*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week #6 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    2.6 lbs loss this week but I sure don't take the credit for it because I did not exercise at all and did not eat healthy food all week but I stayed under my calories. I did a bit of early spring cleaning but that's about it. Hubby is home because he was injured at work 3 weeks ago and I do think that this does not help me with my motivation:frown: . They don't want him to go back to his old job so now he doesn't have a job anymore:angry: . He is kind of depress so I kind of feel BLAH too. My emotion cannot control everything else anymore. I have to get back on track with exercise and good food for my body.


    Chantal, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband and what you're going through. I've been there. It's stressful and depressing. It sounds like you have the right mindset, though. Use the exercise to relieve the stress. If you don't feel motivated, remind yourself that you will feel better afterwards and it can be a good distraction. It'll help with mood and emotions, too. It'll get the endorphins and serotonin flowing. (I'm a psychology nerd, can you tell? :laugh: )

    Hugs. :flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Congrats to everyone losing weight and inches also!! Good job!:flowerforyou:

    Congrats again on the inches!! That is awesome and remember maintaining is very good! and so much better than gaining. Just keep doing what you are doing and the weight will come off eventually. Good for you on finding something positive to focus on and not the scale. The scale is only a tool, not a measurement of success. We can succeed many ways on this journey to lose weight and get healthier.

    I feel I am going to be up this week. I would like to blame it on the snow but I can't. I have been one day good and the next not all week. So you know when you are not consistent what that means most times. I will see tomorrow. I am already looking to change my pattern for this month. I need to lose another 10 pounds this month and I will lose it too. Just have to get back on track and focus. I want to lose 15 more pounds by March10th for a event I am going to on March 11th.

    Starting today I am going to put that number everywhere so I know what my goal is. 338 by or before March 11th!:wink:
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    Hey guys! It is such a relief to me to have lost 3.8 pounds this week because my weight has been at a standstill for a few weeks now :ohwell: ... What i found worked for me this week is , I watched my sodium and i drank lots of water!!!..
    I also added another workout in the mornings so now I am working out 70 mins a day instead of 45...
    I also always loved moving like when i was cleaning i would put my tunes and id do some Turbo Jam moves while I was cleaning... :blushing: This is what i found worked out to be the best for me this week!
  • glittersoul
    glittersoul Posts: 666 Member
    Congrats to everyone losing weight and inches also!! Good job!:flowerforyou:

    Congrats again on the inches!! That is awesome and remember maintaining is very good! and so much better than gaining. Just keep doing what you are doing and the weight will come off eventually. Good for you on finding something positive to focus on and not the scale. The scale is only a tool, not a measurement of success. We can succeed many ways on this journey to lose weight and get healthier.

    I feel I am going to be up this week. I would like to blame it on the snow but I can't. I have been one day good and the next not all week. So you know when you are not consistent what that means most times. I will see tomorrow. I am already looking to change my pattern for this month. I need to lose another 10 pounds this month and I will lose it too. Just have to get back on track and focus. I want to lose 15 more pounds by March10th for a event I am going to on March 11th.

    Starting today I am going to put that number everywhere so I know what my goal is. 338 by or before March 11th!:wink:

    Thanks Mollie!

    You're a very determined & persistent lady, so I know you can lose 10 pounds this month. :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Great job everyone! Like I have said a million times before...I am so proud of everyone's commitment! I am happy with my loss this week...3lbs. So since I originally weighed-in on January 3rd...I have lost 8.4lbs in a month! So I am excited about that for sure!

    I think this journey is one that I am so grateful to take with people who are like-minded. Right about now, you guys are like my only friends LOL. And that is just because for my friends that I have that are thin or not trying to lose, they don't understand that my life LITERALLY revolves around working out, preparing meals for dinner and my following day, taking care of a 2 year old and a boyfriend (that is like a 2 year old lol) and managing this group. So I really don't have too much time for small talk with people who are not on the same wavelength unfotunately. I just feel like if they are my real friends, they will understand that I am in the middle of a transformation in my life, that I can not be distracted from.

    So in short....thanks Snowflakes for being so wonderful throughout this thing! :heart:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    How do I feel about this week? I'm happy! I lost 1.2 pounds, so I'm down to 161.6. I'm almost out of those 160s! I was thrilled to get out of the 170's, but to get out of the 160's will mean that maybe I finally have found a way to overcome my hypothyroidism. I'm hoping that I can pull a 1.7 pound loss this week and see 159.9 staring at me come Friday. I might faint if that happens. :laugh:

    Overall, I'm trying to remain positive and not get caught up in the "40 pounds by June" idea. I want to do this the healthy way and, since I only have about 36 more pounds to get to my goal, I know that I won't have big drops each week. I may not ever see a 5 pound drop. Most likely not. I need to tell myself that 1-2 pounds is fine... and even 0.1-0.9 is fine. We're all different and our bodies lose weight differently. My old self would have seen a 1.2 pound loss and been disappointed, thinking that it should have been 2 or 3 down. The new me is focused on small steps and non scale victories.

    I had a gain for Week 3 so this hasn't been an easy challenge, but I'm proud of myself for not letting that gain and some stalls force me to give up. I really do credit MFP with helping me stick to it. Without the support here, I probably would have seen the gain I had and thought, "Ugh, my thyroid again. Forget it. Why bother?" However, reading all the posts educated me on what the gain could mean.... I wasn't doing anything wrong. In fact, it was the right things that were causing the gain. For me, it had been the increase in my exercise intensity and muscle soreness. When the soreness went away, the scale started moving in the right direction. I know now to accept the fluctuations in the scale. Next week might be a gain, it might be a loss, or it might not budge, but as long as I know I'm logging my food, being accountable for what I put in my stomach, and committing myself to exercise and drinking water then I know I'll ulitmately each my goals. It's taken me awhile I get into this state of mind and feel so content now that I'm there. I may not be 40 pounds down come June, but I'm going to be a healthier person, that's for sure. :smile:

    Have a great week, Snowflakes! I'm so glad to be on this journey with so many amazing and strong people! :heart:

    This is so true! You have to understand that everyone's body is different. Age is a factor, starting rate, BMR, height, everything! I know that I am happy with 1 to 2lbs, because I know it is 1 to 2lbs less than I was that week before and as long as you keep on truckin...that is what matters!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member

    I'm Shocked I lost 3.4 pounds this week AND so very very Happy!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! I thought last week I was going to start plateauing, But I switched it back to my old routine of Getting out in the mornngs And WALKING AVERAGE 1 hour . I was walking on my treadmill 1/2 hr and then doing a crazy dance in my house for 1/2 hr, but that dance was only killing me with soreness :bigsmile: .. BUT IM BACK ON TRACK!!!!!!!!

    THANKS KRYSTLE !!! Over and Over again for creating this Challenge. I first thought who in the heck can lose 2 pounds a week every week for the length of this challenge. THIS IS UNREAL TO ME!!! And what blows me away, I'm eating around 1200 calories average and I'm staying away from Junk food & Staying full ( IM AMAZED !!! ) AND TOTALLY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My Ticker reflects my 40lb Snowflakes to Sunshine challenge :drinker:


    Don't be shocked...you have been working your tush off! Your diaries are looking great...your calories burned are excellent! So let's call it "Hard Work Paying Off" Im definitely amazed about how I am able to stay full as well...but at the same time, I am eating every 2 to 3 hours...so how could I not be full lol....But great work!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I feel really good about this past week. I busted my behind and I lost weight. It was that simple :) Can't wait to do it again next week. Good luck to you all! Lose big!

    Great job! And great attitude!
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Hi everyone. I am proud of myself for losing 1.4 lbs this week. I hit my calorie goals and my exercise goals. So it feels good to see some results.

    I ate 80% whole grains this week and plan on eating 100% whole grain & clean eating next week. It made a such a difference for feeling full, and energetic. I have been sleeping so incredibly well. I was even a bit stressed with snow days/grading and the this guest lecture I had to give at the university, but I still managed 5 work outs, stayed in my calories 6 of 7 days and got a good night's sleep. I mentioned earlier in one of my status updates that I have not had a piece of hard candy since 2011. And I plan on keeping it that way because my skin is definitely thankful. I am acne free. I feel like my body is finally coming around to rewarding me back for being good to her.

    Thank you thank you thank you S2S challenge and all the incredibly awesome supportive women in this challenge. I truly appreciate you, your encouragement, kind words, mother wit and positive feedback.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Sending positive vibes to everyone but especially to those who are having some challenges this week and not sticking to their programs: :flowerforyou:


    Some days you wake up feeling tired or distracted. You just don't have the time or energy to follow your healthier life style regimen at that moment. So, you skip breakfast, or eat that slice of cold pizza that you righteously avoided the night before. Days of discouragement shouldn't surprise you. They are reminders that food will always be complicated -- either a comfort or a distraction.

    The key to real change is perseverance. When you take a misstep, for whatever reason, know that you will continue to persevere in your journey. You will start over at the next meal--you will overcome the temptation next time. That is how you'll succeed. Being perfect just isn't going to happen. So persevere.

    Action for the day: No matter where you are in your journey, today you will persevere. Start over every time you stray from your plan. Start over as often as necessary.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    So even though I did lose 1.5 pounds this week, I am a bit frustrated

    I guess I should just suck it up and go buy heavier weights. I started P90X on Monday and besides Wednesday, have been sticking to it everyday. I've not been feeling the burn though and am almost contemplating switching to lean since there's less strength training and more cardio. but I don't want to be skinny fat

    I'm also annoyed because ever since I got my IUD a few weeks ago, I find my weight is all over the place and bloated all the time. Ugh it's frustrating because I feel the scale would be moving more quickly like it usually does when I'm putting in this much exercise and eating lower carbs and watching myself besides that 1 day binge per week I'm still having.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    Hey Krystle, would you please be able to update week 2 to 177? I got that new scale last week so my weight wasn't in the 160s and each week needs to be 12 pounds higher. SW 177. 2nd week: 177. 3rd week: 181. 4th week: 177. 5th week (got new scale): 172.5

    thanks :)
  • LJ0508
    LJ0508 Posts: 122 Member
    Could someone post the link to the spreadsheet please! The link in my bookmark has a date of Jan 7th, or if someone could add my weight to it (202), I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

    I'm feeling really positive this week, I'm learning and listening to my body, something I haven't done in the past when trying to lose weight. I'm 1 lb down from last week and closer to being out of the 200's.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Hey Krystle, would you please be able to update week 2 to 177? I got that new scale last week so my weight wasn't in the 160s and each week needs to be 12 pounds higher. SW 177. 2nd week: 177. 3rd week: 181. 4th week: 177. 5th week (got new scale): 172.5

    thanks :)

    No problem
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Could someone post the link to the spreadsheet please! The link in my bookmark has a date of Jan 7th, or if someone could add my weight to it (202), I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

    I'm feeling really positive this week, I'm learning and listening to my body, something I haven't done in the past when trying to lose weight. I'm 1 lb down from last week and closer to being out of the 200's.

    No problem! :)
  • I was down this week...it's amazing what our bodies go through within a week sometimes! I have lost a total of 10 pounds since November...that's two sacks of flour!! I have lost 20 since my slow moving journey that started December 09.:bigsmile:
  • ucms
    ucms Posts: 28 Member
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    How do I feel about this week? Im down 1.7 lbs this week and Ill take it. I would really like to be seeing 2.5 lbs per week but I know not all weeks are going to be that good. I also slacked some on my water so I am kicking that up this week.

    My goals for this week. To burn a minimum of 500 cal's per day. Stick to 1200 per day. Drink lots of water!!

    Ready for another week!! Praying for success!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
This discussion has been closed.