Calling all female lifters



  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    How much do you bench, squat, deadlift..

    BENCH: 75
    SQUAT: 125
    DEADLIFT: 105

    Bench 75 (three sets of 12) I'd love to increase to 85, but I am NOT asking a guy in the gym to stand over me dangling his man parts over my head. LOL
    Squat 15 (six sets of one handed angle lifting above my head)
    Deadlift 40 (three sets of 12, then with rows three sets of 3 and two sets of 7)
    I also complete 15 three sets of 12 standing bicep curls, same but 20 lbs. straight up and three sets of 15 cross body.
    I want to increase my overhead triceps from three set of 12 from 25 lbs to 30, but I am afraid I'll clock myself in the head (I'm clumsy)

    I do not see the benefit of super high weights because of injury. I'd rather increase slowly and safely.

    Heavy weights do not pose a significantly higher chance of injury. When lifting heavy, form is felt and has to be correct. Yes you can get injured but if your form is off, you feel it....nobody starts off at the heavy numbers, they progress to them. On light weights, form needs much more concentration to maintain it. Light weights can injure you severely, my husband was doing overhead skull crushers with only 35lbs. he caused a tear in his upper trap and pinched a nerve in his neck...numerous doctors visits, aleve (prescription) daily, physical therapy for the last 2.5 months.....hopefully it heals without shots or surgery. My only injury lifting heavy is my thumb (slight tendon tear, need to wear a special brace to support my thumb when lifting)....I dropped a 45lb plate 3 inches onto it, had nothing to do with lifting...I was putting my weights away.Both of our injuries could easily happen to you.

    You may not see the benefit and that is fine but the snideness of the last sentence is ignorant. Anyone can progressively train into lifting heavier and it is a slow progress. It sounds like you work hard but don't justify your routine by being dismissive and condescending to wasn't warranted. No one would have said a word about your numbers or routine and if they did, a simple "it's the way I prefer would have sufficed" and if they were rude a simple "f off" would have worked.

    Hope you have a great night :flowerforyou:

    In other news.....I need straps, Could not even hit my calculated 1rm without grip giving instantly :grumble:

    Eta: at some gyms women workout, I can easily spot 85lb and don't have 'dangling man parts'. A spot is a spot, also at 85lbs most of the guys try to be respectful and stand at an angle when spotting a female.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Injured, so nothing now. But my pre-injury lifts were as follows:

    @129 lb body weight:

    Squats: 135
    Deadlifts: 160
    Bench: 95

    *my injury had zero to do with lifting.
  • kateangel2312
    kateangel2312 Posts: 242 Member
    Squats 35
    deadlifts 70
    bench 35

    This is fine with me, wouldn't care about adding anymore
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well based on my heaviest lifts doing SL 5x5 these are my current PRs

    Squat 185x5 puts my 1RM at 208
    DL 210x5 puts my 1RM at 236
    Bench 130x5 puts my 1RM at 146

    doing 5/3/1 now and not so worried about lifting a lot of weight it will get there...I won't ever compete either...just not my thing.

    Just doing this to keep fit, be strong, be healthy and because I love it.

    JawBone posted an interesting quote on FB the other day....I am not here to compete with anyone I just hope we all make it...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    , but I am NOT asking a guy in the gym to stand over me dangling his man parts over my head. LOL
    You know I've been lifting a long time and I have yet to ask a man to do that for me.
    I do not see the benefit of super high weights because of injury. I'd rather increase slowly and safely.

    lol wut??

    Kitkat did a way better job of handling this comment than I would- because I"m precoffee right now- and I don' have cute things to say tha'ts for sure.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    Update from my meet today.

    Squat - still 264. Tried 275 and couldn't get up
    Bench - matched 121. Not disappointed in not seeing an increase when my coach was extremely happy with form
    Dead - 368.5. Saw in increase, even if it wasn't as much as I was hoping.

    Now time for an actual proper training cycle (3 meets in 6 weeks was kinda crazy) and see more improvements

    Nice. I'm looking forward to seeing all the results posted. Any increase at all in contest is a big deal particularly after you've been competing for a while.
  • Efrager
    Efrager Posts: 3 Member
    my thighs and butt need help! I've lost weight and my arms look amazing from weights... What do you recommend for getting my legs and butt really tight looking?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Update from my meet today.

    Squat - still 264. Tried 275 and couldn't get up
    Bench - matched 121. Not disappointed in not seeing an increase when my coach was extremely happy with form
    Dead - 368.5. Saw in increase, even if it wasn't as much as I was hoping.

