Eight Week Transition Diet CHALLENGE! Join me Jan 24!



  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Oh dear... First day of week 2 and it's a cheat day for me. I didn't plan well and have had a VERY hectic day. I know tomorrow will be better! I'm already planning my meals and times !

    Thank goodness this is a learning process.

  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Just checking in...

    I did OK for week one, but when I looked back I had THREE cheat days (oops) :blushing: I had lindor truffles one night, an almond joy miniature another night, and then chocolate cake on Sunday (twice!). Also, I know I didn't hit the 6 glasses of water at least 2 days. :cry:

    Anyway, here I am ready for one of the most challenging weeks - still no junk AND eating at least 4 meals. Today I took a banana to work and ate it after surgery - hope this counts as a meal - it's the best I can do.

    I ate three small meals today and am sorta having a largish dinner. :angry:

    Well there is always tomorrow...
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Just checking in...

    I did OK for week one, but when I looked back I had THREE cheat days (oops) :blushing: I had lindor truffles one night, an almond joy miniature another night, and then chocolate cake on Sunday (twice!). Also, I know I didn't hit the 6 glasses of water at least 2 days. :cry:

    Anyway, here I am ready for one of the most challenging weeks - still no junk AND eating at least 4 meals. Today I took a banana to work and ate it after surgery - hope this counts as a meal - it's the best I can do.

    I ate three small meals today and am sorta having a largish dinner. :angry:

    Well there is always tomorrow...

    I think a banana is fine. I don't think the point is to eat a MEAL, but to eat SOMETHING every 3-4 hours. That's what I do - snack a little all day. :-)
  • ncgirlie_2000
    Started week two feeling good. I had started the "no food 3 hours before bed" with week one. That was hard because after working out I don't get home to eat until 7pm. So I decided to switch things up and eat what I would normally eat for breakfast for dinner. So far that' s working well for me. I actually feel less sluggish in the morning. That's a positive about that. But I have to sometimes force myself to stay up until 10-11pm. A couple of days I was wiped out from my evening work out. I got through last week using only one cheat for ice cream on Sunday and boy was it good!
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Here's a REALLY great series of articles about nutrition - I highly recommend reading it!
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Here's a REALLY great series of articles about nutrition - I highly recommend reading it!

    Here's the link, DUH! ;-)

  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Week 2 is looking better today! :0)
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    How is everyone doing so far??
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I think GREAT! Thanks for this challenge. Although I'm not PERFECT everyday, I'm definitely making better conscious efforts! PLUS.... I haven't had Chips since we started, and it makes me proud. I could eat them EVERYDAY before this challenge. Now, they don't sound as interesting to me! :0)
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hope everyone is doing well. Remember, we aren't perfect, we are just striving for improvement!
  • gingermim
    gingermim Posts: 58 Member
    Didn't do to bad with this as I was sick....I had no appetitie and food just tasted off...lost over 5lb....not the right way...am looking forward to the next challenge.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Had a tougher week this week... I'm refocusing for tomorrow and next week though!!! :o)
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Still here... sorry I haven't checked in a while. In some ways, I feel like I am jumping ahead. I have been thinking, "How healthy can I really get?"

    I've had a snack (my meal #4) every day, even if it was just a glass of milk. A definite improvement over my 3 meals a day. I've had to stay up late a couple of nights to stick to the no food 3 hrs before bedtime rule -oops - not the way that is probably supposed to work. :bigsmile:

    I cheated last night (at least in my book) - I had some refined sugar (egads!!!) in my tea last night. Now that I've educated myself on the pitfalls of sugar :grumble: I will use honey next time.

    Anyway, looking forward to the new challenge next week that starts tomorrow - no junk, min. 4 meals a day, nothing to eat 3 hours before bed, and a low density colorful food at each "meal" Guess that means the milk won't cut it for a "meal" this next week.

    Ah, the purpose of the CHALLENGE - to make us do better.

