

  • marlouise
    Hello Ladies, just had lunch so I'm sitting until I can get to the gym.

    MARY, thanks, yes. I have had such a year past and this one is not going well either. Loads of times I've let myself go off the diet, to much to do,(controling everything) became so stressed that my entire body has been wrung out. Did not know how to find a start or continue button after a lot of the stress has now been handled. Well my back gave me the start button. I am starting all over again from scratch, rebuilding my body and mind. Progress will be a bit further down the line, however getting caught up will suffice.

    CAROROBE, hello, I am so pleased to read your woes on turning into the 50 age. I too litterally fell apart at 50. Everything started to hurt, knees broke, belly went south after a 5 pound firboid was taken out of me. Meno, hit the hardest with depression, and my world spun from there. No it is not funny! I truly feel for you. I am rebuilding me all over again, starting with Pilates to get the girdle into better shape strengthen it and my back as well. Then on to weight training from there, with aerobics included, and the most important learning to stretch after exercises and first thing in the moring BEFORE the coffee. My diet is regular food but smaller portions, I was fit at one time, I could eat well and not gain anything. Now it has changed and I must too. Hope to read your posts often, sounds like we are in the same boat.

    AUNTIEBK, yes, yes, you are so right, I did not think about my back at the moment I squat down, but yes. I think it has a lot to do with our spines and posture, because that would be the only thing I could relate the success to. I have been working on my knees for a long while now, I was at the point I could not bend them to get into bed. I have a women's weight trainer book that has exercises in it dealing with bad knees, or injured knees, I have been doing them, thus my knees have been repaired somehow. I would have to have an x-ray of the before pictures and the now pictures to say just how they have been repaired. But true said is that weight training builds bone, and that is my best guess on what has happened. I would be pleased to share Pilates with you, I will copy the particulars from the book (its international listings) and perhaps a Cole's or Chapters book store near you will order it for you. I would suggest anyone use this book to improve your inner muscles that do take a load of work each day. I have improved in two weeks, I'm sure anyone else can. But the golden rule is "BE TRUE TO YOURSELF" , don't skip, rush, cheat, or put it off. There is really no motivation to get one's self in shape, it is determination and dedication, and the results you see in the mirror, polish those off with some motivation.

    Okay gals that is it for now, I'm late for the gym, no matter I'm on my way!

  • zuback55
    Good Day Ladies. I would be very interested in the book that Marilyn has to do with the knees. I have had a knee replacement done just about 8 years ago and my knee has been fantastic. I have 2 sisters that are overweight and having a terrible time with their knees...I don't believe that any Dr. will do a replacement on them until they both lose about 100 lbs....so if you think this book would help them, I would totally appreciate the info....Thanks much.
    Thinking of Amanda and the sadness that she has to overcome
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hello to All,:flowerforyou:

    Have been out for the weekend with DH. I had a wonderful time. The weather was gorgeous. I enjoyed the time with DH.

    Marilyn:flowerforyou: -I have been going to PT off and on for 5 months. My core is sloppy too. Mine is due to steroids used to save my life. Many of you have heard this before. It weakens the bones, muscles and other things I don't even want to know. I have a curve in my spine and the muscles don't want to hold everything together. Core? what Core?
    My ribs and clavicle area are going in and out. The ribs cause you to feel like you are having heart pains. Sometimes, when they are bad, it hurts to breathe. I just keep on. I hope you build your strength up fast. It's not a fun place to be. It sounds like you have a positive attitude that helps in any situation.

    Amanda-:flowerforyou: I understand what you and your family are feeling. My GD lived 2 hours. It was a tough time. Please don't feel guilty for enjoying your babies or for being glad they are alive. We don't decide those things. God knows the big picture. Thinking of you. :brokenheart:

    Jeannie-:flowerforyou: How is your son? and...how are you doing with your weight? Sometimes, stress can cause you to turn to food for comfort ..hang in there.

    Michelle-:smile: Have fun in FLA...Mom has been down there 2 months...She is coming home this weekend.

    Vicki-Carrot chips with salsa? That's a new one that sounds good.:smile:

    Joylaut-Huckleberry Jam? hmm...I don't think that is a jelly I have ever ate. :tongue:

    Mary-plumbers don't you love them?...:noway: .I was thinking of the old euphemism..."you don't miss your water 'til your well runs dry" We are all bless when our electricity, water and all our luxuries are in working order. I am, frankly, glad I am not a Pioneer Lady.

    Mrs Anderson- How is it going with you?:flowerforyou:

    Robin-Congrats on the good lab results. Are you tall? To be 158, you look skinny to me. :flowerforyou:

    Linda- I hope you are doing well and things will become calmer soon.:flowerforyou:

    MJ- I notice you and some others are struggling with hay fever...you can tell Spring is coming...hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Training Lady-Welcome...:flowerforyou:
    Mytime60-good luck with your goal!:flowerforyou:

    Faye-that sounds wonderful about your flowers. I am really glad to see 3 inches of Dafodils leaves poking up through the ground!:flowerforyou:

    Debra- hope it gets warm there for you soon. Good luck with your food diary. It does help you to see what you are eating.:wink:

    Kackie:flowerforyou: - I am glad you are settling into your new house. Good Luck there in MT. Did you keep your beach house?

    Welcome MISS DEE!:flowerforyou:

    Carobe- Welcome...there are a lot of ladies on here with similar issues and some good advice...keep dropping in!:flowerforyou:

    Auntie BK-it was good to read your post. Glad you are doing well. You have lost 23 lbs..that is great!:flowerforyou:

    Zuback-hope your cold is better today.
    :flowerforyou: DoobieDo-Birdie, :flowerforyou: Barbie:flowerforyou: , Mimi:flowerforyou: and some of ones who have been on here awhile, tell us to take one dKackie- I am glad you are settling into your new house. Good Luck there in MT. Did you keep your beach house?

    DoobieDo:flowerforyou: -Birdie, Barbie, Mimi and some of ones who have been on here awhile, tell us to take one day at a time. That it comes with baby steps. I think it would be good to see some before and after pics sometime when you ladies would like to post them. There is nothing like seeing it to believe it can happen to you.

    Peggy-:flowerforyou: you are another one who has had an awesome weight loss. 80 POUNDS?! WOW!:drinker:

    Sally good luck this week.:flowerforyou: Your hotel sounds like an Embassy Suites? If not I would be interested to know which one..if you don't mind my asking.

    I have to get off here and get moving. I hope I don't get this behind anymore. Welcome to any newbies, I have left out.

    Have a good day.
  • marlouise
    Hello Ladies

    LYNN, Hi, I am saddened to think of how you have to go through all that. Is there a long time plan to build yourself? I'm not up on the damages steroids do, so I am not able to offer any news to comfort you. If you know where to look it up or can explain it I would be very interested to know. I am pleased to see you here with us, if anything we can do is to give you encouragement to keep trying, you are doing something for yourself and we can be your shoulders to rest your head when times make it all seem useless.:heart:

  • marlouise

    AUNTIE BK:smile: I have the book here gal. ISBN: 1-40543-167-9 "the book of pilates" A guide to improving body tone, flexibility, and strength. Title is in small case, cover is lilac colour. Author - Joyce Gavin Parragon Publishing,(2002); hope this gets you a copy.

    Bed time catch you all tomorrow..zzzz

  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Hey You All,

    I just started the BFC eating plan by Jorge Cruise, I love it!!! You get to eat real food and I have learned so much in reading the first 3 chapters. Something finally makes sense and I think is a lifestyle I can live with. I was disappointed in myself and the fact that I have only lost 7 pounds sense Jan.2011. I hope to lose at least 10 lbs. more by end of March. I never realized that I was killing myself with SUGAR!! Now I am learning to balance my good carbs and cutting back on sugar to only 15 grams a day. Thats better than about 5 times that much every day. Booyah! I feel so motivated! Hey give it a try....you never know what my be the one for you.
    I will let you know how I am doing. I hope I am 20 lbs lighter by March 31st.....:drinker:

    hugs to all
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I just started the BFC eating plan by Jorge Cruise, I love it!!! You get to eat real food and I have learned so much in reading the first 3 chapters. Something finally makes sense and I think is a lifestyle I can live with. I was disappointed in myself and the fact that I have only lost 7 pounds sense Jan.2011. I hope to lose at least 10 lbs. more by end of March. I never realized that I was killing myself with SUGAR!! Now I am learning to balance my good carbs and cutting back on sugar to only 15 grams a day. Thats better than about 5 times that much every day. Booyah! I feel so motivated! Hey give it a try....you never know what my be the one for you.
    I will let you know how I am doing. I hope I am 20 lbs lighter by March 31st.....:drinker:

    hugs to all

    Hey Izzy,
    He was on Rachael Ray when one of my MFP friends was on there. He had some very interesting ideas. Did you see the show? I hope this works for you. :flowerforyou: Another lady on here SMWert had another of his books. It's all very interesting. I'll be interested to see how you like it.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,996 Member



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,996 Member

    this is grandson, Jack, in the chicken coop

    Once I start with Photo Bucket, it's hard to stop :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just dropping in to see how the younger group are doing.. Look like Barbie got everything under control. A REALLY GREAT GAL.
  • joylaut
    Hello all. I've been checking in to read posts almost daily. I'm taking an online class so my computer time is spent posting there. However I am still logging my food daily. I'm learning to make better choices when eating out. Ate out twice last weekend and stayed in my cal range one day. The other day I went over my allotment by alittle bit, but I know it was the 2nd glass of wine and sharing a very large chocolate mousse cannoli. Yes still struggling with sugar but I am getting better.. I've been consistent with walking and added another mile today. I really need to pick up my weights to strengthen my Upper Body.

    Barbie Cat -- WOW! WOW! and WOW again. Your pix give me the inspiration I need. Thank you for posting them.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Great pictures Barbie. So I am doing well this week and the scale preview is looking positive. I hope I can just stick with it. I am starting to find the rythm but it isn't as much fun as it used to be. I am not as happy about or looking forward to my treadmill as I used to. I miss that joy. I am having some fun with my pull up bar. I don't know how I will ever be able to acheive a full on pull up but at least it is something to strive for.

    Funny story. Last night as we were laying down to sleep I naturally had yet another quick and intense hot flash. DH finally speaks his mind. He says "have you talked to a doctor about this?" I told him that it was completely normal. He then confides in me that he is very worried that I may become a case of SHC. (Spontaneous Human Combustion) the funny part is that he was actually serious. :laugh: If hot flashes were a precursor to SHC then there would be a lot less women of age in the world:wink:

    I hope you all have a great day.
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Robin I know what you mean. I am doing it now cause I am losing but dont always have the joy. Barbie great pics. I remember those. I am not saying you have lost too much but I can see why people tell you that. Such a big difference. If you had always been that thin no one would say anything about it, but because you lost weight they think it is too much. I bet no one every said anything to you when you were overweight about you needing to lose weight. Love the pic of your grandson. So cute.
    Today is last day on cycle 1 of plan. Tomorrow I start cycle 2 and I can add a few good carbs for next 17. I can also start doing more exercise hopefully. So far so good. I will weigh again tomorrow to see how I did for entire 17 days. will let you know how it goes.
    We are going today to register Rhea for pre k in the fall. She is excited. In the fall it will just be me and Byron.
    I am going to run some errands today also. Need some more good food. Summer will be great when all fruits and veggies are so fresh.
    Had to get new HRM last night. got one that can do just watch or do chest strap also.
    I got a new one for Christmas but when went to use it did not work. changed battery and nothing. Will have to ask daughter in law if she has receipt and where she got it from.
    Have a lovely day ladies. Make good choices.
    vicki m
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Whoa! I'm not sure what's up with me today but I've got cleaning frenzy. I've just finished completly emptying and cleaning the fridge freeezer and washing the inside down with lemon juice. Now I'm just about to rip up the carpet in the main living room. We are having new carpet laid next week and I like the idea of letting the floor air out before the new stuff goes down.

    The downside of all the cleaning is that I'm not doing much in the way of formal exercise, but I'm moving so must be losing!

    Hopefully we will get our new broadband tomorrow (fingers crossed!) so I'll be able to post more easily and stay up to date with all you lovely ladies.

    Right, I'm off to take the carpet up so that I can get it to the dump before it closes.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    I've been AWOL since our move but I'm back now. I went WAY off the reservation between Thanksgiving and Valentines so I am just finishing up the 10 day detox I USUALLY do at the beginning of each year. :blushing:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I've been AWOL since our move but I'm back now. I went WAY off the reservation between Thanksgiving and Valentines so I am just finishing up the 10 day detox I USUALLY do at the beginning of each year. :blushing:

    Susan - I am so glad to see you! I have been thinking about you and wondering where you were. Welcome back!

    Amanda - You are definitely getting your exercise in! I can offer free room and board if you want to come to my house next!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    I've had such withdrawal symptoms not been able to keep up with all my friends - but finally the internet works again. Yippeeee !! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    So much to catch up on, I think it was on about page 10 or so the last time I was able to log on, I've had a quick peek seems we have some new additions to our family - but thought I'd let you know I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. I'll try and catch up with the posts later.

    I'm pleased to report that I have actually been jogging (twice last week at lunchtime) unfortunately my weight hasn't gone down :frown: but I'm going to keep on trying. Need to watch the portion sizes I think. Plan to go jogging again tomorrow lunchtime.

    I hope everyone is keeping well, I've been fine, a bit fed up with not having the internet, but in the scheme of things that is nothing to get upset about.

    Keep your fingers crossed that the internet doesn't go off again. We are due to change internet providers on March 1st so I hope it goes smoothly without any loss of internet. We'll have to wait and see.

    Bye for now

  • geb58
    geb58 Posts: 5
    New to this site, started on Jan 24th and love how it keeps me focused, have lost 5 libs so far, doing this for my health, need to get and keep the blood pressure and cholestrol down to an safe area.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: Glad to see Susan back. There were several us that December de-railed.:drinker: Just get back on the track..with us.:bigsmile:

    Viv-Wizzy-:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: -so glad to see you back. I was hoping you were okay.

    Geb:flowerforyou: -Just jump in and gab with us. I read your profile page. I had a boss when I worked for a Best Western, that was from Phoenix. She was very good to me. She gave me a large turquoise ring fashioned by a Native American living in your state. My DH's Uncle lived there for years. Good luck on MFP and the Forum.

    'til next time,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,996 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Susan, welcome back.....I have been thinking of you a lot since we decided to sell our house and move to less expensive house about five miles away.....I remember that you and your hubby have a history of buying houses, fixing them up, then selling and moving and I thought about how you said you felt leaving the special features of each house behind and starting over.......I hope you'll be back to being a regular poster on this thread and get back to your healthy eating and exercising habits.

    :flowerforyou: Joy, the thing that finally worked for me was to stay focused on nutrition dense food (using the food tracker helped a lot with that) and staying away from food that was fun, but not nutritious....the more I nourished my body, the healthier I felt, and the more willing I was to be active and burn calories and the more active I was and the more calories I burned, the better my metabolism got and the weight came off.....it didn't happen all at once but one baby step at a time, things got better

    :flowerforyou: doobiedoo, I'm glad to hear from you again......you are right about not giving up......I hope we'll be hearing from you often again.....you are an important part of this thread.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I am so thrilled with your success on your 17 day eating plan....it sounds like there's a lot of good nutrition involved......do the good carbs include oatmeal? Oatmeal and applesauce is a favorite snack.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: low sodium and sticks to your ribs :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Robin, getting back to work has been a huge shock to your system even though it's what you wanted......it will be awhile before you get back to the rhythm and joy you felt before......never, never, never give up......just look at the beautiful photos of you and the wedding to spur you on to more weight loss.....you can do it.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I always count the kind of cleaning you're doing as exercise.....it's the way our ancestors kept slim and healthy and all those activities are definitely calorie burners

    :flowerforyou: Viv, it's good to hear from you again....glad the jogging is still part of your life......portion sizes are certainly a problem for all of us
    peanut butter is the worst for me:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Geb, welcome to the group......just jump in and tell us about yourself and respond to others and in no time you'll feel like part of the family......this is a warm, friendly. supportive group

    :flowerforyou: Izzy, I'll be interested in hearing about how the new food plan works for you...keep us posted

    :bigsmile: It was snowing at 7:30 this morning so my line dance class got canceled.....the teacher lives at the top of a steep hill and worried that she'd get to town and not be able to get home a few hours later........then the snow stopped so I was able to take the dogs to the dog park.....it started snowing again after lunch and hasn't stopped....I took the dogs out in the back and had to change jeans and socks because they were so wet and hang my coat and hat in the bathroom to dry.....it looks like about four inches so far with no signs of stopping....the cats are really cranky.....Haifa is standing on the table next to me and staring like he wants me to do something about the weather:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Wednesday is usually the day I get 20,000 steps between line dance, the dog park and the four and half mile walk with my friend.......I danced for an hour in the front hall and went to the dog park but my friend who comes over from north of Seattle, said that the snow was even worse over there.

    Now it's time to get back on the exercise bike :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: