T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team



  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I"m still here...got the blues...so reading but not posting...Have a great week.
  • beccalgriffin
    I'm going to work out tonight...I'm going to work out tonight...I'm going to work out tonight...:sad:

    Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred - here I come!
  • beccalgriffin
    I"m still here...got the blues...so reading but not posting...Have a great week.

    Why so blue? What kind of encouragement do you need?
  • Bluedimplett
    Bluedimplett Posts: 52 Member
    I'm going to work out tonight...I'm going to work out tonight...I'm going to work out tonight...:sad:

    Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred - here I come!

    LOL, why the tears? is the 30 day shred that rigorous???

    I try to stay neutral for my workouts otherwise i dont try at all. Although, if i'm mad then i take it out on my exercises.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Thanks Becca. Just man problems. Which is helping me lose weight. I can't eat much cause I am stressed out. Nothing can be done to help me out there. I just have to get through it.

    I managed to eat about 800 calories today. Tomorrow I am supposed to go to Chinese dinner with a friend so I can save a few calories tonight for tomorrow.

  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Okay Becca, did you exercise tonight?

    I will tomorrow am, I will tomorrow am, I will tomorrow am. I've got that Wii, Why don't I Wii it???? I even think I have a Julian Michael Wii exercise disc. I'm sure I've never opened it....::huh: BUT, I better start off with my regular Fit program. Half hour of that works up a pretty good sweat.

    I'm glad to hear (and see) you're getting out with friends, Deb. Just cuz you're blue you can't get away from us....cllimb on board so we can cheer you on. I see you actually logged in some water! THAT's good to see :drinker:

    Your Guamanian dinner (well, hubby's anyway) sounds really good! I think I'll look it up in cooking.com for a recipe or two. Red Rice sounds strange. I had never heard of red lentils until about three diets ago. It was a pretty good soup!

    I don't know too much about Chinese food, Deb, but I do a pretty good sweet and sour....anything. AND a killer orange chicken (it that Chinese???) All I remember about Chinese at the one Chinese resteraunt my MIL would go to was the slimy somethingorothers. I think they were vegetables, but I'm not sure. Anyway....enjoy your dinner and enjoy your dinner partner, too.

    My workout clothers are ready to dive into when I get up tomorrow morning. EVERYBODY...do the e-dance for me (like a rain dance; e for exercise). This is going to be the HARDEST part of my new lifestyle...I HATE exercising...until I get the addiction.

    Happy losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Vicki I am going to dinner tomorrow with a gal from church. I got out of my car yesterday at church and was bawling and she held me and let me cry. She at with me in church and after church she asked me out to dinner tomorrow. I will probably have sweet and sour pork and chow mein.
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    how was the exercising Vicki?

    Deb: sorry to hear things are tough for you right now... man troubles are always hard and take up way more time than seems rational.

    Becca: Nice to have you back!

    Things have been okay for me. Dealing with some mental health issues so I didn't log my food this weekend but I'm back at it.
    Something interesting.. yesterday my mom asked me if I would consider doing weight watchers with her. She has done it before a really long time ago and although I'm really excited, I'm also kind of concerned. Every time my mom and I have tried to do weight loss together, it works for a couple months and then it goes downhill. I always feel like she expects me to keep her accountable or she makes me be the resistant one. Eventually we begin to resent each other and it ends up destroying our relationship, which is super strong. So I'm not sure what I'll do yet. I really want to support my mom with this, but I don't want it to sabotage my efforts at the same time.
  • Bluedimplett
    Bluedimplett Posts: 52 Member
    Vicki I am going to dinner tomorrow with a gal from church. I got out of my car yesterday at church and was bawling and she held me and let me cry. She at with me in church and after church she asked me out to dinner tomorrow. I will probably have sweet and sour pork and chow mein.

    Good thing you have that type of support. I'm gonna need some soon as well. The hubby has officially elisted in the Navy and will be going to bootcamp May 11. These next three months will be precious for us. 2 months of boot camp in Chicago, then 4 months of school also in Chicago.
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    "Good thing you have that type of support. I'm gonna need some soon as well. The hubby has officially enlisted in the Navy and will be going to bootcamp May 11. These next three months will be precious for us. 2 months of boot camp in Chicago, then 4 months of school also in Chicago."

    Howdy Gals,

    Blue... I am passionate about our men and women who serve our country in uniform. They are the ones who fight for everything we hold dear and to me and they are my Heroes. But to go a step further...their families take preference. Your sacrifice is HUGE and I know I'm not alone in appreciating how much you, your family and others give so he can protect our liberties. Your three months will be short, and his deployment long. Be assured, we will be with you.

    Hey Deb, what a wonderful angle that was for you. Sweet and Sour...hmmm...why do I think that is sooooo appropriate?

    OMG Emma, I could NEVER...and I mean NEVER diet with my Mom (she's 81 now). She is such a Taurus and no matter how bad she flubbed it (and she never would) she'd be riding my *kitten* about my indiscretions! I'd be finding a more suitable diet partner if I were you. A good relationship with your mother is not worth losing over a few pounds lost. BTW, I had a great time with my Wii this morning, TYVM! I'm looking forward to my next session...Ü And how is your routine going????

    Time for bed....nighty night...

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I had a nice dinner out with my friend. She let me talk. I managed to talk and not cry, even though I broke down and cried at work again today. I can't wait til the pain stops.

    I hope I can help you through your time Blue.....Savor every moment with your hubby. When my dad was in the military and away from my mom he and my mom wrote letters to each other every night. Some times they got daily letters then other times a week would go by and they would get nothing then they'd get 7 letters in one day. The always dated them so that they would read them in order. I always thought that was cool of them.

