Lose 5 Pounds a Month February 2011



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Wow great job everyone.

    Sorry I have been MIA but I was feeling lousy from Wednesday til Saturday, then I had company on the weekend!

    Can't remember who had the 60 degree day as I was reading the posts, but I am sooooo jealous! It has been snowing here since yesterday morning. We have gotten well over another foot. The only good thing is that it is not below 0 and there is little or no wind.

    I have more to say but my son needs the computer to do a homework assignment.


  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    :noway: omg i saw my first mini goal this morning. i'm so excited, i really hope it sticks around or goes down farther by my sunday weigh in since it was a day late this week!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    55tolose...WOW your daugher looked sooo cute..is that not the best compliment?? If your kids will eat it (and lick the bowl) WOW that's fantastic..and thanks for the recipe, sounds delish and not all the hard to make...THANKS!!

    Kel, great news about the dress and your weight loss and you bet you will be under 195 for the month, I have my bet on you

    Terri, sorry to hear you have been feeling lousy, sending some cheer your way...boy all that snow is enough to get you down...We have a 60+ weather day and I went for a run outside (man was it GREAT!!) and today there is 4-5 inches of snow on the ground.

    dmeeks283...GREAT job on the loss and the month is not even over yet WTG!!

    Sugar Apple-- sorry about the TOM.....and why do we need that again, HA!!!....darn weight gain

    Morning to all....kids home with a snow day!! SO doubt I will get a run in today...maybe a P90x workout with the kids...Have a great day all!!:drinker:
  • mahalo2308
    Im in!!
  • Serenity79
    Feb 1
    Feb 8
    Feb 15
    Feb 22
    Feb 28

    Just a half a pound off. Doesn't look like I'll make the 5, but having lost 2.5 pounds this month already, if I lose 3 or so this month total I'll be very happy with that.
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    55, stand guard on that loss so you can log it this Sunday and reach your mini-goal! Don't let scale creep on you like I am doing!

    Kelly, so great about that dress! Soon it will be too big for you! And good work getting back under your monthly starting weight!

    Terri, hope you're feeling better!

    Bru, congrats on your loss this week, and reaching your monthly goal. Looking forward to celebrating -50 with you.

    Michelle, the stomach flu may have helped you along, but stay aware, and you can keep it off!

    I'm struggling. I don't know if it's one thing or a combination of many (time of month, tired, can't shake the weekend of overindulgence, etc). I know what I need to do, but I just can't seem to do it quite right. I am trying bit by bit... I'm drinking water, making sure I am eating some protein with my lunch today, brought my gym clothes to go for my run...

    However, my big drama is that I forgot my headphones. I am in quite a state of panic, as I'm not sure how I'll get through two 8 min runs without the music pushing me though...
  • blackbyrd61
    blackbyrd61 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone! Had a over-indulgent "birthday" weekend but still managed to lose a pound so I'm totally grateful!
    Just one more more to go and I'm hoping to meet the Feb goal.
    Hoping everyone else is on track ~

    1 Feb ~ 213
    6 Feb ~ 210
    13 Feb ~ 210
    21 Feb ~ 209
    27 Feb ~

    SW: 218 ~ 28 Dec '10
    GW: 160 ~ 28 Dec "11

    "I can do all things through Christ that strenghens me"
  • Cheylaing
    Hey i.m new mfp..today's my second day be lost 2lb over night but always lose more on first week of a diet eh..i'l try lose another 3 b4 so its 5 altogether lol...we like little challenges it keeps us going knowing other ppl are doing the same i think...:-) x x
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    When will this cold winter weather end? I'm not doing well on the exercise lately. I want to get out and walk but I'm too wussie to go out in the cold. I should dig out the WII. Congrats to all who are moving and losing.
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Feb 1
    Feb 8
    Feb 15
    Feb 22
    Feb 28

  • desiree0625
    desiree0625 Posts: 23 Member
    Feb. 1st - 170.2
    Feb. 8th - 169.4
    Feb. 15th - 168.1
    Feb. 22nd -

    Probably not going to lose a full 5 before the end of the month, but it is a short month also. :wink: I will be pretty happy if I just lose another pound, because that means that I will have lost my first 10 lbs.!!!! One third of the way to me goal weight!

    So I didn't think I would make the full five by the end of the month but somehow I am down to 165.4 as of this morning!

    Feb. 1st - 170.2
    Feb. 8th - 169.4
    Feb. 15th - 168.1
    Feb. 22nd - 165.4
    Feb. 28th -
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Last week of the February challenge. I'm not even close to succeeding. Need to lose 4 pounds this next week to make the goal. I need spring. I feel so restless with this lousy weather. I want to get outside and am bored inside so what do I do? I pick horrible snacks and nibble. Now they are talking about the possibility of another major snow "event" Sunday or Monday.

    Well back to work!

    Have a great day!

  • katieg2289
    Feb 1
    Feb 8
    Feb 15 ---- 250.2
    Feb 22 ---- 248.2

    Well nowhere near 5lbs, but I'm still happy about this :)
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    So far lost 2lbs in total this month, surprisingly 1.5lbs in the past week and i havent been doing alot of cardio recently, been trying to tone up my thunder thighs :wink:

    Currently I'm at 128lbs, OMG IM NEARLY 8 STONE :laugh:

    The start of 2011 has been very busy for me, next month hopefully things will quieten down a little!
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    I'm back after surgery and tagging for March, will weigh in and see if I can drop a pound or two by the 28th!! (Short month, no fair!) LOL
  • happy_vegan
    happy_vegan Posts: 200 Member
    I didn't see this thread earlier but I would like to be part of the group so I feel like I'm doing this with someone else..and hopefully it will put my weighins in perspective. I'm guilty of checking the scale every morning when it should really be every week.

    Here are my weighins:

    Feb 1 - 163
    Feb 8 - 163
    Feb 15 - 161
    Feb 22 - 161

    Obviously it doesn't look like 5 pounds was going to happen this month. I'm hoping it can next month. Once I got in the 'healthy' weight zone based on BMI (i'm 5'8") it's been a lot harder to shed weight. I'm trying to be more accurate about my calories (I just started using a HRM, which made me realize my calories for the earlier part of this month were not counted correctly.) I'm hoping the end of this month and March will be better!
  • MeMarie7
    I'm In and up to the challenge!!! I need to get with it!!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Welcome back T, take it easy readjusting after the surgery...

    Happy Vegan. I too get on the scale WAY to often..but I find it keeps me in check, if it's too high one morning I'll push water and try to eat better (but lately my eating has been out of control--eating out WAY to much:huh: ) I too am just in the healthy zone for BMI so I find it harder to drop any big #'s also, but my eating isn't as strick as it used to be either, so??

    To Bru, Kelly and I forget the other letter...any of you guys up for making a challange like before?? Was just curious, could use some type of good challange....:tongue:

    Congrats to all who have already made the Feb goal, great job to those who are almost there and to the rest of us who didn't come close (including myself) GET WITH IT!! HA! We can do this!!:drinker: :bigsmile:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Keep up the good work everyone, whether you are losing or maintaining.. and as for gaining, you can do it. YOu already have the tools, if you need anything you know we're all here!

    And Tina, as for the BMK, I planned on starting March 1st, so be on the lookout!!
    :drinker: ****** ******** ****** ******** ******** ******** :drinker:
    For those who haven't the slightest clue what BMK is/means.. last year, 2 friends and I decided to start challenging each other every week with an exercise and food challenge, we decided to open it up to this thread. Every Monday, I'll post the weeks challenge, you don't have to participate, it's only there if you want the extra push for the week. I'll have the first week posted March 1st, and then every Monday from that point on. I think many of the ladies in here seemed to enjoy them last year, and I hope they don't mind my posting them again. SO be on the lookout March 1st for the first set of challenges. It may be some that we did previously, but since it's been so long, I think we'll be fine! Also, if anyone has any suggestions, just send me a private message and I'll work them in as I can.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    OK - BMK challenges will be back next week! I have to start figuring out some great challenges! I think we all need that extra push from time to time and I'm definitely needing it!

    I'm SO ready for spring so I can start really kicking it into high gear & doing more than just my workouts at the gym. I wanted to restart 30 day shred this month, but since I got a new TV a few months ago, I still need someone to hook up the DVD player. :sad: Mr "I can fix anything" aka CJ can't hook up a DVD player! He is electronically challenged I guess! :laugh: I tried to figure it out, but I ended up with too many cables. :noway: :huh: