binge after that. One good thing though, it has been at least seven weeks since I ate any ice cream, which for me is a big deal because I could finish off a gallon by myself. My brother used to warn me about it, but I couldn't take the feedback, although he was right.I still am committed to eating only healthy food, which to my chagrin means whole wheat matzoh, which is just not the same. And someone was talking about pasta, another of my trigger foods. I haven't had any in seven weeks also because I can't stop once I start. That is part of my problem. Pizza is something I like, but can't have because I can't control myself. I know that I am psyching myself the wrong way. But as long as I have so much weight to lose, I just need to avoid these things. I am planning a big change in my life. I am moving to Maryland to live near my dear friend. She has been wonderful to me and actually is a lot of help to me to stay more active and watch my food intake. She is a vegetarian and is very small, with no weight problems, which is encouraging to me. I have to get out of the place I am living. It has too many negative memories. Also, it is very isolated and I don't have a car so it leaves me stranded. Which is actually good for my diet, because it keeps me away from temptation. I have been walking though, it is difficult for me to get motivated to exercise. I think that when I am in town instead of out in the boonies perhaps I will be more social and active. I think that I will be happier there. I have been gorging myself with watching Homeland one episode after another. Great fun. Well, will sign off for now. :wink:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kate--I think I was the one talking about the pasta my husband made and how it's not the best food to keep me on track. I can totally relate to the feeling of needing to keep certain foods out of the house. When I first started this process, I decided not to buy any cereal b/c I can eat it morning, noon, and night--especially frosted mini-wheats. :blushing: I think it was over a year before I trusted myself enough to buy a box along with a carton of soy milk. The good news is that I managed to make that box of mini-wheats last a reasonable amount of time--limiting myself to a maximum of one bowl per day. I didn't even eat it every day which was a huge accomplishment for me. Now don't get me wrong; it was tough, and I haven't bought another box since. However, I proved to myself that I could overcome my worst trigger food and eat it like a "normal" person.

    I guess my point is that you wll probably reach a time where you can buy ice cream and NOT eat the whole carton. Or you will find other foods that replace that ice cream. For example, I like to buy ice cream novelties b/c they are pre-portioned so I'm less likely to gorge on them. I usually buy the WW ice cream bars or fruitare frozen popsicles. The only time I really ever eat real ice cream anymore is out at an actual ice cream shop as a rare treat.

    As far as pasta goes, I much prefer quinoa now. It's still high in carbs but has a lot more protein, and to me the texture and taste is more satisfying. It was definitely an acquired taste though--took me some time to get used to the switch. And of course, as you can tell, my husband doesn't like it which is why he made the pasta. Fortunately, he doesn't even like pasta all that much so he only makes it once in a big while.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Katie- You are keeping me in suspense, so where in Maryland are you moving too? I hope we can meet up.

    Nettie- I totally understand that you can not join us in NYC. that is a long drive into the city. Hopefully, we will get to meet in the future.

    Karen- Good luck with the grading.

    I had a great week and a great cardio workout yesterday. Today, I went climbing and plan to wake up with a huge bruise on my leg. I slipped off one of the rock and hit my leg on a different obstacle, which really hurt. Tomorrow, I will be black and blue but pleasantly surprised if I don't.

    Have a great weekend.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Friday Fitness: Oh, just the same old thing, elliptical and recumbent bike. Boring, but feet and knees won't let me do much else.

    September challenge: 12/12 days under goal, 11/12 days exercise, 3/12 days Cheesecake Factory (Don't these people EVER want to eat someplace LESS tempting? Oh, the agony. Next time, I'm picking the restaurant!)

    skinny/Karen: Gee what a sacrifice, licking M&Ms off a credit card! Actually, sounds kind of germy.:laugh:

    Another NSV: I was able to wear a shirt tonight that I wasn't able to decently squeeze into last March. It so made up for the magically unzipping zipper on my slacks. Sigh.

    Anyone miss hearing from Robinsegg/Ellen? Hope she's having fun.

