The Gym is great for people watching!!



  • westcoastSW
    westcoastSW Posts: 320 Member
    I go to the gym at my university since it's free (I'm a graduate student), and it's always FULL of sorority girls on the cardio machines and fraternity guys lifting weights. They all wear their Greek letters... I've wondered if there's someone who keeps track of which house gets the most workouts in during a week, lol. I don't mind though, since I'm guilty as a cardio girl too (gotta burn off the beer gut!).
  • tbtravels
    tbtravels Posts: 43 Member
    Hilarious thread!! Bump :-)
  • the other day i walked into the locker room to see a woman completely naked....blow drying her hair. i just dont get it... lol...but i love all these..ive been cracking up all morning
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I've become "The Girl From the Gym."

    Seriously 4 times in the last month I've been stopped while I was out and about (Grocery store, bar, burlesque show...) and someone has said., "Oh! Hey! You're the girl from the gym!!!" :huh: There are other girls there... it's not like I'm the only one. I may be the only one covered in sweat grunting like a dude in the free weights area and hauling *kitten* on the stairmill 2 hours a night 6 days a week but I PROMISE I'm not "THE girl from the gym." :noway: Makes me wonder just a little if my gym had this thread if I'd be mentioned... :ohwell:
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    at my gym theres loads of people that no matter what time of day i go i see the same people. Theres the old lady who goes to every exercise class going - step, spin, combat... you name it she goes and just sorta does her own thing at the back. Theres the lady who wears jean shorts to work out in.. and ive see her getting changed after and what she arrives to the gym is a lot more revealing plus thigh high boots!! Oh and theres the woman who does handstands against the wall in the ladies gym and sorta does press ups upside down!! very impressive!
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    at my gym theres loads of people that no matter what time of day i go i see the same people. Theres the old lady who goes to every exercise class going - step, spin, combat... you name it she goes and just sorta does her own thing at the back. Theres the lady who wears jean shorts to work out in.. and ive see her getting changed after and what she arrives to the gym is a lot more revealing plus thigh high boots!! Oh and theres the woman who does handstands against the wall in the ladies gym and sorta does press ups upside down!! very impressive!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    At my gym there is a woman I call the fireplug. That is because that is what she reminds me of, she is about 4'11 and very muscular. Everytime I see her she is going full force and I just wish I could get to that point. She will get next to me on the treadclimber and go about 20 steps a minute faster to me. I am dying at 65 steps and she is going good at 85. Also when I am doing my core work I will see her in the floor exercise room just knocking out push ups. She pushes me to push it harder everytime I see her.

    I love finding those people that can push me like that. Inspiring!
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Something I saw last night at the gym had me thinking of this thread whilst working out so I have to post.
    There's this guy who came in and ran a little. He then gets three juggling balls out of his jacket and kneels on a gym ball.
    THEN he starts 'trying' to juggle.
    Now I admire his calm and determination but he was still trying to balance and throw more than three balls half an hour later!
    Just had me wondering - Why!!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    LOL when the studio wasn't used used for classes my friend and I would take 2 fitballs, kneel on them, and try to throw each other off each other's ball by throwing 3kg medicine balls at each other you had to catch ideally without falling off.

    The funniest core strength session ever!!! :laugh:

    So far I have never seen anyone juggle on one yet!! :happy:
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I classify ppl in 4 categories;
    1) A) the roid boyz; these are guys who lift as much as they can without any true form and figure just because they are lifting hard they are going to get big, I laugh at these guys they are injuries waiting to happen.
    B) the young weight boys who want to be big and try to emulate the bigger guys whilst doing more damage than good because they think they need to lift heavy
    2)The more knowledgeable usually older guys who train right and usually laugh at the roid boys
    3) the cardio ppl, these are the runners and the power walkers that get on the treadmills or track and just give it all they have
    4) the obervers who watch ppl are usually bigger (overweight) and do some weight training on very low weight and do not really get any real benefit.

