Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Adding SeeCrystal... Just my $0.02 but 15lbs is a LOT of weight to lose in one month, especially only with only 24 days remaining. A healthy weight loss for that period would be 4-6lbs. Make sure that we are setting reasonable goals folks and that we're working towards a healthier lifestyle :happy: Good luck!

    mpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    crystal_ice4: Work out atleast 4 times a week, loose 8 lbs, and try new fruits and veggies :)
    Rachellynch83-I would like to lose 3 lbs this month. (Slow and steady), take my measurements, keep planning our meals a week ahead, and work out 4 days a week.
    Allie7383- lose at least 4.5 pounds to put me into the 140's, get back on track with TurboFire. Continue with 8 cups of water/day, consistently track, even if i have a bad food day.
    KanCrav- get to 157, make it to the gym 3times a week, workout at least 5 times a week, learn my limits with strength training and start a regimanet.. NO ALCOHOL!
    kvr414- 12+cups water/day, Intense cardio 3x/week, Limit carb consumption post 5PM, Lose 3 lbs.
    lizzymaez--lose at least 4 more pounds of the 8 pounds I have left to go. Be healthy and workout 3 times a week. Continue taking vitamins every day.
    Stuartme123: JanSW = 155. Check-in with this thread 3-4x/week, 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Conintue with 100 push-up challenge and C25K, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    slindsey137- Be down to 162 by the end of the month to keep my goal weight on track, do 30 Day Shred EVERY DAY, track all of my food everyday!
    KatySteele- lose 10 lbs by March 1st!!! Make it to the gym at least five days per week. Drink 6 glasses of water per day.
    shelsab: lose 5 lbs. Work out 5x a week. Try new classes at the gym and no more soda. Be more motivating to my friends and family in anything they are trying to achieve.
    tjradd73-lose 6lbs, at least 80ozs of water/day, 3X arms/week, 3X abs/week, burn at least 1000 calories per week!
    odettelh - walk for 30 minutes without feeling tired, watch my food intake, get into a solid workout routine and make sure my diet is healthy
    amgant- My goals for February are to Exercise everyday, even if it is only 30 min on an treadmill and get under 180.
    finncmh- See a loss on the scale. 4 days a week lifting. Cardio: by the end of the month be running between 1.5 and 2.0 miles straight. Continue to refine my eating. Really focus on finding a nice daily yoga routine for myself.
    spellbinder25 - (1) Workout regularly, as much as I can, (2) Eat healthy. (Mental note: I AM NOT GOING BACK TO WHERE I STARTED!!), (3) Come up with a strength training plan for March onwards.
    BFab24-lose 5lbs to get down to 185, non-scale goals: workout 4-5 days per week (at least 2 in the gym), eat healthy snacks at work, and to move into a new place :)
    Happybunnysbabe57- My Goals on scale- lose 7lbs (or more) My Goals off scale- Workout 4 to 5 days a week, cook more healthy food options, and drink more water.
    SeeCrystal - Lose 15lbs, increase workouts, eat at home more often and take a lunch to work - no cheating!
  • hippiechel
    hippiechel Posts: 170 Member
    @KanCrav - i wasn't supposed to drink alcohol yesterday but that DEFINITELY went down the train.. drank it like water. how often do you drink and when you do, how much do you drink? it's definitely difficult to cut down.. but don't be discouraged!

    @JessYas - welcome to the group! i am 5'6" too (well 5'5.5") and i started this year off at 149 as well (but i didn't record this on MFP so my starting weight only registers at 145)! i'm feeling you on the bikini thing.. especially since i'm sure it's about to get warm pretty soon in LA : )

    @jnlynch - i just started the 30 day shred as well! i did level 1 day 1 two days ago (didn't get a session in yesterday). i agree with you, definitely a doable workout and i love that it's only 20-25 minutes. i'm still kinda aching from it though.. by kinda i mean i am walking all funny. update us on your progress!

    saw some of you talking about pears. my favorite are definitely ASIAN PEARS (not just cos i am asian). they are super juicy, sweet and crunchy. it's amazing!

    i know fruits are good for you but i am actually cutting down on my fruit intake because it causes more sugar cravings for me. anyone else who has this problem?

    a little rant.. ugh more car troubles! first i had a little parking incident so my relatively new car (less than 2 years old) has a side mirror that is held up by duct tape. super ghetto i know, and i haven't gotten it fixed yet. yesterday i drove over an extremely BAD pothole which made a loud noise but i didn't think much of it. thankfully my neighbor left a note on my car informing me that there's a bubble in my rear tire and it could blow out any time! so i have to get it fixed. I HATE LA ROADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they suck. so bad. rant over.
  • sweetmelissa222
    sweetmelissa222 Posts: 290 Member
    Hi guys, I just came across this thread, I hope it isn't too late. My name is Melissa, I am 23 and from the New Orleans area. I've been at this for about a month and am pretty happy with the results so far. I am horribly guilty of crash dieting so going about this the healthy way has given much slower results than I am used to.

    My goal for this month is to bring my total loss to 33 and go to the gym at least three times a week.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    I had thought I was ok after my first day doing the 30 Day Shred (last night)... but today, i had the WORST time walking down stairs & my arms hurt carrying my books. I'm going to be so sore tomorrow because i decided to do day 2 of the shred & it was painful. by painful i don't just mean uncomfortable, i mean grunting & panting & almost begging Jillian to let certain sets be finished. i'm not going to be able to workout tomorrow or sunday because i'll be sleeping over at my bf's place :o) so hopefully my muscles will have recovered some by monday! the dvd says to workout through the pain & that's how you get results, but i'm not sure walking is going to be comfortable tomorrow, i can't picture trying to do squats & lunges with weights this sore baha & good luck to everyone making healthy food choices this weekend with all the beer & snack foods tempting us for the super bowl!

    @ Rachel & lolahippie- we can do the shred together! it may take a little more than 30 days, but i've heard awesome things & i'm looking forward to the results! & keep me updated on your progress too!

    lolahippie- i'm sorry about your car :o/ does insurance cover fixing all that?

    sweetmelissa- i'm guilty of crash diets too & sometimes am frustrated by the slow results of doing this the healthy way, but i've been at it almost 2 months & have lost a little weight, my skin has been clearer, no more period cramps, & i'm developing new habits without obsessing. I hope you have positive results & find motivation to stick to this!

    Rachel- nice last name btw lol i think i saw another lynch posted on this forum too :o)
  • cheralicia
    Hi guys! Wowww I cannot believe how fast Feb is this point we'll probably need 2 new threads just to keep up before the end of the month!

    Trying to keep up with everyone but with all the activity and new faces I'm not gonna be very good at replying to everyone's amazing progress (1st week of Feb is sounding pretty good for everyone)

    Allie - Studying can get overwhelming and I find that when I'm all stressed out and trying to cram in studying I have a constant need to be stuffing my face with food - If you're anything like me, try to keep healthy snacks on hand for those study sessions. But practice is really a big thing, and I've heard the GRE is not too tough once you get used to the content again.

    Megan - Good job on the running achievements! That plus bootcamp and having to walk your new puppy (who btw I am thoroughly jealous of, been BEGGING my husband for a dog for over a year) sounds like a pretty rock solid W/O routine going on.

    Emmmarie - all the working out this week should boost you up for the weekend of good family food. Maybe setting a couple mini food-goals for the weekend of eating out could help with choosing healthy options? Either way, sounds like a great weekend, so enjoy it, and work your butt off next week if the food gets a little too good!

    Nadine - I remember reading earlier back (haha like 20 posts back) that you ran something like 7m in an hr?? That's amazingg!! you should be proud, you don't even want to know how poor my running abilites are. I feel like a 70yr old with a heart condition the way I get after just 5 minutes of running straight. Really need to step up my game, running has always been a weak spot for me (since I was a kid).

    Shelsab - You work at starbucks? Haha ... omg temptation! I love Chai lattes, do you ever decrease the number of syrup pumps? I usually get a tall with 2 pumps (vs 3) and find it's not as sweet (and hope that there aren't as many calories) lol. Have fun in vegas too!

    Jnlynch - Good job on making it through day 1 of the shred! Even if it takes you more than 30 days, the point is, you're gonna be getting into some serious shape with all that work. you'll be putting in. Keep up the good work!

    Kbell - don't beat yourself up about 3 pieces of chocolate...Last night I was in a really weird mood and just ambushed my kitchen...had 1 PC choc chip cookie (so mad that my husband left them open and on the counter just TEMPTING ME) and 3 squares of Green&Black's Dark chocolate... I don't know what was wrong with me! felt so bad after but such is life - not the end of the world as long as it's not a habit.

    lostalykat - wooah that sounds like a pretty restrained concert night. Good for you, especially for tracking it all! That's still my biggest thing, tracking nights out with friends!

    New additions to the group - Welcome!! So great to have so many 20 somethings on here trying to get healthy and fit!

    AFM - Horrible week workout wise, I'm not even thinking about it to be honest. My test is next week Saturday and after that I know I will have all the time in the world to be in the best shape of my life. Especially seeing how much time I've been able to squeeze out of my schedule for studying. If I can devote even half of that to working out (and using it towards something so much more fun than studying!) I'll be golden! Just trying to keep my calories in check...I'm squeezing by the next couple weeks because I don't have much to lose in the first place, so as long as the scale stays where it is (and doesn't go up) I'll be happy. Starting Feb 13th I will ramp things up for sure! So excited!! Even more excited to never see a LSAT test again!

