The Gym is great for people watching!!



  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    New story.

    So I have a YMCA membership and it grants me access to several in the area. On Mondays I go to the bigger one for the indoor track. Usually you can go into the locker room change, and go into the workout area and stretch with little or no problems. The rest of the time I go to the one closest to home where it's just easier to stretch in the locker room.

    Well last night I was stretching in the locker room and a guy came in and started changing close to where I was.. I was sitting on the ground doing hurdler stretches and then did my back stretch. My back stretch consists of sitting on the ground, putting one leg over the other and twisting. Well when I twisted the way towards the guy, I got a face full of weiner. The guy seeing this decided to turn around, which gave me a face full of butt.. Then realizing he was naked, he at least put a towel on. I got to find a new place to stretch.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Like abnormal or weird would be walking ALL OVER the gym changing room naked while other are in there.

    :laugh: Funny cos that's totall normal in my gym. Most of the changing facilities are just benches and lockers. There are only a few cublicles. I think it's more normal to walk around in various states of undress than to do this crazy dive from the shower to the cublicle whilst trying to hide under a 10ft towel!! :laugh:

    The difficult part is to not stare. LOL...not sure why it seems so strange to some of us to see naked people.
  • Mkleder
    Mkleder Posts: 289
    It takes all kinds to run a gym. I enjoy these folks:

    1) Lady mountain climbers. There are two ladies who use the treadmills and set the elevation to it's upper extreme then spend their entier workout hanging on for dear life. Seriously, are they trying to work their arms at the same time?

    2) Working off hangovers. I'm in a college town tucked between two military bases. Saturday and Sunday mornings, the gym is full of bleary-eyed young adults who act like zombies. Whatever you do on those mornings, DON'T DROP THE WEIGHT STACK!

    3) The fireman. There's a handsome young firefighter who uses the stair climber while wearing his oxygen tanks. I've seen him regularly since I joined the gym in '04, doing a full hour each time. I try not to stare, but I'm a total groupie. He inspires me in my own workout and reminds me of all the heroes out there who stay in shape not to look good in the mirror, but for a cause. To me, that's just drop dead sexy, no matter what person looks like. I just pray he doesn't pop on here and post about the middle-aged, chunky woman who he thinks has a crush on him.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    3) The fireman. There's a handsome young firefighter who uses the stair climber while wearing his oxygen tanks. I've seen him regularly since I joined the gym in '04, doing a full hour each time. I try not to stare, but I'm a total groupie. He inspires me in my own workout and reminds me of all the heroes out there who stay in shape not to look good in the mirror, but for a cause. To me, that's just drop dead sexy, no matter what person looks like. I just pray he doesn't pop on here and post about the middle-aged, chunky woman who he thinks has a crush on him.


    That's pretty cool. :love:
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I also enjoy it.
    Some of the methods on the rowing machine make me laugh. It has to hurt!

    There was this older gentleman yesterday on the treadmill running on low speed but taking really tiny steps.
    I almost fell off the cross trainer. LOL

    There is a trainer there who shows off by balancing on a ball. I'm waiting for the day he falls off. He so deserves it - he makes sure there are loads of people there and just balances.
    I think I am cruel but it would be funny.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    My last gym trip was pretty embarrassing. While I was on the treadmill I see this girl jump roping, and she makes it look so cool and easy with all her little tricks, double jumps, triple jumps, swinging the rope from side to side etc. etc.

    So I decided I was gonna go be cool, there I was with my earphones in ready to jump rope, I went to throw the rope back to start, apparently someone was standing behind me and when I tried to throw the rope forward it was stuck, so as the poor guy is being strangled to death by me, I'm tugging away at it, until I turned around and noticed what it was caught on.

    Oh and it doesn't stop there, after that little episode I continued complete with red embarrassed face, as I tried to swing the rope from side to side I not only hit myself in the face but I let go of the rope because it hurt so bad and it flew off and hit someone else in the back.

    It was then they took the jump rope from me.

    I only wish I knew what other people who were watching me were thinking

    That had to be the funniest out of all the stories. I was laughing soooo hard. I would have been mortified lol.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm the weird super sweaty lady who's always adjusting her bra straps and picking wedgies. :embarassed:

    The worst I've seen was a guy in front of my treadmill doing some pulldown weight thingie (I have no idea what any of the weight machines are called) with a solid six inches of hairy butt crack showing. :noway:
  • rebeccaoneillcarter
    BUMP for the LOLs
  • julia07
    julia07 Posts: 1 Member
    I run, so I'm not in a gym, but occasionally I'll run by man. . . who is probably in his 60's who does these. . . lemme see how do I explain it? Well, he's always on the same street and he extends is arms out to his side and twirls around while running backwards and zigg-zaging across the street.

    I have no clue what he's doing, but I've seen him on the same street, early in the morning for years. It's like cardo Tai Chi?

    Meh. . . I live in Seattle so it's no biggy. . . it's kinda neat.

    On the same route, same neighborhood, one morning I turned the corner and I ran into 22 goats placed along the street by the home owners on that block to remove vegetation on a sloped bank next to the street. They seemed more surprised to see me.

    Big ears + big eyes + quiet "bah-ha-ha's" = cool.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    The worst I've seen was a guy in front of my treadmill doing some pulldown weight thingie (I have no idea what any of the weight machines are called) with a solid six inches of hairy butt crack showing. :noway:

    We have an old man in our gym who likes to use the hip abductor... He wears very loose shorts and when his legs are out wide you really don't want to look.... :sick: :noway: :grumble:
  • bartlettcmb
    My last gym trip was pretty embarrassing. While I was on the treadmill I see this girl jump roping, and she makes it look so cool and easy with all her little tricks, double jumps, triple jumps, swinging the rope from side to side etc. etc.

    So I decided I was gonna go be cool, there I was with my earphones in ready to jump rope, I went to throw the rope back to start, apparently someone was standing behind me and when I tried to throw the rope forward it was stuck, so as the poor guy is being strangled to death by me, I'm tugging away at it, until I turned around and noticed what it was caught on.

    Oh and it doesn't stop there, after that little episode I continued complete with red embarrassed face, as I tried to swing the rope from side to side I not only hit myself in the face but I let go of the rope because it hurt so bad and it flew off and hit someone else in the back.

    It was then they took the jump rope from me.

    I only wish I knew what other people who were watching me were thinking

    This is hilarious I had tears running down my face reading it. This would totally be me if I ever dared to do something like that.
  • Ibgroovy
    It's pretty loud at my gym, with the music coming over the speakers. It isn't so loud that you have to shout to talk, but it's definitely a presence. That should put this in perspective.

    Today, at the gym (fortunately after my wife and daughter left) I was doing a warmup set on one of the machines, when my player started a song I love (CSNY, Judy Blue Eyes.) As I finished the warmup reps, which I was doing with my eyes closed, I realized that I was singing along with the music. Full volume.

    When I opened my eyes, there were four people standing in front of me, watching.


    At least they had the grace to laugh.
  • Manda1987
    Manda1987 Posts: 207
    For me, it was "Missing The Point Elliptical Guy".

    I was on the ellipticals, and a guy got on next to me. He then proceeded to place his hands on the side bars, put most of his weight on his arms, and flail his legs on the pedals as fast as they could go. Hilarious.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    For me, it was "Missing The Point Elliptical Guy".

    I was on the ellipticals, and a guy got on next to me. He then proceeded to place his hands on the side bars, put most of his weight on his arms, and flail his legs on the pedals as fast as they could go. Hilarious.

    hmmmm... I see that in spin classes a lot...

    zero resistance, all the weight in the handlebars cos the legs can't take it and then pedalling in fresh air...
  • Racheld
    Racheld Posts: 18 Member
    bump for later
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    At my gym there is a woman I call the fireplug. That is because that is what she reminds me of, she is about 4'11 and very muscular. Everytime I see her she is going full force and I just wish I could get to that point. She will get next to me on the treadclimber and go about 20 steps a minute faster to me. I am dying at 65 steps and she is going good at 85. Also when I am doing my core work I will see her in the floor exercise room just knocking out push ups. She pushes me to push it harder everytime I see her.
  • miznel80
    miznel80 Posts: 46 Member
    My last gym trip was pretty embarrassing. While I was on the treadmill I see this girl jump roping, and she makes it look so cool and easy with all her little tricks, double jumps, triple jumps, swinging the rope from side to side etc. etc.

    So I decided I was gonna go be cool, there I was with my earphones in ready to jump rope, I went to throw the rope back to start, apparently someone was standing behind me and when I tried to throw the rope forward it was stuck, so as the poor guy is being strangled to death by me, I'm tugging away at it, until I turned around and noticed what it was caught on.

    Oh and it doesn't stop there, after that little episode I continued complete with red embarrassed face, as I tried to swing the rope from side to side I not only hit myself in the face but I let go of the rope because it hurt so bad and it flew off and hit someone else in the back.

    It was then they took the jump rope from me.

    I only wish I knew what other people who were watching me were thinking

    Oh my gosh! This had me laughing so hard. I was trying to read to to my husband and kept breaking out in a fit of giggles :) Thanks for the laugh :)
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    At my gym there is a woman I call the fireplug. That is because that is what she reminds me of, she is about 4'11 and very muscular. Everytime I see her she is going full force and I just wish I could get to that point. She will get next to me on the treadclimber and go about 20 steps a minute faster to me. I am dying at 65 steps and she is going good at 85. Also when I am doing my core work I will see her in the floor exercise room just knocking out push ups. She pushes me to push it harder everytime I see her.

    There was a woman at my gym who would squat 120kg to parallel for 3 good reps! She was 5'6" like me and weighed maybe 58kg.

    Really inspiring!!
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    I love this thread just read it from start to finish.

    I am the sweaty lip syncer at my gym.

    There are some great people to watch at my gym. It is a community gym that doctors can refer people to. We have cardiac care, stroke recovery, people from the head injuries unit and a lot of mature people, my mother included.

    There is always banter and frequently laughter. We have plenty of characters and it makes the place enjoyable to visit.

    One thing that always makes me giggle is my son started going to the gym when he was 16 last year. He is a big lad 6'3" about 100kg very quiet and shy but doesn't look very muscular. He is though naturally very strong.

    In the early evenings we get a few of the younger males with the need to show off and prove how strong they are. I love watching them follow my son onto a machine and not be able to move it at all. It makes us and a few of the others that know him giggle.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Today, I was the sweaty, drippy wimp who could barely do 5 minutes on the elliptical. :embarassed:

    Next time I'll do more. I will conquer the elliptical.