St Patty's Day Challenge - January 2011 Thread



  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I had a good weekend. Me and my husband decided we needed to spend some one on one time with each kid. So we had them rotate every hr, one kid with my husband, one with me and one cleaning their room. So with my middle daughter I played games, sorry, manacula and hangman, with my son I walked to the park around the corner and played basketball (horse) and I lost only by one letter, YEAH I havent picked up a basketball since 10th grade. Then with my youngest daughter I jumped on the trampoline then we went to the nature trail and walked down to the river and skipped rocks as we talked. So it was a good weekend and I got in lots of exercise. what did everyone else do this weekend?
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    The mommie that sounds like lots of fun activities. Fun with family and fun burning calories.

    I have had a busy weekend getting ready for a show in CA. I am in OR.
    I will be gone for the next week. It is exciting but so much work.

    My missed weigh in.

    CW: 215.4

    -0.9 lost
  • I'm just joining the St. Patty's day group, so my goal will be 10 lbs by 3/17. I need to kick the chocolate habit, but I'm otherwise a healthy eater that needs to get back on the treadmill:)
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Challenge SW: 188.5
    Challenge GW: 165 (-23.5)

    LW: 179.6
    CW: 179.2 (.4)
    Total Loss for Challenge: -9.3 lbs
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    FYI....I was going to send velvetechos (the leader of the challenge) a message to check on her and her account has been deactivated.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    my weigh in is today
    weigh in 200.5 I gained .4 lbs grrr, so close to onderland
    I think I need to up my exercise also I blew it valentines day, next week will be better
    Have a great weekend everyone
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