

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good Morning beautiful ladies.:flowerforyou: I do hope your weekend is going well. I am at work and trying to stay awake. Short night. The wedding was very nice. They seem very happy and I pray it works out for them. It surprises me how easy it is for someone to get the certification to marry someone. They had DSD's ex boyfriend marry them. He is the father of her oldest son. Seems very strange to me. Long as it is legal I guess the rest is none of my business.
    Going to be another cool day here with chance of rain. I hope it is decent tomorrow as I am off and want to mow. Get my steps in and keep me from eating alday. I ended up way over yesterday. No excuse just made bad choices.

    Sylvia--Great NSV with the dress. I know when I try on something that I could not even get half way on and it fits I feel great and surprised.I just signed up for the WalMart savings catcher. See how this works out. I am all for saving money.

    Yanniejannie--Glad you got your hutch home, sounds pretty.
    Not alot going on here today. Just working and trying to stay awake. We didn't get home real late last night, but by the time we got to bed it was late. Take care and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Good morning friends,


    Welcome newcomers :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Happy Anniversary Alison

    Barbie I agree with Katla and think your choices show in your picture you look great.

    I believe in moderation. I try to be as active as I can and then complement it with quality rest. Like you Barbie I try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I must be doing something right because I recently got a compliment that I glowed. I try to remember the BMI charts and even the scale is only a measurement of where you are today. How you feel and how your clothes fit are even more important to me. I do weigh myself everyday and chart my weight weekly. I find this helps me the most in keeping myself in check. I find my weight cycles. I am up a few ponds in the fall and am down a few pounds in the spring. I try to keep it within a 2-3 pound range.

    Today I will try to finish up outdoor painting before the cooler weather hits.

    2014 word: contentment

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    If a man is in the forest, talking to himself, with no woman around is he still wrong?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Howdy to all. It is an absolutely gorgeous day here today. We slept in because the football game last night didn’t end until after 1 a.m. Bleh! I Heard it was so late due to the weather in CA….over 100 at kickoff.

    I’ve spent a lot of time thinking and researching my “quandry” and have some ideas to change things up. I do plan to meet with my dietician on the 24th when I go to the diabetes center. One issue is that a diabetic diet has 30% fat and 12-20% protein (due to the effects of diabetes on the kidneys) so I want to talk to her about that. I know the “good fat” list but I can only eat so many almonds and avocados! I can’t cut my calories too much more because I get “faint-ish” so I have to increase my exercise more.

    Katla: did you see the northern lights?

    Sylvia: yes it is true but sad that crappy food is cheap! I made a chicken enchilada bake the other day and couldn’t find corn tortillas….hmmmm I’ll have to look harder I guess if they are better for you. I always have been able to add cups and so forth on the recipe converter…I wonder why it is not coming up for you?....Oh wait, I just type it in.

    Barbie: now that’s my kind of nap!

    Lesley: can you explain what you mean by “refeeding”?

    Sue: I bet you enjoyed all that riding! Especially if your weather has been as nice as ours has been!

    Carol: was this a professional moving company? I can’t believe the person did not even take her calls! I’m glad you were there to help her and all is settled now.

    Beth: little homework? Boy my senior is up to her rear end in homework every night! She doesn’t have a study hall though, so she can’t get any done during the day. Glad the steroids helped!

    Michele: salmon burger,,,YUM!

    Rori: safe travels!

    Mimi I have found that planning is key especially when eating out!

    Yanniejannie: I love antiques and estate sales too!

    Heather; love the pic!

    Alison: that salad sounds delish!

    Vicki: so glad the wedding was nice and I’m hoping you have this nice weather too!

    Hello and welcome to the newbies!

    Hubby and I are going out for a walk…can’t let this weather go by without taking advantage of it! Take care, Meg who feels better now from Omaha
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Carol, I’m sorry about the pain you’re having. I hope the doc can offer some help. Even the possibility that it's RA has got to be scary for you, although it's so much more treatable now than it was in the past. I feel as though I missed someone else’s mention of being in pain. I’m sorry if that was you. Pain from any cause makes it harder to stay on track, although getting to a normal weight will help almost anything.:smile:

    Michele, Jessica’s cat cake is wonderful. She’s talented.:flowerforyou:

    Rori, welcome back (albeit briefly). Losing weight while on vacation is wonderful. You made it a double bonus…relaxing and still on track. You’re an inspiration.:flowerforyou:

    Heather, it’s amazing how a visit from a friend motivates housecleaning. :laugh: If nobody came over, I’d be in a sad state, lol.

