Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • saggyandbaggy
    saggyandbaggy Posts: 138 Member
    Hi - I have over 100 pounds to lose and my next goal is to get under 280 pounds. I have about 8 to go to reach this one .... not sure what my next short term goal should be. Any ideas? I need short term goals as the total amount i have to lose just makes me feel hopeless when I look at it as one goal!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Just saw this on FB. "The scale will only tell you the numerical value of your gravitational pull. It will not tell you how beautiful you are, how much your friends and family love you, or how amazing you are.
    I'll be back later. Kaye
  • Amendez7272mfp
    Amendez7272mfp Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to join in. I have want to reach my goal of 30 lbs gone by April. It has finally dawned on me that this journey might be easier with a support system. If you want to friend me, I would appreciate the support and be more then happy to help kick you in the butt when you slack off.
  • 0424hb
    0424hb Posts: 4 Member
    hi! Id love to join! my ultimate goal is to lose 100 pounds. :)
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!:happy:

    Went to the chiro today and he didn't cure me! Seems I will have to fork over more money to see that happen. :bigsmile: I liked him well enough even if he is a little bit strange. However I live in a town full of strange people so it's all good! He did do amazing things with my neck and I really do hope he can help my back.

    @Kaye, that was a lovely quote and one we should all remember. :flowerforyou:

    @Lori, way to go on losing 4 lbs!!!! That is awesome and you are a real inspiration. I have got to get the mindset you have. :drinker:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Need to lose an additional 40-50 pounds…currently down 128…goal is by 2/1/15
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Welcome to all the new people.

    Goals- To get back to exercising again. Today became a rest day due to working late, then teaching a class for our PDS interns, went to happy hour but came home and ate a late dinner. Tomorrow will not be much better but I will try to get in some exercise before a meeting.
    I will also do better with food choices. I also need to stop eating out so much this week. If I do eat out, I will get a salad instead of a sandwich.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Another good day under calories. Walked 7.8 miles today. I've really been ignoring all the macros, but maybe I will have to try to get a better balance of carbs and proteins. My goal is to lose about 20 more pounds. I hope it doesn't take forever.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • I'm new to the group. I'm looking to lose over 100 pounds. What a good exercise to start with that's not hard on my knees. Thanks in advance for the advise.:smile:
  • I'm new to the group. I'm looking to lose over 100 pounds. What a good exercise to start with that's not hard on my knees. Thanks in advance for the
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Okay, it's almost 1:30 in the morning, so I'm going to make this short and get back to sleep...yes, BACK to sleep. I've had such a busy last two days at work and home...
    I normally log things as I prep them/eat them, sometimes I log all my meals in the morning if I am really on a roll. And, in the past, if I didn't get it logged by bedtime, I just said 'screw it'. Today, I logged nothing all day because I was just that busy. I came home tonight at 9 pm, sat in the recliner with my feet up and promptly fell asleep for 3 hours. But, it's Get-My-S#&t-Straight, when I woke up feeling refreshed and a bit confused that it was only midnight, I decided to get online and get caught up with MFP. I logged everything and read up on the last two days of the thread.

    Kaye, I love the quote you got from fb.....that gravitational pull, though....sometimes it can really drag us down. Ha! :wink:

    Welcome to all the newbies and renewbies! This thread is helping me and it can help you, too.

    For those who were praying for my friend's son, thank you! He is totally fine now, and went back to school. The rest of the family has also had cold symptoms, but it's been no worse than your average fall cold. So strange how that virus can affect one kid vs another. The doctor said most people have probably had it or will have it with no problems.

    Monday Check-in:

    Complete an Honest Food Diary 30/30 days: 16/30

    Within 100 Calories of Daily Goal 20/30 days: 9/30

    Tuesday Goals: I am going to run once or twice yet this week, but just shorter runs since I'm tapering for my half-marathon on Sunday! I'm used to working out hard several days per week and eat back my exercise calories, so I will have to watch my calorie intake closer this week with the decrease in exercise.
  • tuzaque
    tuzaque Posts: 47 Member
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    BUMP--so far behind. :sad:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    No time for personals, but will try and catch up later!

    September Challenge - Days at or under daily calorie goal 12/30

    Good Days: 12
    Bad Days: 4
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome to all newbies!

    Not much time these days for myself. But I'm glad to be busy. So this has to be short as I'm already at work.

    Limily39 - when I started out, I did water aerobics, short walks and did stretching exercises. All helped me tremendously. Once I got about 50 lbs off, my knees were able to withstand longer walks, and I started using a treadmill and stationary bike.

    Hansea47 - so happy to hear about your son's friend.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Top of the morning to everyone.

    Wednesday wish- I wish that everyone reading this post has a great week!

    Happy Constitution Day and Citizenship Day!
    Constitution Day and Citizenship Day is an American federal observance that commemorates the adoption of the Constitution of the United States and those who have become United States citizens. This day is observed each year on September 17, which is the day the U.S. Constitutional Convention signed the Constitution in 1787.
    This holiday dates all the way back to 1911 where schools in Iowa first recognized Constitution Day. The Sons of the American Revolution formed a committee to promote Constitution Day in 1917. Calvin Coolidge, John D. Rockefeller and General John Pershing were part of that committee.
    In 1940, “I am an American Day” was created and named as an official day by President Roosevelt. At this time, Congress named the third Sunday in May as the day to celebrate. By 1949, the governors of all 48 states had issued Constitution Day proclamations. On February 29, 1952, Congress changed the name from “I am an American Day” to “Citizenship Day” and moved it’s observation to September 17.
    In 2004, it was then changed to Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.

    “Be bold. Be confident. Be alive. A gallery of possibilities awaits you when you make change your friend.” ~Bob Bone

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Welcome to all the newlings, glad you found us. Check back often to gain the most from this great group.

    @Robin~Ouch, I’m so sorry for your fall—that sure put a damper on your vacation. :frown: I hope you make a speedy recovery and can plan another trip soon!

    @Laurie~I’m sorry for your first experience with scuba diving, but I can understand the almost claustrophobic feeling from the mask and respirator. Like Karen, even snorkeling is a bit overwhelming for me—I’m really claustrophobic, so can only handle it in small spurts. Sorry about your fender bender, I’m glad you are okay—hope the damage to your car isn’t too bad.

    @Tina~It is so great to see you again!!!

    @L2T~We’re a family of shoppers, nothing like a good day of retail therapy! :wink: I love shopping with my mom, I pick out a few things then head to the dressing room while she still shops and brings me stuff. I made out pretty well with a dress, couple of shirts, pants, and a suit jacket. Cruise wear is coming along but I still need one or two pairs of pants, another shirt or two, and a couple of pairs of shoes (so trip to Nordstrom this weekend) for work/church—I donated so many my closet needs inventory! :laugh:

    @Marsha~Great loss this week! I never thought about freezing York PP, :heart: them!

    @Alison~Hooray for losing another pound, look out world—she’s back!

    @Katrena~Good luck with your interviews and job hunting. My mom said something to me on Saturday that she read recently regarding the thought of depriving ourselves and the question we need to ask ourselves, what is it that we are really depriving ourselves from--the 30-seconds of satisfaction or a lifetime of satisfaction because we made the healthier choice and stepped away? It can be a constant battle so kudos to you for stepping away from the brownies!

    @Tammy~Enjoy the time with hubby while he’s home, we’ll be here!

    @Lori~Hooray for your loss!

    @Hansea~I’ve heard about that illness that’s hitting and hospitalizing kids, so glad your friend’s son is on the mend and back in school!

    AFM~Life has just been busy over the last several days, slammed at work plus a super busy weekend. Like I said to L2T, did get some much needed clothes. This is another busy week, not sure I’ll get workouts in except with trainer today and Friday (saw him Sunday too)—last night had a meeting and tomorrow meeting friends for dinner. Wednesday Wish is just for things to calm down, been so busy lately--part of it is my fault, I've become really involved with a singles group at church and end up going to virtually every get-together. :tongue:
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Sosun: glad your challenge has got off to a good start!

    @Lori: You're doing so well right now! What a star!

    @Holly: really good to hear from you, remember that the scale not moving is a whole lot better than the scale moving up.

    @Saggyandbaggy: Welcome! I've been doing it ten pounds at a time, does that help? Or look at the chart (pinned elsewhere on MFP) that says how much you've lost weighs the same as. I always think that picking up a 500g block of lard is good -- that's a pound of lard that I'm not carrying around all the time any more...

    @Kaye: great quote! And an 8 mile walk; that's amazing.

    @limily: Welcome! Walking's great to start, or swimming. But your knees will really thank you for properly fitting shoes for whatever exercise you choose to do.

    @Hansea: glad to hear your friend's son is back to normal now!

    Welcome all the newlings! This is such a great thread.

    September logging/checking thread -- 13/16; another good day yesterday. And Wednesday wishes: I wish my son would stop watching YouTube videos and get his homework done.

    Hope your Wednesday is as much fun as mine!

    -- Alison
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Wednesday Whine Day: Hubby's foot is back on the "uh-oh" list. :sad: Thought we were over visits to the wound care clinic. Back at square one. Now he needs IV antibiotics and is going to another specialist for a pic (spelling?) line. I am so tired of taking him to Dr.s and lifting/pushing that very heavy chair. This morning his chair got stuck on my bad foot. Exquisite pain. (End of whine.)

    Must go to work, but thought I'd report in: 16/16 days under goal; 14/16 days exercise; 2/16 days whine, whine, whine

    Good to see so many newbies. Welcome and keep dropping in!

    6 more days to Autumn!
