New Couch to 5k (C25K) thread - anyone out there in week 1?



  • I''m new to this site but started the C25K program in October. I loved it - you can take your time - I was very careful and took it very slow. One word of advise - do not jog/run on concrete - like the sidewalk. Unfortunately after 4 weeks running via sidewalks, I developed a stress fracture in my hip and ended up on crutches for 2 months...........
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    POLL: Is it better to push yourself to run/walk faster during these drills (which might result in needing a breather) or to keep a slower pace?

    I'm completely torn. I push myself to get to higher speeds on each day of the week, then revert back to lower for the first day of the next week, then move higher as I go through the week.

    Does it even matter at this point since we're not doing any long runs which require more stamina?

    Personally I think slower speed for the running portion and I up the walking speed, but it is hard for me to breath when I increase the speed when I run.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    POLL: Is it better to push yourself to run/walk faster during these drills (which might result in needing a breather) or to keep a slower pace?

    I'm completely torn. I push myself to get to higher speeds on each day of the week, then revert back to lower for the first day of the next week, then move higher as I go through the week.

    Does it even matter at this point since we're not doing any long runs which require more stamina?

    I'm on Week 3. I've been focusing on my form, my stride, how I land on my feet, and my breathing. I notice that when I get tired, I don't lift my legs up and I land on my feet heavy. When I notice I do that - I try to fix my form and focus on breathing correctly. It just happens that when I focus on my technique, my pace picks up. Never liking running before, I want to make sure I'm doing it right. LOL.
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Last night was supposed to be W2D2 but never made it to the gym, life interfered instead. I was planning on doing W2D2 this evening but am having second thoughts about it, I am starting to wonder if maybe I should back up and start from the beginning again. With all these posts about form, posture, etc I want to make sure I have got this down pat before I start moving into the harder weeks.

    Suggestions, does anybody think this is a good idea or should I just continue with W2D2 tonight? Please help!!!
  • I have a dilemma. I started C25K on the 23rd. I have only been able to run the 1 time. I workout 6 days a week (zumba & kickboxing), but I have no treadmill and its still to dark out to run in the mornings/evenings (before or after work). that leaves me with weekends. Feeling a bit frustrated as I am trying to get ready for a 5k in March. Any advice?
  • sdhorne
    sdhorne Posts: 69 Member
    W1 D2:
    2.2 Mi

    Walk and run pace improved!
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Just tried- week 3 day 1. I really think this may kill me. Will I ever be able to run without getting winded. I mean my legs get kindof tired but the problem is I cannot breathe. They say keep it at a light jog so you can still talk to someone... I can barely stay upright on those longer runs. Will that work itself out?

    Maybe you should do each week twice like some of our other members. That way you can work on building up your endurance and not pushing ahead to a harder week when your body isn't ready for it. It would probably make it easier for you to complete the program if you aren't killing yourself trying to do it.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Jacinta, welcome to the group!

    Ruby, please keep on talking about your lovely weather. it helps remind me that this cold icky snow will be gone soon enough. Plus, I've never been to Australia, so I like hearing about it :)

    Newmeat, so you jog with just your HRM. Can I ask what zone you have it set to? I used mine for the first time last night on the elliptical and I had to go so slow for it to not yell at me. I have it set to stay in the fat burning zone - zone 2. I'm curious what it'll do tonight when I do my c25k run, because I can't go that slow when I run.

    Shanner, congrats!

    iarookie, I think that it will work itself out. If you aren't a trained runner, you won't become one over night. It'll take some time for your body to get used to the change. I haven't looked ahead yet at what is in store for week 3, but I imagine it's tough. The thing is, though, it'll just get tougher as we go along. I'd suggest maybe sticking to week 2 for now. I made a deal with myself that I would do this program (and complete it!), but that I would not move on to the next week until I could finish the current week strong. It may take me 2 or 3 weeks of running on, say, week 2, but that's what I'll do until I'm ready to take on week 3.

    ds, eek. Thanks for the tip. I hope you're ok now?

    Kendra, I think it's up to you whether you want to start over. If you want to focus on your form and breathing and stuff, maybe just go back to week 1 runs for just a run or two and try to pay attention to your form there. If you want to start over from the beginning though, it's only the difference of a week.

    This brings up a good point though, using a couple of runs to take it easy and watch your form (or get someone else to watch it for you) isn't a bad idea. It's probably good to do that from time to time anyway.

    Let us know what you decide.

    Sneakers, hm. I can understand the frustration. How much longer is it until it's light enough to run outside? Maybe you should wait until you can do that to be able to do the program. Otherwise, you can do it on a bike or an elliptical? Maybe run on your lunch break? Do they have treadmills where you do zumba and kickboxing?

    Well, I'm planning to do W2D3 tonight. I'm going to use my HRM for the first time running. I wonder if it will make me go really slow to stay within the fat burning heart rate zone. We'll see how it goes.