    Sylvia, I don’t think the 90+ program on 60 Minutes said that taking all vitamins was a bad idea, just that they didn’t see a correlation between taking vitamins and living to 90+. I’d think that, if you were deficient, taking vitamins would be a good idea.

    I recently did the 23andMe genetic testing (interesting and inexpensive for what you get). I found out I had mutations to both MTHFR genes. Basically that means you don’t process folate (folic acid is the manmade form) or B12 well.

    I’ve had peripheral neuropathy (not from diabetes), which can be caused by low Vit B12 and folate, in both feet for 5 or so years now. My feet were “burning” so badly at night that it was keeping me awake. I mentioned it to my 4 siblings and found out that every one of them had it too! :noway:

    I started taking methylated B12 and methylated folate and, over 6 weeks my symptoms subsided to almost none. One sister had numb spots that were so bad in her feet they caused her toes to curl under. She started taking methyl B12 and those symptoms went away.

    You can’t completely reverse peripheral neuropathy but at least you can keep it from getting worse. Bottom line: I’m a believer in supplements if you’re deficient in something. (Big time.)

    BTW, apparently the forms of methyl B12 and methyl folate you take can make a difference. I mentioned what I was taking to my doc and she thought it was fine. I get it from Amazon and it's only about $10 a month. So worth it. My sister (the one I mentioned above) is also going to get methyl folate online because, even though she has a prescription, the copay is more than just buying it outright online.:noway:

    Uh oh. Here I am on one of my hobbyhorses again. I have to tell you just one more thing. (Just one more little thing, okay? lol) My brother-in-law takes statin drugs for high cholesterol. Whether you believe in taking statins for high cholesterol or not, it’s interesting that his doc wanted him to do genetic testing to see which statin drugs are more likely to be effective.

    My DBIL has been reluctant to do the genetic testing for “privacy” reasons. I’m thinkin’ there’s not much difference between a genetic test for statin effectiveness and any old lab test.:laugh:

    Another BTW, genetic testing for one of my DGDs showed that she is more likely than most to have bleeding from taking NSAIDs. Genetic testing really does give you some useful and actionable information.

    Nugget Market (similar to Whole Foods) owns our local Food4Less grocery store, which will soon be renamed ForkLift (go figure on the name). The store is being transformed in a good way.

    I shopped there yesterday – tons of organic produce at about half the price (and at least twice the selection) of Safeway or Whole Foods. They also carried organic meat and I picked up some organic, non-GMO, tortillas too. I’m in heaven. (I’m easy to please, lol.)

    It looks as though, as organic and non-GMO become more popular, prices will go down. That will be welcome!

  • bradyedison
    Just joined group today. I'm 63 years old and carting around too much weight. Time for a change! One of my e-mail buddies suggested this program so here goes! Going to try to get over to the pool and work out room more often and start shifting this weight! Now to invite some other friends to join me!! Eileen
  • kittytoo
    WOW! Didn't check in since Wednesday and now I'm so far behind that I gave up on catching up and am starting fresh. I am a tax accountant and corporation and partnership tax returns are "drop dead due" on Monday at midnight, so I've been working feverishly. My last return is percolating while I write this - then I print it out and go to dance class. My instructor is starting a Turkish Rom group with a choreography scheduled for presentation in November. Will need to dig out my 25-yard skirt before I go....

    Has anyone else had problems with entering their exercise in the mobile app for iPhone? It's really depressing when I can't enter my exercise.

    Fall is around the corner ... I can't wait!

    Kitty in Phoenix
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Meg - glad you are feeling a bit more positive! I'm so glad I haven't got any serious diseases as I never worry about my micros, just my calorie count. As long as I'm under I don't worry. I should cut back on salt, but I tend to forget about it. I do think my tastes have changed and I need less salt than I used to, but veg without salt make me retch.:laugh: My diet is generally healthy, apart from holidays, :ohwell: , - tonight we had veg and lentil curry with a tablespoon of brown rice. We eat a lot of fish. I try to ring the changes so I hit all the nutrients. Chicken, red meat, veg day, fish. I take cod liver oil for vitamin D. My blood lipids are excellent as is my chlorestorol. Just my blood pressure needs medication, but is under good control.
    I seem to remember that you are not madly keen on vegetables. I love a huge pile with my meals, or make a meal out of them. Very filling! I'm sure you will work something out.:flowerforyou: I know that working full time makes it much harder to eat healthily. Tiredness can lead you to snatch at easily available food and there is little chance to cook. Fish can be your friend as it cooks so quickly. I used to do a microwave chinese style cod with ginger, garlic, spring onions, soy and sesame oil which was ready in five minutes. A helping of broccoli and you're done. Asian food is quick and slimming. I do a soup with shiritaki noodles and prawns that is barely 200 cals and enormous. It takes ten minutes. Perhaps you coukd get your DH to cook his own food and then you are free to think only about yourself most of the time.:bigsmile: Thinking about how to suit everyone can do your head in. I used to buy superior prepared food for my boys and they only had to put it in the oven. Expensive, but they could have the calorie laden stuff that growing boys need and I could eat my veg curries!:laugh: They used to eat a 2 portion meal each. Both skinny!:laugh:
    You have come so far. 32 pounds is a real achievement. :flowerforyou:
    By the way I eat all my exercise calories, so I am eating over 1700 a day.:bigsmile:

