30 day shred



  • busygirl1
    ok girls I have to come clean! I intended to do my shred last night but when I finally got all my stuff done it was 2030hrs and I was just knackered! SORRY!!! Have done it today and will go to the dreaded gym later aswell as the kids should be with their dad (hopefully). It was actually a lot easier today so maybe the rest day did me good?? Anyway, happy days to all who are on track
    L1D4 Done :smile:
  • Poy_Ella
    Day 5 tonight and it's getting so much easier! The first couple of days killed me, my thighs and calves and upper arms were SO sore! ... but I'm able to do each exercise properly now, although like the rest of you those side lunges with the arm raises are a shocker! Haha. I won't be able to do anything tomorrow as I'm way too busy with a surprise party but back on it for Day 6 on Sunday!

    Nice to see how everyone else is getting on! ... it's nearly time for our second lot of measurements, eek!
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Level 1 Day 5 complete! So the cardio is getting a lot easier...but those lunge...YUCK! And push-ups...I can't even do all of the modified ones...

    But I burnt 313 calories today...I'm much less sore now :-)

    Bring on Day 6!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I have done it twice this week and am planning on one more this weekend. I'll jump on board with you! Are you thinking every day? I think I might die right now if I didn't have rest days, it's rough. Maybe next week I'll try 2 in a row and see how it goes....
  • daisabelle
    daisabelle Posts: 74 Member
    LV1D2 complete. My legs were so sore this morning, managed to power through though. I found the cardio particularly jumping jacks easier to do today. Hoping this soreness will settle down by the end of this week! Do you guys measure/weigh after each 10 days is complete or do you wait right until the 30 days?
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    LV1D2 complete. My legs were so sore this morning, managed to power through though. I found the cardio particularly jumping jacks easier to do today. Hoping this soreness will settle down by the end of this week! Do you guys measure/weigh after each 10 days is complete or do you wait right until the 30 days?

    I think I may measure after each 10 day period...though most of the change comes during levels 2 and 3 apparently. I'm going to regard the measurements from the 30 days altogether most highly though. :-)
  • burgesnd
    L1D2 down!! I wasn't sure I was going to be able to walk today and am still struggling if I sit to long and then try to get up. My thighs and calves are screaming! I am going to do L1D3 tonight, but am not sure I can do it with same intensity. I can say that the video was a bit easier for me last night though. Can't wait to start seeing the results!!

    Also, my daily calorie limit is 1200 and with logging my exercise, I am struggling to reach that amount. I've heard you should not eat less than 1200 calories per day...do you think that will impede my weight loss?
  • JordanGirl5
    JordanGirl5 Posts: 56 Member
    HI! I have the 30 Day Shred and I have a couple of questions.

    1. Am I gonna die (lol)

    2. Is it worth it

    3. Will it help me meet my goal of 30 lbs down by May 1st.

    4. Will I feel encouraged
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Just finished L1:D5! Decided to do it during my lunch break. It has been a hard week, so didn't want to leave anything to chance! I sneaked at Level 2&3... I'm intimidated, but excited for the challenge at the same time :) Hope everyone else is doing well!
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    HI! I have the 30 Day Shred and I have a couple of questions.

    1. Am I gonna die (lol)

    2. Is it worth it

    3. Will it help me meet my goal of 30 lbs down by May 1st.

    4. Will I feel encouraged

    Hi Jordan! This is my first time doing the shred, so not sure what the results are going to be for me. From what I've read from other people on MFP and DVD review sites is that they've had great results from it. You can take it at your own pace and they show modifications for the moves, which makes it easier. It's a great workout from what I've seen so far :) You'll also find a bunch of message board threads on the shred, plenty of encouragement here!
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    HI! I have the 30 Day Shred and I have a couple of questions.

    1. Am I gonna die (lol)

    2. Is it worth it

    3. Will it help me meet my goal of 30 lbs down by May 1st.

    4. Will I feel encouraged

    1. In a word: no. In a few more words: You can go at your own pace, but don't be scared to challenge yourself. Go that extra bit further that you thought you couldn't, you just might surprise yourself! There are modifications for the exercises, I do a few of them, for example, the push-ups.

    2. I think any form of exercise is worth it. I don't believe that exercise is only good if it leads to physical results. I have found that after 4 days, my concentration levels have increased and I feel more energetic, and I've NEVER exercised before. So, I definitely think it is worth it, and the physical changes I may benefit from will be an added bonus.

    3) Exercising is a way of burning calories and increasing muscle mass. By doing these two things, you should lose body fat. However, it does NOT mean you will consistently see the number on the scale go down. By exercising the muscles, you may retain water etc. some weeks. It's just something you need to keep at.

    4) Even though I've watched and completed the Level 1 workout 5 times now, I still feel like Jillian Michaels is encouraging me. She says the right things at the right moments; she knows when you are feeling it... it's a little eerie! So, I think you will feel encouraged, also 30 Day Shredders on this thread and on the whole of MFP will be here to give you advice and encouragement!

    I realllllllly enjoy 30 day shred. I look forward to doing it, which is strange! I highly recommend it and I've only been doing it for five days! Let us know what you decide to do!
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    completed L1D5 this evening when I got home. It is getting easier but ut us still a challange. I hope that I can keep up the 30 days. I do feel better when I do it. Thanks for everyone's support! Enjoy your next day of the Shred!!
  • pcmoore
    pcmoore Posts: 53 Member
    I ordered my copy last week and STILL don't have it....UGH! I'm not feeling so good anyways so maybe I'll get it tomorrow and can start next Monday (a week later than planned)...I have been working with Gilad and doing A LOT of crunches....my burried abs HURT..>LOL Good job to all doing the Shread!
  • daisabelle
    daisabelle Posts: 74 Member
    Starting LV1D3 today. Thighs aren't as sore as they were yesterday, I can walk more normally which is good! Any idea when the soreness eases off?
  • Smokenmirrors
    Smokenmirrors Posts: 71 Member
    Day 3 for me today. I was not happy last night....But I pulled through. All those husbands out there who think its easy....Put your money where your mouth is....

    Great sense of accomplishment when you finish and stretch out. Havent found anything girlie about this yet but if I do Ill keep you posted.
  • nancy0365
    I did this with a friend of mine -- we broke it up by doing sessions one and two for one week each, then ended the final two weeks with the 3rd session. The first few days were a challenge but within a few days (4) it was better. Moreover, the 20 minutes moves by quickly. I lost only a few pounds but I definitely lost quite a lot of inches. So worth the 20 mins a day!!
  • busygirl1
    L1D5 done! had a peak at level 2 today and it looks like more fun so roll on day 10 as I am getting bored! I have also has a good jog today and kept busy rather than sitting around thinking about what I shouldn't be munching. Well done all, lets keep it going.
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Great Busy Girl! It is hard to sit around the house and not think about eating. I too completed L1D5 today. I was thinking of moving to level 2 soon also. Have a great day and look forward to checking in tomorrow.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Just finished L1:D6 :) 4 more days till level 2!
  • tsamak310
    It's been a couple of days since I last updated. I missed Friday night (day 4) because I had an absolutely awful day at work and it just got to me. However, yesterday I did complete the workout, which I'll consider day 4. I also cleaned my house like crazy. Today I plan on doing the shred 2 times to get back to where I need to be, day 6. Also, since it's a pretty day I plan on washing my car with some serious effort as it hasn't seen suds since about September!! I'm disappointed I missed a day, but plan on fixing it!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend and is staying committed!!