    Have a fab weekend.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Friday fitness: still walking, 8.5 miles today.
    Under calories, still no movement on the scales. Oh well, I will persist
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    I'm the same with pasta. I switched to quinoa also and got used to the different taste/texture and love it now. I cut out pasta for months but just reintroduced it last month. I could easily eat 4 cups in a sitting, but now only cook up the 85g serving size. I add 2 or 3 cups of roasted veggies to it so there's lots of volume, but so much healthier. It's particularly yummy with balsamic vinegar and feta cheese.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Too late to post and have gotten off track. On the positive side, I have finally gotten some motivation to work in the house and I can proudly say, you could eat off any surface in my bathroom. I scrubbed the walls, the moldings, everything and even bought a new mop to mop the floor with. I have been ignoring it for months, but now it is spotless and I intend to keep it that way. I'll start on my bedroom next.

    I even pulled weeds from one bed and planted mustard so I will have some greens to eat later this year.

    Worked out with weight and on recumbent bike. Tried to weigh in but the scales were not working, will try again tomorrow or try the one in the famly dressing room

    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    PS I am glad for this months challenge. It has highlighted my problem, I am not sticking within the calorie goals.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Weekly Update: Sorry I’ve missed most of the week. Once again work was overwhelming again, but I have gotten the other part of my life under control. I don’t know if it’s the support of my 6-week challengers or what, but I’ve never felt so focused. I’m Day 6 into the 42 day challenge. I’ve had no Diet Coke (total miracle). I haven’t cheated once. I’ve tracked every single bite (everything). I’m averaging 150 grams of protein, which I never thought I could hit and I’m doing it. Boot Camp is kicking my butt! My burpees, mountain climbers, etc. . . are a bit of a joke, but I keep trying to do more each day and hopefully they start to look like they’re supposed too. LOL!! Today I was able to run to the end of the building and that didn’t happen the first few days. One of the things I’m really enjoying is the spirit. I’ve met more people in 4 days than a year at my current gym. This place rocks, but not for the faint of heart. They tell it like it is in a good way.

    As for work, we’re only 12 days from our franchise convention. I’m still trying to collect about $50,000 and ready to strangle some vendors for their procrastination. Between the golf tournament, golf goody bags, convention, presentation, and trying to figure out when I’m going to squeeze in Boot Camp AND my meals at the convention center – no worries! Yeah, right.

    @ BohemianCoast/Allison – You mentioned a garden. Do you normally do the same things each season or try new things? There’s nothing like fresh tomatoes or corn out of a garden. Definitely things I remember as a child.

    @ Kah68/Kelly – Thanks for the Camp Gladiator recommendation. I’ll have to check and see if there around here too. I was sorry to hear you were in a funk, but glad you chatted with your trainer. I know he’s made a huge impact on your life and while he’s a trainer more importantly a good friend too. I think you should go tomorrow night if anything great people watching and I bet you’ll have a “little” fun too.

    @ JNettie – I had to smile too that your Mom’s going to have a party at YOUR house. I guess to keep the baby home perhaps, but you’ll still have people in and out. Some people take babies out immediately, but I’ve always heard wait 30 days. Personally, I think it’s up the discretion of the parents. I decided not to, but Cyrus was also 8 weeks early and had to have RSV shots his first 6 months since he was a preemie. I was a “little” more cautious I guess of germs. You’re little princess is going to be a very lucky little girl. Sorry we’ll not see you in NYC, but turning 100? Wow!!!

    @ Tanya – Girl, you know your body and you’ve got to do what’s right for you. Each of us are different. This may work for you, but someone else needs to see everything written down. I was devastated (ridiculous of me) when I lost my 750 day streak. This is when I stepped back and realized if I miss a day logging it’s OK. Life goes on. Like you said you know what worked before and try that again plus the planning and prepping is huge. I’ll be doing that this weekend for next week that’s for sure. I know you’ve got this.

    @ KathiJo, Dream, Dhines, Emma, Kuddled, Jbbella, Niecey – Welcome to our group! Check in daily if you can. These guys will support you as much as you want. During the week, there thread moves a lot (we’re a chatty group), but the weekend everyone is normally off doing things so it’s much slower. Good luck with your journey!

    @ GrammyWhammy – Congrats on the 1.4#’s!! The scale can play mind games with us that’s for sure. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Also, you made me smile at your Thursday Truth. Too funny! I also agree and hope Robin/Ellen is having a wonderful time.

