30 Day Shred Motivation Thread



  • mom2TNT
    mom2TNT Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! Tomorrow is my last day of the Shred!! Weigh in day is Sunday but as of last Sunday, I have lost 14 pounds and inches everywhere!! I started out at 180. I am 166 now and dropping! :) I haven't decided if I want to start the Shred again or do P90X next. But I love it! It's short enough to get in every day with little kids and Jillian works you hard!

    When I get to 175 I am going to do Rip60. P90X is super intense - have a bunch of friends who have done it. Jillian has a workout DVD in the Rip60 program so I am looking forward to get there for that.
  • mhoch
    mhoch Posts: 50
    I just started day 1 of the first level yesterday. I was suprised at how much work was put into 27 minutes. I liked it, it reminded me of a bootcamp I did year or so ago. I didnt have any weights smaller than 7 lbs, but I did ok for the chest and back exercises. It was just the over the head or shoulder lifts that I struggled with. Will be going to get some 3 and 5lbs so I can still do those lifts, and do them correctly.

    I am excited that I found this video and thread. Hopefully I can stay motivated enough to stick it out to see results...

    Oh and if anyone still wants to get it. If you have a roku (or some other instant streaming to tv device) you can buy 30 day shred on the amazon channel. It breaks it up into 3 episodes at $1.99 a piece, so the whole thing is only 6 dollars! I thought that was awesome. And you can just try level one and if you don't like it you only have to spend $2. You can also just buy it on amazon on demand and watch it on the computer if you dont have a streaming device.

    Ok, thats all for me. Hope to stay with this!
  • mom2TNT
    mom2TNT Posts: 29 Member
    OK, so I saw this thread yesterday and got inspired. Going to start on Sunday. I previewed it last night. After reading post here I have decided I will do beginners moves this round and go back again and do advanced moves.

    So i will keep checking in. Sunday, ***hard swollow***, i will post weight and measurements. But here is my concern....I am training to run my first 5K - starting small. I am already having issues with getting enough calories with my training. Adding this will be more calories I will have to eat. How are you all doing it? I cannot eat that much!!

    This is too much food. I am already eatting every 2-3 hours. I have changed to eatting more calories during my snack times and having larger meals but It is still too much. I am stuffed to capacity and still low on calorie count. Concerned about putting my body in starvation mode and not losing anything. Suggestion appreciated.

    Honestly, at most, I think I burned 290 calories with the Shred. And that might've been high, I'm going to recheck tonight. This workout has so much strength in it that it isn't going to add many calories to your daily budget. You could probably get away not eating back these exercise calories and be fine. If you feel you need to, one more peanut butter sandwich should do the trick.

    lol....problem is i LOVE peanut butter. have to find a way to eat and not get addicted again. LOL. But that is good to know. Was thinking I might need to lower my beginning budget to help - especially since by adding Shred I will be exercising everyday.
  • mlsmathias
    Oh Cool, I will be starting this Monday!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Oh, and I did it 6 days a week... sometimes 5. There were days here and there where I couldn't get it in.

    Did you do anything else too (aside from chasing your kids around)?
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Do you need to have hand weights to do 30DS or are bands ok? A friend at work offered to lend me the DVD but I didn't want to stop and buy weights. We have bands, but I wasn't sure if it would be the same.
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Do you need to have hand weights to do 30DS or are bands ok? A friend at work offered to lend me the DVD but I didn't want to stop and buy weights. We have bands, but I wasn't sure if it would be the same.