    Now ppl can fall into 2 or more categories I spent years in highschool and university listening to ppl who got real results and I learned true form and breathing gets the best results more so than the amount of weight you lift. I spent about 3 years lifting ingoing heavy all the time and got nowhere really, then started talking to the older guys who trained right and learned how to lift right, it made a world of difference. Now I lift and do a set of 15 per exercise and only as much weight as you feel the burn for the last 3 reps. It shapes and defines the muscle better that way. On a funny note my last gym visit there is one native guy I call "no neck" , he is the ring leader for a bunch of kids and he has this massive 2L protein shake bottle that he is constantly using and he was doing squat that were far beyond what he should have been lifting anyhow on about his 4th rep he dropped down and let out this pretty loud fart and as he went back up his shorts ripped right down the middle seam and I damn neat choked on my water because it struck me as so funny. I have also seen a chick wipeout on the treadmill trying to keep up with me on the treadmill during 1 of my 1/4 mile sprints that I do for interval training. I felt bad for her because she fell and I helped her up but it was kinda funny at the same time.
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    This thread is too funny to let it die!
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    Oh the 80 pound girl who walks 2.4 MPH on the treadmill everyday. She looks like she's gonna faint she is so pale and weak! I just want to feed her!!!
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
  • Glad to know I'm not the only people watcher!! I've got a few characters of my own..

    1. The Cryer: No matter what time of day you enter the gym, you will find The Cryer doing her thing on any number of machines. She'll be stumbling on the treadmill...crying. She'll be hunched over, red in face, climbing the Stair Master...crying. She'll be on the elliptical...crying (this machine seems to really make her let it all out and WAIL). She might be on the bike...crying. I asked her once if she was okay and she yelled at me to mind my own business because she really needed to finish. I've left it alone and just watch while pondering.

    2. Bionic Woman: this girl will run at high speed for an hour without sweating or being short of breath, jump on the Stair Master less than 30 seconds afterward and climb 345039854 flights of stairs, do a 30 minute round of circuit training with 100+ pounds, and then she leaves with non-soaked through clothing, pristine hair, and a smile on her face. It's bizarre.

    3. The Vending Machine: Feeling light-headed or mildly hungry after a work out? This man probably has any snack you could dream of in his gym bag. Chips, cookies, granola bars, brownies, name it, he's got it. He also likes to eat his Lays Baked Potato Chips while leisurely walking on the treadmill.

    4. The Cruncher: The Cruncher makes it her daily mission to complete 5000 crunches a day. However, I can only assume no one has shown her the proper form because instead of moving her torso in up and down motions, she kind of rocks back and forth in a rhythm and manner that looks quite dirty. She gathers quite the crowd of males that watch her, but I don't think she's realized yet.

    5. Me, Myself, and I: When I used to work out at the YMCA with individuals of older age, I found myself becoming quite competitive if I noticed they were going harder and longer than me. I was the crazy girl that waited for the elderly man or woman on the machine next to me to set their rate and time, and then I'd set my machine on more resistance and go 10 minutes longer. I got sick satisfaction out of this.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Glad to know I'm not the only people watcher!! I've got a few characters of my own..

    1. The Cryer: No matter what time of day you enter the gym, you will find The Cryer doing her thing on any number of machines. She'll be stumbling on the treadmill...crying. She'll be hunched over, red in face, climbing the Stair Master...crying. She'll be on the elliptical...crying (this machine seems to really make her let it all out and WAIL). She might be on the bike...crying. I asked her once if she was okay and she yelled at me to mind my own business because she really needed to finish. I've left it alone and just watch while pondering.

    Weird! :huh:
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    maybe she found working out painful or she was crying for her pounds lost and she missed them lol. I though the comment about competing with the older crowd was funny. I saw a new character at the gym today, I call her the twister, she runs but incorporates this very odd twisting motion with arms in full swing almost like one of those kids that swing their arms in full circles and walks towards another kid. She wears spandex pants and small tank top she is kind of smallish but i thought she was quite funny. definately a run all her own.
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    bump to read later.
  • I go to a gym in a senior community, so I was a lot of seniors. The majority of what I see is men using the circuit machines with heavy weights, but do no sets, just 10 reps, then slam the weights back. Also, there's a lot of woman who waddle on the treadmill, talking to each other the whole time. They spend about 15 min total in the gym.
    There is one guy that is serious business. He comes in with a kilt on. Takes the kilt off and hangs it. He's wearing SHORT shorts. Can't blame him though. He's got some gams!
    I can't pick on these folks, though. They're seniors. At least they're going to the gym.
  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    My friend brought me to her Yoga class and everyone kept farting. I wanted to die.

    Guys new to zumba crack me up. When they can't get the moves, they just rock out. its great.
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