    @ Teresa_3266 – I loved hearing about your shopping trip with your hubby. You guys deserve it! Sorry to hear about the back pain. I know mine bothers me because I’ve been carrying the twins around WAY to long. LOL!!

    @ Skinny/Karen – Like I was telling Tanya above, we’re all very different. You prefer the solitude and pushing yourself while I’m finally realizing I need total structure and others pushing me along. As long as it’s working for you, keep going!! I’m struggling with the sleep part too. I really need the 8+, but only averaging about 5-6 right now.

    @ Cblue315 – Sorry you’re still struggling with your sleep and those crazy long hours. Good for you for still getting your workouts in. I know what those long days can be like and trying to squeeze in work outs is not easy. I hope you can find a “little” down time soon.

    @ Mel – I think we can all relate to the rollercoaster of life. The ups and downs of weight loss never seems to stop. The important thing is you’re checking into the group, sharing your struggles and keep trying. I know you can do it!

    @ Toots – Well, you’re on your way to China to pick up your boys. Again, I’m so proud of you guys and these little boys are so lucky to have a bright future ahead. Safe travels!!!!

    @ L2T – You are NOT lame. Are you kidding me??!! You’ve lost 113 lbs. You’re amazing!!! There’s always those over achievers in every class. LOL!! It’s been really interesting watching everyone in class. Folks who are skinny are just as out of shape. I’m not the only one huffing and puffing so I feel a “little” better. Also, did I miss the post, but is the laundry room done?

    @ Tom – Welcome back! Good job at the wedding.

    @ Laurie – Yes!! Annapolis is finally opening on Monday. It was supposed to open in May, but they ran into some construction issues. Trainers are there now and getting the crew ready. It should be a great shop for us. Try us out and let me know what you think. It’s fresh, pulled Butterball turkey’s so you can’t get any better than that.

    @ Kaye – 7 miles? Holy cow!! You’ve been a walking machine lately. Nice!!!

    @ Kjefferies – Hugs to you! I would just tell him you’re not interested. He’s just trying to get you riled up and don’t let him. I know you can be strong.

    @ KateIrving – Ice Cream is my downfall. I wouldn’t be able to stop either. Talenti is soooo good. We have a Dairy Queen literally a ½ mile from my house. Luckily, the darn place doesn’t have a drive through because I’m afraid I would cave. If I do have ice cream, I’m like Karen and buy some type of novelty where I can have one and really savor it. I think your move is going to be awesome! It really helps to have such encouragement around you and watching your friend lead a healthy lifestyle will just make you want to do the same.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good Morning to all!! Pretty early here (4:30 AM).
    Still getting up at 4 to go in early to work. I keep thinking "Make hay while the sun shines" And how healthy my bank account will be at the end of this. I am making progress on quite a few fronts.
    I have hired a payroll service to do all of my payroll taxes. Saves me several hours every month. I am not good at taxes.
    I have hired a part time person to come in one day a week to maintain the showroom. Price books, dust, vac. take out garbage, run to the post office etc..
    I am caught up on all the overdue drapery jobs. Today is paperwork day. By Monday morning I intend to be caught up an all billing, estimates and ordering. Grand plans but the weather here is rainy and cold so that will make it easier.
    Fitness Friday went by without a workout but I did start doing 2 sets of 12 push-ups. My push-ups are pretty lame and I need to do better.
    Husband and I did the "married date" (dinner and grocery shopping" last night. Went to a great restaurant. I had mac and cheese as a side dish. Yummy, and portion controlled.
    Missed my Thursday workout with the trainer so no weigh in this week
    September Challenge: 8 good days, 1 not so good, 3 very good

    @Grammy - I would have eaten that M&M and thought I hit the jackpot

    @Jessica - Welcome, I struggled with bulimia in my youth, ED's are not easy. I just have to say one day at a time :flowerforyou:

    @Bohemian Coast - What is "morris"?

    @JNettie73 - I so miss that "nesting" time. My babies are now 22 and 27.

    @Susan2396 - I am sure my push ups resemble your burpees, you go girl.

    Love to all on this rainy cold day,