

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I've been reading your posts ...

    Barbie ... may Jake and you experience peace through this difficult time.

    Brenda ... so sorry your family has had to go through so much. As much as I wish you could, I don't know that there's much you can do to alleviate the grief of another ... just keep loving her and listening to her.

    Katla ... will be praying your husband's surgery brings complete healing.

    Lesley in Tasmania ... happy to see that you are finally achieving the results you desired! How heavy of a statin were you on? I'm convinced they are no good for us but didn't realize they could disrupt metabolism.

    Well, add me to the ranks of those who fell off the wagon and are beating themselves up! With dread I got on the scale this morning and it confirmed that I haven't been following any kind of plan. So, while this is actually the end of the month, it is the beginning of my new October plan. I have been playing around with calories and mindless eating and no exercise and it has all added up to a 10 pound gain!!! Yikes!! This will not do. Back to the basics. Weighing and logging every bite, drinking water, and regular exercise that includes strength training. This has worked in the past and I know will work again.

    I have to learn how to operate on an even keel even when everything around me is off kilter. I am allowing too many things I have no control over suck the joy right out of me. And this, in turn, causes me to eat with abandon. Recognizing that this is the case and not allowing it to happen are two different things.

    For example, I was going to report that DS#2 with migraines had 10 days headache free ... until this morning ... when he awakened with another violent migraine. Very hard to experience joy today when all I really want to do is cry for him ... but as you know ... overeating will not solve this problem or any of the other dificulties of today.

    Waiting for a return call from the neurologist ....

  • Cammyfaye
    Cammyfaye Posts: 28 Member
    I have been here for 2 weeks and I see the word "Bump" a lot. I hate to sound dumb but what does that mean in here?
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    Bump to save my place.
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Just a pop in, I am at work but leave in 20 minutes to go to my DGD's other grandmother's funeral. I get a half day off which I think is generous of my work. I came in early so that 10 will make a half day. I still work tonight at the Y.
    I hope everyone is doing well, Take care and be healthy!
    Patty, Cincinnati OH
  • Cammyfaye
    Cammyfaye Posts: 28 Member
    oh ok...thanks Margaret :)
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Cammyfaye ... Welcome! Bump means "bring up my post" ... makes it easier to find where you left off. This thread, by the way, will end at the end of the month and Barbie will open us a new one for October. Watch for it. Then, after 500 posts, the thread is automatically locked ... again there will be a link to the new page. :smile:
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    CammyFaye, bump just means Bring Up My Place. You do that when you don't have time for a longer post. It then shows up in MyTopics so you can easily find us again. Welcome, by the way!

    Barbie, I'm so sorry to hear about Jakes brother.

    I'm having a tough time getting around today. I was in a dog fight yesterday evening and got jerked every which way and this morning I am sore all over. I was walking our two dogs by myself, which is hard to do under the best circumstances (they are a two dog sled team) when a neighbor's dog (running loose) came running up to us. Missy, the neighbors dog (a Shepard mix?) was greeting Bruno and got annoyed when he had a spasm of Excessive Greeting Disorder. She nailed Burno, and had him down on the ground snarling, he was shrieking, I was screaming and trying to pull him away while trying to push her off him, when Molly unleashed her inner Bi*~#h and attacked Missy hard! Then Missy was down and shrieking and I was trying to drag Molly back. Then Missy went after Bruno again! Meanwhile, another neighbor was running toward us to try to help. She finally lured Missy away while I managed to drag my two home. Luckily, the only blood drawn was my own. (Well, I don't actually know if Missy had any injuries, but my dogs are ok.) I had a few scratches on my hands and a huge bruise on my left arm where the leashes made my fitbit dig into my wrist, and another bruise on my leg where a leash got wrapped around it and pulled tight. I thought my shoulder may have been dislocated, but probably it's just sprained. But boy am I sore! How many calories on MFP can I claim for a dog fight?

    Twice now Molly has come to Bruno's defense, which is odd considering half the time she tries to kill him herself. It's like, nobody can kill my little brother but me!

    I have to drive down to the county courthouse this morning to straighten out some confusion on our car tag renewal. Hubby sent the check, they sent back the renewal stickers, and all was well, till about a week later when they returned our check saying we had overpaid, and please send another check. We did not overpay. We just combined the two cars in one check. It kind of makes you wonder how the government functions at all.

    I'd better get busy. Have a great Monday.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! It's rainy and dreary here which is making me achy all over, but am otherwise okay. My realtor texted last night to let me know that someone wants to see the house today at 2 p.m. I'm am so hoping and praying that this is the one that will actually buy! The last folks didn't think it had enough curb appeal. Well, buy it and do your own darned landscaping! I have no money to do anything more.

    Brenda - Wow! Your heart must surely be breaking for your daughter. My suggestion is to give her some options and let her choose. She will probably know what she needs. She may need to stay at home where she can visit the grave (or whatever), look at wedding pictures, etc. and just give herself over to grieving. I have a a feeling that is what I'd want to do. Maybe you could provide her with a cozy blanket and her favorite comfort foods if that is her choice (with the promise of hugs and holding from you, if desired). She may like to do something special in his memory. Is there a paint your own pottery place nearby where you and she could go together and paint a plate or keepsake box with the date and some symbols of their love and the things they enjoyed together? As I think someone else mentioned, maybe spending the night before with you in her childhood bedroom will make her feel secure in a world that must definitely seem to be chaos to her. My personal opinion is that it may be too soon to try to distract her.

    Michele - What is the brand of the low sodium cottage cheese that you get. I love cottage cheese, but it is so high in sodium that I've been trying to avoid it. North Carolina is much more progressive with smoking bans than are other states. I went to Oklahoma a few years ago and was completely shocked (and appalled) to find that smoking was allowed in the music venue we were in.

    Barbie - My condolences to Jake. I'm sure he has some mixed feelings about not going to be with his family, but it is quite the distance to travel for just a couple of days.

    Lesley - Awesome on the weight loss!! I wonder what else we're all eating/taking that messes with our metabolism. I'm so glad you're feeling better.

    Well, I suppose I ought to get some work done. I really don't like Mondays...

    Carol in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,357 Member
    Good afternoon!

    I'm checked in, I'm almost completely packed and I hope I've remembered everything.:noway: :noway: I still haven't decided whether to wash my hair tonight or wait until tomorrow morning after exercising. I get so drenched during exercise! We leave the house around 10.30 tomorrow and I want to get my exercise in. I might just have to get up a bit earlier. Managed 601 cals this morning.
    DH slept last night and doesn't seem too bad at the moment. I am not expecting to sleep tonight.:tongue:

    Barbie - Sorry to hear about Jake's brother.:flowerforyou:

    Katla - I will be thinking of you and your DH tomorrow.:flowerforyou:

    Beth - You can do it.:flowerforyou: You've done it before and you can do it again.:flowerforyou:

    Brenda - so sad for your daughter.:flowerforyou: :brokenheart: Just being there, as others have said, is the greatest help. Moving will at least take her mind off things, even it is stressful.

    Bye for now, Heather UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :heart: Brenda, you already know that everyone has to grieve in their own way....be there for your daughter but I suggest that you don't impose any solutions on her.....be there financially (f you can) for something that she needs, rather than something you think she might want, and don't deprive yourself of happy times because you feel guilty that she can't be happy now....hugs to your:heart:

    :flowerforyou: Jane, I have been to NYC several times and enjoyed all of it.....it sounds like you have more than enough suggestions of what to do (some of them are things I would have suggested)

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I run to the AT&T store for help with my phone and have a computer expert friend who will come to the house to rescue me from computer confusion.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Jake is doing fine.....thank you all for your kind thoughts for him on the death of his older brother

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful cool NW Washington

    "Strategy is stronger than willpower".----from "The Thin Commandments Diet"
  • MimiPersists
    MimiPersists Posts: 94 Member
    Brenda, my heart goes out to you and your daughter. :heart: :brokenheart: :heart: She has a wonderful mom, to love her so much. I’m sure you will do the right thing for her. I’m guessing though that she doesn’t even know what that is. Just being there will mean a lot. Sending hugs.

    Barbie, please let Jake know he has my sympathy. :heart: It’s got to be hard to see someone you love in pain. Sending hugs to you and Jake too.

    Alison, I hope you’re feeling better.

    Beth, I’m with you and cheering you on as you get back on track. :flowerforyou: My last “slip” was 50 pounds. I am still working my way back to where I was. 10 pounds is workable. Now is the absolute best time to work on it.

    The thing that’s kind of funny (in a sad kind of way) is that eating off track makes us feel worse, not better. :huh: We may feel happier when we’re actually taking that bite, but feeling worse follows immediately :huh: :frown: :huh:

    We can do this!

    :noway: :noway:
    Sylvia and everyone who has had problems with dogs fighting, I urge you to run, not walk, to your nearest pet store or, better and cheaper yet, Amazon, and get some citronella spray. It’s amazing how a harmless spray that smells fine to us will take the nastiness right out of fighting dogs.
    :noway: :noway:

    Heather, I hope your trip is wonderful! I’m excited for you.

