Looking for Competition



  • Okay Google Docs it is!

    I think if we weigh in then and post our results on this thread, we'll add them to the documents and on Tuesdays I will post everyone's results...

    This will give everyone time to post their Monday weigh in results (there might be time zone differences for some of us)

    I think biggest percentage loss is the only way to do this fairly... it wasn't my post originally so don't want to make the rules up.

    What do you all think?
  • Okay so Monday Weigh in's for sure. Everyone seems to like that idea. Google Docs sounds great but someone would have to help me out with that and % weight loss is the only way for it to be fair since we have such different starting weights!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    can I still be included in the list even though I don't want to weigh in weeekly?
  • @loathesome - I don't see why not. But you will need to at least post a begining weight and a final weight.
  • Okay so Monday Weigh in's for sure. Everyone seems to like that idea. Google Docs sounds great but someone would have to help me out with that and % weight loss is the only way for it to be fair since we have such different starting weights!

    Excellent, great plan.

    What a good idea!

    So competition officially begins tomorrow with the first weigh in (to establish everyone's starting weight) 7th Feb 2011
    And then every Monday after that. Finishing on April 4th? That way there is 8 full weeks to exercise/diet until the finish.

    If you want I will help you with the tracking of the information blueeyeddragon2?
  • can I still be included in the list even though I don't want to weigh in weeekly?

    Could you weigh in tomorrow? After that you wouldn't need to weigh in again until the last week.

    If yes, I would imagine there wouldn't be any reason for you not to be able to participate with us... I guess the more the merrier!
  • If you want I will help you with the tracking of the information blueeyeddragon2?

    @ashers1819 - If you could help me by setting it up that would be great! And showing me how to do it. You can message me and we could work on it together?
  • Great plan... I will message you
  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Lol good excuse to weigh in tomorrow! Yay! Let's do this!! Good luck peeps...
  • Lol good excuse to weigh in tomorrow! Yay! Let's do this!! Good luck peeps...

    Yes good luck everyone... let the competition begin! :heart:
  • Can I play?! Normally weigh on wednesday at the gym with my trainer so i could use that weight perhaps? Threw my scales away as I kept jumping on them every 5 minutes!
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    Am I too late? I thrive on competition! I sincerely hate to lose at anything. It's a great motivator. (Course in the end we will all be losers)!!!!! Just tell me what to do. Weigh in tomorrow?
  • I have no idea what google docs is,...can someone explain please?
  • nevermind. I figured out what it is, I'm just not sure how to use it.
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    Im in =)
  • bsed18
    bsed18 Posts: 41 Member
    Please count me in! I just found MFP and am less than 24-hours new to it. Nothing like a little friendly competition to get it kick started. Thanks!
  • i will join as i have an issue of doing things on my own. if i have someone to more or less push me and keep me motivated then i might stick to it. i weight 168 and would like to be 150 or lower by then that would be awesome. just please let me know what weight in date is chosen and i am game. good luck to all that are joining as well.
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    Am I too late? I thrive on competition! I sincerely hate to lose at anything. It's a great motivator. (Course in the end we will all be losers)!!!!! Just tell me what to do. Weigh in tomorrow?

    No! Your not too late. Weigh in is tomorrow :)
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I'm in too! I've been hanging in limbo on getting back to my weight loss goals, so I need a swift kick and friendly competition to get me going again! I'll weigh in tomorrow with the rest of the group!
  • I love how many responces we keep getting! It is not too late for anyone! Weigh in's are mondays! If you weigh on a different day and want to post that weight, go for it. Just remember to try to get your weight posted on mondays.
This discussion has been closed.