What foods have you given up to loose weight?



  • KpopGrad92
    KpopGrad92 Posts: 93 Member
    I have had to give up convenience food (fast food, convenience store, and microwave meals). I just could not control myself. I would have a plan and then the giant bag of Doritos, microwave pizza or fried chicken sandwich with 20 things on top would just be there. I have issues with self control so I had to nix it.
  • zman1313
    zman1313 Posts: 70 Member
    Only things I have given up completely are soda and fast food. I have cut back on pizza, burgers, french fries, and your other typical junk foods significantly. I've gotten to the point where I really don't even like those foods that much because I feel like crap after eating them now that my body is used to eating quality food.

    One thing I haven't given up is my beer. I work hard and keep my diet under wraps during the week, but once saturday night rolls around I like to have fun.
  • Texnell
    Texnell Posts: 20 Member
    Don't believe I could ever "give up" a certain food. I can limit how often I have them. I can control the portion size when I have them. I want to learn to eat the way I can live the rest of my life. For me it cannot be a diet ..... if I go "on" a diet, I go "off" a diet. Prefer to think of it as a more healthy lifestyle.
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    Only things I have given up completely are soda and fast food. I have cut back on pizza, burgers, french fries, and your other typical junk foods significantly. I've gotten to the point where I really don't even like those foods that much because I feel like crap after eating them now that my body is used to eating quality food.

    One thing I haven't given up is my beer. I work hard and keep my diet under wraps during the week, but once saturday night rolls around I like to have fun.

    Same here! no more soda or fast food! but a hot summer day you will find me with a sangria on a patio :P
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    soda! sweets! white bread.
  • ell_23
    ell_23 Posts: 103
    I haven't really given up foods, I just watch calories and portion sizes. I maintain a healthy diet, but allow myself naughty things occasionally as long as it's still within my calorie count for that day. I do restrict things, or buy the "healthiest" naughty thing sometimes. So instead of eating proper crisps I'll buy cracker or soy alternatives that feel and taste the same for half the calories. Or I'll get a tube of smarties for half the calories of a Cadbury chocolate bar - still chocolate and tastes good.

    I try and stay away from fast foods and cakes and big desserts, but I technically haven't actually cut them out.