    I dont think you can use the bands. You can use 2 cans of soup though... You want to start out with 3lbs .. you do a lot of reps anything heavier would probably be too much.
  • jmanthei98
    jmanthei98 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm gonna do Day 3 of Level 2 today. It's brutal, but a great workout! I even saw a tiny fitness improvement from Day 1 to Day 2. I can't wait to see the progress today. :-) Most of the exercises I can do without modifications, but there are a couple I either modify, do slower, or take a quick break...or all 3! LOL My goal is to be able to do all the exercises without modification before moving on. Good luck!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Day 4 behind me ... will be doing day 5 tonight! I love this video and am so glad I am doing another round of it. Very excited because Jillian is coming out with a new DVD 3/1. I preordered it :) It has 4 levels same 3-2-1 idea. I believe it was called Ripped in 30 .... By the time I get it I will be almost done with my 30 days here so I cant wait to give the new dvd a whirl!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Day 4 behind me ... will be doing day 5 tonight! I love this video and am so glad I am doing another round of it. Very excited because Jillian is coming out with a new DVD 3/1. I preordered it :) It has 4 levels same 3-2-1 idea. I believe it was called Ripped in 30 .... By the time I get it I will be almost done with my 30 days here so I cant wait to give the new dvd a whirl!

    oh thanks for the heads up! will be looking into that!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    ok level 1 day 8 behind me! i still get a little sore about 1-2hrs after but then it goes away. so far i have done the dvd 5 times a week, go to zumba class on tuesdays and have a break on sundays! but might see if i can squeeze it in sundays too! lol! after all its only 25mins!
  • linemansgirl
    D2L1 completed! :bigsmile: It was more challenging this morning because I made sure to push myself and follow Natalie today. Well, except for push-ups! :blushing: :laugh: The last time I did the shred I worked up to being able to do all of the push-ups, and that was the first time I was able to do a "real" push-up in my life! I am using 3 lb. weights, but I really need to get out my 5 lb. weights for some of the moves.

    I am going to do my best to do the shred 6 days a week, Sundays are my rest day. I probably won't post my measurements, but I will let you all know amount of weight and inches lost later! :wink:
  • rmqt
    rmqt Posts: 78 Member
    Glad I found this thread!! I am also training for half marathon, and was taking a boot camp class that ends soon. This will replace it and hopefully hold me accountable. I'm awful without a group :)
  • anniepants1
    Did day 6 level one last night and those squats still kill my quads! Woke up at 2:30 this morning with a sore throat, headache & stuffy head so probably will take this evening off. We'll see how I feel later. I don't want to miss a workout, but just don't know if my head can handle it today. Hope everyone else has a great workout today!
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    The only other thing I did was a 15 minute abs video twice during the month. LOL. I totally planned on doing it a few times a week and just didn't.
    Oh, and I did it 6 days a week... sometimes 5. There were days here and there where I couldn't get it in.

    Did you do anything else too (aside from chasing your kids around)?
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I will look into Rip60! How long are the workouts? I've done P90X before and loved it! I'm just worried about finding an hour a day to workout right now. I don't want to get too discouraged and give up.
    Hi! Tomorrow is my last day of the Shred!! Weigh in day is Sunday but as of last Sunday, I have lost 14 pounds and inches everywhere!! I started out at 180. I am 166 now and dropping! :) I haven't decided if I want to start the Shred again or do P90X next. But I love it! It's short enough to get in every day with little kids and Jillian works you hard!

    When I get to 175 I am going to do Rip60. P90X is super intense - have a bunch of friends who have done it. Jillian has a workout DVD in the Rip60 program so I am looking forward to get there for that.
  • mislove68
    I am on lvl 3 day 8. Then I am going to check out her other dvds before i re go threw 30 day shred. But thats for the thread!
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    I started the Shred last night. I figured 20 minutes=peace of cake. WRONG! Excited for more punishment tomorrow!
  • JoJo1953
    JoJo1953 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm on day L1 D2. Those push ups are killing me. Have no upper body strength and hoping this might help me in that area. It's got to get easier right?????:laugh:
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I'm on day L1 D2. Those push ups are killing me. Have no upper body strength and hoping this might help me in that area. It's got to get easier right?????:laugh:

    I sincerely hope so or I might not survive! I think it will. You're ahead of us to, so you'll be making fun of our torment soon enough!