

  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Barbie, I know what you mean about spending computer time on activity instead. (I can’t say “weight lifting” cuz I’m not there yet.:wink: ) I do find I’m more active when I spend less time on the computer. Another thing I do less of - and find that it helps with eating and with mood - is reading. I used to read all day. Now I read for only an hour or two. (Sometimes more, I admit :tongue: ) I miss it sometimes but feel more lively as a result.

    Shana, I haven’t seen your name before so a belated welcome. Fires are frightening. I’m glad you and yours are safe. The drought conditions are making things really dangerous. The firefighters have a tough job. My nephew (in-law) is with the Dept of Forestry and fights wildland fires. He’s been in the hospital for several days now (3 in ICU) with a bad case of pneumonia caused by smoke inhalation. Those guys and gals (my niece was a wildland firefighter too until she had kids) are my heroes.

    Cynthia, I had a thought when I read your post. Another MFPer has been suffering from low levels of vitamin D. Apparently that’s more common as we get older. Among other ails (it causes a lot), it results in depression. It might make sense to get your levels checked and, if they’re on the low side, to start supplementing. I have a friend who moved up to Washington state, where it often rains. She was (and is again) a perpetually sunny person. She started feeling down in the dumps though. She went to the doctor and, sure enough, her vitamin D levels were low. Since she’s gotten them up, she’s been feeling much better.

    Heather, thank you for the kind wishes.:heart: You are doing so well at getting back on track. Staying on is a lot easier than getting back on, but both are essential. Good job, you! I’m glad to hear that your son is doing better. That warms a mom’s heart. What a nice story about your ex. I envy your relationship. Mine is no longer part of my life or my kids’ lives (their choice completely). I don’t feel the loss as he has become someone I don’t want to know. (Maybe he always was but I didn’t know it!) Your relationship with your ex sounds wonderful.

    Thanks, Yanniejannie, for the kind words. So many people on here have been part of the sandwich. :ohwell: I’ve been lucky that it’s only now becoming an issue. I pray that I leave this (often) dear earth in body before I do in brain. I'm a bit of a coward. I’m not part of the euthanasia crowd though :noway: so will take whatever’s dealt and, hopefully, make the best of it. In the meantime, it’s nice to be alive. Now I need to work harder on living!

    I just finished watching the last episode of the Roosevelt saga. Now there were some people (whether or not you were on board with their politics or some of their personal choices) who truly lived, and felt, with passion. I’m not in that category, or even close, but it does make me want to be more committed and more, well, passionate, about life.:love: (the "heart-y" face is because that's how I want to feel about life!)

    Sylvia, …love the joke. Awesome.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Good morning, lovely ladies. Summer temperatures by day and cool ones by night. Great combination.

    I woke up at 4 AM this morning and thought I smelled smoke. Looked outside and nothing but beautiful stars in the dark sky and...the sound of running water. I realized DH had turned the sprayer on to give the birdies some bath time yesterday and forgot to turn it off. So, 12+ hours later I am outside in the dark turning it off and grumbling...:noway: :grumble: :grumble: We had a little discussion about that this morning. He has also left his car running with keys and cellphone inside, completely locked out, coming back hours later, then scrambling to find a solution to his self-inflicted dilemma. The problem is that he has profound hearing loss, so he needs to establish some better habits, because he can no longer rely on his hearing even with hearing aids. Better habits such as: no locking of cars unless done so with the key - from the outside - and not just pushing the lock button on the inside of the door before leaving. Newer vehicles have better features to safeguard against these type of things, but it will be a couple of years before we can afford a replacement. DH mostly relies on me to figure out what sound is what, such as water running. However, my hearing is declining as well, plus we are in different places all the time. So, it has been a bit of a predicament. Besides, I feel really bad about water running unnecessarily. Such a waste!!!

    All that to say that I am pretty tired today.

    :flowerforyou: Meg - computer problems irk me to no end. Invasion of teenagers and parents sounds like quite the happening at your house. I hope all went well.

    :flowerforyou: Cynthia - hugs and more hugs to you :heart: . Keep posting. Who knows what kind of good ideas come out of it.

    :flowerforyou: Anne - October fest is big here too. We have not been. Our fall appears so busy with birthdays and work. We used to make our own yoghurt when the kids were small. It was delicious. We should try that again. I did not know there was such a thing as a yoghurt maker. I love hearing about your tips for tourists. I feel like I have my own tour guide when I vicariously (through Heather) travel to NY.

    :flowerforyou: drkatiebug - congratulations to your DH for reaching 5000 miles at age 68. Bragging is good.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie - replacing computer time with weight training! I need to remember to do that. I have a sitting job and stare at documents and computer all day long. Typically, I try to catch up reading posts on this forum in between, but don't really have much time during the week. I did some weight training this morning with 5 lb free weights as I try to do most mornings at home. I find I can handle that. You have the most awesome graphics on your posts. They bring a smile to my face.

    :flowerforyou: Michelle - hahaha. Yes, I know it's a real "burden" to have to find smaller size yoga pants. They should fit snug. I have 2 pair really really old ones and 2 pair from last year. Time to shop! I wish I liked swimming and water exercises. It is such a great workout. I think it goes back to my childhood where us kids were forced to learn to swim by cruel methods. I don't mind sitting on a patio by a pool with a drink in hand on a warm summer day; but I know that does not count as exercise. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Shana - squats and lunges with barbells!! Oh, that sounds amazing. :bigsmile: Not ready for those yet, but they will be in my future for sure. I would love to hear what other things your trainer is having you do. There are all kinds of challenges out there. My squat challenge is for beginners, because I have been out of the exercise circuit since mid February. Easing into it again. I love your description of getting together for brunch with girlfriends and talking for 2 hours!! Yay for girlfriends.

    I don't know if we have an Aldi or Trader Joe's in Canada.

    Time to get off the PC. Have a great day all.:heart:

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kim, our city tried to get the Blue Angels every year but they aren't always successful. We do get an equivalent though. One year we had a group from Canada. We have an annual festival around the 4th of July. We sued to have an annual Freedom Festival but I think the sponsors got a little greedy. They kept on raising the price. We had a beirstube and a hydroplane race. Mainly it was a drunk fest in some pretty severe heat. Not a good family at times. It was picked up by the Shriners and shortened to about 2 days but much more family oriented.

    Yannie, when we had this house built we put these bushes for the front of our house. My husband thought they would be good for protection of from people looking and seeing his girls. Well now they are almost as tall as the house which is a bi-level. I hate them but if we trim them it will kill them. And I hate to see what the root system is. They have crowed out my azaleas.

    Heather, it was wonderful you could have a meaningful relationship with your ex. I always told my girls that if their parents divorced that I would never trash talk bad about their Dad. The kids were never a part of our problems. But we weathered the storm. I was listening to a radio show the other day. It was a segment by the author of Love language or something like that. It suggesed that instead of hounding your mate to change something to try complimenting him and eventually he will want to change himself just to please you. So I tried that this week and so far it is not working at all. He has really changed since his diagnosis of Parkinsons. About the only time he really seems happy is when he gets home from Karoake and he tells me about the kind of response eh gets from not only his singing but of the choice of songs. He likes the oldies!

    Anne, what is a prindl? I think it was you who was asking about Aldis and Trader Joes. We dont' have the Trader Joes but do have several Aldis. I remember when it was announced that they were building here there was a lot of bad comments about how trashy it is. I have never found that to be. Things are a little cheaper than Walmart, but off brands. They also have a small home section. Their food is very fresh.

    Heather, I love those city passes! We used one in Philadelphia and you sure get your moneys worth. Plus what one person may want to use on it can be so different than another would so you can really make it individual

    Syvia, I think I have said that my cat is going bald again. The vet said it is an allergy but I don't see her scratch herself. He said it would show in her excessively licking herself. So I am back to giving her medicine. For the past two nights she has let me cuddle with her after I very quickly squirt that medicine down her throat.

    Our big street fair is coming in October. If anyone wants to have the widest range of food come here. It is the second largest street fair next to Mardi Gras. It si about 5 blocks long with food booths on both sides, then about two blocks with booths just on one side because the blocks in front have all the games of chance and thrill rides and there are food booths inside those 2 blocks. amatuer contests, tug of war between all the local middle schools. You gain weight just by smelling it when you get out of car numerous blocks away and that's not mentioning what your cholesterol!

    We sang the song today I'll fly away. It's not one of my favorite songs to sing but it gives me good memories. In the church I used to go to we had these two young people in the choir, neither one could read music and only the guy could sing that much. They were both mentally challenged, she a little more than he. He could play a few chords on his guitar and loved to sing that song. He was a true man of God, I wish he could have been a deacon but he had no job, no car but had the biggest heart for God.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Got up for church and laid back down,allergies were bothering me.
    When I got back up I had missed church.I also missed the pig roast afterward.
    Made a pot of spaghetti sauce and some muffins for hubby.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Hello ladies, still healing,pain meds are working but keeps me drowsy, I am so blessed, yesterday a friend brought us chicken parmesan and pasta with homemade yeast rolls, yummy and tonight another friend is bringing a pot roast and muffins. It helps me so much when I can chill and know hubby is taken care of. However I have no way of counting calories. That's ok because I've been doing well for the past few weeks. I'll jump back in when I'm feeling better.
    Brenda from Md
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 444 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Busy day. We went to church, then to brunch. I've skimmed the posts. This is a busy thread! I just want to add that I'm an avid fan of DWTS. I'm not a dancer or singer but I do love ve the Arts! Some of my family were wonderful singers, I did not inherit that talent, bur I do love everything about theatre and the stage.

    Hope you all had a great Sunday!

    Cindy in OK
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,774 Member
    Good evening!

    I've been reading along but not taking notes ... sorry ...

    Closed the pool yesterday ... perfect timing since a large storm came in last night and this morning knocking many leaves off the trees ... better on the cover than in the pool!

    Burned myself the other night with some hot grease ... just a small spot on the top of my hand ... but what a mess it has become! Any time I do something like this I can only imagine what someone with a significant burn must go through.

    Cynthia ... sending positive thoughts your way. You will find your way back to a place that keeps you motivated and content.

    Brenda ... hope you continue to heal.

    I'm dealing with pain in my knees the last few days. Haven't had this problem for over two years (when I was at my heaviest). Of course, I'm not being consistent with my exercise either and the walk with DH may have kicked up my arthritis. Another reason to get back at it.

    Lesley in Tasmania ... what kind of weights do you have at home?
    Heather ... what kinds of machines do you use at home?

    Thinking of creating a home gym. We only have an older treadmill, an older bench with weights (don't know what you call that) and a set of hand weights. Oh ... can't forget my exercise hula hoop and a weighted medicine ball.

    Renny ... I was thinking of you and your husband. My husband insists that I not walk by myself because I no longer hear traffic (and we don't have sidewalks). I often leave the kitchen faucet running ... can't hear it ... and DH or DS have to go and turn it off. Not fun losing one of the senses ...

  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Just worked out what DWTS is - here we call it Strictly Come Dancing!!! It is always up against X Factor - quite often don't catch either!! By choice I'd watch Strictly on the evening and catch up with X Factor later in weekend! As I can't dance or sing I admire those who can - or at least give it a go.

    Jesus Christ Superstar was really good - our Rector was the piano player - wow is he talented and to sing and play a jazzy version of Herod's Song - very impressed! It was very moving to see it performed in our church! The last time I saw it was on stage in London in 1979!!! Doesn't time fly!

    My sister had 17 round for Craig's 21st tea! A very pleasant afternoon catching up with extended family that we usually only catch up with around Christmas! She is really good at these events. My son is 21 next February but he'll be away at Uni - he had his big party at 18 (70 guests!). I think we'll get away with visiting Cardiff and taking him out for a meal! ... watch this space!

