40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Alf... I'm sorry that you are in need of surgery but I might add that my husband had arthroscopy surgery on his knee for a torn meniscus and healed quite quickly. What he did was a few days after surgery we drove down to Bakersfield (a 4 hr drive) and sense I was terrified of the freeway due to an accident I had just had he drove. Keeping his knee in that position was the best thing he could have ever done. Even the dr was surprised on how quickly he was getting his mobility back. What I am trying to say is this... Work hard on whatever physical therapy they give you and it might not take as long as they say for you to heal. Now will it make you pain free having the surgery??? My husbands knee is no where near the pain he was feeling on a daily basis but there are days that it does still bug him. My opinion on arthroscopy surgery... Its a lot less evasive, You only have a few small scars, And you heal a lot quicker. I know its still surgery and any surgery is scary so take you time and give it some thought. All's I know is my husband was better off for having it and healed in a fraction of the time the dr's told him he would. Then again he did do things earlier than he was supposed to and pushed himself to do it. Your not a stranger to hard work so I know you can do the same.

    My daughters husband is on his way to Afghanistan. He left Sunday night. So my daughter is on her way home as we speak. I am a wreck because she's driving all that way BY HERSELF! Anything can happen. There's not much I can do about it now. I thought she was gonna wait because she signed up for an online school and told me she wanted to make sure everything was in place before she drove home. Next thing I knew I called her and she said she was on her way home. She didn't want to be there by herself, which id understandable but heck... She could have let us know that way we had the option to fly out there and drive back with her.
  • jamben
    jamben Posts: 22 Member
    New to MFP...just found this great board. Looking forward to all the imput from all the great people out there.:happy:
  • Hi all! A balmy 45 degrees here in North Texas, soon to be home of the Big Game. I have been in Mississippi with family the last two Super Bowl weekends but will stay here this weekend. We are about 45 miles north of where the game will be played in Arlington, TX and hubs and I work in Dallas, so it will be interesting to see everything sort of up close (but not really).

    Hubs turned the big 60 today. We did our big celebration with our kids in California two weeks ago. We got take out from our favorite Greek restaurant tonight. Very disappointing. Must have new owners. Everything has WAY too much salt and no tzatziki sauce and the rice that is yellow with peppers instead of white basamati rice with parsley. Grrr

    Zebras: I can feel you reading the posts even if you don't post...

    Alf: Yikes! But you knew something was wrong which was why you dogged (appropriately) the docs. See if you can get a second opinion and get as much real information as you can on the condition and treatment options. In the end, you are the one who knows your body the best.

    Tron: Prayers for your daughter getting home safely and son in law going to and getting back from Afganistan safely. I am buying girl scout cookies for the troops. What does he like?

    Jamben: Welcome!

    Stiring and Sing and everyone else in the horrible cold: stay warm and safe!

    Scale story to tell: I bought an expensive scale that is supposed to weigh you and calculate %age body fat. I bought it so the hubs would use it. Well, I cannot get the stupid thing to work the way it is supposed to. (And he won't use it) So, I have it next to my normal scale I use. This morning, I got on my regular scale and it showed I was a 1 pound down from last time I weighed. Yea! I then got on the other expensive scale which usually registers 3 pounds less. yep, 3 pounds less. So, I thought I would try the function which identifies different people and punched in P1 for me. I stepped on the scale and it registered 0.5 pounds more than it did 30 seconds before! So, I got back on my regular scale and it showed 0.5 pound more than 1 minute ago??? What gives? I did not weigh any more for fear that I would gain 10 pounds in 5 minutes going between the scales.

    Take care all! TxMs
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    More snow today...I am getting tired of it, and it's still January!!! I got the estimate for the damages to my car yesterday. Over $2600!!! I thought maybe it would be a few hundred, but there was some other damage that I was not aware of. The other driver's insurance will be taking care of it. I placed the claim through my insurance, but they told me that the deductible would be waived and there would be no out-of-pocket expenses for me. The car will be in the shop for a week. Thankfully we have 3 cars.

    Tron, I hope all goes well with your daughter's drive home. When do you expect her to arrive? It's perfectly normal to worry about her, but she's an adult now and wants to be independent. That's the tough thing about parenthood!

