New round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me!



  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Alright eveyrone! I am ready to start! I went out today, got all of my food shopping done and I am loaded with protein! Woo hoo!!!! Almond milk, egg whites, protein bars, yogurt, quinoa and of course.......Shakeology! I can not wait to start. I know I keep saying that and you're all probably sick of me saying it but too bad because I am! lol I am more determined this round than any other round of P90X that I've done. I know it might be a long shot, but I'm hoping to get off the last 10-15lbs! I lost close to 20lbs my first round but that was almost 40lbs ago and other programs ago; I'm done at this weight, time to move on!

    knittnponder: Girl, you are bringing it! Way to go! I love love love shoulders and arms!!!! The glam muscles as Tony would say!

    kgage: Welcome!!!! You've found the right thread and place for support! I'm hoping that my fiance will join me, says he's going to but I'm not holding my breath! lol Congrats to you and your hubby for supporting each other, I think that's great! I look forward to reading your posts!

    Oh about the whole push up dilema. When I first starting P90X, or any workout for that matter, I couldn't do a push up to save my life! I started on my knees and eventually got stronger and was able to do them on my feet. I say that if you absolutely can not do them on your feet to start with, it's ok to start on your knees, gain the strength and then move to your feet. Sometimes now though, I'll start on my feet and when I'm spent, I'll go to my knees. It's what you feel you can do but you do want to try and challenge yourself, it's the only way you'll build that strength.

    Hope everyone is having a great day and I am looking forward to talking workouts with you all! You're making me jealous! lol

    Make it a great day!

  • corrinebean
    corrinebean Posts: 4 Member
    Started day one for my first time ever on Monday this week ... so that would make today day 3, and I'm doing the classic version. I'm sooo sore (that's what I get for allowing myself to become very fluffy the past few months!!), and know that there's no way I can push through the bicep/tricep workout tonight, so I'm going to allow myself a night of rest and get back into it tomorrow!

    Am really looking forward to seeing results. I'm not following hte diet plan from P90x, but am monitoring my own calories/fat/carbs/fiber, etc. Any advice from any seasoned P90x'ers out there would be great!

    My wedding is coming up at the end of August, and I'll be doing another triathlon in October, so it'll be interesting to see how the change in workout routine with this affects my tri times (I'm nowhere near fast - I race to finish - but I've never really done a complete strength + cardio training routine to get ready for any of my prior triathlons ... just swim/bike/run all week long!).
  • I have the p90x and can totally start on the 28th but my question is which is most effective? the Lean or the Classic?
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    So after sporadic attempt to start my 2nd round of P90X on Nov 28, I will start again on Feb 28 - knew I had to start over again when I did Legs and Back X and Ab Ripper X on Sunday, and I was sore as heck - which I shouldn't be at this point....

    Just going to finish off this week, and start fresh on Monday!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Corrine: Welcome! :flowerforyou: It's good that you listened to your body and took a rest day but don't forget to continue! lol My hat goes off to you, I'm not a runner but I jog occassionally. I have a bum knee. I too am getting married this summer, so congrats to you! :drinker: We'll be looking HOT in our dresses! :bigsmile: My only advice to you in the eating is continue to track your intake and the key to this first month is getting plenty of protein! You can even continue that into phase II if you feel like you still have some goo around the middle you'd like to get off. lol Like me! lol And don't be afraid to eat!!!! I will be consuming about 1800 calories in phase I and yes, it's scary to me but I trust Tony! The guy knows what he's doing! So, keep up the good work and the results will naturally follow!

    pmsracing: Yay! Another starter with me....woo hoo! Welcome! :flowerforyou: What's more effective is all based on the person. I mean, what do you want to accomplish? Do you want to lose weight primarily or do you want to tone and lose some weight? If you want to tone up and lose, I'd suggest the classic. Muscle burns fat! So, don't be afraid of getting your guns! lol

    rower: Awesome! This is going to be a great group, I can see it! Can't wait read about your progress! Let's do this!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Just finished my shoulders, arms, and abs. LOVE that workout. I got a better burn than the cardio.

    The abs workout kills me, but I am definitely improving, and fairly quickly.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Just finished my shoulders, arms, and abs. LOVE that workout. I got a better burn than the cardio.

    The abs workout kills me, but I am definitely improving, and fairly quickly.

    Love that workout! Nice job!!!! :drinker:
  • Alrighty then classic it is..I would really like to tone and lose weight so if I can accomplish both then its all good Thanks.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    I was just wondering the same thing....I really want to join this challenge, but I don't want to build so much muscle as much as I want to reduce fat. Therefore, would it be better for me to do the Lean, or the Classic? Also, I want to train for a 5K in June. Should I do running as well as P90X?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I was just wondering the same thing....I really want to join this challenge, but I don't want to build so much muscle as much as I want to reduce fat. Therefore, would it be better for me to do the Lean, or the Classic? Also, I want to train for a 5K in June. Should I do running as well as P90X?

    Welcome! I'd love to have you join us. But, don't think of it as a challenge necessarily, just a group of us getting together to talk about our experiences with the program and to support and motivate each other. Don't worry about bulking up, won't happen. You can do what I'm going to do and that is, I'm going to lift heavy but not too heavy and try to do more reps with lighter weights as opposed to less reps with heavier weights, make sense? I want to maintain my lean muscle I already have so I think that's what I've decided to do. Also, I do have (somewhere) a schedule from a friend who is a runner on how to incorporate running into your P90X schedule if any of you would like it, let me know.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I was just wondering the same thing....I really want to join this challenge, but I don't want to build so much muscle as much as I want to reduce fat. Therefore, would it be better for me to do the Lean, or the Classic? Also, I want to train for a 5K in June. Should I do running as well as P90X?

    Welcome! I'd love to have you join us. But, don't think of it as a challenge necessarily, just a group of us getting together to talk about our experiences with the program and to support and motivate each other. Don't worry about bulking up, won't happen. You can do what I'm going to do and that is, I'm going to lift heavy but not too heavy and try to do more reps with lighter weights as opposed to less reps with heavier weights, make sense? I want to maintain my lean muscle I already have so I think that's what I've decided to do. Also, I do have (somewhere) a schedule from a friend who is a runner on how to incorporate running into your P90X schedule if any of you would like it, let me know.

    I wouldn't mind seeing the running schedule... Thanks.

  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Oh I missed you (even though I didn't think I would). Knees are finally doing better with it, and I can push harder and longer into each movement.

    Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X tonight. Looking forward to it. When I first started I could only do one pullup completely. Last night I walked under the bar and wanted to see where I stood, so I busted out 7 and did another 13 with my toes on a chair. Definitely going to try harder tonight. I missed Ab Ripper X after my rest week and am glad to get back into it. I can finally feel my abs, but they're still hiding for now.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Oh I missed you (even though I didn't think I would). Knees are finally doing better with it, and I can push harder and longer into each movement.

    Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X tonight. Looking forward to it. When I first started I could only do one pullup completely. Last night I walked under the bar and wanted to see where I stood, so I busted out 7 and did another 13 with my toes on a chair. Definitely going to try harder tonight. I missed Ab Ripper X after my rest week and am glad to get back into it. I can finally feel my abs, but they're still hiding for now.


    Nice job!!! I love plyo! I know it sounds weird, but I can't wait to do that one! I get my new shoes tomorrow, can't wait! Congrats on the pull ups!!! That's awesome! Don't you just love seeing how strong you're getting? That's another weird thing I'm looking forward to, ARX! Keep bringing it Adam, you're doing great!
  • I am with you on that I want to tone and lose weight but I do not want to bulk up..I am petite and last thing I need is to bulk up. I plan on doing the p90x in the morning and then running in the late afternoon. I am attempting to rebuild the strenth in my ankle after surgery and miss running horribly bad to Iam on a walk/running regimin to help get me back up to running.
  • mclahey
    mclahey Posts: 81 Member
    Ok..if I were to do this..(.have the cd's ) ...what equipoment do I need...can I use just resistance bands? Do I have to have the pull up bar??
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    Did Plyo today, and my head was so not in the game, very disappointed with myself, but, still pushed play, and did my best.....

    i cannot do the knee jumps at all!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    MCLAHEY - to get started you can use resistance bands. The DVD's will show you how to modify with that bands. I would also recommend some weights and a yoga mat.

    Dara - I couldn't do those Rock Star jumps at first either. My husband still does them better than me. You will get better. I hope tomorrow's workout and day goes better for you.
  • HEy, I just started P90X on Feb. 14th with my boyfriend along with myfitnesspal. So far it's going great. Hope to see results soon. Our first time round. :) Good Luck to everyone.
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    HEy, I just started P90X on Feb. 14th with my boyfriend along with myfitnesspal. So far it's going great. Hope to see results soon. Our first time round. :) Good Luck to everyone.

    awesome! today was day 15 for me, and I have already lost 1.5 inches in my hips, and 5.4 lbs, you will see great results! keep pushing play!
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    MCLAHEY - to get started you can use resistance bands. The DVD's will show you how to modify with that bands. I would also recommend some weights and a yoga mat.

    Dara - I couldn't do those Rock Star jumps at first either. My husband still does them better than me. You will get better. I hope tomorrow's workout and day goes better for you.

    Thank you! Im starting to get my head back to where it needs to be, just STRESSING big time! Yeah, I cannot do them what so ever!
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