    The joke about the parrot reminded me of a parrot that was in a pet shop when I was a girl. It used to say 'hello hello - they're out the back' and 'check your change - you can't trust them here!' whenever the door chime went! I used to love visiting that pet shop.

    Have a good week everyone - stay safe and happy.

    Maryann in UK
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    "Lesley in Tasmania ... what kind of weights do you have at home? "
    I have dumb-bells ranging from 1 to 5 Kg, 4 Kg kettle-bell, high pulleys. X-pulleys and bands

    Dietician rang this morning. I have a 45 minute appointment on Wednesday 01 October. Will print daily meal and exercise sheets to show her. Cost is $100 unless doctor gives me a care plan exemption. Will ask doctor on Thursday when i see her.
    Will be glad to sort stuff out and have a care plan in place and move on. Cream has done no good for my spots
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Hello all, just marking my spot. Didn't take notes,but did get caught up. Brenda,glad all is going well now that you are home & healing.DD is so good at taking food to anyone just home from surgery. She called earlier ,said she made creamed chicken......1st time & has a bowl with my name on it. One of DHs fav foods.He has to be the easiest guy to feed. There's only 2-3 things he doesn't eat......otherwise he's happy with whatever I cook.

    I used to always have baked goods in the house,or was planning to bake. Enjoy making bread. Yesterday I made oatmeal/ applesauce muffins.Better heated in the micro for a few seconds. Made a good brfast with cold milk to go with.

    Heather,my parents were divorced when Mom had 3 kids,5,4 & newborn.My Father was a gambler who liked to drink,family life wasn't of interest to him.He never remarried,but Mom met our stepdad when he got back from 2 nd WW.They had gone to school together.He said she was the prettiest girl he'd ever seen.:happy:

    They built a life together & he was our real Dad in every way.His Mother was not happy at the idea of 3 kids,but Dad treated us as his own. People didn't know unless we told them.They had our youngest Sis 4 yrs later. So 6 made a full house.They made sure we had what we needed & a few wants. Bro wanted a new bike. Dad took care of that.Mom & I went shopping for my prom gown. We were going to check out a couple stores.Walked down the street,past a more expensive shop & there in the window was my dress!
    So beautiful.No need to go anywhere else.Tried it on & Mom said " it was made for you".How she managed that,I never knew.

    Sorry,more than anyone cares to hear. I get to jabbering on. Time to watch Blue Blood on tape. Pat
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    The kids were here for four hours tonight. I just took them home. I had a fantastic time, riding my bike alongside the kids. DGD#1 did really well with her new training wheels. They are a different design which is much better than the last set. She didn't need any help at all. I love my $15 bike, and I think it's funny that the helmet cost more than twice the cost of the bike.

    I made waffles and bacon for hubby and the kids. I had a Swiss cheese omelet, so did pretty well with calories. The kitchen is a mess now, after having so much help making waffles, but that's ok. I'm too tired right now to do anything about it. I took both dogs out walking tonight by myself and it was like they were training for a sled dog race. Right now I'm sitting with my puppy on my lap, getting ready to watch pbs. I thought Miss Marple came on at 8:00, but apparently it was on at 7:00, so I've missed it. Don't know what's next, but I don't think it will be Downton Abbey like in the UK. Haven't seen any hype for it yet.

    Goodnight everyone.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :bigsmile: I have a recumbent bike in the living room facing the TV so I can ride and watch TV at the same time. My hand weights are pairs of 3lb, 5lb, 10lb, and 15lb. I have ankle weights that can be adjusted to weights from one pound to 15 pounds per ankle. I have a set of resistance bands but don’t use them much.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 21,000 steps today ---- ---four minute thirty second plank---over an hour on the exercise bike (while watching The Roosevelts)


    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: you'd all be proud of me. DH and I had arranged to meet at DD, s house after the lil ones naps. He would drive from town, where he had been volunteering and I driving from the westshore. Here's the thing, I decided to ride my bike. O.m.g. what was I thinking. 1.5 hrs drenching in sweat, riding against the wind, up and down hills (down of course was wonderful, but the uphills were killers) finally arrived. Not fit to even hold one of the babies. Soooo...I won't be doing that anytime soon again.

