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  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,978 Member
    morning ladies~
    Fall will be here at 10:39 tonight, it was warm and muggy yesterday..slept with the windows open... have to work at 10:30 today and will try and get out for a walk.. my heel does hurt a bit,but will have another cup of tea and ice it a bit..
    My friend who lost her house, went to look at it, she said she probably shouldnt have but she did, everywhere she looked she found a heart.. I have to think that was her mom sending her love.. I am waiting for things to calm down before I help. they have a huge community and they are rallying around the family.. they deserve it and soooo much more..
    they think it was a kitchen appliance that started the fire, so like she doesnt have enough to think of she posted on facebook, send in all the registrations for all your appliances and unplug what doesnt need to be plugged in...
    I am sorta freaking out about this, I can unplug the toaster ,toaster oven, but dont want to unplug the tv's or DH computer because it is all on a heavy duty strip...
    I would be devistated not about the house,or the things in it, but if something happened to the dogs,I would never forgive myself.. that is what must be in the back of Karen and Davids mind,,,, what they need now I guess is gift cards, for certain places, grocery stores,home improvement etc...
    I have to drop a urine sample off at the vet and get more heavy duty pain meds for Chester,he is sooo uncomfortable.. he doesnt have the bladder stones so we think it might be the crystals .. so we shall see.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just stopped in to read the new posts. Terrible night---went to sleep at 11:30 after a full day with no nap; up at 3:30.........I'm sooooo sick of this! I'm a charter member of the "never feel well-rested" club.

    Michele.........I think it's wonderful that your cats are so caring toward each other! (You raised em right, mama!!) LOL!

    mid-Atlantic, well at least I get to see the sun come up!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,588 Member
    Good morning everyone! :flowerforyou: The temperature really dropped last night for the first time so that's the last of the zucchini plant. Have 3 zucchinis to pick before I consign it to the bin. Broad beans will be going in there in October. :bigsmile:

    Brenda - adding my good wishes to all the others. I love those drowsy drugs! Sounds like you have some great friends!

    Joyce - congratulations on the massive office tidy up!

    Renny - well done! As to doing it again, the more you do it the easier it will become. Sonn you'll be flying up those hills!

    Pat - what lovely memories! Love to hear people's stories. Isn't it wonderful how, blood or non blood, people's love for us can make us grow. My parents were inadequate and very damaging, though I never doubted they loved me in their limited way, but I did have unconditional love from my grandparents, especially my granddad, and a godmother who all thought I was perfect!:laugh: :tongue: I also get great pleasure from seeing DH'S relationship with DGS who is not his blood grandfather. At the party last Saturday my DDIL's dad, who DGS calls Baba, told me that DGS is always talking about "Johnny and me." :laugh: :laugh: :love: Memories for a life time that he can flower and grow in.:heart:

    Beth - my advice re machines is to buy the very best you can afford. We have Life Fitness. The first elliptical we bought, much cheaper, was endlessly knocking and we had the engineers out numerous times. One damaged our carpet and had to pay for cleaning! Luckily we had bought it from a company, John Lewis, who have a reputation for the best customer care in the nation. It was guaranteed for 2 years. At the end of the 2 years, having had the machine replaced once, which was no better, DH got them to agree to refund the whole of the cost of the machine against a more expensive one. Excellent! The new machine has not given us a second's trouble.
    So we have an expensive elliptical, a cheapish rower, which is fine, and an expensive recumbent bike.
    For weights I use 2 kgs for side arm raises, 5kgs for upward row, 7kgs (I use one) if I am a bit tired for squats, and 9kgs for biceps, triceps and squats, (again, just the one for squats ). I bought them gradually as I got stronger, from Amazon. DH uses the 9 kgs for biceps and triceps, but should probably go up a bit. They say if you can easily do more than 8 repetitions you should change up.
    It has certainly shaped up my arms and shoulders and I have a 4 pack! ! ! :laugh:
    I also have a pair of 1 kg leg weights for knee exercises, but I put both weights on the one leg that has the weak knee. I do leg raises.
    I do weights every day except on yoga day, but of course life gets in the way and there are gaps. I also do balance exercises, crunches, extra knee exercises, planks and push ups, but in rotation so probably things get done every other day unless I am feeling energetic.
    The machines are in a spare bedroom and we listen to Radio 4, which is the old BBC Home Service, so we learn a lot!:laugh: The strength training I do in our bedroom watching daytime TV.:blushing: Keeps me company!:happy:
    I am very lucky in that I am retired and can spend all this time keeping fit. I really miss it when I am away, even though I take a band with me for biceps etc.

    Hope all that is helpful.

    Love Heather, who has a hairdresser coming round at 1pm to give her a bit of a trim for NYC.:bigsmile:
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,812 Member
    Lesley, Barbie, and Heather ... thank you for sharing what you use at home. Very helpful!!

    Lesley ... I know what a high pulley machine is but not sure what you're referring to with the x-pulley.

    Michele ... I always get inspiration from hearing about your exercise routine.

    Pat ... like others have stated, I always enjoy getting a glimpse into the lives of others ... reminds me of how different we are and how much the same we are!

    Jan ... I am not sleeping well either ... and this is a first for me. Part hormonal I'm sure, but I also start to do what I call the "worry dance" by about 4:00am ... worrying whether my son will be well enough to attend school, etc., etc. I tell myself that there is nothing this worrying accomplishes ... but still I can't get back to sleep. The lack of sleep is beginning to show ...

    Am I correct that Aldis and Trader Joes are owned by the same company? We have Aldis in abundance and just recently got a Trader Joes. We do not have Whole Foods or Fresh Markets ... but hoping some of these will enter the area. Buffalo really is not all about chicken wings!! There is quite a large group of us that want to eat clean and well.

    Busy day ... so off I go! Have a great day ladies!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a good one.Hugs jane
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Heather,sorry this is late. maybe you can find a bit you can use.

    DDs say wear very comfy shoes,as NYC is lots & lots of walking.
    They love the Brooklyn Bridge & just seeing different areas.Do see Statue of Liberty,take the ferry to Staten Island & back.
    A tour to West Point is nice.
    Don't miss Central Park.Any boat ride at dusk is beautiful.Metropolitan museum has a couple restaurants.
    Here is a site to check out. http://features.aol.com/video/things-do-and-eat-central-park

    Enjoy the NYC food,you will walk it off!

    Soft slippers will feel good on the plane,as will a light jacket.

    Have a wonderful time!

    PS......great pic of all.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Anne: I’ve been a dog lover since early childhood, and am of the opinion that no one likes unruly and aggressive dogs bothering them, not even dog owners. Some people don’t care about how obnoxious their own dogs are, and these people are rude in most situations, with or without their dogs.:mad: :tongue:

    Heather: If I ever travel, I want you to advise me. You are an excellent researcher and planner. I’m getting excited for your visit to New York, just hearing about it. We took the boat ride to Ellis Island when I was there, and I got caught up looking for my grandmother. They had to come and get me, and I was a chaperone. :blushing: I didn’t get to go to the museums, and would go for that on a future trip if there is one. What we mostly did was take 35 teenagers shopping. Yikes!:noway: Lucky for me, I was assigned 5 boys as my group. I’m so grateful it wasn’t girls! A highlight for me was going to a play on Broadway. The performance was excellent, but the stage itself fascinated me. There were lots of moving sections of floor that allowed amazing effects. I just read about your workouts and now I realize that I’m a lazy piker by comparison. I think I’ll take advantage of silver sneakers in January and join a gym. I don’t have enough space for equipment here at home.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: We don’t have Aldi’s either, but we do have Trader Joes. I’m not a big fan and seldom shop there. I guess I’m not yuppified enough. We do occasionally go to Whole Foods and are able to get many things that are hard to find elsewhere.:flowerforyou:

    Mimi: Sending good thoughts for the complete recovery of your nephew-in-law. I love the notion that we should work harder on living. I think you are wise.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: I do have one idea to help your DH, and that is to attach a magnetic key holder to the outside of the car in a discreet location so that he can get back in if necessary. This would elevate the risk of car theft a little bit, but it might be worth it. Back in the day, my folks used these on their cars. Another idea with less risk is to keep a spare key in his wallet. I love the story of your bike ride adventure. How did you get home?:flowerforyou:

    Beth: I’m so sorry to hear that you burned yourself. I hope the pain is minimal and it heals quickly.:flowerforyou:

    Lesley in Tasmania: What is a care plan?:huh:

    Pat: I love the story of your step dad, who was a real dad in every way.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I envy your recumbent TV “chair.” My living room would not accommodate a bike, there just isn’t enough space. Maybe I should plumb the garage for cable and put a TV out there. I wonder whether “my” shows are available on Netflix. If so, I could watch them on my laptop in the garage.:flowerforyou:

    Diane in TX: DH loves Brown Bettys, too. We don’t have one, though. Our last adventure in teapot purchasing netted an insulated glass teapot. He likes tea better than I do; I’m a coffee woman. I do like jasmine tea, though, and various mint teas.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I need to clean out my files, too. I’m avoiding it and admire your pluck.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: My DC (Dear Cousin) solved the day length dilemma by becoming a snowbird. He and his wife spend several months of winter in Arizona. They did this because of her MS, which seems to be worse than my husband’s. I don’t think anyone froze the watermelon on purpose, but they are transported in refrigerated trucks and it may have been too cold in there.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: My heart goes out to your friend whose house burned. Will they rebuild in the same location? It sounds as though they have great neighbors.:flowerforyou:

    Beth: I agree totally that the members of this group are so different, and yet the same. It has enriched my life to know the women here.:flowerforyou:

    I took my dog to the groomer this morning and he is ready to be picked up. We’re talking about what to do with our day and haven’t settled on a plan yet. I’m sure we’ll find a way to put some fun into it.

    I’m planning to arrange for riding lessons once DH is through his surgery. I love the teacher and horse I had before, but the travel distance is too, too far. There is a place for me to look at less than five miles away. I know there are also other places nearby, but this one has trails adjacent to the property and I want to be able to do trail riding in addition to working in an arena.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good Monday everyone! I hope you are all doing well.

    Not much going on here today. Walked the kids to school and it went well. Nobody was pouting today so it was a happy little walk. Then came to the studio and finished some drafting jobs. Hubby came for lunch. We had some turkey sausage patties, baby carrots and skim milk. I think it was a shock to his system and he will probably stop on the way back to school to get something else. He had to put salt on his sausage, because I made it without any. I keep it here in the freezer for a little protein snack or quick meal.

    It's beautiful day outside today.

    The joke of the day was a repeat, so I looked up a different one online. I found three I liked and couldn't decide between them, so here are all three:


    A man goes on a 2-month business trip to Europe and leaves his cat with his brother. Three days before his return he calls his brother.
    Brother 1: So how is my cat doing?
    Brother 2: He's Dead
    Brother 1: He's Dead! What do you mean He's Dead! I loved that cat. Couldn't you think of a nicer way to tell me! I'm leaving in 3 days. You could of broke me to the news easier. You could of told me today that she got out of the house or something. Then when I called before I left you could of told me, Well, we found her but she is up on the roof and we're having trouble getting her down. Then when I call you from the airport you could of told me, The Fire Department was there and scared her off the roof and the cat died when it hit the ground.
    Brother 2: I'm sorry...you're right...that was insensitive I won't let it happen again.
    Brother 1: Alright, alright, forget about it. Anyway, how is Mom doing?
    Brother 2: She's up on the roof and we're having trouble getting her down.


    A man and his wife were sitting in the living room discussing a
    “Living Will”
    "Just so you know, I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine
    and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug."

    His wife got up, unplugged the TV and threw out all the beer.


    A couple, desperate to conceive a child, went to their priest and asked him to pray for them. "I'm going on a sabbatical to Rome," he replied, "and while I'm there, I'll light a candle for you."
    When the priest returned three years later, he went to the couple's house and found the wife pregnant, busily attending to two sets of twins. Elated, the priest asked her where her husband was so that he could congratulate him.
    "He's gone to Rome, to blow that candle out" came the harried reply.


    Have a great day!

  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello to All, Feeling a little overwhelmed right now. It's Monday and the week-end flew by. Saturday the wedding was a blast, the best reception I've ever been to. My friend is Persian and her daughter married a Navy pilot who is Scottish. The reception had the military sword ceremony, bagpipes, and the first dance was Persian. Absolutely awesome. We danced and danced. The bride and groom also did the Patrick Swayze Jennifer Grey "The Time of My Life" dance, including the costumes. The bride also looks like Jasmine from Disney's Aladdin and they played many Disney songs. The reception was seven hours long and I didn't get home until after 2 in the morning but it was the best time.
    I work the next 5 days and 4 nights, have my first aqua aerobics on the 27th and still haven't begun to plan it, have my ab class tomorrow to figure out and my grass needs mowed plus I am still on the first weeks assignments for my nutrition class. Weds. night I have to work until 6:30 and pick up the twins from soccer at 6:45. Yikes!! I also have to squeeze in exercise. Hence the feelings of being overwhelmed.

    Dianne, You’re right they continue to research and continue to revise and change what is said about diet and nutrition. That being said I feel there is also much influence by large food and beverage companies and that contributes to the confusion and to how and what information is presented and when.