    Good job everyone, keep it up!
  • HM - could I "exchange" running time for the stationary bicycle once a week? do you think it would be effective? I have one at home. I can run on the weekends, my zumba studio is a dance studio so there is no equipment. I am not willing to give it up for a gym with machines.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Sneakers, my opinion (even if not very educated) is that any sort of interval training is really good for your body. If you can't do the runs now, or if you can only do 2 per week on the weekends, I don't see any reason you can't adapt the program to work for a bicycle. Just go at a normal pace for the "walks" and really push it for the "run" parts. It'll at least get you through until it gets lighter outside.
  • jemmur
    jemmur Posts: 57 Member
    Hey Everyone! I was wondering if you any of you use bluetooth headphones? I was thinking about getting one and was hoping someone had recommendations :) I run with my dog and sometimes between the leash and the cord on my headphones, it's not so much fun. I was also going to get an armband for my phone (I use it for music/GPS/C25K timer). Any suggestions would be appreciated!!
    Have you tried dropping your headphone cord down your t-shirt? It drives me nuts when my headphone cord bounces off my chest or flaps around in the wind and this seems to solve most of my problems :)

    I'm hoping to get running again tomorrow - my calves STILL aren't right but they're not very sore any more. I'm planning just to do half of W1D1 (four runs) and see how that feels. Sounds really pathetic but I don't want a repeat of the last time and my 5k isn't until July, so there's plenty time.
  • Hi everyone!
    I am currently on Week 4 day 2 (I do it 5 times a week as my cardio and add yoga and kickboxing to mix it up).
    I am doing it on a treadmil because I have one at my house and it just seemed like a better way to keep track of how fast/long/far I am running. I warm up/cool down walking at 3.5mph and walk at 3mph for breaks. I run at 6mph. Week 4 is definitely a lot different than weeks 1-3! It had me huffing and puffing when I was done but I was able to complete it without any unplanned breaks. Today I will do it again. I'm kind of afraid but I know that I did it once and I can do it again. Looking ahead at week 5 seems really crazy. 25:00 straight run. We'll see how I do.

    It's great to see others doing C25K, we can support each other!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I was scheduled to run on Tuesday, but my youngest daughter has been sick and so my running has taken a backseat. We spent 4 hours at Emergency today, and I'm hoping that she's finally on the mend. So hopefully, I'll be able to get back to running soon. Right now I'm a walking zombie, as I have barely slept in 2 days...

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • Hi everyone!

    I finished week 2 day 3 this morning....

    *walking speed was 3.7
    *running was 5.2
    *left my incline on 2 the entire time

    Keep up the great work everyone...this keeps me motivated (and accountable) :smile:
  • Terrilu428
    Terrilu428 Posts: 7 Member
    Funny...just posted my own thread on this before I saw yours. I just finished Week 1 day 2 today. I made need to repeat Week 1...did better with my breathing today and didn't feel like I was going to be sick, but still having to walk to slow I think to catch my breath again. Are there good ipod apps to calculate the speed?
  • Finished week 1 today. Went better than expected and looking foward to starting week 2 on Saturday. Might have to slow my run speed down slightly as I don't want to struggle over the longer run durations.
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member

    Newmeat, so you jog with just your HRM. Can I ask what zone you have it set to? I used mine for the first time last night on the elliptical and I had to go so slow for it to not yell at me. I have it set to stay in the fat burning zone - zone 2. I'm curious what it'll do tonight when I do my c25k run, because I can't go that slow when I run.

    My HRM (Polar F6) has a setting called "Own Zone" and I set it to the "Moderate" setting of my Own Zone (if that makes any sense). So with my personal setting that is a Low zone of 135 and a High zone of 155 so I try and walk with my HR in the 130s and run with my HR in the 150s. ****Forgive me if that makes NO sense.

    On another note...I'm getting fitted for shoes on Sunday and I *should* be sporting my new pair in time for my run Sunday afternoon and hopefully it will be pain free. :)
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    So I continued on with W2D2 this evening, decided not to start over with week 1. It was better than D1 but still hard. I increased by walking to 3.5 and ran at 5.1 had an awesome burn and felt really good afterward.
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    HM - I had a theory on your HRM last night while at the gym, when using your HRM you have on the chest strap to get your actual heart rate which I believe contributes to how many calories you have burned. When you used the treadmill the other night and your calories were so different between your HRM and the treadmill - do you have sensors on your treadmill to get your heart rate? and did you enter your weight on the treadmill as well? I don't know but I think these two factors would possibly contribute to your HRM and the treadmill being so different.

    The reason I say this is because last night I noticed my HR and calorie count between my HRM and the treadmill were different by approx 10, which brought on my theory.

    I hope this makes sense :happy:
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    I just finished Week 3! Woohoo!! I'm very happy I made it this far. LOL. I'm averaging about 13-14 min/mil. My avg speed is about 4.5 mi/hi.

    The 90 sec run has become easy. The 3 minute run, I'm still struggling for the last 30 seconds or so - just need to push myself. I was surprised that I haven't had to stop mid-run, which is awesome! I start week 4 on Sunday.

    Happy running!
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