    Having said that, I did deserve my dinner tonight.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    The drizzle ended, the clouds parted, and the sun came out and it turned into a beautiful day!!! The little school race went well; DD went along and helped at the back end of the finish line chute for the race and with equipment and finish line set up and tear down. Good group of people to work with all around. We went to an estate sale in a super high end neighborhood afterward; all I bought was a book.

    Oktoberfest was big in Mi. when I lived there; was lost on me for the most part as I get loopy too fast, not much for alcohol. Had my share in my 20s but never did really enjoy the taste of any of it. My DH was stationed in Palma, Majorca in the 70's, before I knew him. He seems to have liked his time there.

    No Aldis around here; the supermarket I wish we had is Publix.........I remember them fondly from S.C. We do have Kroger, Farm Fresh, Food Lion, Harris Teeter, Trader Joe's, Fresh Market, and Whole Foods. The last three are all grouped around a very busy intersection and getting in and out the parking lots of any of those three is a job. The Walmarts and the bigger Kmarts and Targets also have groceries.

    Sylvia.........Wow, you are saving major money doing that framing yourself; hope it turns our well. Didn't get my usual Sunday PBS fix tonight as DH had Netflix on the tv watching a movie when we got in. Giggled madly at todays joke.

    Joyce...........I like to keep the bushes just below window level but when my mom's hospital bed was in the front room, I did let them grow higher for her privacy. I think you can gradually lower the heights by taking off a little more each time until you get them where you want. I don't think I could kill the ones we have if I tried!!!!

    Beth.............Grease burn----ouch!!! Hope your knee pain improves.

    Lesley..........Hope you get that exemption.

    Patceoh...........Please don't hesitate to write about your memories!!! I think we are all a pretty privilaged bunch to get these glimpses in to each others lives, both past and present...........so, "jabber" on!!!

    One more cup of tea for me and the end of the Upstairs, Downstairs episode I'm watching and then bed.
    G'nite all,

    PS Renny.........Absolutely fantastic ride!!! Good for you!
  • strassenkoenigin
    Good evening, back from the Oktoberfest,

    I survived the drinking, the singing, the eating and the noise. I had fun. I was even tempted to break out in song too, but then I decided that everybody had too much fun and I should not spoil it. I cannot hold a tune.

    I cannot believe the 400 Dollar they wanted to charge for the mat and glass. I had a few sticker shocks myself when I wandered in one of these framing shops and always ended up framing my own pictures. Mount Rainier is my favorite mountain/volcano. Sooooo beautiful.

    I have to say that I would not like German food either, if it would be what is offered in most “German-style” restaurants here.

    But you shop at Aldi and Traders Joe, so you must like some German stuff:laugh:
    I am so glad to hear that you are biking, I think it is an excellent exercise for you. Sorry I did not get that you were looking for a helmet, I could have sent you one .I think I have five now in my garage. You usually can find helmets at Goodwill for a few bucks. They still do what they are supposed to do.


    You are obviously experiencing the joys of getting older.:flowerforyou: Do not worry, soon you will forget everything!! And wander happily ever after together with your husband in the sunset , leaving running cars and sprinklers behind.:drinker: .

    I thought I had hearing problems too, but then I had my ears cleaned....

    About buying new Yoga clothes. Mine are so old, that I I could probably sell them on ebay as antiques. I definitely have to get some new ones too if I ever want to attend a public Yoga class again. I would expose too many unsightly body parts of mine in my old outfit while practicing Salamba Sirsasana or any other upside down asanas.

