Men on a Mission - Over 250, Looking to Drop 50



  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Weekly weigh in is.........269lb. Broke the 270lb barrier!!!!
  • TreyTLH
    TreyTLH Posts: 11 Member
    CW 220 (2/20/11)
  • DS13
    DS13 Posts: 136
    228 today. Feels good! I finally got rid of all the garbage I ate last week. :D
  • pgp_protector
    276.4 not a great week. Ate too much of the wife's cooking. :laugh: :cry:
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    Well done guys. Still no movement on my part, 140.5kg. Things are getting desparate now. After all the weight loss last month to virtually nothing this month: I need to change something.
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Missed the check-in yesterday. Today I'm @ 234.0.

    Big thanks to everyone in this thread. It's such a motivator during the week knowing that I'll be posting in here come the weekend. And it's great to know I have a support group sweating along with me. :-D
  • paulmmichaud
    paulmmichaud Posts: 59 Member
    just found this thread. Before I joined MFP I weighed at 276, as of yesterday I'm down to 243.8. My goal if to eventually see 164.

  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Going slow the past few weeks. Today's weigh in- 276
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Weighing in at 238 today. Have been a little frustrated as the past week has been the hardest working week for me - I have incorporated more rigorous elliptical exercise routines and also daily pushups and situps. Maybe I gained some muscle this week? In any case, I will post the results tonight - it looks like we had a good week, with several of you pulling off a loss of 3+ lbs.

    For those of you that are new, either post your weekly weigh-in on Saturday or Sunday and make sure to post it on this thread (I'm not going to go hunt down your profile). Also, please be consistent from week to week on the day you post, so we can have a fair weight comparison between the members of this group. To help with the statistics, please include:

    1) Starting weight, as of January 2, 2011. You are welcome to share your original starting weight too - we'd love to hear how far you've come along.
    2) If it's your first week posting, please post your last week's weight, as the 'rankings' are based on weight lost over the past week.
    3) Post your goal weight. You may have some mini-goals, but please post your ultimate goal weight.

    And for fun:
    4) Tell us what you are doing to achieve your goals (i.e. calorie count, P90X, walking, etc.)

    Keep up the good work men! I will post the results tonight!

  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Hello Men! Here are the results! Way to go C-Bran droppin' a big 6! Like I mentioned before, we had a few men drop at least 3 pounds too - overall a great week. Though, a few of us (including myself) didn't do as well. I know for a fact what I ate, how much I worked, and based on the ideal mathematical formula of calories lost = calories consumed - calories burned, I should've lost 3 lbs. However, I think I added some muscle this week - we'll see what happens next week.

    For those of you that feel that you are not making as much progress over the last week or two, perhaps this is your situation too. If not, make sure to take into account what you are eating. Several years ago, I remember going to the gym 3-5 times a week and burning 1000 calories per session. However, I wasn't keeping track of what I was eating and I wasn't losing as much weight as I probably could have been losing.

    Keep up the good work and along with what jaskelley said earlier this week, I agree that it really helps to know we have this forum and that we post our weekly weight. It gives me something to look forward to and work towards; it also helps to know that you guys are working at it too! To a new week!


  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    One thing I've noticed that impacts my weight a lot is my sodium intake. I don't do such a good job of keeping below the target. When I exceed the target by more than 1,000mg or so, my weight goes up the next day by several pounds and takes a couple of days to come back down.

    I can't find it now, but someone posted pictures before and after lowering their sodium intake. The difference in one week was astounding to me.
  • spinndrift
    Late again for the second week running thanks to work getting in the way - 245 for what it's worth.
  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello all. Is it to late to join this group? I have over 150 lbs to lose and could really use the support, let me know, thanks!
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Pancho, you are welcome to join. I am going to quote myself from a previous forum post:

    For those of you that are new, either post your weekly weigh-in on Saturday or Sunday and make sure to post it on this thread (I'm not going to go hunt down your profile). Also, please be consistent from week to week on the day you post, so we can have a fair weight comparison between the members of this group. To help with the statistics, please include:

    1) Starting weight, as of January 2, 2011. You are welcome to share your original starting weight too - we'd love to hear how far you've come along. If you are starting after January 2, then post that starting weight.
    2) If it's your first week posting, please post your last week's weight, as the 'rankings' are based on weight lost over the past week.
    3) Post your goal weight. You may have some mini-goals, but please post your ultimate goal weight.

    And for fun:
    4) Tell us what you are doing to achieve your goals (i.e. calorie count, P90X, walking, etc.)

    Look forward to seeing your results next weekend and comparing them to last weekend! Good luck!
  • PoleBoy
    PoleBoy Posts: 255 Member
    keep it up guys, you're doing good. I kinda missed the boat on this one.
  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    SW on 1/3: 435
    CW (as of this morning): 410.2
    GW: 250

    Thanks for letting get in on the group, I will update my weight every Sunday.
  • chris_andress
    chris_andress Posts: 13 Member
    260 :huh: Back at it, though!
  • Ibgroovy
    I finally broke the 20 lb barrier! I know it isn't much compared to how far I have to go, but it's territory I haven't seen in more than ten years. I've been good, but still hovering just above that 20 lb mark for the last two weeks.

    I still have about 70 lb to go.
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    SW: 327 (12/1/10)
    GW: 215
    LWW: 292
    CW: 290
    WD: 2
    TWL: 37
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    I forgot the topic of the week! What do you men do to motivate you during exercise? Do you listen to a certain type of music? Watch a certain TV show?

    On a side note, ceebran, I take it you are posting your results on a weekly basis on Wednesday? I will try to remember to go back through the thread when I gather up the data for the week - it's a lot easier if it is all posted on Saturday or Sunday.

    Keep up the good work Men!