    Cheers to another great week everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • ncgirlie_2000
    Well time to re-focus for me this week. I was doing great until the weekend, when I planned to use my two cheat days. I ate fine, however the several martini's I had Friday, and then the red wine Saturday during a pretty active social weekend for me, set me back a bit. Because of that I lost no weight last week, and with the amount of working out I did, I feel confident that I would have shed at least 1 - 2 lbs. This is going to be a hard week to incorporate veggies at every meal.
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Week 3 starts today!

    Eat some colorful, low-density food at every meal.
    These are foods that take up a lot of space without a lot of calories. Veggies are the most obvious example. You can eat a salad bowl overflowing with lettuce and veggies and you most likely won't exceed 100 calories. By eating low-density foods like veggies and fru...its, you'll keep your portions under control naturally, because they have very few calories for their size. Conversely, high-density foods,like chocolate and butter, are loaded with calories in even the smallest amounts. So beware of salad dressings and other things you add to salads and veggies. Only add enough for flavor;don't fill up on them. When it comes to live foods, the richer the colors, the fresher the products tend to be. Try to eat a variety of colors in your diet. This simple and somewhat random act will help ensure that you're covering your bases, nutrient-wise.

    Cheat Days: 1

    Weekly focus:
    Protein at every meal. This becomes even more important as you eat more low-density food, because protein tends to be high-density. Many veggies have a lot of protein, but the quantity you must consume starts to become prohibitive. Try to get some protein—meat, dairy products, nuts, seeds, or leg...umes—each time you eat, especially when you're working out hard, because you need to repair broken-down muscle tissue. Frequency of protein consumption is even more vital for women, who aren't able to digest as much protein at one time as men are. It's almost impossible to get all your necessary protein at one or two meals, so try to get 10 to 20 grams of protein each time you eat. Reading labels is a simple way to learn how to estimate your protein intake, but if you eat natural foods, most of which don't have labels, you can look at online nutritional information guides to determine the amount of protein each serving contains.
  • gingermim
    gingermim Posts: 58 Member
    Have done great for the first two weeks challenge...I used one cheat day last week to celebrate my b/day and had chocolate cake and fresh fruit (in place of ice cream). I am down 11 lbs in this two week time span.
  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    How is everyone doing? I had my cheat day yesterday, so I have to stay on track the rest of this week!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Honestly...not so great this week....... Had some changes in life schedules...and I've blown it this week....

    I plan to get back on track today though!! Thanks for sticking around !!

  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    Week 4!

    Cook at home.One of the best ways to control your eating is to prepare all your meals yourself. Eliminate all fast food (which should have been gone in Week 1) and most other restaurant food. You may still eat food from certain restaurants where you can be sure of the ingredients (most will be savvy enough to make a point of how healthy their food is). But avoid all fast food chains, even ones that claim to be "healthy." Restaurants need their food to taste good, so they'll often use compromised ingredients, even when they list low numbers on fats and/or calories. Fast food can contain many hidden evils in addition to calories. For example, next time you see one of those nutrition charts, check the sodium levels; most fast foods use ridiculously high amounts of salt. Avoiding fast food alone will often bring your body closer to homeostasis; its desired state of balance. This can be hard for many of us because we now have to plan our meals and prepare ahead of time, but try and treat it like vocational school—you don't learn new a new "job" without a little retraining.

    Cheat Days: 1

    Weekly focus:Fat is essential. Remember that fat is a vital part of your diet, not just something that makes you fat. What is not vital is a lot of saturated or trans fats. Trans fats are mainly those that are artificial, and hopefully they've been eliminated from your diet by this point, since they're generally only found in junk. Saturated fats are found in dairy products and meats, and you don't need too much. For cooking, try to use olive oil when possible. Also, the addition of either flaxseed or hempseed can have a pronounced effect on your health. These seeds are loaded with essential fatty acids, omegas 3 and 6. Be careful about that amount of fat. It is dense and has 9 calories per gram, opposed to 4 for both carbs and protein. A tablespoon goes a long way!