    Now time for an actual proper training cycle (3 meets in 6 weeks was kinda crazy) and see more improvements

    Nice. I'm looking forward to seeing all the results posted. Any increase at all in contest is a big deal particularly after you've been competing for a while.

    Any progress is awesome- can't wait to see how you do!!!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    5 x 5
    Squats 145
    DL 120 (haven't tried 1RM)
    Bench 75
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    Squat: 185lbs
    Deadlift: 235lbs
    Bench: 85lbs

    Five reps for each lift. I haven't done a 1 rep test in a while.
  • Jcao1214
    Jcao1214 Posts: 19 Member
    Doing Stronglifts 5x5
    BP 75
    Squat 155
    Deadlift 155
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    You ladies are all awesome!!! Here's to braking the mold! :drinker:
    Looking at your numbers makes me think I'm not pushing enough on my bench lol.

    Currently my 1RM

    Bench 90
    Squat 155
    Dead 190
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    Started Stronglifts 5x5 last week and loving it. I am increasing my weights a little slower than recommended as I have an old shoulder injury to work around. So far (including weight of 45lb bar):

    squats 50lbs
    bench press 50lbs
    barbell row 45lbs
    overhead press 35lbs
    deadlift 50lbs

    increasing in 2.5lb increments, just want to increase and i don't mind if it is slowly. When i grow up I want to lift weights like you awesome ladies!!!! (I am starting this at age 54 by the way lol, got my black belt at age 52 and wanted a new challenge )
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I was sharing my own opinion about what is right for me. It was not meant as a criticism against anyone else:heart: , and I am surprised that it was taken that way:huh: . I guess I should have specified that I have two previous injuries that prevent me from being able to lift heavy safely without increasing slowly and of course focusing on my form:brokenheart: . It was not meant as a comment on anyone else's status nor meant to aggravate anyone else:mad: . Also, I know most people are comfortable with spotting each other. I was trying to be funny. Comedic fail:sad: .

    I am extremely impressed with the bench press numbers from the ladies. Being stuck at 75 has me miffed:grumble: , but seeing other's numbers give make me want to increase my training time.:smile:
  • EMergise
    EMergise Posts: 36 Member
    So inspiring to see all the weights you guys can shift!!

    I do a lot of high rep work at the moment (i.e. Body Pump, but with relatively decent weights 20kg for back track) but I really want to get into lifting, I'm a bit scared to go out in the gym by myself!! Did you guys get PT's or anything for your first sessions?
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Update from my meet today.

    Squat - still 264. Tried 275 and couldn't get up
    Bench - matched 121. Not disappointed in not seeing an increase when my coach was extremely happy with form
    Dead - 368.5. Saw in increase, even if it wasn't as much as I was hoping.

    Now time for an actual proper training cycle (3 meets in 6 weeks was kinda crazy) and see more improvements

    Nice. I'm looking forward to seeing all the results posted. Any increase at all in contest is a big deal particularly after you've been competing for a while.

    Mike's got the results posted. I'm happy and Barry is happy with how I did, and now it's time to work on bringing my squat and bench up so that I can be truly competitive within my weight class
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    Update from my meet today.

    Squat - still 264. Tried 275 and couldn't get up
    Bench - matched 121. Not disappointed in not seeing an increase when my coach was extremely happy with form
    Dead - 368.5. Saw in increase, even if it wasn't as much as I was hoping.

    Now time for an actual proper training cycle (3 meets in 6 weeks was kinda crazy) and see more improvements

    Nice. I'm looking forward to seeing all the results posted. Any increase at all in contest is a big deal particularly after you've been competing for a while.

    Mike's got the results posted. I'm happy and Barry is happy with how I did, and now it's time to work on bringing my squat and bench up so that I can be truly competitive within my weight class

    I just saw them. There was a lot of solid lifting all round.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Gym PRs

    Squat: 275lb
    Bench (paused): 150lb
    Bench (tap and go): 160lb
    Deadlift: 330lb

    Meet PRs:

    Squat: 270lb
    Deadlift: 330lb (with really loose refereeing, so really 325lb for a legit pull)
  • PwrLftr82
    PwrLftr82 Posts: 945 Member
    I have a mental block with my squat that is holding me up, and I finally stopped psyching myself out with deadlift.


    Squat: 155 lb (3x5)
    Bench:90 lb (3x3)
    Deadlift: 155 lb (3x3)
  • amcanally1
    amcanally1 Posts: 9 Member
    back squat 125lbs x 3
    bench 85lbs 3x3
    dead lift 1rm 245lbs