    Tex, what I wouldn't give for 45 degrees right about now! Actually it's up to 30 degrees here. We are expecting snow this afternoon, around 4+ inches. I could be a lot worse. Along the Eastern seaboard they are predicting much more snow. I would much rather watch any football game at home on in Hi Def on my TV. I used to go to Penn State games with a friend of mine, but the cold weather and traffic hassles made it a pain. BTW, I didn't go to Penn State for either of my degrees, but I like good old Joe Pa.

    I wasn't able to get to the gym yesterday. I got tied up running errands during lunch. Today for sure. Upper body and some cardio sound good right about now. I still feel a bit bloated, but that could be from all the extra carbs i've been eating in the last few days. I still believe I a on the right track by trying to "muscle up" during the cold months and then go to more cardio and less cals to lose the fat. The downside is that I don't look lean. I have a fairly small frame and any extra fat weight really shows on me in a negative way.

    Stiring, are you getting snow or rain today? Did you get your study materials yet? Don't you just love this game of 20 questions?? :laugh:

    Alf, stay strong! You will get through this!

    Have a great day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning! Thank you all for your support and encouragement. To tell you the truth I just dont know what to do. Part of me tells me that I should get the surgery to fix the problem and the other says just slow down and leave as it is and live with it. Unfortunately I cannot foresee the future so I dont know what could happen with either decision. I can have the surgery hoping it gets better and it will or it might not. There are risks with any surgery. Or no surgery and live with the pain and hope that it doesnt get worse. It is not going to get any better that is for sure. I know I dont sound very positive. :cry: This morning I was thinking about the pros and cons and there are more cons, IMO, than pros. Only positive outcome would be to fix the problem and be "pain free". Cons: not be able to exercise for at least 4mos, not teach Zumba anymore, pay cut of at least $1500 a month, weight gain, might have to cancel the trips I had planned for this year, and feel just plain miserable (I know how I feel when I cannot exercise). I just want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :explode:

    Tron, my thoughts are with your daughter, son in law and the family in general. Please let us know when your daughter arrives. I feel bad for them, just married and he just joined the service. I just hate this situation now with all the deployments and all... :cry:

    Sing, stay warm!!! It is cold this morning here in SA but then we expect sunny skies and up to 65 degrees. Not bad!! Ok, dont be jealous. LOL Good thing you are getting your car fixed. 3 cars? But hey, it makes sense.

    Tex, happy birthday to your hubby!!!!!!! That is a funny story about the scales. That tells you how crazy they can make you. LOL I have been tempted to get on mine but just the thought of that "number" keeps me away from it. All the clothes are fitting nice so I will go with that for now. :laugh:

    Jamben, welcome to this thread!! :drinker:

    Have a great day!!! Gotta finish getting ready for work, pack my lunch and snacks, etc. :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Good Morning!

    alf, this really IS a tough decision. As others said, if there is any way to get another opinion, I'd try for that as a first option. I know that's tough in the military system, but, hopefully, they'll work with you on doing that. But here's a few thoughts. Only you know how much pain you are in. If it is pain only when you are exercising vigorously and in certain ways (like running), you can probably live with that. But if it is pain in other areas of your life (and unexpected pain perhaps), then you have to think '30 years'. Because that's a low-ball of how many years you can expect to be going through that. And weigh the 4-6 months without exercise with 30+ years of pain. I know 4-6 months without exercise seems like alot, but in the big scheme of things, it isn't. You aren't going to get fat during that time if you don't eat poorly. And aside from the month you are on crutches, you will be mobile. You may not be able to run, but you will be able to walk. And walking is good for your body. When I hurt my shoulder, I went 5 months without being able to leave the house (except to go to the doctor every week!) much less exercise! And here I am. I even lost weight during the first few months of that because I was really focused on my eating. Again, only you know what kind of pain you are in and whether you want to live with that the rest of your life. But don't let the short-term issues with healing affect a very long-term decision. And you are SO right....there ARE risks with every surgery. And there are no guarantees. And I think you really need to consider that in making your decision (that is what keeps me from opting for surgery in some cases as well). But don't let those 4-6 months of recovery make you afraid because, as I said, they are a drop in the bucket of what will hopefully be the rest of your life. We're here for you! :flowerforyou:

    TxMs, so good to see you. You've provided a great example on why scales should be tossed out the window! It certainly isn't an exact science, that's for sure. And wish Mr. Holiday a Happy Belated Birthday!

    tron, how scary that your daughter is driving across the country by herself! I'm sure she'll be fine, but I know you'll be on pins and needles until she makes it home. I'm sure you'll be glad to have her there. My thoughts will be with your SIL while he is in Afghanistan.

