Marijuana and weight loss?



  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    I agree kim...generalizing all pot smokers is dangerous. I don't smoke it while my fiance is away...that's an entire week. Pot may be psychologicall addicting, but then so are video games and "losing" yourself in mother nature. It isn't associated with binge drinking, or heroin. It's pot, I'm not snorting it off the back of a toilet in some sleezy hotel...I'm also not smoking it to lose weight. It's not a pill or a routine that you do because you've gained 50lbs...if you notice that you can't handle porking out after you smoke a doob, then obviously you should smoke it on "cheat" days. If you can handle the munchies and you still feel great, then what's the problem? It's trial and error for me, I knew better than to smoke it before I worked out, and sure as hell, I didn't end up working out. So now I use it as a reward for busting my *kitten*. Once everything is done and it's "down time"...I go outside, have a couple of hoots, and let my day end. It has nothing to do with losing weight, or escaping my life. I have a good life!

    Amen sister.
  • paroxysm
    uh- public board my bad =) I don't think it makes you gain. just hungry.
  • QueenObscene69
    QueenObscene69 Posts: 14 Member
    weed is WAYYY better for you than alcohol...PERIOD!

    where did you get the idea that weed has bad chemicals in it?! it's not like it's tobacco!! THC is a chemical (the good kind, duh!) and it doesn't hurt your liver like alcohol does. weed is used for medicinal purposes too. you think they'd distribute it to people with serious life-threatening illnesses if it was going to hurt them? sheesh!

    weed will only hurt your weight loss goals if you can't control yourself when you get "the munchies"
    and plus, alcohol is loaded with calories and can also lead to the munchies...AND health problems

    if you can't control your munchies, then don't toke and/or drink when you're trying to lose weight. it's common sense!

    just stay within your calorie goals when you toke up and you'll be fine...same goes for when you choose to drink.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Totally agree :laugh:
    i don't know the science behind it, but the munchies is enough!!!

    marijuana and weight loss are two words that don't belong in the same sentence!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    weed is WAYYY better for you than alcohol...PERIOD!

    where did you get the idea that weed has bad chemicals in it?! it's not like it's tobacco!! THC is a chemical (the good kind, duh!) and it doesn't hurt your liver like alcohol does. weed is used for medicinal purposes too. you think they'd distribute it to people with serious life-threatening illnesses if it was going to hurt them? sheesh!

    weed will only hurt your weight loss goals if you can't control yourself when you get "the munchies"
    and plus, alcohol is loaded with calories and can also lead to the munchies...AND health problems

    if you can't control your munchies, then don't toke and/or drink when you're trying to lose weight. it's common sense!

    just stay within your calorie goals when you toke up and you'll be fine...same goes for when you choose to drink.

    there are 400 to 500 chemicals...some of the major types of chemical constituents in marijuana preparations include acids, alcohols, aldehydes, and amino acids. Cannabinoids, esters, enzymes, proteins, sugars, glycoproteins, hydrocarbons, ketones, lactones, nitrogenous compounds, phenols, pigments, steroids, terpenes, and vitamins

    Read more:

    I know that's not very scientific, but I just did a quick google search and there's tons of information on the chemicals in pot. Don't forget they use pesticides to control the bugs, among other things...
  • TrudyLea
    Willie Nelson doesn't appear to have a weight problem ... Just sayin...
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    there are 400 to 500 chemicals...some of the major types of chemical constituents in marijuana preparations include acids, alcohols, aldehydes, and amino acids. Cannabinoids, esters, enzymes, proteins, sugars, glycoproteins, hydrocarbons, ketones, lactones, nitrogenous compounds, phenols, pigments, steroids, terpenes, and vitamins

    Read more:

    I know that's not very scientific, but I just did a quick google search and there's tons of information on the chemicals in pot. Don't forget they use pesticides to control the bugs, among other things...

    She's right anytime you burn anything your inhaling all sorts of chemicals that are bad for you and could cause long term damage. I also believe there are some studies correlating smoking pot and fertility issues.

    From my experience it seems that pot smokers are very adamant about how pot is not bad for them. I feel that any drug even things like Tylenol aren't really good for you and if you can avoid using them you should.

    Now for the topic at hand I think it depends on the person but from what I've been told if you smoke it long enough you can kind of condition yourself to only eat when you smoke. So if you smoke in the morning you eat breakfast go along with your day and wont think about food until the next time you smoke which for some may not be until the next day or two which obviously will result in weight loss.

    My advice, forget the drugs and go and get a nice endorphin high from a good long workout.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    I also believe there are some studies correlating smoking pot and fertility issues.

    This is true.
    I feel that any drug even things like Tylenol aren't really good for you and if you can avoid using them you should.

    This is not.
  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    Here are some journal articles on Marijuana and their abstracts.

    Psychosis associated with medical marijuana: Risk vs. benefits of medical cannabis use.
    By Joseph M. Pierre
    Cannabis use carries an increased risk for the development of psychosis. Medicinal cannabis has been legalized in many states, with minimal restrictions on prescribing indications. Although cannabis may have some health benefits, it also has a variety of adverse effects, including psychosis, especially among those at high risk.

    Covariations of Adolescent Weight-control, Health-risk and Health-promoting Behaviors.
    By Anca Condruta Rafiriou, Roger Sargent, Deborah Parra-Medina, et al.
    Extreme dieters were more likely to use alcohol, cigarettes, and/or marijuana and to attempt suicide and less likely to practice vigorous exercise. Moderate dieters were less likely to use cigarettes, marijuana and more likely to engage in vigorous exercise, with differences across gender-race categories. Conclusions: Results have relevance for developing multicomponent programs for adolescents.

    Lingering Loss.
    By Ben Harder
    The article reports that obese adults who lose weight during a year of taking rimonabant, an experimental diet drug, keep the weight off during the following year, if they continue the dieting regimen. The drug, which Paris-based manufacturer Sanofi-Aventis calls Acomplia, blocks cells' receptors for chemicals called cannabinoids, which include substances in marijuana. Some cravings for food and addictive substances depend on those receptors. Yearlong trials of rimonabant had suggested that the drug aids initial weight loss. But the real test of an obesity treatment is whether weight shed in one year stays away the next. The higher dose of the drug produced the greatest benefit, including the most lost weight and the healthiest cholesterol concentrations. Other recent studies suggest that rimonabant might break addictions to nicotine, alcohol, and certain other drugs.
  • kay12709
    That's funny because my classmates were just talking about this in class. I was told that the reason that people who smoke marijuana lose weight is because, after awhile they rather smoke than eat. So heavy users smoke more than they eat which results in weight lose. (Not sure if it is true, just what I was told).
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I smoke pot regularly and have for years. I've managed to lose 49 lbs and still smoke a little reefer every now and again. I prefer smoking to drinking. Since there's no hangover and no calories :blushing:

    Geez, people get their panties all bunched up about marijuana. Weird.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    That's funny because my classmates were just talking about this in class. I was told that the reason that people who smoke marijuana lose weight is because, after awhile they rather smoke than eat. So heavy users smoke more than they eat which results in weight lose. (Not sure if it is true, just what I was told).

    I know cigarettes are like's a meal replacement/oral fixation type of thing...yes I'm a smoker...but no more than 4 a day...and I don't have my first one until 5:00 in the afternoon....
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Of course there would be an association between marijuana use and psychosis- because a lot of people with mental health issues smoke marijuana. Doesn't really prove a cause-and-effect relationship so much as it points to the fact that people with mental health issues often use marijuana to self-medicate.
  • bsoxluvr
    bsoxluvr Posts: 183 Member
    I smoke. I run. I smoke and run. I smoke and do productive things like clean the house. Different strokes for different folks! Why do we have to be addicts or trying to cover something just because it's a "drug"? Does that mean every person who hits a bar after work is an addict too? If you can function and be productive it shouldn't matter what you are doing as long as you are not hurting anyone else.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    there are 400 to 500 chemicals...some of the major types of chemical constituents in marijuana preparations include acids, alcohols, aldehydes, and amino acids. Cannabinoids, esters, enzymes, proteins, sugars, glycoproteins, hydrocarbons, ketones, lactones, nitrogenous compounds, phenols, pigments, steroids, terpenes, and vitamins
    All of which are organic and naturally occurring.
    I know that's not very scientific, but I just did a quick google search and there's tons of information on the chemicals in pot. Don't forget they use pesticides to control the bugs, among other things...
    Go organic. It pays to know your grower.

    I find myself agreeing with the last two posters quite a bit.

    Anyway, it can be beneficial to some. Helps me to sleep and to eat.
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    Bumping as well to read the different views, I gotta say this is interesting =D
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    imsoStarStruck, I liked your first reply more! :)

    I can't imagine it having a huge effect, outside of increased appetite (which is worse in some people than others... for some it's an excuse to do the 'crazy munchies omg!' while others actually do experience the increased appetite).

    As for alcohol, a few things: it won't stall your weight loss for 24 hours, but it is essentially pure empty calories/energy. In moderation it's fine, but shouldn't be used to replace other foods with nutrition. People may feel like it stalls their weightloss if A) they drink too much or B) they eat salty bar foods when they drink. 'A' is because of a calorie excess, while 'B' is probably due to water retention/sodium or excessive fried foods.

    Now, as a home brewer, I have to take exception with people saying beer has more chemicals than weed :) (truth: neither has unnatural chemicals- but weed may have pesticides on it depending on your grower... halobender is 100% correct that you should 'know those who grow!'). Beer is not full of chemicals or other mystery processes, it's as natural as weed is. Beer is simply a malt-based (see: barley) mixture where carbohydrates + sugars are digested by yeast, producing alcohol and ethanol, respectively. Chemicals may be used for sterilization, but they are all safe and simple slightly-acid-based powders or mixes to kill bacteria. Bottled beer and tap beer has NO preservatives or additional additives, save flavoring like citrus, ginger, etc. Eating bread you buy at a store has exponentially more chemicals than beer.

    So, drink beer and enjoy it!! (but record those calories!) :)
  • colonelangus
    Beer is a natural beautiful thing, as is weed. Half the public is walking around on xanax or some type of prescription drug. These are pills made of plants. There is no reason to think turning plants into white chalky pills is any healthier than the plants themselves. So let us agree, weed is a good thing. As is beer and wine.

    Now, does weed cause weight gain or loss? When you are 13, weed causes munchies, and thus probably increased calories. When you're older and doing a bong hit after work, not so much. It simply sets you up for some dinner and mclovin.

    If you consider what a decent buzz can do for your insight about weight loss, it can't but help. So all considered, I would recommend smoking weed as part of any healthy weight plan.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    Let's stop throwing around the term "natural". Snake venom is natural and you wouldn't put it in your body. It's a misnomer.
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    @anovasjo: Well, people do put it in their face as a form of botox :). I agree that it's a bit beside the point, but both weed and alcohol are as natural as anything else on this green earth. It's not like LSD or something made specifically in a lab and not naturally occurring in nature.

    @colonelangus: Amen brother, but I definitely have some friends who would never lose weight on weed haha. :laugh: Most of them would though, it's all about your motivation and tracking, just like any diet.
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