  • cheralicia
    Help! Back to the other day's QOTD - workout music - I have a really long run to do today and I would love to make it more appealing by louding up my ipod with fresh music. Any specific songs you're loving at the moment? Anything goes - I like warming up to slower songs and then picking up the tempo once I am good and warm and then having really really pumped up songs for the end when I'm starting to suffer. I honestly like pretty much every genre (country, soul, alternative, rock, punk (except not the screaming kind) hiphop, rap, rnb, house, electronic, dubstep....) so please share all your fave tracks with me!

    Nadine I am a music Junkie!! I have so many different genres and albums and mixes on my iPod, I'd be happy to help out! Have you ever checked out Hype Machine ( It basically tracks songs that are blogged on the internet and compiles them onto their site. You can play from the site directly or open the original blog post where the blogger usually has a link to download the song. I really love it for all the fun remixes and collaborations plus all kinds of new music (a lot of indie stuff, plus everything else from hip hop to house, pop, etc). I've gotten so many great songs/artists from there. I even have a hypem playlist on my iPod.

    Off the top of my head I listen to Dragonette, two door cinema club, sleigh bells, Penguin Prison & far east movement when I work out... oh and there's a dubstep compilation that has some great dubstep remixes to popular songs (found it online, can prob send you a link to the folder if you want, but it's called XO's Dubstep Collection)... yeah I can go on forever but I'll leave you with that for now... lol
  • seripha
    Kan - Try going for a small container of chocolate milk post work out. It's the best thing to rejuvinate your muscles and fill an empty tummy after working out. I would suggest that for now, especially since you're just starting to get into the swing of things for training. Protein shakes can come later when you're more comfortable.

    Melissa - Welcome to the thread :)

    Nadine - I use DJ Steveboy's podcasts for runs. They're good mixups of funk and house and some popular songs and they're FREE on itunes. He keeps them at around 150 - 180 bpm depending if it's the beginning or the end of the mix and they can be anywhere from 45 to 95 minutes long.

    AFM - Been so busy prepping to see my parents next week in Arizona. Did my second night of kung and my Sifu has already got me started on Wushu forms. I'm really excited about it but I hurt so bad today all over. It's really going to pay off when I start going 3 x a week later this month!
  • kbellnurse
    @Nadine2unfit2bqueen - Thanks re: my quotes! I'm not always a morning work-out girl (depends on my schedule) but I do love Xena! haha, I just like the word "warrior", it's way cheesy and weird I guess but it seems like this really strong word that isn't quite as masculine as maybe some other "strong" words. I like to try and think that my motivation is to be strong, although sometimes it seems to slip into just "being skinny" boo.

    @Cheralicia - yeah why is chocolate soo good?! I guess we both did alright at drawing the line. Its painful watching those workout calories on my tracker get eaten into (no pun intended) but I channeled how I felt last night and limited myself to only one heart today. Reasonable. :) My monthly goal was no chocolate bars, chocolate can't be eliminated entirely haha.

    @meagalyne - i love that you love "hearing your own e-voice" haha! I hear you! I love my e-voice too haha. Especially if I read threads about people doing things I think are unhealthy or crazy. My evoice and my nurse voice force me to speak (er - type?) up!!

    @lolahippie - Is it the month of bad car luck or what?! My car actually went to heaven last week and I'm currently either borrowing my husbands work vehicle or bussing evereywhere!! My timing belt snapped (and went out with a bang taking my engine with it) and the roads/storms have been so bad here I had to wait TWO WEEKS for a tow truck to come and even get it to the shop. Said they were "only responding to emergencies!" Pretty bad that I live in the friggin arctic (not actually) and they don't have enough towtrucks/plowers to deal with it! Now I'm in the market for a new (old) vehicle to last me until I graduate next year.. stupid cars.

    I had my eyebrows re-tattooed today. It was actually less painful than I remembered. Which was nice because last time I thought that it was like worlds worst experience! They put this freezing cold "thing" on your eyebrow before they start which honestly makes you have a 'brain freeze' and then you move it to the other side while they tattoo. So you're getting a tattoo and having a brain freeze at the same time!! Yikes! It seemed a lot quicker and easier this time. I look a little intense now though, they're all black and new and shiny and I look a bit like a disney villain! But they should fade in about a week or so. I packed one chocolate heart (there's only two left now so we're safe) in my purse for "after pain" therapy. It was delicious.
    Going to try getting a work out in now, waiting for my lunch to settle. I have to return my mom's car to her work in an hour and a half (I feel like such a child borrowing my moms car, I'm a married woman!!) oh well.

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    adding sweetmelissa!! welcome to the group :) just curious, since you said you wanted to get to a toal loss of 33lbs this month and your ticker says 11lbs lost...does that mean you are shooting for 22lbs this month??!!

    mpresto - scale goal: lose 10lbs by March 1 (150 lbs); non-scale goal: 2 days lifting, 2 days abs, 4 days cardio per week
    megteg - Lose 4 lbs, drink 9 glasses of water/day, and get 4 workouts in per week (at least one with strength), make more homemade lunches
    jessista: Be under my calorie goal for at least 7 days this month, be under 150 lbs by the end of the month, cut down on unhealthy late-night snacking (sometimes I am just hungry, so a healthy snack would be ok), walk the long way back to my apartment after class, climb the four flights of stairs to my apartment without it ending in heavy breathing.
    seripha - 148lbs by the end of the month, work out 5x a week, go to kung fu 3x a week when I'm in town :)
    roobean33- Focus on NSV's, take measurements every 2 weeks, focus on healthy quality calories, CF 4X/week, cardio 2X
    emmarie1630- lose 3 pounds, track measurements- lose up to 1 inch, drink tons of water, cut out diet soda, 4x/week work out and strength training
    lil_vic22: Lose 9 lbs
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 143 lbs and cut down eating out to 1x a week
    mkingraham: I would like to lose 7 lbs this month but more importantly by the end of Feb I would like to be able to run 2 miles without stopping. Its gonna be a hard one but I think I can do it! I also am planning on keeping up the healthy breakfast and exerciese routines! woop!
    jbars11- lose 6lbs, continue 30 day shred personal challenge and cut back on soda
    meagalayne- Maintain under 130lbs, finish 4 more weeks of HH 1/2 Training Program (Intermediate), race 15km on Feb 19th in UNDER 1:43:00, curb late night snacking and after work binging, and limit sweetener use to ONCE a day.
    ChelsiBurnett- (Starting weight 139.2) Goals: Lose 5 + pounds, Eat back most of my exercise calories, drink lots of water, do p90x everyday, & don't eat fast food.
    Lostalykat- Lose 4 pounds, Weigh 167, Strength train 2-3 days a week, Track all food that goes in my mouth, Do at least one Yoga class! Assess goals weekly, Make a new recipe 4 times this month.
    Cheralicia - Scale Goal: 2lbs (116lbs); Non Scale Goal: Cook at least 3x/week, yoga at least 1x/week, Cardio at least 1x/week, TRACK EVERYTHING (even the bad days) - oh yeah and crush my LSAT this month!
    LiL_Fizzy-lose 15 Lbs., Cardio 6x's a week, Kettlebell 3x's a week and NO FAST FOOD!
    lolahippie - Be below 140lbs, complete food diary everyday and exercising at least 3 times a week!
    kbellnurse - Get out of the 150's! Stop mindless snacking/eating off the meal plan. No chocolate bars all month!
    jnlynch- Be 124 lbs (lose 4 pounds this month), workout at least 4x a week, drink at least 8 cups of water a day, & pack my lunch more often.
    Kristin - Exercise EVERYday, stay under my calories at least 20 days out of the month and overcome my sugar addiction!
    Aholtz1- Exercise 5x/wk (3x Cardio 2x Strength training) drink 12glasses of water a day...lower the amount of soda to 1 per wk
    marymoni- Get to 135lbs and improve endurance to 10km.
    Nadine - stop drinking. prepare all my meals at home. 4 strength workouts per week. Lose 6lbs - GW for March 1st is 124lbs.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - no scale goal. My focus will continue to be on the lifestyle rather than the # on the scale. Incorporate more fruits and veggies into my diet, drink my water, workout 120 minutes per week, and attempt to get on track with C25K training...again!!
    nesmikelopez (Vanessa) – lose 5lbs and finish 5k in under 40 minutes. Drink water, no soda and track meals.
    noltes2 (Sara) - lose 5 pounds, hit under 155 to have a healthy BMI! Eat consistent calories, with only one over day per week.
    wardiemelissa-continue my 1/2 training using Hal Higdon Intermediate, maintain weight, continue to try 2-3 new dinner recipes, eat at least 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day
    crystal_ice4: Work out atleast 4 times a week, loose 8 lbs, and try new fruits and veggies :)
    Rachellynch83-I would like to lose 3 lbs this month. (Slow and steady), take my measurements, keep planning our meals a week ahead, and work out 4 days a week.
    Allie7383- lose at least 4.5 pounds to put me into the 140's, get back on track with TurboFire. Continue with 8 cups of water/day, consistently track, even if i have a bad food day.
    KanCrav- get to 157, make it to the gym 3times a week, workout at least 5 times a week, learn my limits with strength training and start a regimanet.. NO ALCOHOL!
    kvr414- 12+cups water/day, Intense cardio 3x/week, Limit carb consumption post 5PM, Lose 3 lbs.
    lizzymaez--lose at least 4 more pounds of the 8 pounds I have left to go. Be healthy and workout 3 times a week. Continue taking vitamins every day.
    Stuartme123: JanSW = 155. Check-in with this thread 3-4x/week, 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Conintue with 100 push-up challenge and C25K, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    slindsey137- Be down to 162 by the end of the month to keep my goal weight on track, do 30 Day Shred EVERY DAY, track all of my food everyday!
    KatySteele- lose 10 lbs by March 1st!!! Make it to the gym at least five days per week. Drink 6 glasses of water per day.
    shelsab: lose 5 lbs. Work out 5x a week. Try new classes at the gym and no more soda. Be more motivating to my friends and family in anything they are trying to achieve.
    tjradd73-lose 6lbs, at least 80ozs of water/day, 3X arms/week, 3X abs/week, burn at least 1000 calories per week!
    odettelh - walk for 30 minutes without feeling tired, watch my food intake, get into a solid workout routine and make sure my diet is healthy
    amgant- My goals for February are to Exercise everyday, even if it is only 30 min on an treadmill and get under 180.
    finncmh- See a loss on the scale. 4 days a week lifting. Cardio: by the end of the month be running between 1.5 and 2.0 miles straight. Continue to refine my eating. Really focus on finding a nice daily yoga routine for myself.
    spellbinder25 - (1) Workout regularly, as much as I can, (2) Eat healthy. (Mental note: I AM NOT GOING BACK TO WHERE I STARTED!!), (3) Come up with a strength training plan for March onwards.
    BFab24-lose 5lbs to get down to 185, non-scale goals: workout 4-5 days per week (at least 2 in the gym), eat healthy snacks at work, and to move into a new place :)
    Happybunnysbabe57- My Goals on scale- lose 7lbs (or more) My Goals off scale- Workout 4 to 5 days a week, cook more healthy food options, and drink more water.
    SeeCrystal - Lose 15lbs, increase workouts, eat at home more often and take a lunch to work - no cheating!
    sweetmelissa22-to get to 33lbs lost total, and to go to the gym at least 3 times per week!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    kbell-glad that the brows didn't hurt as much as you expected!! and a little chocolate now and then never killed anyone...self control!LOL