    My DD has gone to Reno to help my niece while her DH is in the hospital, still recovering from pneumonia. (It's been two weeks now.) I took my DGDs and two of their friends to school. I actually got there early. I think DD was so worried that I’d drive too slowly and be late that she told me a way-too-early time. :laugh:

    My poor DGDs were tired this morning. They really didn’t even eat their breakfasts but took extra with them in their lunches. My DSIL doesn’t do a good job of getting them to bed on time the night before when DD is gone.

    Oh well. :ohwell: What can I say? Not much, I’m glad to report!! Actually, I didn’t say a word. By far the best approach. They’ll recover and his and my relationship will stay intact. :smile:

    My two DGDs can be whippersnappers but I love them. :love:

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 494 Member
    Hello Lovely Ladies,

    Today I did strength training for upper body then treadmill. I have housework today so not a lot of time.

    Barbie, adding my condolences for the loss of Jake's brother.

    Brenda, you have a lot of good advice here for your daughter. I agree with Barbie, just be there for her.

    Alison, I accepted your friend request. You can see Brian on my profile page. Just below my profile pic is the link to my photos.

    Michele, making chocolate muffins later today or tomorrow.????

    Hugs to all,

    Cindy in OK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    A man came home and was greeted by his wife dressed in a very sexy nightie. 'Tie me up,' she purred, 'and you can do anything you want.'

    So he tied her up and went golfing.

  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Brenda - I'm so sorry. It is so difficult to lose someone and when it happens suddenly I think it's much harder. As I'm sure you know, there aren't any easy or pat answers when someone is grieving. She will go through all of the phases of grief from being numb, angry, sadness-depression, guilt, etc. These are all normal and do not occur on a linear timeline. She will go from one to another and may revisit them again. Out of the blue, sadness will fall and she may cry at the drop of a hat or standing in line. Probably one thing she is unable or finding very hard to do at this time is make decisions so I wouldn't necessarily keep asking her what can you do, what does she need, what she is going to do next. She probably doesn't even know what she'll have for her next meal and it probably doesn't seem important to her. Don't be surprised if she snaps at you when you're trying to be helpful. You probably know all of this but sometimes when we're close to the situation we can end up feeling hurt because we're only trying to help. As far as the anniversaries, I think I would talk with my DH first and see if he has any thoughts. If you're not ones to have to celebrate on the actual day, maybe plan to do something at a later time and just have a quiet, private rememberance on your special day between the two of you. For her day, I think you have gotten some good ideas from the others. She may come to you and tell you how she plans on spending the day, maybe wants to be by herself, maybe with her parents, and maybe even with a close girlfriend if she has someone. My sister's husband passed at a young age from cancer. His birthday was a couple of months later and although she didn't tell anyone at the time, she sat on the floor of their walk-in closet and sobbed for hours while holding onto his clothes. She had felt she had to hold everything together for their 5 year old daughter and run the house, pay the bills, etc. It was the first time she could just release everything by herself. It is so hard to see those we love hurting and know there isn't a thing we can do to take it from them. We can only be there when they reach out. There is a website called www.grief.com that seems to have some good information. Also, there is a great program called GriefShare that many churches hold. It provides a great support group for people dealing with all types of loses.

    Haven't posted much in September but I have read all. Put me in the group with those dealing with weight gain. I haven't just fallen off the wagon, it has run over me several times. So tired all of the time and eating everything in sight for extra energy. I have several dr. appointments I have to make. Been years for eyes, gynecologist, mammogram, general physical, and never for a colonoscopy. I really need to just make the appointments. One issue is they book so far out that it is hard to plan. The times I've had appointments, I've had to cancel due to illness, weather, or some other issue. I always find it funny when they ask if a certain date is good when it's 6 months out. Now, if they ask me if I can make Thursday I could say yes! :laugh:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hello to all: Doing somewhat better with the breathing although still on steroids and antibiotics. Went out to the stables yesterday thinking I might ride but was so out of breath after getting my horse out of the pasture that I decided not to. I will not quite make 100 miles this month, would have to walk nearly 10 miles today and tomorrow but not too far off the mark. I will have to make that a goal for October again. Eating is a little crazy with the antibiotics, cannot eat 2-3 hours before or after taking it. I have managed not to gain any weight with the steroids so far and I am almost done with them.

    Katla - Sending healing wishes for your DH. I hate sitting in waiting rooms. It seems that there is nothing that is a really good distraction.