    zebras, so good to see you!!! Post more!!

    kbefit, yes, I blame you for my cold! :tongue: Hope you're feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    jamben, welcome!

    singfree, we've got snow, rain and more snow predicted for the day. Not pretty. They are expecting 5-10" tonight. We'll see about that. My husband is flying in from Louisiana, so keep your fingers crossed he makes it home and doesn't get stuck somewhere along the way. Sorry to hear about the expensive car repairs. Glad you aren't having to pay for them!! Hopefully the young lady who hit has learned a lesson about driving. I got my study materials over the weekend. I've read the first couple of chapters of the main book which is all about who should become a personal trainer and why and what you need to do to be a personal trainer and such. I'm definitely not the best candidate for becoming a personal trainer, and that has me thinking. Much of that has to do with limited mobility in my left arm which will restrict me from being able to properly demonstrate many exercises (like tricep overhead presses and such). Another issue is that I don't have a wide breadth of knowledge about the fitness world since I don't teach or participate in any classes and I don't even workout in a gym. The third strike is that there seems to be a move afoot for personal trainers to have a BS in some form of physical science. I really don't want to go back to college for another four year degree at this point in time. That being said, I'm going to press forward with learning and may still get my certification if for no other reason that to do it. But I'm thinking if I want a new career, this may not be the right one for me. :ohwell:

    All here is well. I'm feeling better, so I got in a good Turbo Fire workout this morning. My eating is staying very clean, and I'm feeling much more lean with every passing day.

    Hope you all have a great day. For those who are going to get hit by this storm, stay warm, dry and safe!
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    OK finally officially back!!! Am much better now...only 2 days of drugs left. Just got back from my first work out since last week and am so glad to be jumping on that band wagon again. This happened to me last year too. I started working at my daughter's school (only an hour a day) but I think I am picking up those germs from the kids. If this happens again next year it may be time to rethink this job!

    Alf I'm so sorry about your surgery, I know how disheartening that can be. You just need to follow your gut and know that you will get through whatever you decide to do.

    Sing we haven't gotten much snow this year but were bombarded the last two years so I know how stir crazy you can get. I actually love the snow and winter and can appreciate it's beauty but when it becomes too much it does just make time drag. I have to say we've had a good weather year...last year we enjoyed a beautiful spring and fall and a nice steamy hot summer, and this winter has been a breeze for the most part. I have heard though, that Chicago may finally get some of those storms next week....we shall see!!!

    Tron - I hope all is well with your kids, both your daughter and your son.

    Tex I sure wish we could be watching our team in the big game....but just like w/our Cubbies there's always next year! :laugh:

    Jamben, so glad you're here...I am relatively new as well.

    Lastly....can anyone tell me anything about Zumba? Is it hard on your joints? I like what I do but think I want to mix it up!

    Have a great day all...stay healthy and stay focused!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Well, I am back home now with a sick child. The school nurse called me to pick him up, I guess my son caught a stomach bug. So I am home early...teaching tonight though. I appreciate your opinion about my condition and all the support!!! Thanks!!! All I do is think about it. And the more I think about it the less I want to go with the surgery. As you said, kbefit, that is what my gut tells me, at least for now. I do know that I should slow down a bit and I am willing to do that. One of my students got licensed and wants to teach so I am thinking about offering her two of my classes for now. Her husband is in the Navy and they are leaving in July so I think it will be ok with her to "sub" for me until she leaves. By that time I would know if I can go back to teaching 4 classes again or find someone else to help or go for surgery...My sister, who is also an instructor, has many issues with her back and knees and years ago her doctors had recommended surgery. She opted out of it and just listens to her body now, rests when she needs to and deals with any issues as they come. Surgery is definitely not the first option in many cases. I am supposed to see the Dr in about 6 wks and will look at other options such as PT, etc.

    kbefit, glad to hear you feel better. You can definitely catch all kinds of bugs when around children. Funny you ask about Zumba, I am a Zumba instructor. The intensity of the class will depend on your instructor and yourself. A good instructor will show modifications for all high impact moves. The students then choose their own level of intensity. I always encourage my students to work at their own pace. Also, as with any exercise, it is very important to move with good posture/correct form. The type of floor where they hold the class is also important. A wood floor with good padding is very important. Also try to use shoes that offer lateral support and dont have a lot of treading on the sole so it is easy to pivot and avoid knee problems. Give it a try!!! Are you on facebook? You can request me at Zumba Annette and see some videos and pictures. :smile:

    Stiring, you go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am also eating pretty clean lately. I have to stay away from eating dry cereal though...sometimes I can over do that. Good thing it is pretty healthy cereal. :laugh:

    I will check back tomorrow!! Stay warm!! :flowerforyou:
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    Oh Alf thanks for the information! I have running shoes (even though I'm not a runner) because I don't have very good arch support, but I guess those wouldn't be good for Zumba. They offer it at the YMCA and I thought I'd give it a shot. They offer a kids Zumba too and I was thinking of signing her up.

    I am on facebook and I will definitely friend you! I use the same pic so you'll know it's me! :laugh:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! Eating my healthy breakfast, ready to go to work. Keeping my son home for the rest of the week but he is just fine. Thank God for the lady that takes care of him, she is a blessing.

    Stiring and everyone else in the east coast, wow, have been watching the news...all that snow and ice!!! Stay warm and safe!!!!

    kbefit, just give them a try and see how they work for you. It all depends on the type of floor they have and the shoe itself. I am now wearing running shoes, Reebok Zigs, and I love them. A lot of Zumba instructors are wearing them now. Others like the Nike Free or Asics gel enthral? Yes, the Zumba for kids is called Zumbatomic. I am also licensed to teach but has not taught it yet. Let me know what you think when you take it!! I really hope the instructor is a good one. Some people have had a bad first time experience and think all the Zumba classes will be the same.

    Have a great day everyone!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Good Morning!

    Not the best morning here in the DC area, but I think it is much worse further north. Not hearing from singfree this morning has me thinking he's probably stuck at home. At least I hope so. My thoughts are with zebras, cardigirl, robin, and all others in the northeast/New England area. This was NOT a fun storm. We only got a few inches here in DC but, boy, did it cause a mess (not to mention the fact that it was, by far, the heaviest snow I've ever had to shovel). My husband's plane landed at Dulles at 6:30pm, but he wasn't able to make it home until nearly 5:00 this morning. I feel for him.

    alf, sorry to hear your son wasn't feeling well, but glad he is better. Slowing down a bit is probably a good option for you right now. You've been fighting off alot of injuries over the past year, and that's probably your body telling you something.

    kbefit, glad to hear you are feeling better. Hope you enjoy Zumba! I hear such great things about it.

    Off to try to get something of a workout in today. After shoveling three times in the span of four hours last night, I'm a little tired this morning, and my cold feels worse. So I think I'm going to take it a bit easy today.

    Hope everybody is well.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Sorry i am late posting, but I was, and still am, tied up with month-end closing. I made it to work just fine this morning. We only had about 3" of snow. Allentown, 30 miles east of us got over a foot! NYC got 18"!!!! I will check in later when I get caught up.

    See ya later!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    Snow Snow and mor Snow. One set of exercise today will be shoveling.....That @#$!%@^# plow just came by and slammed another foot in front of my driveway. Going outside and trying to burn some calories today!!!

    Stay warm stay hydrated!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi, I would love to join I am 60+ if that's okay.
    Some of my friends here are in the 20's which is okay
    but nice to talk to friends that are older.
    Been here since July 2010 and I plan to keep
    going. How often do we check in here.
    Could you let me know? :huh:
    Oh, by the way I am from Canada.
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    I still can not get over all of that snow! OK we're going to get positive here...March is only 4 weeks away and it will all be a distant memory!

    Stiring I'm sorry you're feeling worse, rest is the key.

    Sing glad to hear that your part of town wasn't that bad!

    Alf I will try zumba very soon!. My husband and I will be joining the YMCA next month and so I'm looking forward to it.

    Well off to workout now. Unfortunately, I have such a slow metabolism, that if I don't exercise, it doesn't matter what I eat. My weight stands still. Two weeks of non exercise did not help this journey at all, but that's OK....it's a new day.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Hi from snowy CT. I can't tell how much snow we had because there is still so much on the ground from before. They "graciously" let us come in for 11. Drove on the highway, and you couldn't get to some of the exits, then at one point we were all stuck over in the far left haf in the lane half in the shoulder disconnected from the rest of the plowed area. Made no sense! Drive home should be much better tonight!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi! I'm a little behind in reading the posts this week...just wanted to check in quickly.