    Welcome new ladies!:flowerforyou: We all have to figure this business out for ourselves. It won't happen quickly, that's for sure, but time passes anyway! The good news is, the bigger you are, the more you can eat and still lose! No starvation! :happy:

    My friend's visit was great and I think we will start Skyping. She lives so far away. I know she often drinks too much so I was glad she was just popping in for a cup of tea. She had been on a week long retreat to deal with her depression caused by her broken hip. It was looking at family relationships. She seemed hugely energised and ready to get a grip on life again.:bigsmile:

    Love from a very replete and happy Heather in Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well I am bushwacked.... very tired.. I did go to Whole Foods, Mimi sure wish that had the store you were talking about closer to me in Ct. because for just a few things, and with coupons,it came to 80.00:noway: and I am in the dog house for that..
    then proceeded to spend 175.00 at Shoprite.. I bought a bunch of meat and alot of snacks for the DH.. he is loaded.. the 80.00 at Whole Foods was just for me.. so that is why I got scolded... came home put it away.. then made the DH a pumpkin pie, 2 mini meatloaves, and shepards pie, also made a cranberry quick bread for our new neighbors...went down to see the DFIL, and now cooking dinner for the DH.. got in 5,000 steps so far,dont know how much more I will be able to do.. I had a think thin bar that said no sugar for breakfast.. that didnt sit to well...
    oh well. will try and eat something healthy for dinner...
    it is a beautiful fall day here today and all I feel like doing is falling in to bed and sleeping... but I will keep on trucking...
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 457 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    It is a gorgeous day today. I had a nice mix of exercise today. Short walk with puppy Brian, strength training for arms and legs, then treadmill. I need it after splurging last week. All of the windows are open and the breeze is wonderful. I plan to work on my Grandmothers drawing this afternoon.

    Mimi, my Hubby loves cinnamon rolls and apple pie so the caramel cinnamon roll apple pie would be a favorite for him. I may try it during the holidays. I'm glad you aren't tempted by such things. :smile:

    Alison, I was tired just reading all you've already done today!

    Rori, congrats on coming home lighter!

    Michele, love salmon burgers!

    Katia, im a readaholic too! I love fiction and non-fiction as well!

    Barbie, you do look amazing!

    Welcome newbies!

    Hugs to all I missed,

    Cindy in OK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    just got to skype with my DGD that made my day.. now to go relax... I hope
  • ECfromSJ
    ECfromSJ Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, ladies - it's been a great day overall, and the only problem I've had today is a good one to have.

    Autumn must really be coming, because it was cool enough to wear a windbreaker for our walk this morning. It's beautiful out, and my husband and I were out for over an hour.

    Had an NSV today! :happy: I decided to go out and try on clothes today, to see what size I am. I was able to get two tops for work in size 1X, instead of the 2X I've been buying for the past few years. (Sometimes even 3X.) They're stretchy and look perfect now, but I'm hoping they'll adjust and still look good as I continue to lose (crossing my fingers).

    Now for the problem. I started getting out some of my older fall clothes to see how they fit, and I found some tailored jackets I'd bought in January. I never even wore them yet. At the time, I felt I needed to put together some job interview outfits, and was really happy to find them on clearance. As it turned out, I stayed at my existing job, and was looking forward to wearing this stuff to work in the fall. However, now they're all way too big; a full size at least. Does anyone have experience with trying to get suit jackets or blazers adjusted smaller by a tailor? I'm wondering whether it would be worthwhile to try and have them altered, or would it be a waste of money? I'm afraid of them looking obviously altered, afterward.

    Oh, Lordy, this makes me wonder how much I weighed back in January. My doctor was giving me grief about being 224 a couple of months ago. I must have been even heavier over the winter.

    Hope to catch up on everyone else's posts after dinner!

    Erica in New Jersey
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks everyone for your kind words and encouragement. I have gotten the names of some other facilities and doctors. I'll be making my calls first thing tomorrow. Waiting until Oct 6 is unacceptable. I am sure there is another facility that will take my deductible a lot quicker.

    Erica - Congrats on the step down in size. What a great feeling. A good tailor can make your jackets look wonderful, but I would weigh out the charges vs buying new. I had some beautiful suits altered when I started losing weight, but I soon realized that it would have cost me less if I had just purchased something new or at a resale shop. So I did purchase a couple of classic pieces at the next size. I also got really good at stitching a dart into my skirts and pants. It was easy to do, and my stitching was covered up by a shirt or belt or jacket. Lots of tutorials on YouTube.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening,

    Did not go to the gym breakfast; opted for sleep......ate a scrambled egg, a small piece of ham, and a little yogurt at home (and probably saved a bunch of calories!!). Helped with timing for a 5K earlier this afternoon. One of the other women who also is a regular volunteer asked if I would be interested in going with her when her DH doesn't want to go to the symphony/shows they have season tickets for
    heck, YES!!!! Weather has been lovely here too.

    Mimi..........Sorry your cardiac symptoms have returned and you had to restart the meds.

    Heather.........What a nice surprise---both the visit and your friends great frame of mind!

    Michele...........That is a really gorgeous cake! How talented you are!

    Vicki.......I thought of you when we were out in Staunton---saw dozens of couples on those big motorcycles, and they all looked like they were having a good time.

    Meg...........Hope you had a good walk and enjoyed the wonderful weather.

    Tonight is our usual PBS night; hope our favs. are on!

    "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." ..... Henry David Thoreau

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :blushing: I better get a post in, or you will be thinking I am MIA. Heck, I was thinking that myself :tongue: Maybe I will have time tonight or tomorrow to catch up.

    Meanwhile, I have finally officially signed up for the 8K on October 12 and getting out some lunch times to practice. My hands smell like herbs today, since I have been bottling Lovage and Chamomile that have been drying during the summer. Then went out to cut Thyme and more Lovage. It smells like Thanksgiving in my kitchen with some spices simmering on the stove while working. mmmmm

    from sunny and warm Vancouver Island, BC.
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope you are having a nice sun.Kinda lazy day here.Did some cooking and went to church.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bumping in again....

    Work is busy as usual, saw the dentist for a 6-month check up this week, a friend came over to sew yesterday and today was church, some garage cleaning :noway: and a small fence repair. Now I need to shower off the sweat and cobwebs.

    I'm with Meg in the discouraged arena - also very unmotivated these days, but I really need to get out of my funk.

    Tomorrow is another day.

    Making good progress on the Christmas stocking for DS#1's sweetheart - have fun, too.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: We did not see the Northern Lights. :cry: To be honest, I forgot to look. Color me embarrassed and disappointed. I am sorry you are feeling discouraged about this weight loss process. As the pounds go, you really do have to adjust your calories down and that took a little getting used to for me, but it wasn’t awful in my experience. I could always do a little exercise and earn a few more calories when I really needed or wanted them.:flowerforyou:

    Kitty: I’ve had no problems entering exercise into the iphone app. I don’t have any idea about other phone brands.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: DH says the man alone in the forest and talking to himself is wrong. His words, “Of course he is. (wrong)”:bigsmile:

    Eileen: Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: It is great to hear from you. I’ve been wondering how you’re doing.:flowerforyou:

    We took our neighbor out to breakfast this morning and that was pleasant. We’ve spent most of the rest of the day sitting on our deck and watching the boats on the river. We’re having beautiful late summer weather these days and are soaking in all the sun we can get while the getting is good. As the year progresses we will inevitably get dark and dreary days so we’re stocking up on sunshine’s natural vitamin D while we can.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Lesley: can you explain what you mean by “refeeding”?
    Re-feeding is a body building term, it means that on one day a week I only walk the dog and allowed the higher calories to trick my body lol. Yesterday was 1905 cals, not bad. I have Sunday as re-feed day as that is the day Stan cooks Sunday Brunch and we have a roast dinner. Today I am back down to 1620 cals

    Stan the dog and I drove along the coast to Ulverstione and walked along the River Road and then bought our ice cream treat. Then had a lovely drive to Gunns Plains, a beautiful valley, got out and walked by Leven River for the doggy. Drove back home and cooked dinner.

    We watched Edinburgh Tattoo on TV and I had my 5 Milk tray chocs as my weekend treat.

    Have decided cannot do without training so going to do Jeannette Jenkins' Cardio Kickboxing shortly, then walk the dog up our country lanes after lunch. Back to lifting weights next week.

    I follow Jeannette Jenkins food allowance. If you go too low, below your BMR (mine is around 1600) then you go into starvation mode, lose muscle and gain fat. Told that by Tom Venuto who I trust. My muscles were hard won by body building

    Lesley in Takone