    And I feel like I have to challenge you to bike a little bit more,. 1.5 hours on the bike is nothing for me. I start complaining after four hours and we have plenty of wind and mountains here.:smile:


    A dirndl is a traditional costume, worn in the region of Germany called Bavaria. Unfortunately the whole world seems to think that it is a traditional German costume, which is not the case. I attach a link to the Hofbraeuhaus here where you will find some dirndl-clad ladies. The Bavarian guys wear leather pants with suspenders.
    Every region of Germany has their traditional costumes, some of them very elaborate and very beautiful. But Bavaria is probably the most traditional area in the sense of still wearing these costumes on a regular basis, especially for festive occasions. Sort of the Texas of Germany. When I lived in Munich , I owned several dirndls, even one with a long skirt for the evening. It is a very flattering outfit, so I guess, women like to carry on the tradition.

    Aldi was about the first big super store which opened in Germany and at that time people did not like it, because it did not offer the service people were used to. I guess, that has changed a lot too now.

    Hopefully with the beer in my belly I will sleep well tonight. Tomorrow I am planning to ride a half ironman, 56 miles. I hope the weather will play along .

    Let us all lose a pound next week

    Anne in muggy Southern Nevada.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    :flowerforyou: you'd all be proud of me. DH and I had arranged to meet at DD, s house after the lil ones naps. He would drive from town, where he had been volunteering and I driving from the westshore. Here's the thing, I decided to ride my bike. O.m.g. what was I thinking. 1.5 hrs drenching in sweat, riding against the wind, up and down hills (down of course was wonderful, but the uphills were killers) finally arrived. Not fit to even hold one of the babies. Soooo...I won't be doing that anytime soon again.

    Having said that, I did deserve my dinner tonight.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Vancouver Island, BC
    Lady you are amazing. You have came along way.
  • dinaesia
    dinaesia Posts: 54 Member
    Not much going on here...same old stuff for me. My neighbors are playing musical houses. Four houses have sold in just over a month. One neighbor downsized into an apt. Another bought a house three houses away. One moved for different school districts. One just put their house up for sale and Boom! it sold, so they are moving. Then I saw someone else moving out just up the cross street.:ohwell:

    I like Aldi. I used to shop there in Germany. Back then, (ca. 1980's) it was mainly dry goods. Canned goods, some fresh veg, nifty household mdse. Now it has expanded to include fresh meat and frozen foods. They recently came to TX. They have super fresh veggies and good sales on meats.

    For those across the pond - we are one season behind on Downton Abbey. It won't start until January. But PBS will probably re-run the last season before the new one starts.:bigsmile: Time to warm up the Brown Betty for a cup!
    I watched Miss Marple tonight and was thinking, how much I love a cup of tea.:laugh:

    Beth - Ouch! on the burn. They sting. You can come up with a solution for the faucet. Maybe something visual, like moving something out of place.

    Barbie - a four minute plank!!!! I tried a plank and I held it for ...12 seconds. You really inspire me.

    Diane in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Cindy, I am right there with you about no dancing ability. I was part of the chorus in our high school Oklahoma and did fairly well until they told us on the last dress rehearsal that we couldn't have our glasses on! HUH??? what a disability. But I love to watch DWTS and So you think you can dance, SYTYCD, just to see the graceful moves and the athletic ability.

    Lesly, YEAH on the dietician finally calling back. I can't see the doctor not approving a dietician seeing some one.

    Pat, Sounds like you have a lovely family. It is so loving of a man loving his wife's children like that. A true test of what a man can be and not some one who ignores them. As far as how they got the money to buy you that prom dress, well some how a Mom can do it. We are super Moms and we just make it do even if we have to sacrifice something that we had planned for ourselves.

    Renny, ouch, to even accomplish that is great. I would have given up and called and had some one pick me up. Yannie, our bushes are so tall we can't get to the top of them anymore to trim them. When I can no longer get between the ones on either side of the sidewalk going to the porch hubbie does trim those two on t he sides. Well, I can get through them but an umbrella can't.