    emmarie-great job with your workouts so far!! family can def be a demotivator when in comes to healthy eating...enjoy yourself but be careful!! remember Feb is a short month!

    meag-thanks about the oats!! you are like the running human food dictionary!!

    happy-welcome to the group and great jos for January!!

    Kandace-thnx girly!! and what I normally eat before I go hiking is a high fiber carb topped with PB and banana, OR high fiber carb with egg beaters and cheese...high carb, high protein seems to work well for hiking (at least for me!)...make sure you bring a granola bar for a "just in case" snack and a lot of water!! HAVE FUN, BE SAFE!!

    jbars-i go out like every other weekend and the things that I do to help me stay on track are: eat something little before you go so you are not tempted to order bar food and so you are too full to drink a bunch, drink one glass of water between every cocktail, order rum and diet or diet and vodka instead of a fruity drink like a marguarita or something else with OJ in it, and try to go somewhere that may have some sort of activity (pool, darts, dancing, even beer pong!) GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN!!

    Crystal-welcome to the group!! I tend to agree with Meag on the 15lbs...I am one who usually shoots high for goals but remember Feb is a short month so don't try to overdo it girly!! but I am sure that you will have a great loss this month! :)

    Nadine-i love Bruno Mars for a warm up/cool down song, and fall out boy and panic at the disco have great fast paced beats for running!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Wow...I take the day off from checking because I actually had to work today BOO!!! Oh well! Took my girls out to dinner tonight to celebrate my oldest's "good" report card and my youngest's "peeing on the potty" at school. Nothing fancy the local coney place...We usually go there every other Friday. Anyways...I was pondering what to my "unhealthy" days I :heart: their omlettes! SO GOOD but so not healthy!! 3 eggs, american fried potatoes, toast...our waitress (same one that always waits on us) noticed that I staring at the omlettes on the menu and she said, "you know I can have him make it with egg whites or we do have egg beaters" I was so surprised that she made that comment! She then said, "I've been wanting to tell you for months how great you look and I know you have been eating healthy lately" She made my night!!! I ended up having an egg white omlette with peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes. SO HAPPY!!!! :love:

    No work out today-rest day and HATE it because I'm always over on my rest days! Oh well...tomorrow is another day and wasn't over by much!

    it's nice to see all the new faces on here...good luck and don't get too discouraged with how fast this thread moves!

    Made some "snow cream" with my girls tonight as a snack...not sure how many calories are in it...only had a spoonful and it tasted like vanilla ice cream: 2 cups heavy whipping cream, 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar, 1 1/2 tsp vanilla, big bowl of clean snow. Mix first 3 ingredients together and then slowly stir in snow until thick and creamy...

