30 day shred



  • nellyp0oh
    nellyp0oh Posts: 27 Member
    Finally got my DVD yesterday!! Ok I just did Day 1 Level 1 of the 30day Shred DVD and I'm drained!!! P90x is gonna have to wait a long time. DH is gonna be using that one!! It was a good workout and I'm convinced I need to keep it up because Im out of shape. I couldnt even do one modified push-up. Thats terrible. While I am motivated, not being able to do one push-up (modified at that) is very discouraging. I worked out so hard I can barely type this message and I feel like my breakfast from earlier is gonna come back up. I'm getting in the shower again. BRB
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Eeek - I'm just about to start Level 2 Day 1...very scared! Especially as I am developing some sort of illness...but I'm not giving up. I WILL do this! Well done to everyone so far!
  • mmannequinn
    mmannequinn Posts: 55 Member
    i just started 30 day shred on 2/15....so far i love it!! i plan on doing each level for 30 days since my fiance started p90x on 2/15 as well! such a motivation that we're doing this together!! <3
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    OH MY GOODNESS. I took SO many breaks. I need to give it 110% tomorrow...

    I'm such a slacker!

    But it's awesome! I have that adrenalin rush that I had on day 1!

    Day 1 of Level 2 complete. 11 out of 30 days done!
  • AutumnMichelle
    Hi All! I have been doing the Shred for 17 days!!! I should be on day 21 but got a nasty stomach bug and had to take a few days off. I love the Shred. My body is really changing FAST!
  • busygirl1
    L2D2!!! whoop whoop!!! I am defo stronger although these planks kill my shoulders! Had a sneaky peek and lost 1cm off my waist already :smile:
  • BlessedMamatoBoys
    I need to begin it, it has been sitting on my shelf since last summer, lol!
  • busygirl1
    I need to begin it, it has been sitting on my shelf since last summer, lol!

    come on then hun, jump in with us its not too late to join us there are lots of people at all different stages in this thread x x
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Just completed Level 2 - Day 1! It was really fun! I'm looking forwarded to the next 9 days at this level. I think Level 1 really sets you up well for Level 2, as far as endurance and body strength.
  • Poy_Ella
    I'll be starting on Level 2 tonight! I'm scared of how sore I'll be considering how I felt after the first couple of days! I'll take some measurements tonight =)
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    So I did not get to work out last night. That would have been day 10. I feel like a slug. I am going to go ahead with Level 2 today. I am scared and exceited. I hope I burn more calories! Happy Shredding everyone. I too, will post my measurements this eveining.
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Day 2 of Level 2 complete. Didn't take as many rests, but my strength is so rubbish, some of the moves I couldn't physically finish without screaming, which I would have if I lived on my own...

    I felt it more today though, it proves that I worked harder. And the adrenalin rush is still here, yay!

    I feel like I could go for a run! Hehe...

    12 out of 30 days complete!
  • tsamak310
    Wednesday night got a great compliment from a friend i hadn't seen in a while. "You look great! What are you doing? You look so skinny!" GREAT MOTIVATION!! Thursday morning woke up with a stomach bug, UGH! Knocked me out all day! And wasn't able to shred and didn't Wednesday because of the visit to a friend. So I'm feeling better today and will try to get it done after work. I'm going to do level 1 a few more times and hopefully be back on track to get to level 2 either Sunday or Monday. Happy Friday everyone!!
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Finished Level 2:Day 2! I'm also doing C25K and I had a 25 minute run this morning (Week 6-Day3), so my energy was a little down today for the Shred compared to my non-running days. 3-day weekend coming up... hoping to stick to the plan and get this workout in everyday.
  • Poy_Ella
    Just finished day 1 on level 2. The sweat is dripping off me but I'm surprised at how much I could actually do!
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Measurments before I start.
    Waist- -1.5
    Chest -1.5
    Hips -2
    Each Thigh -1
    no loss in my arms

    a total of 7" in 19 days!

    I am off to do level 2... Wish me luck!

  • tsamak310
    Getting back on track!! Did level one twice today. Think I need one more at level one before I move to level 2. So hopefully tomorrow I'll cruise through level one again and hit level 2 to be back close to where I was supposed to be! Now all I need to is find my measuring tape to take some measurements to track my progess from day 10 to day 30.
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Oh yeah, forgot to post my 10 day measurements - wasn't expecting much but here goes:

    Weight: No change
    Natural waist: -0.5in
    Waist: No change
    Hips: -0.5in
    Arms: No change
    Thighs: (L) -0.5 (R) No change *at least now they are equal!*
    Calves: (L) +0.5in (R) No change *again, now they are equal, except one got bigger!*
    Chest/Back: -2in

    Total weight loss = 0lbs
    Total inch loss = 3in

    I'm pleased, wasn't really expecting anything, maybe a little more after Level 2 - it's hardcore!
  • busygirl1
    Oh yeah, forgot to post my 10 day measurements - wasn't expecting much but here goes:

    Weight: No change
    Natural waist: -0.5in
    Waist: No change
    Hips: -0.5in
    Arms: No change
    Thighs: (L) -0.5 (R) No change *at least now they are equal!*
    Calves: (L) +0.5in (R) No change *again, now they are equal, except one got bigger!*
    Chest/Back: -2in

    Total weight loss = 0lbs
    Total inch loss = 3in

    I'm pleased, wasn't really expecting anything, maybe a little more after Level 2 - it's hardcore!

    3inches is great, and we are not even half way through!!! well done its really motivating isnt. I defo feel stronger.
  • busygirl1
    L2 D3?/ 4 cant remember
    I did the full plank-jacks today and the squat thrusts- i just thought I would give them a try and I think that the plank -jacks are actually easier than the modified more static exercise which I find quite hard on my back and shoulders. Good God I hate those 'chair squat V-Flies'??? Is that what they are called, they kill me! Well done all, keep going and keep posting x x x x x x