    Thanks for the pictures Anne. From what I have seen of that costume here in the US and what I saw in the link it is usually worn by a server. Thee are some places in Disney World that are suposed to be German influenced and the wait staff have on those costumes and we have an annual Germanian Manechoir, I am sure the spelling is wrong but it's a big German fest with German food and dancing.

    Did some more cleaning in the office today. My goal for today was to get all the things in my file on top of the desk. I had gotten a cheap plastic 2 level file at Target. It's supposed to be used like for an in out file. Well it was just stacke dup so high, things falling off on the floor. So I put them all on the floor and started separating. Water bill, electric, cable, DirectV, statements form insurance, bank statements, etc. These things went back to 2009!!! You can tell how long it has been since I cleaned it out. Now I have to go through each pile and decide what to keep. I also threw away a big sack full. Then I tackled one of the book cases. I have picture files in books and regular boxes made for pictures. But I also have many pictures not in those boxes so I have to go through them. A couple of years ago when Walmart had their back to school sale they had their notebooks for 10 cents a piece. I think I bought about 24 of them. I think I still have like 15 of them. So they are in the bookcase also. I think if my daughter wants me to give the girls one apiece for our trip to Florida. I am making slow progress. I found 3 unidentified plastic objects!!! Charlie calls them UPO. I think they must have been apart of a printer at one time. So they left with the big trash pile

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did an hour of training games on the Wii today. I tried a new game, I didn't even realize that I had it! It's basically running and chasing this cat. Something different.

    Tomorrow's plan is to do some pilates, hold my plank, then go to Lowes on my way to the extremepump class. We'll leave early for bowling since I got the donations for the soup kitchen from the church and I'll take them there before bowling.

    Kim - I always say, if they want to clear out the church in record time, just have my sing....lol I'll volunteer for most anything else, but not the choir.

    Shana - referring to your squats and how you felt afterwards --- do you mean to tell me that you didn't know that the trainers get a kickback from the guys who install the bars around the toilets???? lol Look at it this way -- your keigel muscles got a workout (I REALLY don't want to go to the bathroom, I'll just hold it in....lol)

    Lesley - I do hope that dietician calls you back. Update: Yea that she did!

    Cynthia - keeping good thoughts for your doggie. Sure hope you're feeling better soon

    yanniejannie - whenever one of our cats senses that another cat is weakened, they just leave him alone or else they go and nuzzle up to him.

    katla - I find it a real bummer that the days are getting shorter. But there's nothing I can do except wait for them to get slongern next year. I prefer cupcakes, and even minicupcakes for the same reason as you -- instant portion control. Why would someone freeze a watermelon?

    Anne - I've found that sometimes the food is fresher at Aldi, sometimes not, you just have to really check. A lot of things are cheaper, tho, and have the same taste. I do find that some of their things are higher in sodium.

    Sylvia - $400! Yours sounds so much better. I'm sure it'll be really pretty. Octoberfest has never appealed to me, either. Hickory usually has one, and it's just so crowded that you (or at least me) can't enjoy yourself. Plus, I'm not a drinker and German food doesn't appeal to me. We went to this German restaurant with the Newcomers a while ago. The only thing I could find that wasn't deep fried was this fish so I ordered it. They served it to me with the head still on. We couldn't stand to have that thing looking at us while we were eating, so we put it across the table with a napkin over it.

    Renny - Vince calls this "cheap weather". You don't need the heat and you don't need the a/c

    Exercised then went to church this morning. I usually go on Sat. night but they were having some sort of conference in Charlotte and so there was no mass last night. Picked up the donations for the soup kitchen -- boy were there a lot! Came home, had breakfast, read the paper, went in the pool, watched some TV, had dinner, sprayed some weed killer but it's really getting too dark out so I'll probably do it again tomorrow, now getting ready for tomorrow.

    Beth - OUCH!

    Anne - Aldi still doesn't offer special services. You can only pay by debit or cash (no credit card). You bag your own items and have to pay 25 cents (which you get back when you return the cart) for a shopping cart. Good luck on your ride tomorrow

    Michele in NC