    Good night all...will check in and respond to all posts that I can tomorrow-I'm off to bed!!!
  • cheralicia
    quick post to melissa - great feedback from the waitress, that must have felt amazing! I always read your posts about doing all these fun things with your girls and you sound like a great mom, snow cream sounds so cool! I'm sure they loved it.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Melissa- Your waitress sounds awesome!!!!! I wouldn’t worry about being over on your rest days- I actually allot myself an extra 200 calories on mine- I actually think, in the long run it’s probably pretty good to be a bit over once in a while (after all, how many days are you under a little?). I know the red, angry numbers are disheartening, but I think if you are generally close on a rest day you’ve succeeded!

    Seripha- I loooovee kung fuuuuuuuu!!!!! Sorry- your posts always make me so jealous. I want to take kung fu…a lot.

    QOTD- I <3 music, but I’m definitely more on the punk/alt rock. Actually, Foo Fighters and Breaking Benjamin have great warm up/cool down music, and I am absolutely LOVE Barenaked Ladies, Ben Folds Five and Alkaline Trio…so a bit off the beaten path.

    Jlynch- make sure to get some walking and stretching in on your days at the bf’s- it will help you feel better for your WO on Monday. Good luck!

    Lola- you make me suddenly glad that I take the subway everywhere…good luck with the car issues

    Meag- I am so excited you are getting into yoga, I think it’s a great bit of variety for your routine!

    Aly- way to keep your splurges under control! You are doing fab already!!

    Nadine- 20k? Holy crap girl! I’m sure the picking at snacks will be accounted for!

    Finn- What’s your running schedule look like? I’m just curious what your training looks like!

    Jbars- My best advice is that you should pick 1 or two things to splurge on (a drink to nurse, and maybe some nachos or something). I like rum and diet soda- not to bad at around 60 or so cals (I would look it up to be sure). But just remember even if you get a bit out of control- bounce right back to it the next day- 1 day does not a ruination make!

    New ladies, I cannot stress this enough- expectations and mentality are so, so, so crucial to this journey. Some have acknowledged that they are intentionally reaching high, but fully expect not to make their goals and just use those goals as a motivator. But for many, these goals are detrimental because if you don’t make them they are discouraging, but if you do make them, you are likely losing dangerously. We love to be supportive, but we are also all about healthy, consistent weight loss. Ok PSA over.

    Hey ladies- I am back! Doctor appt got moved to next week, but I’m feeling pretty good. Laid low on the workouts this week, but stayed right around my calorie goals. I feel a bit lazy, but this week I really needed the relaxation physically, because I really pushed myself mentally and just don’t think I could have handled them both. Actually had a couple of Non-MFP victories this week- 1) FINALLY submitted my thesis proposal to my advisor (and registered for my class) and 2)I submitted copy for a book (you know the summary that goes on the back of the book, or on the inside of cover/flaps?) and my boss didn’t completely re-write it!! I know that doesn’t seem like a big deal (I mean it was like a paragraph) but it just is a bit of a turning point for me work-wise, so happiness.

    Next week I plan to ease into my workouts and then pick my ½ marathon training back up just after Valentine’s day. Weigh in is tomorrow and I really think it’s going to be pretty good. So I’ll be back in the morning.
    See you all in a little less than 12 hours!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Melissa-congrats on the compliments from your waitress!! that is soooooo awesome! how was your omelet?? MOST restaurants will serve egg white or egg beaters breakfast food upon request for future reference :) and i am so jealous about the snow icecrea, grandma used to make it every winter and i loved it!!

    Gonks-glad that you are feeling better and I hope your Doc appointment goes well! And great job at work....feels great to succeed no matter how big or small it seems to others :) good luck on your WI tomorrow too!!

    AFM-Friday check-in: 3/3 on abs, 3/3 on arms, 835/1000 calories burned, under on sodium, and 80/80oz of water :)
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Radd... thanks for the suggestions. I ended up only having a banana for breakfast before the hike. But I ate a bunch of postachios after the first hour. When I got home I had a healthy lunch and I feel pretty good. Congrats on completeting all you goals.

    ~Melissa... I think its really awesome that you get other people to notice how well you are doing. I bet your excited to be able to go back there and not have to save calories to splurge while your there!~!~! Going out to celebrate shouldnt be hard on a healthy lifestyle.

    ~gonks... I hope your doc apt next week goes well. Take the weekend and relax some more, you deserve it. Next week will come to soon and we all know your gonna push yourself once monday comes! Happy Mental Health Day!~!~!

    AFM.... ~ just got back from my first hike. (I would have commented for more ppl but thats all my mind can handle right now!~!) At the end of the hike it was a little more than 12K. We did it in 2.5 hours. I havent logged it in yet for excercise but I expect to be able to eat TONS tomorrow!~! The hike wasnt as hard as I thought it was gonna be. I guess I am doing better getting into shape than I thought. Today was my first physical acheivment I feel really good about since I started trying to get healthier. WOO HOOO!~~!~!~! I need to remember this feeling so I can use it as motivation later on.

    Thanks for all your help guys!~!~!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    tj-thanks! I knew most "restaurants" carried egg beaters and would do egg whites...this is just a little "dive" coney place we go to so I didn't think they would carry egg beaters-now I know!!! Omelet was good! Nice to see that others do take notice and are supportive-especially when they don't personally know you!!! The snow cream turned out pretty good...her Kdg. teacher sent home the recipe-they made it in class yesterday. Great job on getting all your abs in, arms, being under on sodium and getting all your'll get the last 165 calories no problem!!!

    Cheralicia-thanks for the kind words-I :heart: doing fun "stuff" with my girls...hate staying home! They both are very artsy craftsy and like doing stuff like do I :laugh:

    Gonks-I know...the "red" doesn't bother me and going over every once in awhile doesn't really upset me either...I am under on most days so I know it all evens out in the end...thanks for re-enforcement!!!

    Girls are spending the night with their Papa and Nana tonight...which means dinner out with hubby...going to a fancy italian restaurant-going to scope out menu when done here...3 mile run on tap for this afternoon most likely on the TM and figuring out meals for next week so I can get groceries early tomorrow-hopefully beating the superbowl shoppers :laugh:

    On another of the reasons I haven't been so "chatty" the last few days is due to some things going on in my head...8 years ago this coming Monday my dad passed away. He was my :heart: rock :heart: and the one who always pushed me to be the best that I could be. He got very sick very quickly with what is called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (scar tissue built up on the lungs) which basically restricted is lung capacity...dealing with it has gotten easier especially since I started running-I totally feel he is there pushing me when I want to just stop. Anyways, my husband (who has asthma) has had a chronic cough and finally convinced him to see a dr. He has done test after test, CAT scan, PET scan, stress test...stress test came back with irregularites with his heart-saw heart dr everything is fine...however, they found a nodule on his lung...they don't seem to be worried-but just very ironic that he is seeing the lung dr. the same day my dad been a little down, missing my dad and worrying about my hubby! Do feel better finally putting it out there though...this too shall pass!

    Thanks for letting me take up space and get this all out!!!

  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    ~Melissa, your not TAKING UP space. Your worth the space plus some! Im glad you shared. It is really hard to keep all those thoughts and feelings in. I hope your hubbys apt goes well. I know you dad is looking down on you and is very proud of all the good choices you make everyday and all the hard work you put in to have a happy and healthy family. Keep your head up. Dont be sad, dads dont like when their little girls are sad.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Melissa- Glad you feel better, it is so hard losing someone close to you, let alone a father. Sorry for your loss, but it sounds like you are dealing with it well. Keep your head up! I will be thinking about you.

    Kancrav- Awesome hike! I love hiking! The boy and I plan to do a bunch of hiking trips and hopefully climb mt diablo this summer...we shall see.

    Gonks- Great to have you back! You were missed!

    Cherilca?- Sorry I have to rush and can't remember the spelling. Thanks for the props on my night out, after I thought about I feel really good about it. We will see how super bowl goes sunday....

    AFM- I tweaked my neck last night and it was hurting to turn my head! It sucked and I of couse went into this "I am a terrible person if I can't work out" Feeling better today, I wish I could tell my brain to shut up sometimes. I took the last 2 days off from the concert then my knee then my neck. Today I am up and ready for my 2 hour bike ride followed by a run...We shall see how that goes. I made banana bread oatmeal! yummm! My new favorite.

    Banana bread oatmeal
    1/4 c steel cut oats cooked by directions
    1/4 cut walnuts
    i banana sliced
    cinnamon and nutmeg

    It is soo good it takes like fresh banana bread. Today I think we are going to take care of some stuff around the house and go to the book store. I have to make cookies as a thank you to my coworker who got me the tickets to the concert. I also need to make a meal plan and go shopping since tomorrow is going to be nuts! tomorrow I preview my bike race course, then go to a super bowl party. At least I am being really active this weekend to make up for the food! Have a great saturday everyone!

    QOTD- what is your ideal saturday?

    Mine is waking up early for a workout, eating an awesome lunch maybe involving a drink hehe. Then doing something fun with my boy. Maybe dinner and a movie.
  • kbellnurse
    QOTD - What is your ideal saturday?

    Hmm, definitely not today! Since I'm in school during the week I work on saturdays, both jobs. I work as a housekeeper at the hospital (trying to apply for undergrad nurse there!!) and I also have a cleaning contract at a church. Today is my mom's birthday so we are going out for breakfast but then I need to go clean the church and then go to work for an evening shift at 3. I would like to get a work out in but it's hard to say if I will even have time..silly.

