

  • joylaut
    Amanda - My sympathies for your family. The parents must be devastated.

    Debra, Kackie - hope your moves have gone well.

    Barb, we also have rentals but ours a bit closer to us at 2 hours for one and 15 mins for the other. the 2 hours away is enough of a headache, I can't imagine 6!

    Linda - never knew anyone who live in Bahrain, but as soon as I saw the new recently, I held you in good thoughts. Hope you and your family are safe.

    Mary - how are those water pipes doing?

    Kackie - thought of you tonight when I opened my jar of Montana wild huckleberry jam. Picked it up on our visit last summer.

    Here in So Cal we were enjoying beautiful spring weather - my daffoldils and hyacinths were blooming. Until today, that is -- big rainstorm coming through. Not that cold though - I was out walking in it this afternoon. Luckily the downpour came after I got home. I like being out in it, especially at the park where I can let Cassie off leash because no one else is there in the rain.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Mary - how are those water pipes doing?

    Just fine, thank you. It has actually been warm here this week. I did find it rather ironically humorous that although the plumbers took 6 days to get to our house, they managed to have the bill for $200 delivered to our mailbox within 36 hours!
  • mrsanderson404
    Linda....watching the news and thinking of you....I lived in South Korea about 20 years ago when there were alot of labor protests and people watching the videos back home thought the country was imploding....it was actually quite peaceful most of the time. But I know how it can feel to be so far from home, not speak the language and be in the middle of turmoil, real or imagined. Will pray for your safety and patience as they find their way through this political mess.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Marilyn- Your post rings so true. Thank you for all your words and thoughts.

    Thanks to all for their thoughts and support. DS should be getting released next week. They are hanging on to him to let things settle down with DH at home.

    I found this link today about desserts. I thought it might help those of us who end up eating out. http://health.yahoo.net/experts/eatthis/7-desserts-fight-fat

    Michelle – I hope you have a great time in Florida.

    Blessings to all,

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    AAAAArrrrgggggh I am back up to 158. So I have planned out all my meals for Monday thru Friday like I used to do. I am going to workout every night and I am going to lose the 14 pounds I have gained back since mid August. If I only eat what I have on the plan I will do great. I know I can do this.

    My biopsy results were okay. Not normal but not cancer so I get to wait a year and have another pap then and we start the process all over again.

    DH is unhappy with work right now so things are alittle rough around here. and the fact that we can't have sex until Tuesday (because of the biopsy) isn't helping:blushing:

    I hope you are all doing well. It was lovely to have the sun up in the sky this morning. I had almost forgotten what it looks like. :laugh:
  • mimi7grands
    Robin, congrats on the good lab results. What a relief!

    Jeannie, thinking of you. I'm sorry you have such a lot to deal with right now. You're a trooper though.

    I'm down at my mom and dad's house. So far, so good on the eating front. Being here (or anytime I'm away from home) is always challenging for me.

    My daughter and family are up in Tahoe. They had 4 feet of snow in 24 hours! More expected. They're having a ball. (Although it took them 8 hours to get there. It's normally a 2 hour drive, at most.l)

    I hope today is good for everyone.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    So glad to hear that families are healing, visiting, growing, and on the mend. Really sorry about the hardships and hope for inner peace and strength.

    Been struggling with a hay fever kind of thing...it won't let go, but it hasn't been so bad as to stop me from watching my intake and keeping up with my output, but that's about all I've been able to keep up with...just ask the fam :sick: :huh: :yawn:

    Happy weekend to you all. Hope to catch up next week.

    For now, my thoughts are with you...prayers where there is need and hooahs for the beautiful vibe on this thread :flowerforyou:
    Ya'll are a true inspiration.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Been a busy day. Started today with walk in park with Heather, Emma and Byron. Did about an hour. Then went grocery shoppi ng. Then came home and cooked for tonight for family. Hubby's birthday was Thursday and instead of going eat out we waited until tonight and I cooked. I did baked chicken, white beans and rice, steamed veggies, salsa and veggies, the eggplant recipe and made him a cake. I had no cake. I did not even taste the frosting when I made it. Just crossed my fingers that it was good. By the way they licked their plates I'd say it was good. One more day and then I weigh again. 4 more days on first cycle then I move on to second where I can add a few carbs. Not really hungry a lot but will be nice to add new things. I have been suffering with hay fever also but I just try to keep going. I am tired a lot though so take it easy when I have to. Hope all of you have a good Sunday.
    Vicki M
  • traininglady911
    traininglady911 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello folks - I've been reading all your posts. This sounds like an interesting group, so I wanted to reply so that I could find this group again later. :wink:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Just checking in. I'm recording my food elsewhere these days so I'm not here much. Just didn't want to disappear without a trace... :happy:
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    traininglady911 LOVE THAT BIKE

    Got the hubs a Harley for his 50th last year, but I need something more your style :happy:

    Like MacMadame, I've been recording my intake and output on another site (Dr Oz's 11 week's to healthy something-or-other), just to change things up a bit.

    Lots of tea for the thick head & cruddy symptoms :sick:

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies,

    Enjoyed reading your posts and feel like I am keeping up with your lives, even when I am not taking the time I should to reply.

    We are moved into our new house out here in MT and only have a few boxes left to unpack. I did get out to ski yesterday morning with DH and a group of good friends then had them over for a glass of wine and some appetizers. Now I am enjoying sitting...wow...sitting(something I haven't done in a couple of weeks) by the roaring fire that DH built for us to have with our coffee.

    I still have lots to do to get ready for the kids coming next week but I did get the Baby Bed put together! DH and I tried to do it together and that didn't work too well! We were both a bit too tired and cranky to take on such a project a few days ago.

    I have not been tracking my food but will do so today and once again try to get the ball rolling.

    Thinking of each of you, Kackie:heart:
  • mytime60
    mytime60 Posts: 176 Member
    Hi all! I'm new to MFP. I love what I've learned so far, and the support on the site is wonderful. I'm still digging through alot of the posts, but boy did yours catch my eye...50+ Yep that's me. I know it's already mid February, but I would love to be a part of your group. My goal is to put my new found information about calorie intake to use and lose 6 pounds in February. I weighed in February 14, and had lost 4 pounds already. I find that by tracking my calories and excersize it helps me toe the line.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Welcome mytime60 to this site. We would love to have you join us. When you have time tell us a little more about yourself. These ladies will be a great help to your weight loss journey. More ladies will respond to your post. Everyone must be busy today.
    Vicki M
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Welcome mytime60! It doesn't matter what time of the month you join us. :happy:

    Just a quick check in to log food and take a peek in here. It is a beautiful afternoon and I am going to spend it raking yard. The pine straw is finally done falling and we need to get it up before the grass makes it too hard. W got rid of most of the dang pine tress from the yard but there are still a bunch of them all down the 1/8 mile long driveway. Good thing I like yard work!

    My snapdragons are looking good and will be blooming in a couple weeks. My pots of pansies and violas are blooming like crazy. Spring is coming to north Florida. I'm not gloating here - when you are all having beautiful weather we will either be sweating like crazy or hiding in the air conditioning! :huh:

    Got roast in the oven so I don't have to stop and make dinner except for the veggies. For a change DH and I will be eating the same dinner - well except for the veggies. He only does green beans and that only because the doctor said he had to up the veggie intake. I get a salad in him for lunch and that is it. Every day, with an occasional exception, salad and green beans; I would be bored out of my mind!:ohwell:

    Ok, vat of water in hand and I'm off to tackle the driveway. DH is watching the Daytona race. We used to have great seats for the 500 and went every year but it's kinda of boring to us now with the restrictor plate rule and the way they race in pairs and call it a lead change when all they are doing is letting the other guy in the pair take the lead for a while.

    We were at the Dayton 500 in 1981 when Richard Petty won his 7th and last 500 race. We were also at the Pepsi 400 race in 1984 when Richard Petty won his last race. President Regan was there and that was really neat.

  • sveltewisher
    sveltewisher Posts: 93 Member
    It is amazing how you all have changed my life. I am in Massachusetts working on the house which does not have internet nor tv yet. I cannot find our FNP community on my android. (Sorry, Barb.) Today, I am in the library:
    --Grateful to read that Linda in Behrain is well.
    --Saw a sign offering a reward for a ferret. I went into a long explanation with the family about a ferret is not a "rat" and discussed the history of ferrets.:laugh:
    --Grateful that Spring is occurring somewhere. Someone mentioned in church that spring is here because of the 8 turkeys in her yard this morning. However, the weather is bitter cold outside but our home is warm through oil, a fireplace, and flannel sheets. I am truly grateful for warmth and the sunshine.
    I am not logging my foods which means that I am not eating as healthy and clean as I should. I will start logging today.
    Make it a great day!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Hi Barbie and everyone.

    I am new the last 2 weeks here, and actually just started posting. I posted a 1 week chalenge earlier, and Mary invited me here, I do think it was here. :) I am 55 and need to lose 100 pounds It will take me a bit to learn everyone for I am usually on the Weight Watchers message boards.

    I am chalenging myslf to exercise 100 minutes this week. I am a very poor sport when it comes to exercise due to health isues. But I am beginning to think I am just lazy. :-( check my thred if ya wanna join me.

    I need to read the posts again, and check my dinner.

    Later Ladies:smile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I am new the last 2 weeks here, and actually just started posting. I posted a 1 week chalenge earlier, and Mary invited me here, I do think it was here. :) I am 55 and need to lose 100 pounds It will take me a bit to learn everyone for I am usually on the Weight Watchers message boards.

    Welcome, Dee, and yes it was me! If you are looking for support, you have come to the right place sister!

    I have been back on track logging my foods for a month now, but everytime I thought that I would get started on the exercise again, either I was sick, my husband was sick and needed me, it was incredibly cold and my pipes were frozen and I was too down about it to move, or some other excuse. But Dee posted her challenge, I saw it, and I went out and took the dog for a walk. The first day is always the hardest, so I am sure that I can get back on track now. If I don't, you all have permission to cyberkick my backside!

    Have a great Sunday all!

    Late edit addition: I forgot to say that I know spring is on its way because I had 6 robins in my yard today! I have always said that seeing the first robin means that I get to buy a new dress, so will have to think about when to shop.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Thanks Mary, where are you located.

    I am in Southwestern Pa, and after a few days of really nice weather we have a Winter Storm Advisory and it started snowing here about an hour ago. :-( Would love to see a Robin!!

    So glad that you got to walk the dog today. I will be on the BALL tonight. :-) Stability Ball, that is. :-)

  • marlouise
    Hello Ladies and to our new ladies, welcome!

    Tried to log in last night but the intranet went down. So I fiqured it must be due to the winds and cold things tend to breakup. So far I am head over heels proper as I continue the pilates warm up exercises. Today is the first day in almost a year that I was able to squat and put my butt on my heels,and my knees feel the full bend. I could have danced! My weight is down a good 3 three pounds now, not sure if my ticker will move or not but I'm happy I am getting down again. I finished all the warm up exercises today so the next two weeks I will be doing them through until I can do them with my eyes shut and know how to move without having to think. Then I will start the beginner exercises. I am still trying a little harder but doing well at keeping my portions down. I am so used to working at the pace, combined with workouts that my eating did not show so much. That has changed, so must I.

    Back in training for a early bed time and rise time so I must get moving on. Hope all is well here, I will catch you all tomorrow.