    Barbie - Condolences to Jake.

    Heather - Years ago my hair was thinning and my hairdresser suggested I take brewer's yeast. Apparently hair loss can be caused by an imbalance of B vitamins. I do not remember how long I took it but it solved the problem.

    Mimi - I think when I am tired and stressed I default to eating to make myself feel temporarily better. Key work is temporary. I know that it is not a solution and I will eventually feel worse but for a tiny space of time I have put off dealing with it. Nothing to do but try again and hopefully come up with a new coping strategy.

    Allison - Glad the party was a success. Take care of yourself now.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Brenda, I've been trying t think of something to say that would help, but I just can't think of anything. It's is so sad. My very worst fear is losing my husband, so I don't know how anyone gets over it. Especially so young. I did find a site for a blog called Motorcycle Widow, where the woman blogs about her grief. I dont know if it would help to know that she isn't alone, but here is the link:

    Is there a grief support group in her area? They have one here but I only know that because I saw a poster at the grocery store. I really don't know what they do.

    I'm sorry for you too, to see your child going through this. It must be agony.

    Please let us know as time goes by how she is doing.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,805 Member
    evening ladies,
    well I need advice from you retired nurses... left side bothering me, sorta like a I have a stitch in my side, and am bloated to beat the band, now ,mind you I can use the bathroom fine,both 1 and 2:blushing: .
    I am worried that it could be my kidneys giving out on me.. I am stage 3 of 5 with Polycystic Kidney disease, and have been ok so far.but,I feel like one of the Macy's balloons,not gas either. going to try slimming tea tonight to see if that helps, if not will call and make a drs appt for weds, as I have to work all day tomorrow. well I will check in in the am:wink:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Brenda:smile: My heart goes out to you and your daughter:brokenheart: ! I have been there, my hubby died 16 years ago from a tragic accident. Kayak Kutie said everything I wanted to say. There is nothing you can do but be there for her for whatever she might need. Let her plan that day, she may want to be alone with her pain, or she may want to be with friends, or be with you. The last thing she needs pressure to try to please someone else. She may also want you to celebrate your anniversary, she may not want to be there, but I know if my parents had not celebrated their anniversary because of me, I would have felt so guilty for taking that away from them. My mom and dad were wonderful when my hubby died, they were there if I needed them, they left me alone when I just couldn`t handle being around people. My mother called me everyday just to say hello, I appreciated that more than words can say! I know it`s hard on you too, there is nothing worse than watching your child hurt! Just let her know you`re there for her! Wishing you all the best!!!

    Barbie:smile: I`m sorry to hear about Jake`s brother, please send him my sympathy!!!

    Alison:smile: Sounds like you need to see your Dr.!!! I`m not a nurse and I don`t know anything about Polycystic Kidney disease, but feeling as bloated as a Macy`s balloon is scary! I`m not so sure I would do that slimming tea either, not without checking with the Dr. first! Good luck my friend!

    Heather:smile: Have a safe trip!!! I know you`ll have a grand time!

    Beth:smile: So sorry your son is having migraine issues:sad: !

    Cindy:smile: Brian is such a little handsome cutie:love: !!!

    I spent the weekend with my aunt:love: , she is a little spitfire:smokin: , she tried to fix me up with a Dr. friend of hers:noway: , he`s 73, retired and in her words can take me anywhere I might like to go:laugh: . I love her dearly but that was a little much for me!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful night!

    DeeDee back in dreary NC
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    "Lesley in Tasmania ... happy to see that you are finally achieving the results you desired! How heavy of a statin were you on? I'm convinced they are no good for us but didn't realize they could disrupt metabolism".
    I was on the top dose allowed and doctor wanted permission to go higher doh! His Intern was a girl who had done her Masters with me at peter mac.She hardly recognised me at size OZ 22, I was anOZ 12 when she left. She had been working in America and realised my skeletal muscles were lysing. My cholesterol was 12 mmol/L on the statins. She stopped me right there and then. I have been on Lipidil for 2 years, a non-statin, and cholesterol was 6.9 mmol/L last check

    Well I was not hungry yesterday and my cals far too LOW at 1250 cals, and did 10,000 steps to boot.
    Will be happier when I see dietition tomorrow, Wednesday, for more guidance.
    Happy with Duromine and on 5th day now. Just a slight headache now and thirsty. Drank 3.5 L yesterday
    Shopping today so better finish the shopping list.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good eve.
    sending prayers and hugs to Brenda and your daughter.