    That wasn't the question though was it haha. My IDEAL Saturday would involve sleeping in, a good breakfast (healthy and tasty), a workout that was fun and different ( a class perhaps? maybe some swimming or step or something) and relaxing at home doing as I please. No frantic house cleaning, groceries, or paper writing. Just zen..

    Sorry I didn't respond to anyone elses posts..kinda selfish here just checking in quick before I head out for breakfast. We're going to Cora's (, they have a lot of healthy "looking" food but no nutrition information available. It's all up to me to make a good choice and tomorrow is my weigh in day..eeek.

    ttyl!:heart: (thats my first smiley!!)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    OK well unlike usual, I'm totally behind! One day off from posting and I have SO much to catch up on... Sorry for those I miss!

    Gonks - My partner in crime is back, baby!! :drinker: So glad you're feeling better and sooo happy to see you back on the threads. Really been missing all your sage advice. Much more eloquent than I could ever be - and ALWAYS on the money. Thank you for your PSA. I really hope the other posters take it to heart.

    Also - LOVE Ben Folds Five and all your other music suggestions. I'm way more of a rock/alt/punk girl too. Not much for the club scene music or R&B/hip hop/Top 40 whatever. Def need to get some Ben Folds for running... He's a f*cking genius on the piano. Been running a lot to the boys track list lately - The Arcade Fire, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Broken Social Scene, Interpol, I'm From Barcelona, MGMT, Phoenix, and The Strokes... Not bad! Not my fave music but probably more sensible for running than my folk rock standard... I tend to opt for acoustic-y raw rock and bluegrass music and alt-female rock most of the time, so this is a bit of a departure but it's great! :happy:

    Anyway, Welcome back lady :bigsmile: I was freaking stoked to see your post on here this morning! Sounds like you're really making productive use of your time and getting loads done - I'm proud of you!

    Melissa - So much to respond to... Eek Wish I had more time. I really appreciate you sharing your personal story about your dad with us :smile: It's so nice that you feel comfortable enough here to do that. Sounds like you guys are having a bit of a roller-coaster ride with Drs and that right now, and I definitely wish the best for your husband and your whole family. But I know how strong you are and definitely know that you are going to be the :heart: rock :heart: that your family needs. You are such an incredible lady :happy: And your running is such an inspiration! I am so glad to be on this 1/2 Marathon journey with you :bigsmile:

    Aly - Great sounding breakfast!! Mmmm banana nut anything :bigsmile: YUM!

    Kbell - Haha! I'm exactly the same way! My e-voice of reason just COMPELS me to speak. I hope that everyone here knows that my intentions are always in the right place and I just want to be as helpful as I can to those who are feeling overwhelmed or unsure. Nutrition and fitness can be a nightmarish over-complicated maze if you don't have the right resources to guide you so I am just hoping that this group and some of us who have been "around the block" for a while can ease that struggle a little for anyone who's just starting out.

    Welcome to the newbs!! :flowerforyou: Please make sure that you read Gonks PSA - She always gives the BEST advice! :bigsmile:

    AFM - Awesome cheap "date night" with Tyler last night. I made super healthy quesedillas for dinner in the oven (with tons of veg, spinach, chicken and light cheddar) and served it with homemade salsa and light sour cream. Then eventually we headed out and played billiards for a while, which we quite enjoy but really don't do often enough. I must admit that since I stopped drinking in Oct 2009 I have never even once had a desire to order a drink at a bar - It's such a nice relief to go out and not feel compelled or peer pressured to drink with other people. Sometimes I feel like "drinkers" are hard-wired to order a beer when we're out even if they don't really necessarily want one - just because it's the thing to do. Not having that pressure is such a relief! Ty ordered a beer that our incredibly sh*tty waitress forgot about and in the end he just canceled his order and seemed not to mind at all. Money saved and carbs/cals retained. Makes me wonder how much drinking is really just the result of learned habits and behaviours instead of an actual desire to drink... :huh: Just rambling!

    Eek! Anyway I'm totally running late. Heading to the gym to get in a quick 3 miles (not really, since I'll be running pace) even though it's my 5K race weekend. I feel like running today and I tend to always run better the day after my slow 3miles, so I'm saying "screw it!" to the training plan and running regardless. 5K Sweetheart Race planned for the AM tomorrow with Tyler and I am soooo excited. Y'all better be expecting pictures, because you're getting them! :laugh: Won't be setting any PRs, since he runs slower than me, but it should be a whole lot of fun.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday. I'll be out in Oakville hanging around the boy's house, making fish and sweet potatoes for dinner, and then having a quiet night in. I'll check back with you folks tomorrow. :heart: