The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    sweetie89207 - instead of posting the link to the chart just email me the link and i'll post the chart on there.
  • oh im SO part of this (;
    ive never been skinny , ive ALWAYS had chub.
    ive been getting called fat since i was about 5, and im now 14.
    ive been severley depressed/suicidal because of the bullying.
    that was actually just recently..
    but im so ready for this lifestyle change so i can prove to all of those who make fun of me that i can do it.
    im also a cheerleader so im ready to actually LOOK GOOD in a uniform..

    Honey I'm so sorry to hear that things have been rough for you. I understand though. When I was in school I was never athletic and always got picked on for it. I also have had my own struggles with depression/sucidal thoughts. It's a crummy experience, but I can tell you this. Being able to come out the other side gives you a couple advantages. You know yourself better and that's always good. It makes you able to understand what's going on with yourself before things get too bad again. Also, it makes you stronger. You are more able to deal with adversity than those other people and you'll be better for it. I lived in a small town as a kid and never fit in. I now live in a large city and I know how to do it. Those other people are still big fish, but they're in a very, very small pond. I'm not a big fish, but I can navigate my ocean, much better than they ever could. Good luck with your journey and if you ever need a friend feel free to add me and send me a message.
  • sweetie89207 - instead of posting the link to the chart just email me the link and i'll post the chart on there.

    oh ok thanks that'll work great! will do next week
  • thelima
    thelima Posts: 234
    Oops - keep forgetting to post my info!

    Down 45 lbs total (Yay!) so nearly 1/2 way there!
  • Doing my check in.

    I am down to 258 as of this morning.

    Woo hoo!! That's 10 pounds since joining the sight. Only 98 to go.
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    I've been trying a new "diet" plan. Just a different calorie counts for different days and I'm down to 224.4!!!! Starting wait 233.8 and that means a loss of 9.4 this month!! I'm so excited!! lol Keep going guys even when you think it isn't working. :) You can do it!! It can be done!! :)
  • I've been trying a new "diet" plan. Just a different calorie counts for different days and I'm down to 224.4!!!! Starting wait 233.8 and that means a loss of 9.4 this month!! I'm so excited!! lol Keep going guys even when you think it isn't working. :) You can do it!! It can be done!! :)

    thats amazing!!! what a great job you are doing!!!!
  • Doing my check in.

    I am down to 258 as of this morning.

    Woo hoo!! That's 10 pounds since joining the sight. Only 98 to go.

    awesome! thanks for posting!
  • Oops - keep forgetting to post my info!

    Down 45 lbs total (Yay!) so nearly 1/2 way there!

    well done maria! u are on your way!
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I've had two really great weeks in a row. I lost 3lbs on my 1/17 weigh in so I figured this past week I probably wouldn't loose anything, but, I worked hard regardless and I was amazed and thrilled to see a 2lb weight loss at my weigh in this monday! That puts me at 19lbs down total. I'm now 212. The lowest I've gotten was 213 several years ago so I'm just positivly elated to be below that. I feel mentally stronger then I ever have. My secret reward that I set for myself was at 20lbs I would get myself a massage. I can't believe I'm almost there. Honestly I never thought I would make it to 20lbs. I've never lost this much weight....ever. It feels great.
  • I think i belong here! Well it's more like I've been big sized since I was 5.... It made me feel kinda out of place. I'm losing weight now to increase my self confidence.
    We measure in kg in my country.
    I'm 65 kg at 163cm now.
    My goal is 50kg! :D
  • I belong here. I was always the kid in school that got made fun of for being fat. I have tried many diets but I have given up on them all. I feel like being on this website talking to all the new friends I'm making will really keep me motivated and one day I won't be the fat girl. :)
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    I'm in! I'll pop back later w/stats and an intro! Thanks for starting this's perfect and long overdue!!!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    sweetie89207 ... WOW ... for such a young woman you sure have a way of expressing exactly how I feel. Again and again I've been asked "What is your goal weight?" when I seriously can't even picture it. Not as a number on the scale at least. I so would love to join this group if it isn't too late. I see there are a lot of you so I hope one more will be okay. I would love to know how it feels to be thin and vibrant and healthy one day. Sooner would be better then later but I'll take it when I can get it. It's definately a lifestyle change considering I'm 48 and my lifestyle so far didn't get me there.

    My Heaviest = 230 lbs (maybe more ... didn't step on a scale once I saw that number)

    Joined MFP = 208.5 lbs (June 2009) then I lost 25 lbs and felt pretty good ... but life happened and everyone else came first so I gained a bunch back ... not an excuse ... it's just what happened

    Current Weight = 198 lbs on this last Monday morning.

    Goal = 140 lbs ???? or to feel vibrant, energetic, happy, healthy and confident
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    Doing my check in.

    I am down to 258 as of this morning.

    Woo hoo!! That's 10 pounds since joining the sight. Only 98 to go.

    WTG!!! You are doing great!!
  • Doing my check in.

    I am down to 258 as of this morning.

    Woo hoo!! That's 10 pounds since joining the sight. Only 98 to go.

    WTG!!! You are doing great!!

    Thanks Melkneec. I needed that!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    It would be great to have lost a ton of weight by the time he gets back and hopefully watch his eyes pop out of his head. :)

    What motivates you?
    Haha, that's awesome! :laugh: For me, I want to look great at an upcoming event with friends that I don't see very often (it's at the end of May).

    kyliedurnan... Stay strong. Cheerleading sounds like a lot of fun!

    CONGRATS to all that have been losing!! :happy:
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    I just saw this thread for the first time today and this is totally me too! I remember someone calling me fat for the first time when I was in 5th grade and it's been downhill since then. I won't post my starting weight/highest weight (which are the same number for me) because it's all too embarassing -- maybe after a few months when I'm further away from that God awful number!
  • This club is definitely for me!
    Start date: December 7(ish) 2010
    Start Weight: around 213lbs.
    Current Weight: 202lbs.
    Goal Weight: around 150lbs.
    I've never been thin and/or healthy at all. Ever. I was picked on in elementary school, snickered at in high school and now I'm in college and I'm sick of it. Time to get healthy!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
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