    Carol, I had a super busy week last week and am still trying to catch up on week one of the nutrition class on Coursera. So far most is stuff I’ve read or heard before but am hoping to get into new things after the first chapter.

    Subject of New York, I loved it. I would really like to go back as our four days were not enough to see all I wanted. We went at Thanksgiving so we saw the Macy parade, the lighting of the tree and the Rockettes (spelling?) The weather was actually nice so we went to Central Park as well.

    Michele, Ashamed to admit but I’m not finished with chapter one yet. I should be doing it now at lunch but here I am on MFP instead.

    Brenda MD, Glad your surgery went well and you’re home.

    I have already used my lunch up so I need to get back to work.

    I hope this finds everyone well, Welcome to the newbies, and good health wishes to all.

    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member

    Renny: I do have one idea to help your DH, and that is to attach a magnetic key holder to the outside of the car in a discreet location so that he can get back in if necessary. This would elevate the risk of car theft a little bit, but it might be worth it. Back in the day, my folks used these on their cars. Another idea with less risk is to keep a spare key in his wallet. I love the story of your bike ride adventure. How did you get home?:flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Katla - thanks for the idea. DH and I need to have some more conversations what will work the best. I think a magnetic key holder outside the car is a great idea. Spare key in wallet may not be the best option. The electronic keys are so big these days. (the electronic part is no longer working, which is what gets him into trouble) He says his wallet is already too big, and he has been known to leave it home or in the locked car:grumble: :grumble: .

    I hitched a ride home with DH yesterday. He "threw" the bike in the back of the van. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and we were happy the day was coming to an end. :tongue: :tongue:

    I better get back to work.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 530 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    After brunch yesterday I am up 2.5 lbs so I am back to portion control. I had a crazy calorie burn with all of my exercise plus housework today. I also plan to go outside and take up my spring/summer garden decorations. It is a gorgeous day today.

    Joyce, I love So You Think You Can Dance too, I don't see all of the shows but do enjoy it when I see it. There is just too much to watch to catch everything that is on.

    Beth, ouch! Take good care of yourself, I hope it heals quickly.

    Alison, prayers being said for your friends.

    Mimi, healing thoughts sent your way for your nephew.

    Welcome all new ladies, hugs and best wishes to all I missed.

    Cindy in OK
  • I am new to this App and starting on a journey to lose about 120 pounds. I am also synced to my fitbit for the walking program. I'm a 64 yr old Gramma who has recently retired as a school nurse. Still trying to figure out what I'm supose to be doing now. i am looking for buddies to help motivate and encourage me. i noticed some of you have lost a great deal of weight and I'm looking forward to hearing how you did it.
    Debbie in Texas
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    Been a lovely day here today in Gloucestershire. Hazy start but that soon burnt off. Hubby and I took some time out from fund-raising Arthur and as it's our holiday this week. So we took ourselves of out for a walking challenge. We went to the Malverns, somewhere we've driven by many times but never dared try walking.

    We managed to reach the highest point. It was tough but we did it. We plan to do it again on a regular basis (with the dog) so that we can monitor our fitness.
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    I like the Malverns too = it's quite a trek to the top - well done - what a great idea to use it as a monitor for fitness. The first time I went (in 1988) we took our youth club on a weekend and one of the lads ran up and down it 5 times before breakfast! He was a fitness freak! He used to 'borrow' our dog at the time and take her for a 5 mile run a couple of times a week! She loved it when he turned up! When the rest of the youth club did the climb most of them were a similar pace to me! Perhaps we can meet up next summer and climb it together?

    MA in UK
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Happy Monday!! Hope you all had a good weekend. I was off work and did get alot done and spent time with the DGC. The time just flew by. Yesterday they had a kids day at the big mall here in town. My two DGD's that are in dance class were in the show and they did well. There were so many poeple there. But had a good time with the girls. My mom and sister were in town on Saturday and we had a nice visit. My sister told me not to lose anymore weight as my face looks to thin. She is concerned I am getting smaller than her. I just said I was to lose around 50 more pounds and then I will see. I am just working hard to get under 200 at this point. My eating was better over the weekend so hoping that means I am back on track. Tomorrow is weigh in day and not sure it will be good.

    Katiebug--I love my fitbit and I had it synced to MFP and my wellness account at work. Between the three they keep track of me. I find I am getting more sleep then I thought I was. Still most the time under 7 hours, helps me try and do better. Congrates to DH for reaching his goal!!

