The Zumba Crew - January



  • ajinks7
    ajinks7 Posts: 10 Member
    Quiero bailar Zumba!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow, alot with the Wii or videos - am I the only one with the PS3 Move version?

    The one thing I can say from doing both a couple of classes and the "game" is that classes totally kick your butt alot more! Or at least, the one I like to go to on the rare occasions that I can does. I can't move for days after! The game isn't quite that intense. At least, not yet.

    PS3 has severel levels: 20 minute 1, 2, & 3 (beginner, Intermediate & expert - sometimes up to level 4), and 45 minutes and my guess is that there might be a 60 or 90 minute version as well that I haven't yet opened up (as a game, you have to pass all the levels before more will be available to use!).

    I love the instructor a friend of mine found - she's *awesome* - the only downside is that where she holds class is about a 40-50 minute drive from me. :-( All other classes are extremely expensive. Otherwise, I'd be going as much as I possibly could manage. Which is why I got the PS3 Move bundle & Zumba for christmas. :-D
    I have the PS3 version and I like it a lot. I haven't progressed past expert but I'm learning the steps so I can participate in the class at the gym.
  • bullriderswife08
    bullriderswife08 Posts: 207 Member
    I just ordered the Zumba DVDs today!!! Im so stoked! Can not wait to get them. I have never been to a class or anything but I hear tremendous things. Im sure the second I get them, I will try it out! EXCITED♥♥♥
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Zumba is super fun :) My housemate and I used to do it when we lived together. I'm planning on attending the class tomorrow morning at my gym. It really helps if you have a great instructor who gets really into it and if the steps aren't too confusing! I'm also hoping that one day when my boyfriend and I buy a Wii, that I'll pick up the video game but I don't think a game could ever compare to the fun of being in class :)
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I havent Zumbaed all week...need to get some motivation but it so cold on mornings :noway:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I have one question. Is there any new Zumba videos. I would like to get more variety in my dvd collection of zumba. I have done it for a list for 4 month and I enjoy it.
    They're currently filming new DVDs. Not sure when they're coming out though.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    So I have gotten into the habit of eating past my calorie limit on days that I have Zumba because I typically burn 700-800 calories. It would be impossible for me to eat them all back before bed if I didn't. But today, class was cancelled due to a coming snow storm so now I am stuck with no calories and no zumba! Time for me to get my butt in gear and do something else so I can have dinner!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    love zumba! been going since last june and am addicted! go to a class once a week and do the dvds at home. like the dvd but i dont think you can beat the atmosphere in a zumba class.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    It varies for everyone. The best bet is to get a heart rate monitor with a chest strap. If you want an average, I would say about 400-500 calories per hour, but if you really amp it up it can be as much as 1200 calories per class. It varies so widely for everyone because of different body types and intensity levels.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    On calories:

    I guesstimated mine initially by taking what the typical averages were (600-800 per hour, I think), considering how I've felt during other intense workouts and the calories burned in those (ie: Shred), my height & weight (5'1", 135#) and figured I was probably somewhere in the middle around 700 cals per hour (something like 10 cals a minute, I think is what it worked out to).

    I got my HRM last week and lo & behold - my guesstimate was dead on. When I input the first 20 minutes with my HRM, it matched exactly what I had created for Zumba here. Of course, it tweaks each time by a good 5-10 cals, but I think it's pretty accurate all considered.

    Caveat: this is for the at home version. I will be wearing my HRM when I go to class as I anticipate that will be a higher burn. For one, it's a 90 minute class (I can't get through the whole thing) and second, it's just a ton more intense than at home. So, although I figured my calorie burn at home correctly, I have no clue what it'll be in class. If I had to guess though, I'm going to propose it'll be about 900 for the whole class (taking into account I can't get through the entire 90 minutes - I'd say closer to 1200 if I could).
  • punkinbeanie
    Im addicted to zumba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • rme921
    rme921 Posts: 22
    Love's fun, it's invigorating and no matter how tired I was before Zumba...I'm revived and ready to tackle the next challenge after doing some Zumba...I taught dance for about 20 years (ballet, tap and jazz) and just recently stopped since I'm working on my Masters Degree. I am however signed up for Zumba instructor class in April...can't wait!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Great Zumba day followed by Power Yoga...that's just how awesome Zumba really is...enought to push me to the next level AMAZING :tongue:
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Hi! I just got Zumba Fitness for the Wii! I posted the below post this morning but it is already far down on the list! Thought I would try again on here!! Thanks in advance for any input! :) ....

    I was hoping to see if I could get feedback from anyone that may have Wii Zumba Fitness and that tracks their calories burned with a HRM??
    I realize that everyone would burn differently and would depend on difficulty level and how hard each person is working out but I would appreciate any input so I could get the best guess for me!!
    I would appreciate ANY feedback!

    Thanks again!

    I have a HRM and for intermediate 45 minutes i burn between 350 and 400 cal per workout depending on days. Same as MFP dance.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Just bumping for my Zumba Peeps - it is almost February so I will start a new thread soon!

    I had a great class today, we had several new gals and it really got my day started right. I am also looking forward to class tomorrow at a newer (to me) facility which is larger and gives me a whole new set of Zumbees to work with!
  • ChristineM1953
    ChristineM1953 Posts: 135 Member
    I love Zumba! I have been going twice a week since October and my instructor is awesome. She has so much energy! I have lost some weight, and now I am tracking better with MFP. But I have definitely lost inches and toned up much more than I had been in the past. I wonder why there are no Zumba calorie estimates. I ahve heard up to 1000 calories for 60 minutes, but I don't know for sure. There are no calorie amounts for it on this site, and I have looked at two other activity calorie sites and nothing about Zumba. Any thoughts?
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    yup - and there is a reason that calories burned during Zumba is kind of vague, because everyone is so different!

    You have probably heard talk of HRMs, which are just heart rate monitors that take your age, weight and heart rate into account to determine how many calories you burn while sweating your butt off at Zumba. For me, when I am taking the class, and do a moderate effort I will burn from 500-650 calories, BUT if I am teaching the class and am exerting myself with TONS of energy, I burn in upwards of 1200 calories in the hour. SO basically I am saying, that if you do it AS HARD as you can, the ENTIRE hour, then yup, you can certainly burn 1200! An HRM is the only way to know for sure.
  • kee9kee9
    I am new to Zumba. I heard about it from an infomercial and it looked fun. I am by no means a dancer, but I like to try (in the privacy of my own home). I have Hip Hop Abs and enjoy doing that. I tried Zumba for the first time earlier this month and lasted for 2 days. It is a good workout, but I find myself trying to do exactly what they do on the DVD and I can't get it right or keep up. I ended up giving up on it. After reading all of the posts on here, I've decided to give Zumba another try and just do it at my level instead of trying to keep up right away. Hope I make it through this go round!
  • misskate1971
    misskate1971 Posts: 27 Member
    I just did my first Zumba DVD on Friday, and I LOVED it! A friend invited me to take her class. I think I will...just need to find a heart rate monitor. Any suggestions on good ones?

  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Can I join? Been doing it for three weeks now and am really enjoying it. Think I'm addicted since I've been doing at least one DVD a day. Usually the 20 minute express but did both the cardio party and the sculpt and tone this weekend. Between Zumba, walking and belly dancing I've lost 4 kgs since I started.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I just bought Zumba for the x-box kinect yesterday and I love it. I'm thinking about purchasing dvd's. Which ones do you all recommend?