    Emma: I've seen you post a couple of times about not really wanting to diet with your mom. It doesn't sound like a healthy thing for you and you need to take care of yourself. Maybe you could tell your mom that you like the program you are on and she can do her program and you two can share with one another....but that way you are supporting her talking about it with her but not being an active participant in the same type of program. That way you two don't end up destroying the relationship you have. Moms mean well but sometimes do things that aren't so good for our kids.

    Well I am tired tonight and I am going to go to bed now. Have a good night all.

  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    thanks for the advise Deb and Vicki! I'm still deciding but I'll keep you posted on how that turns out.

    I'm super busy right now, so I've been checking in to read the lack of posting. lol I've got three papers due today, plus peer editing and I'm battling a cold my dad brought home from chaperoning a model UN conference. Not impressed. So I may be quite for the next few days but I will do my best.

    Good Luck on our weigh ins coming up this week!
  • Shawnalee0703
    Hey ladies just touching base.... I have had a crazy busy week. Sorry I have been MIA but iwill be by to catch up this weekend. Not feeling well tonight so off to bed. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    So sorry I misses last night...Planning Commision meetin. Lots going on there, and when I get home I'm too tired to eat. I should hope these meeting be on Thursday nights!!!

    I've actually been enjoying my new later hours at work. I get up the same time, but after that first cup of coffee I'm cranking up the Wii and working out! I'm going for every other day...seems reasonable.

    Emma, get your homework done...no date nights otherwise (shoot I miss being a Mom).

    Deb, what can I say. It's a difficult time for you, and I know you will overcome. But that doesn't heal the pain you're feeling right now. YOU are IMPORTANT, YOU are VIABLE, and YOU are ALL that counts. WE need you HEALTHY...keep that in mind...Ü

    Off to bed...my Friday's are usually long so I need to be ahead of the game.....

    Weigh in tomorrow...Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    crazybee sw 272 first goal weight 200 cw 233.4= loss of -2.5 lbs !!! Yippee

    Thanks Vicki. It's been a week now since Mike disappeared off the radar. Never thought something could hurt so bad. My divorce was even easier than this. I've managed about 36 hours without tears. I go back and forth from tears to sadness to anger. Will be glad when it is all over and I don't even think about him. I am trying to still eat. Have to force myself but I am eating. BUt my new pants are already feeling loose. If I go down another pant size that will be the smallest size I have been in 32 yrs. I will be soooo excited.

    I think it is funny you pulled a "mom" on Emma..you go girl!!!

    I hate that most of our team is MIA. You have no idea how much these posts mean to me in keeping me going and motivated. Thank goodness Vicki and Shawnalee keep me going. I NEED ALL OF YOU GUYS!!!

    Happy Friday. Good luck on the weigh in!! Have a great weekend.

  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    crazybee sw 272 first goal weight 200 cw 233.4= loss of -2.5 lbs
    Egam sw 210 gw 180 cw 198 = loss of 2 lbs!

    Wow Vicki you are tougher than my mom! Good thing, it keeps me accountable! A date would be nice, although that part of my life has pretty much been a disaster since day one, so I'll settle for an awesome concert with my sister. I got the tickets weeks ago and I'm so excited I can hardly wait.

  • Shawnalee0703
    No loss here... but i will nopt be checking again till Feb 25th. I just need mental break from thinking about it. Letting my legs recover a little from the intensity I have been putting the through! Congrats to everyone!!!!!! Keep it up!
  • Shawnalee0703
    No loss here... but i will nopt be checking again till Feb 25th. I just need mental break from thinking about it. Letting my legs recover a little from the intensity I have been putting the through! Congrats to everyone!!!!!! Keep it up!
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    crazybee sw 272 first goal weight 200 cw 233.4= loss of -2.5 lbs
    Egam sw 210 gw 180 cw 198 = loss of 2 lbs!
    vikalyn sw 232; gw 150; cw 226½--lost another pound!

    Howdy Gals,

    I hate to complain...but the really nice slax I bought last September and wore fearing the buttons would pop...are now loose enough that I'm afraid they'll fall down! Gosh...I hate losing inches....NOT!!!!!

    I'm WAY over calories today, but Friday is my FREE day, although I think next Friday I'll make better choices. I don't know why I thought a fish sandwich was a good idea, with curly fries (I've never like either) but the Ivar's Clam chowder was good and the cherry pie was...ok.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE getting up early and doing my Wii! Two times a week is fine for now... I may jack it up a bit. I certainly feel it.

    Shawna...don't be a stranger! Work through whatEVER you have to, but keep in touch...PLEEEEZE

    So Emma...tell me about the concert with your sister. How far away?, Who is driving? Do you have a dime pinned to your underwear in case your in trouble? (In my dating days we didn't have cell phones, and we ALWAYS had a dime for the phone booth...which I think is now 25 cents...if you can even FIND a phone booth). OBTW...who' s the artist?

    Gosh Deb. I wish I could give you some wonderful words of wisdom to ease your pain. I do know with any loss there are several layers to work through... I can't pin them down precisely, but there is: hurt, hate, anger, resolution and eventually forgiveness. I hope you find forgiveness soon. I would never say no man is worth so much pain, because I know the right man IS. But when it gets so complicated...it is time to step back and review. I'm so proud that you're not letting this get in the way of your personal goals.

    I have a busy weekend planned, a HUGE sewing project. Bur rest assured, I'll be checking in...so I better "see" you ALL here.

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • Shawnalee0703
    I am sooo sorry hahahahahhah I meant I won't be weighing in till then! haha I didn't mean I wouldn't be around. Hope everyone is doing well. Bedtime for me. Hair appt tomorrow, YAY!