    Diane--When they sided our house last year they put in an LED lite. It is different and can't be changed to yellow as I understand it. I still haven't checked the paint yet.

    Heather--I do not understand how a parent can do that to their child. But afraid it happens more then we know. My DGD found out that her husband parents had used his name and SS number for different accounts during the years he was growing up. So he has terrible credit. I told him about the only thing he can do is turn his parents in and he will not even talk about that or file bankrupcty which I am against. So they are having a terrible time finding a place to live as everyone does a credit check and if they would rent to them they want a very large deposit. Congrates on the NSV of working alone in the garden. Sounds like you had a great party.

    Jane--Prayers for Roy's family and you. Not easy to lose a child at any age.

    Yanniejannie--I have not gotten an answer to my letter. I am thinking they have to drink and think about it. They are VERY heavy drinkers which is alot of the problem. I just pray that we can keep in touch. I also like the idea of glow in the dark foot prints. Still not sure on the porch and DH just rolls his eyes at me and says whatever I want to do. I have to find the time and engery to get the old part scraped and then paint. I am still working on my rock garden. Slow but sure.

    DMRinehardt--Congrates on the new DGS. I just love being a grandma.

    Allison--Sorry to hear about your friend. I am sure whatever you do will be just fine.

    Joyce-- That is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Good thoughts to ponder.

    Carol--Congrates on signing the papers for your new place. Sending prayers that your house sells soon.

    Brenda--glad to hear your surgery went well and you are home. Please let your DD spoil and take care of you.

    Cynthia--Glad to hear your furbaby is feeling better.I know what you mean by how you are feeling. Been there alot lately. The doctor added another pill, but I do not think it is helping.

    Pat--I so enjoy hearing about growing up and how our parents made do with less. Please do not stop sharing.

    Welcome Debbie--You will find this is a great group with lots of support. Come back often.
    Well ladies it is time to get something finished up for the day. Hope you all are having a chance to enjoy this first day of Fall. DH has a touch of the flu, started yesterday. So be quite evening at our house.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,978 Member
    evening folks,
    ok day at work..still trying to plan brothers party.. im working all day friday,the other assistant is taking the day off..going to be chilly tonight down in the 40s,dont like the next season coming up:angry:
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,812 Member
    But Alison ... thnk of all the calorie burn the next season offers when we have to shovel/blow snow!! :laugh:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gals. I'm just going to start from here since I missed most of the weekend. I had a productive day at work but I'm not sure i'll make my step goal. I was working away and looked up and it was already noon! I did walk for my 10 minutes after lunch and will go to water aerobics tonight.

    I had a fuel injector replaced last week and the hood hasn't looked right since (sticking up about 1/4" higher on the passenger side), so I finally opened it and guess what I found? A wrench sitting on the battery! I took it to the dealer today and boy did they look sheepish!

    I finally got started on DD#1's photo album for Christmas, but I had better get going on it or it will never get done. It is totally overwhelming! We are copying tons of photos and getting them all mixed up. So I imagine I'll have lots of leftovers! But at least I started; that's the hardest part.

    Getting my A1C done tomorrow then diabetic clinic Wednesday, doctor on Friday. I think my new plan will work if I give it a few weeks, but I'm sure I will hear about no weight loss at the clinic Wednesday.

    OK, gotta get going to the Y. Take care all and I'll be around more now that the internet seems to be behaving! Meg from sunny Omaha
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Stopping in for a quick hello.

    My nephew (in-law) is still in the hospital and sounds awful. They're trying to cut back on the oxygen but he's continuing to throw up. (He's lost 20 pounds in the last couple of weeks.)

    He's feeling pretty low as the docs told him he probably won't be able to go back to firefighting for a year, and possibly never. He loves his job. Finances are tight too so I don't know what the impact will be. Fortunately, my sister and her husband live in the same town and have a large house. If bad comes to worse, my niece, nephew, and their two kids will at least have a roof over their heads.

    I told my nephew that he and the other folks who fight the wildland fires (and all fires for that matter) are my heroes. They do amazing work at great risk to themselves. There are more than 5000 people fighting the King Fire that started a few miles up the road from our house. They come from all over the country. Each and every one is a hero in my book.

    Is it just me or is there truly more going on than usual? I'm sure it's just me but sometimes it seems that way. :noway:

    Everyone, take care.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    I'm sending prayers for your nephew's complete recovery. I agree that firefighters are heroes. :heart:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon