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  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey team..I have been very busy today seems like I am letting ya'll down I just dont have time to stop right now and do the stinkin chart.. This morning went to the gym for 90 minutes home..showered..breakfast for me..breakfast for kids..made son lunch..then off to take son to school..then daughter to the dr.. then to the bank to cash girl scout cookies check..then to kroger to pick up medicine..then to her school to pick up homework..then to the store so she can get a milkshake..then doing homework..dishes..laundry..I have homework myself for class tonight..I have to study for test on I hope you all are ok with me getting the charts up soon..I am trying not to let ya;ll down, but I have to take care of my family first..

    Ok love to you all I hear a screaming daughter for help on her homework!!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Tamara I am giving you the week off!! We will get a chart next week! Take care of your stuff. Really don't worry about besides I didn't have a loss anyway! :tongue:
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Hey team..I have been very busy today seems like I am letting ya'll down I just dont have time to stop right now and do the stinkin chart.. This morning went to the gym for 90 minutes home..showered..breakfast for me..breakfast for kids..made son lunch..then off to take son to school..then daughter to the dr.. then to the bank to cash girl scout cookies check..then to kroger to pick up medicine..then to her school to pick up homework..then to the store so she can get a milkshake..then doing homework..dishes..laundry..I have homework myself for class tonight..I have to study for test on I hope you all are ok with me getting the charts up soon..I am trying not to let ya;ll down, but I have to take care of my family first..

    Ok love to you all I hear a screaming daughter for help on her homework!!

    Take Care of your Family we know this week if we lost stayed even or gained. I am not wishing that on anyone but it happens. youdo what you need to to get things done right at your home.
  • brashear_2420
    Hey everyone. The hubby broke his fever last night! We disinfected the house and have washed everything he touched. I am so glad that he is feeling better. I had my first appointmetn with WIC today and we got approved. I knew we would, but I was happy to get it. The nutritionist there told me that 2000 calories a day was a great range to stay in. She said that I really shouldn't gain more than a couple pounds in my first trimester. She said I can tweak the calories as needed as long as I am getting in all the food groups. So I have to be super strict. I gave in yesterday and the sick hubby and I had Dunkin Doughnuts and McDonalds. It was so yummy, but not worth the upset tummy. Today I am back on track, but still taking it easy with the hubby. He goes back to work tomorrow and I go back to normal routine. That means I get a workout in and I so need it. Thursday I am trying the fit for two pregnancy class with a friend on the base. It is 1 hour and 15 minutes. I can't wait to see how it is. The friend is due in June and she is in desparate need of some exercise. They offer it twice a week and if we like it then I have a workout buddy for a few months. Plus it is a great chance for me to meet other wives/moms on the base.

    Tamara - Take the day off and do what you need to do.

    Everyone else, have a great day. I got to get some lunch. Talk to you all soon.
  • Fernandomike
    Fernandomike Posts: 95 Member
    Hello, everyone. I'm Mike or Fernando as I'm known out here in cyberspace. I just wanted to say hello and wish all of you the best. I'm doing really well with my own eating and exercise. I've nearly reached my weight goal, and I hope that when it's time for my next physical checkup, my blood sugar, cholesterol, et., will be out of the danger zones.

    Anyway, this site has proven to be a great resource for me in the short time that I'm been using it. I gotta say what's up to my friend, strbryt. Sorry to hear about some of the stuff you have going on. Whether it be life in general or exercise and nutrition in particular, keep fighting and pushing girl. Even on a bad day, we may get knocked down, but we won't get knocked out.
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Hello guys,

    Sorry I haven't been around. I'm not in a good place right now, so I don't want to come on here and bring anyone down. So I've decided to fix myself and come back when I am ready to contribute to the team.

    Tamara....take care of that little one.

    I will be back roaring....just give me some time.

    Love you all!
  • addiograsso
    Marcie - no, no, no, no no!!!!!
    I KNOW from experience what happens when you leave.... WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!!!!! You are not bringing anyone down - take it from me - it is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard to stay on track when you're not logging in - at least once in a while - even just to "lurk"... ;)
    It took me the better part of a month to get back to logging my food and still not quite back on track. it totally changes your mojo to walk away - instead of being 23 pounds lost and losing, I am at 16 pounds and holding/gaining/holding...
    Please, please, please let us be here for you - like Don says... if you fall down, just keep getting back up...
    You've been here for us - we'll be here for you.
    Hang in there - anything i can do - let me know!
  • addiograsso
    Hello all- my day is much like Jena's today - woke up to INCHES of water on the floor - seeping through the walls and into the ceiling below... toilet apparently ran all night. to top it off, I was running late for work and then going to a very, very sad funeral for my friend's baby daughter...
    I am TRYING VERY HARD to control me and not let the day or EMOTIONS control me. Eating McDonald's - which actually doesn't even taste that good anymore - will help NO ONE!!!! It is not even comfort food - it just makes me feel like poo when I'm done.
    Anyway, I digress... the only good thing that came from the water was the exercise I got vacuuming and cleaning it up...
    I am getting my water in today and am going to give situps and at least 10 mins of cardio a shot tonight - I have A LOT of pent up energy and frustration to burn off.
    Hello to everyone! 3 more days to weigh in - what are your goals for friday? Mine is a 2 pound loss - Ok, Deneen - make it happen! :)
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    During one of our hikes My hubby and I discussed how challenging some of the hills are and how some people we know would basically be dying, yeah we were talking crap!!:laugh: :tongue: lol But One point I brought up was this.... this little incline is NOT that difficult not really, I said "If you think this is just too hard just imagine for a minute what our military overseas is facing! All day everyday not just for a 60 min workout but because they have a difficult job to do and the terrain goes with the job!" "And they do this for US! The least we can do is GET UP and conquer our little hills, when we are faced with them!" I said they are doing all that for us and for What!? For us to be lazy? fat? Well yes I suppose it is for us to be whatever we choose to be (that's kind of the point of freedom) BUT it still doesn't make it right. I feel like the least we can do in honor of all they do, is make the most of our lives, take the steps to be healthy, go out side and enjoy the air and sunshine and the fact that we can do that with out worry of a roadside freakin bomb, do it because they are out there making sure you can!
    So yes the morale of the story Exercise! Do it for your country! :wink:
    I am leaving work now Off to see what major problems are awaiting me! :grumble:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Howdy team dont have much more time to say then to say hello..Sorry if I am not motivating anyone right now, seems like I have a zazillion things on my plate..Oh yeah I do..My daughter is not allowed to go back to school til tomorrow so I guess one more day home with her..I am totally enjoying it.. Today is gonna be study and relax day..I will vacuum and cleaning livingroom, but dishes laundry all that jazz is done..Thank Goodness

    Jena- Good points thanks..

    Marcie- I understand where you are going with this, but we are here for you, you are not bringing anyone down, thats what a family (Team) does.

    Don-How where your wraps the other day??

    Deneen-Glad to see you one the wagon.

    Jessica- I am glad to see thing may be looking up.

    Bobbie-Glad yougot WIC its such a great help.

    Amber-Awesome job at the gym yesterday eveing.

    Rupi-Karen-Nicole-Kerry-Jeanne- and anyone else I forgot I know we had a few new ones join us..Welcome and make sure you are getting your 10 extra minutes of something in this week..I beleive my 10 extra minutes of something lately has been sleep.

    Well we havea final tomorrow gonna go study and then we have a speed test tonight to see how fast we can break down the andriod and put them back together.. Wish me luck.. Have a good day.. I will lurk back on here later!! I get to watch biggest loser after I take my son to school...Yippee!!
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Howdy team dont have much more time to say then to say hello..Sorry if I am not motivating anyone right now, seems like I have a zazillion things on my plate..Oh yeah I do..My daughter is not allowed to go back to school til tomorrow so I guess one more day home with her..I am totally enjoying it.. Today is gonna be study and relax day..I will vacuum and cleaning livingroom, but dishes laundry all that jazz is done..Thank Goodness

    Jena- Good points thanks..

    Marcie- I understand where you are going with this, but we are here for you, you are not bringing anyone down, thats what a family (Team) does.

    Don-How where your wraps the other day??

    Deneen-Glad to see you one the wagon.

    Jessica- I am glad to see thing may be looking up.

    Bobbie-Glad yougot WIC its such a great help.

    Amber-Awesome job at the gym yesterday eveing.

    Rupi-Karen-Nicole-Kerry-Jeanne- and anyone else I forgot I know we had a few new ones join us..Welcome and make sure you are getting your 10 extra minutes of something in this week..I beleive my 10 extra minutes of something lately has been sleep.

    Well we havea final tomorrow gonna go study and then we have a speed test tonight to see how fast we can break down the andriod and put them back together.. Wish me luck.. Have a good day.. I will lurk back on here later!! I get to watch biggest loser after I take my son to school...Yippee!!

    THe Wrap recipe that I sent you i made and they were great. the whole fam loved them. it takes care of the buffalo wing craving. hope your girl is doing well today.
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. I am doing much better than I was last night. I had the worst tummy ache from about 1:00 till I went to bed. I had toast and dry cereal for dinner. Nothing would settle on my stomach. I woke up this morning feeling much better, but my tummy is still super sensitive. I think I am probably going to struggle to get in all my calories today. I am also going to get some cardio in today. The hubby has PT and I am going to get my workout in while he is at the gym. I was suppose to have lunch with a friend today, but her hubby is sick and she doesn't want me to catch anything. So we have rescheduled for next week. I plan on taking it pretty easy today. I am going to get a nap in and be sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat stuff that will be easy on my tummy.

    Marcie - I want you to know that I love ya and I will miss you if you disappear on us. We want you here. We are here dor support and to listen and to help you pull through this. If you need time, I completley understand, but you never bring us down. We all have so much on our plates, but we always find time for each other. So just know that we all want you here and are here for you when you are ready. I am sending you big hugs right now!

    Deneen - Thank you for sticking with it, I hope that you found time for the exercise last night and that you stayed away from Mcdonalds. You are still 16 pounds down from where you started and you will get back to 23 poiunds and fly past it. Keep your head up. I am proud of you for not letting the hiccup in your day ruin your day. Love ya my friend.

    Jean - I am super proud of you too for not letting the things life threw at you derail you. I also really liked your post about what our military does and that we should not complain. My hubby will soon be doing stuff that scares me everyday. I am just glad that he is home with me right now and he will be here to witness the birth of our first child. He gets to be home with me for the whole pregnancy. After we have the baby, we will be getting our next assignment and be moving. I feel very blessed that he gets to be home with me every step of the way. God is good.

    Tamara - I love you bestest. Take care of Jade and enjoy your day at home with her. Good luck on your test today. I will be glad when you are done with training and can start getting a paycheck again.

    Amber - Get your butt back to the thread. Good job at the gym last night. I hope you see the resultss that you want on Friday.

    Don - I am glad to see you posting more. Can you send me the recipe for the wraps that you made? We like buffalo chicken in this house too.

    Jessica - I really hope the scale moves for you on Friday. You have been stuck for too long.

    Karen, Kerry, Rupi, Nicole, and anyone else that I missed...I hope you are having a healthy week. Come back to us soon.

    Okay I am going to spend some time with the hubby before he has to go to work. I hope I do not gain again this week. The nutritionist said that I should not be gaining yet. Here is hoping that I don't. Have a great day everyone.
  • addiograsso

    THe Wrap recipe that I sent you i made and they were great. the whole fam loved them. it takes care of the buffalo wing craving. hope your girl is doing well today.

    Don - Hey would love to have that recipe too- LOOOOHOOOVE Buffalo wings and if there is actually a lower fat/lower calorie option, I'm all ears... or I guess it's all eyes in this case, eh?... tee hee hee :)
  • addiograsso
    Hey all -
    just checking in... logging my food - drinking some water and then will check back later!!!!
    Have A GREAT day - ALL OF us - take one minute and just put your head back - relax and smile - it's good for you... REALLY!
    See you later.
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Hey all -
    just checking in... logging my food - drinking some water and then will check back later!!!!
    Have A GREAT day - ALL OF us - take one minute and just put your head back - relax and smile - it's good for you... REALLY!
    See you later.

    Sheeeeee's Back!
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    To all my friends and people that want this here is the Recipe that I sent to Tamara I found this Recipe on the kraft website it is GOOD. I put it in on my Recipes on MPF but the Cals did not come out to the same I don't know why. actually none of mine ever seem to add up. This is a good way to get your Buffalo wing fix.....ENJOY!!!!!

    Buffalo Chicken Wraps
    prep time 10 min total time 30 min makes 4 servings
    What You Need
    8 frozen breaded chicken breast strips (3/4 lb.)
    1/4 cup KRAFT Mayo with Olive Oil Reduced Fat Mayonnaise
    1 Tbsp. hot pepper sauce
    2 cups shredded lettuce 4 spinach flour tortillas (8 inch)
    1 large tomato, chopped
    1 cup KRAFT 2% Milk Shredded Cheddar Cheese

    Make It
    BAKE chicken as directed on package. Meanwhile, mix mayo and hot pepper sauce until blended.

    PLACE lettuce down centers of tortillas; top with chicken, tomatoes and cheese.

    DRIZZLE with mayo mixture; roll up.
    Kraft Kitchens TipsServing SuggestionServe with a simple side of celery and carrot sticks to round out the meal.

    SubstitutePrepare using 12 frozen breaded chicken nuggets.nutritional information per serving

    Calories 460 Total fat 23 g Saturated fat 7 g Cholesterol 50 mg Sodium 1160 mg Carbohydrate 41 g Dietary fiber 3 g Sugars 2 g Protein 26 g Vitamin A 15 %DV Vitamin C 10 %DV Calcium 45 %DV Iron 10 %DV K:54040v1:107520
  • brashear_2420
    Good evening team. I have had a great day. My tummy stopped hurting so bad. I took a nap today. I wokred out for 45 minutes. I used my new video that I got right before I found out I was pregnant. It is Leslie's walk at home pilates slim and sleek body. Oh man I loved it. It was a nice change of pace from her other workouts. I really enjoyed it. Now I am having a protein bar and some water for my after workout snack. I still have another one of Leslie's videos that I have yet to try and after this one, I am looking very forward to it. I will say that the workout kicked my butt. I was sweating like crazy, but it was worth it. I feel great now and I know I am going to sleep like a baby tonight. I am really looking forward to the pregnancy class tomorrow. I hope it goes well and I do not look like a fool. :smile:

    Don - Thanks for the recipe. I think I am going to have to try it, but I might used grilled chicken strips instead of the breaded ones. It is another good way to cut out some calories.

    Deneen - I am so glad to see you are back.

    Jean - Hang in there at work. We know you will be back to yourself soon. The busy season will pass soon.

    Have a good night everyone. The couch is calling my name.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    My husband did a P90X workout at his sister/brothers house and now wants to buy it for our house lol He said he really wants to cuz we can do it together and is excited lol Im like ok what could it hurt
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey team just a real quick check in..Gym was closed at 5 am so I slept in went from 8-930 then headed back at 130 with amber for last minute workout then home to get ready for last day of class training.. I find out tonight if I move on.. I have a really good feeling about this..

    Don- Thanks for posting recipe.

    Bobbie-Glad you got your workout in

    Amber-Come out come out whenever you are..( i know you have been busy but come back)..see ou at 130 or there afterwards..Remember I have to leave at 230.

    Jena-I hope you show a loss as well as myself this week..Thinking postive thought.. We are celebrating Valentines Day tomorrow since friday is my eat meal and monday is not.

    Jessica- I am getting p90x also, I am super excited

    Karen-Rupi-Risa-Keri-Nicole-Mitzi..Hope everyone has a good last minute workout and if I forgot someone I am so sorry..Just got done eating my oatmeal peanut butter and apple headed out to print off my resume to turn in tonight.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Well I got my walking in last night 2 Miles in 30 Minutes. I even got the running in I walk at 4 mph and every 4th muinute I would run for one minute. I will work on reducing the time between walking and running. Like I said I walk at 4 mph and when I run it was at 6 mph. after my walk I did 150 jumping jacks in 2 minutes. I should have also jumped rope but the truck was in the garage and no room. oh crap that is an excuse I should have pretended to swing the rope and just did it. I will tonight I need to start doing this in the morning as well like I use to.....I use to walk 2.5 miles in the morning and 2.5 miles in the afternoon after work. I am working my way back to this and I will get there!