    Surprisingly Vermont missed the snow today so all is cold but clear and beautiful.

    This week has been diversification week for me. That means I'm taking all the past advice you all have given me--finally--and trying to outfit my home gym supplies with something other than my elliptical. So far this week

    --I started Jump Roping! Wow is that hard. I did 10 minutes the other day and practically fell over, and then was sore for 2 days. But the calorie burn made it worth trying again. I made it to 15 minutes today (and burned 124 calories!!)--hopefully my body will get used to it so I won't be tripping and aching so much :smile:

    --bought some smaller weights, as well as a weighted bar to use with my exercise ball and just general exercises. I like the weighted bar. I think I'll be walking around the house with that all the time.

    --ordered a few new yoga dvds and the 30 Day Shred Stiring suggested I try.....should arrive today so hopefully I can check them out in the next few days.

    It felt good to only have to be on the elliptical for 30 minutes today instead of a full hour...I'm getting there!

    Shirley welcome!! We just post whenever we feel like it--some every day, some every week, so every few---whatever works for you. We look forward to hearing from you.

    Sing, Stiring, Alf, Zebra, KB--will catch up on all your latest posts soon! have a great day!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Wow! Sorry to hear you all are having to deal with so much snow. Its been cool here but at least its sunny. I hear its supposed to rain this weekend. Boy I cant wait for warmer weather... Not hot, just warm. Is it bad being so picky??? :laugh:

    My daughter made it home safely with only one incident. She called crying because her GPS decided it was gonna shut off on her. I dont know what happened to it but it did it twice. Once it sat for a while it came back on thank goodness....

    Today I spent the day with both my daughters and my mom. We met up and got a late lunch. It was nice for my mom to be able to get out for a while. She's stuck dealing with her husband that is suffering from PTSD and Alzheimers. Needless to say he's a handful.

    Exercise has consisted of yard work this week. We are trying to get a lower insurance on the house and they want to come take pics... So my husband has been up in the trees cutting back limbs and I helped put them in the wood chipper. We had a HUGE tree that cracked last winter that had to come down so my father in law came by to help with that.

    My sister in law bought one of those machines you hook your water up to and it makes it alkaline. She's sent me some over and I have been drinking it to see if it helps me with any of my issues. Has anyone heard of this and if so what are your thoughts on this? I've read up on an alkaline diet and all the benefits so I thought I'd give it a try.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Sorry I wasn't able to post very much yesterday, but with the snow and Month-end closing here at work, I was swamped with work!

    Reporting day today! For all of our newbies out there, we report our gains or losses, our success and setbacks on Friday.

    Even though my diet is not what I'd like it to be, I am generally pleased with my progress. I've been hitting the weights pretty hard this month and it is really beginning to show. I am lifting about 20% more weight than I did 4 weeks ago. The muscular size and definition are getting there, too. Even though I tend to lift heavy, I will never get those BIG muscles. I'm just not built that way and frankly, it would look silly on my small frame. In my mind I envision that "lifeguard" look, a lean physique with decent muscle definition. Beginning in March I will begin the "lean" phase, as I decrease my lifting days and increase my cardio days. Insanity should help me with this. I've had great success with it in the past, as long as I clean up my diet.

    I hope everyone in the northeast is ok after the big snow storm. We lucked out again, with only 3". People just 30 miles east of us got a foot of snow! Now I see on TV that there is another storm scheduled for next Wednesday...can't wait!! Robin, I'm glad you dodged a bullet with this storm, you've had plenty up there in VT. Speaking of VT, we are entering (daily) the contest on HGTV where they are giving away a new home in Stowe, VT. Hope springs eternal!

    We have our Grandson for the weekend. My wife picked him up last evening and he will be with us until Sunday morning. She has to chase him around by herself today while I am at work. Good thing "Oma" is in good shape. His other grandmother is in terrible shape and can hardly bend over, yet alone play with him. We are trying to teach him good manners and good eating habits. Too bad that he gets little of either at home with his mother. Hope springs eternal once again.

    I will check in later. Have a great day!
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    Hey all...kind of disappointed today...I maintained my weight. I did just start exercising on Wednesday after being sick for so long but was still hoping for something.

    On the up side, I did lose an inch off my weight and hips since I last measured myself and we joined the Y last night so I'm looking forward to mixing up the exercise routine!

    Oh well...there's always next week.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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