What are the top 5 things you recomend to do to lose weight?



  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    This is repeating what others have put-

    1 be patient (this should be something you want long term, it takes a while to change bad habits)
    2 fuel your body properly - eat enough calories!!! Make healthier choices a little at a time
    3 move! Find activities you enjoy, join a class, sports, try something new
    4 log everything. You'd be surprised how many calories are in some foods, drinks and sauces.
    5 know that you're human! Like other addictions there may be relapses. If you fall down you have options, either stay down or get up and continue.

    Being unfit is hard, being fit is hard. Pick your hard!
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    1. SUSTAINABILITY - can you do this for the rest of your life?

    2. LONG TERM GOALS - losing weight is only the first step, 95% of people regain the weight back within 5 years. Losing is only the first step. Don't celebrate too early.

    3. DO IT FOR YOURSELF - don't do it for someone else. If you do, you will fail.

    4. LIVE LIFE - diet and working out is not everything. Have a beer, have a pizza, have that ben & jerries ice cream.

    5. CALORIES OUT > CALORIES IN - paleo diet, atkins diet, banana diet, chicken diet, whatever it is, it's all a sham. I can come up with a pizza only diet and still lose weight if I follow calories out > calories in.

    Hell, I'm 100% sure I can lose weight if I follow an ice cream diet and eat tubs of ice cream as long as it's calories out > calories in.

    Then I can write a book about my ice cream diet and become a millionaire?
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    1 = Commit
    2 = stay focused
    3= If you fall - pick yourself up and start over
    4= always plan ahead
    5= never ever give up
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    You're ALL AWESOME !! thanks for sharing.

  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
  • Jojosdiet1963
    Jojosdiet1963 Posts: 7 Member
    1. Drink a lot of juice and water.

    2. Exercise every day atleast half an hr. it could even be light cleaning.

    3. Eat small portions, I like the lite frozen dinners you can zap in the micro-oven.

    4. Eat big salada, they fill you up and measure the dressing, don't put too much dressing and try to use the lite kind.

    5. Weigh and measure yourself every morning and log your food and exercise in every day.
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    1..Drink. More. Water. Even if you don't so anything else, drink more water. Your skin, hair and nails will look better, your digestion will get better, and it will keep you from putting other things that you should not be having down your throat.

    2. Set aside a time (like 2 or more hours) going through the grocery store reading nutrition labels. You will find some things, ahem, less appealing than before, and you will find a handful of things that you never realized were great choices.

    2A. Spend some of that time in the spice aisle. You won't believe how you could make, say, chicken every night for a week and have something very different every time.

    3. As far as exercise goes, it all counts. As we learned in grade school, an object in motion tends to stay in motion. Anything that kids would call "doing stuff" is exercise. Most of my workouts for the last 4 months have been doing softball drills with my DD13.

    4. If you go over your calorie goal but stayed under your TDEE, you still won. Worry about neither on holidays or vacations because A) That's called having a life and B) It won't be long until having better(and better prepared) foods and smaller portions is what you prefer anyway!

    5. Be realistic (and open to modification), but DO have some type of concrete or tangible motivating goal. For example, I'm getting your portrait professionally done in 6 months. Don't know if I will lose 15 or 45 lbs by then, but doggone it, I will look a lot better than today!
  • Stella_Mayfair
    Stella_Mayfair Posts: 226 Member
    1) Exercise
    2) water
    3) Fibrous meals (keep full longer)
    4) Vegetables!!!
    5) Do all you can not to stress (kills your metabolisms, try watching funny cats or dogs on utube etc)

    "Frowning causes wrinkles and stress causes pimple, so smile and get dimples."-unknown
  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179

    This bump only took 7 months to work
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    1. Drink plenty of water

    2. Get the junk food out of the house.... your family will survive

    3. Only have your plate (and use a small plate so it will look like you have more) of food on the table so you actually have to get up if you are thinking about seconds

    4. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day

    5. Always leave the table a little bit hungry
  • "Frowning causes wrinkles and stress causes pimple, so smile and get dimples."-unknown

    Love it! :happy:
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    1. Have patience. This doesn't happen over night

    2. Be honest with yourself (log accurately, learn from your habits, set small goals)

    3. Move. Lift heavy (for you) and don't skip your workout.

    4. Plan. (Plan your food and workouts a week in advance.... You will learn to adjust them on the fly. It becomes easy)

    5. Love yourself. (Don't ever ever think you can't do it.... We are all sexy b's)

    Xoxoxo Dibsie
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    1. use your food scale
    2. Log everything... even if you know you are over
    3. Where a heart rate monitor when exercising
    4. Don't give up your favourite foods. Have them... in smaller portions
    5. Don't stress about the number on the scale... it takes patience
  • anna_jewel
    anna_jewel Posts: 127 Member
  • Leehblanc
    Leehblanc Posts: 1 Member
    1) Drink plenty of water

    2) Eat plenty of fiber

    3) Set small, incremental goals (6 lbs this month)

    4) Find healthier alternatives (92% lean (or leaner) ground beef for burgers, sandwich thins for bread)

    5) NEVER call it a diet. It's a lifestyle change, and it's permanent
  • 1. I don't weigh myself daily. It saves me from unnecessary stress.
    2. I don't drink Soda/cold drinks. I never liked them. Not even Juice (added sugar), except fresh ones. I drink a small glass of tomato juice right after jogging or some green tea.
    3. I am never strict with my daily calorie goal. I eat minimum 1200. If I eat more, I try to exercise more, either day before or day after. If not, not. Don't beat yourself just because you had a fight with your partner and you had two bowls of vanilla ice cream with some almonds and caramel. It's fine on that day, not on the next day.
    4. Don't make all the changes all of a sudden. Start with a slow step. I started jogging 4 Kms/day and one time a week. Now I am jogging 6-7 Kms/day and 3-4 days/week. It all depends on my schedule.
    5. I try to eat healthy and never drink water while eating or 1 hour after eating. I drink a glass of water just before eating my food.
  • o2cnpl
    o2cnpl Posts: 23 Member
  • njax99
    njax99 Posts: 11 Member
    Love this thread!

    Just have to remember:-

    Water, and lots of it!
    Exercise at least 5 times a week, and vary it keep it interesting!
    calories in vs calories out
    It's a marathon not a sprint so be patient!
    Log everything!
    If you fall off the wagon then jump right back on it!!!
  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member