SWaT Walking Group - February Walk



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    Walking on the beach with the ocean next to me would be heaven! What am I doing in Minnesota?
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Everyone. Happy February.

    I missed my midweek check-in yesterday (was at the Suns/Bucks game; Suns won - although it wasn't the prettiest of games!). I decided to go for 50 miles this month to try and add kettle bell workouts 3/4 times a week (need to strengthen my arms!).

    Obvious from my moniker, I'm in Arizona, specifically Phoenix (Hello, Sarah, down in Tucson!). I know I shouldn't be saying this with all the winter woes most of you are having, but it is COLD here! We had freeze warnings the past two nights and again for tonight. Today's high was 49. Now, I know that seems heavenly to many of you, but for us desert rats, it is super cold. Yesterday, they cancelled the Pro-Am of the Phoenix Open golf tournament and they postponed the start time today. Not much to complain about, though, as we are supposed to climb back to the high 60s for the weekend.

    Enjoy your walking; good luck with your February goals. :flowerforyou:

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Feb1/ 4 miles and weights Slim Walk Power Walk
    Feb2/4.5 miles and weights. BL Walk Power Walk Strong Walk Alice Walk
    Feb3/ 3.5 miles with weights 3lbs all around, weights
    Feb4/2 miles ramped up LS weights all around.

    Off to work. Warmed right up to 9 here in balmy Wisconsin this a.m.. Superbowl mania has set in state wide.

    Happy Friday! Alice
  • MCS64
    MCS64 Posts: 126
    Got my walk and weights in nice and early today. Lots to do. Having a Superbowl Party here Sunday. Not to worried about the food. Everyone coming is trying to watch their diets.

    Im from Wisconsin if you guys don't already know. (I feel like thats all I've been talking about lately) Tons of snow here, we got hit hard. But....the sun is out today and It makes things feel alittle better, even thought we are in a deep freeze now. Im stalling right now because I have to go to the grocery store.

    Have a good day Everyone!
  • Lesliet05
    Yea it is Friday!!!!
    Got 5 miles in today
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    Today was so much warmer. The sun was shining and I didn't need my coat when I got out of the car and went into the stores. Must have been in the teens or 20's. A heat wave!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Happy Saturday, everyone!

    I got a bit over 4 miles in at work yesterday and also some strength training--helped arrange a shipment of arborvitae that came in--some of them weighed close to 100 pounds each! We had to get them onto the low tables for display. Needless to say we made sure we got help with that! (I do not like arborvitae--they make me itch!)

    I hope to get a walking video done today but I may make this my rest day and walk tomorrow morning--my legs are sore from all that lifting! (I guess that may sound funny, but if you are lifting things correctly your legs feel it more than anything else. My back is fine!)

    We are having a small Super Bowl get-together here tomorrow. My DD is getting KFC so I will make sure there are lots of veggies to go with it!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone! I hope your all having a great weekend. It looks like there will be lots of Superbowl celebrations going on. Nothing special here, just my guys watching the game. Maybe I'll get pizza fixings and everyone can make their own. That way I can control what goes on mine! Or it might be a good night for chili?

    I did the 5 mile fat burning workouth a little while ago. I don't know why I procrastinate so much because I always feel better after I get started. It's just making myself actually go start. I'll try to add in some weights tomorrow as I'll be out for the rest of the evening.

    Happy walking everyone!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I'm running FAR more than I expected to this month, halfway there and only 5 days in!?

    I'm really enjoying being outside for that hour. It's something I rarely do! Work = cash register, school = inside! home = video games (inside!)

    I'm glad to be out there and waving at townsfolks, hearing the animals all around me and enjoying the SPECTACULAR scenery of southern arizona!

    Also very thankful it is 55F instead of 20F today, I was able to run without freezing my bum off like earlier this week :laugh:
  • jerzger
    Hi Everyone. Hope everyone is have a great Saturday. Two miles yesterday, and 2 more today. Woo Hoo! I'm on my way. Can't wait to get outside though. It rained all day. Better than more snow though. :bigsmile:
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Hey all & happy Saturday. Catching up from yesterday, I did 3 miles yesterday and then 2.6 today. Got to kick it up a notch if I'm going to make my goal by month's end. I am keeping up with my strength workouts though.

    Sarah, I graduated from UofA (Go CATS!) and Tucson is one of my favorite places I've lived. Don't tell my husband, but I am sure that's where we'll end up for our retirement many years from now. We're a house divided as he's an ASU fan (BOO devils!) so the idea of living in Wildcat country is not a favorable thought for him, but I'm sure he'll get over it :laugh:

    So who are folks rooting for tomorrow? We're a Steelers house here - but I'm also really looking forward to all the commercials too :blushing:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    Rooting for the Packers!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Hope you all are having a nice weekend.
    I missed Logging in yesterday, I walked 6 miles yesterday and 3.4 miles today..

    I hate watching sports on TV, Id rather be the one playing. So everyone enjoy your game tomorrow :drinker: , I'll most likely be online by myself :laugh:

    Night Night!!! Happy Sunday!!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Feb1/ 4 miles and weights Slim Walk Power Walk
    Feb2/4.5 miles and weights. BL Walk Power Walk Strong Walk Alice Walk
    Feb3/ 3.5 miles with weights 3lbs all around, weights
    Feb4/2 miles ramped up LS weights all around.
    Feb 5/3 miles today


    Hoped to do alot more today but no go long day, Nite all, Alice
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Happy Sunday Everyone!!

    Just walked 6.85 miles. Walked to the Beach from my house and then through City Park and back home again.
    I'm sure going to be envious of you snow birds when Summer comes. Its getting hot already, Im getting tan already & just bought a huge brim hat to keep the sun off. :glasses:

    4th Day on my Sugar detox and So far I'm feeling GREAT!!! I'm beginning to feel like I did 22 years ago when I QUIT smoking cigarettes, I'd feel the craving and then just let 2 to 5 minutes pass and the craving was gone. Hopefully this is going to be the same.

    Hoping everyone has a Wonderfully Blessed DAY :flowerforyou:
  • Lesliet05
    yesterday I did the 3 miles for abs, and then we walked 2 miles around town, Today I got the 5 fast miles in. I need new shoes.... will be glad when I can get them this weekend. Since I started in July I have walked out of 2 pairs... this is great!!!!! :happy:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,276 Member
    I probably over did it at the gym yesterday with biking and walking because I had a hard night of joint pain and was restless in my sleep. Today I walked with Leslie Sansone and did 4 miles with the therabands. I love that workout. She just keeps you going even when you're tired.

    Do any of you have problems with arthritis? I've had osteoarthritis for many years (got it young). The doctors have told me to lose weight and be active. It seems I'm always sore and have leg pain in my sleep after I exercise. They tell me to work through it and it will get better. I'm hoping once the pounds fall off I will feel better. But for now it makes for a rough night sometimes. Any thoughts?:frown:
  • butterlydreamz
    I would like to join in too if its not too late, I just joined MFP today and need motivation. I will do 25 miles this month :)
  • tracyts
    tracyts Posts: 113
    Butterlydreamz - Welcome! Jump right in.

    I did 3.6 miles today on the elliptical. We joined a gym recently and I've really enjoyed adding some of the machines to my workout. Today I found out the local fire department also works out at the gym - that was a nice little bonus to my day. Might make me keep going if the scenery will be like that :laugh: Our boys came with us and they were equally impressed that mom and dad work out with firefighters!

    Happy Sunday everyone - it's almost kick off - jrbanta: Good luck to your Packers. While we're Steelers fans for the Superbowl, we really just want to see a good game.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Well the weekend is almost over again :sad:

    Welcome Butterfly, it's never too late to join in! :happy: We're glad you will be walking with us.

    Leslie, I think I need new shoes too, I've got about 500 miles on mine now. Maybe that will be my one year anniversary present to me. :bigsmile:

    JrBanta, sorry I can't help with the arthritis question but I will add that I had all kinds of joint and muscle problems at the beginning with my legs, feet and shoulders. None of them have bothered me for quite some time now so your problems will most likely improve as you strengthen and lose.

    Tracy, can I go to the gym with you? :bigsmile:

    No walking for me today but I did hit the weights for just a little while!