"H20" Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra Pounds Week 2



  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    PS: Sick of my ticker not showing up. im not sure why Im getting the broken up box looking thing but Im getting ticked (ticker... ticked... lmbo) off!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    So I weighed in for my other challenge this morning... on the new scale... and I LOVE IT! :bigsmile: Down to 188.6# ! YAY!

    Also... I have read a lot about TOM. I realize it's different for all of us and it also changes over time. I get exhausted the week BEFORE and the week OF. BUT... I continue to do my workouts no matter how tired I am. I really have to use some heavy "self talk" to get myself up and going but I know I can't get that time back... so I have to push through it. It's been a part of my life for 35 years! (I am living for mental pause!) :bigsmile: For me, if I let TOM be an excuse, it's just one more. Ya know what I mean? I am finished with excuses. I no longer care about the 3-5# weight gain the week before... I just have to work harder to turn it into a weight LOSS. That's just how I have to look at it.

    More than the water retention and fatigue from TOM... I despise the lower back pain/cramps!! And no matter how strange it sounds, the best cure for the pain is an orgasm. (Has to do with the endorphins released in your brain. Stronger than ANY pain killer!)
  • maytanewfie
    I'm slow getting into challenge this week. Last week wasn't great, but I did lose a little so that is good. I'm up to 17 miles, all of them in a canoe. My healthier habit was supposed to be going to sleep earlier, but I failed miserably at it. I'm a good water drinkier, so that wasn't hard.

    I'm going to have to work to find a new fruit or veggie, I may need to go to the asian market to find something new. I was there yesterday, but just for staples (stir fry fixings). I know they have Durian, but I'm kind fo afraid of that. They have lots of greens I've never heard of though. Lots of roots too. One of my things I want to be better at is trying at least one new recipie a week.

    I also need to be better about posting on a more regular basis, checking in once a week is probablly not really sufficient.
  • smalltowngirl504
    Sorry about my ticker :(.... LOL!!!

    There is NOTHING healthy in my house to eat, and I wont grocery shop until tomorrow, today is probably NOT going to well, since there is really nothing I can eat here and not gain 15 lbs and tomorrow is weigh in for me... hwat day do you guys weigh in? Maybe Ill change my date...

    I didnt get to the gym today, So I am going to shred tonight back to level 1 though, since I took a two week break!....

    Hope everyone has a better day than I will!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Welcome Tricia and Blueviolet :D (hope I remembered the right names, I have the memory of a goldfish)

    I have a bit of a NSV going on, dressed top to toe in UK size 12 :D Think That might be a US 8, although again I have memory fail.

    But yay, good times.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member

    JeninBelguim - HOW WAS YOUR WALK?! ;) I've NEVER heard of a salsify!

    After the track I met up with one of my best friends for coffee. We ended up talking for nearly 3 hours. I really missed her. I hadn't seen her since her birthday in October, and we live about 10 miles away from each other! Totally not excusable...I must be a better friend!!

    thanks for asking first one at lunch was painful but got it in- then very good NSV- when at grocery store even though I am craving gummi bears I did not get any - then managed to get in an after work walk too- equally slow as at lunch time but once warmed up a little less painful - so that's good!

    great that you were able to get together with such a good friend- I have a few of those- the kind you can not see for a year or more and you catch up just like you last saw eachother yesterday- the best kind of friend
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    linemansgirl - oh TOM. Beets, huh? They skeeve me out, especially when they're all jelly-like and on a salad. You'll have to tell me how they turn out when you make 'em baked potato style.

    tanniew78 - was your ticker working before? How strange that it isn't showing up now. Maybe you updated it and for some reason there was a bug/glitch in the system?

    cazzincali - YAY for the new scale being a friend and not foe! What brand did you get? I'm looking into breaking up with the scale that I've got. I get that TOM lower back pain too. It's unlike any other kind of back pain and it suuuuuucks. And I'm a big 'ol fan of the Big O!

    maytanewfie - great job getting up to 17 miles! That's a great chunk of the 100 mile challenge done! What is durain?

    smalltowngirl504 - you know I actually love your ticker, right? I just miss that vacation/honeymoon so much. You're taking one of the Disney Cruises, right? Double-dip itinerary? Have fun getting back into shred!

    bjshooter - :laugh: at your goldfish memory! We had a commercial in the states about 5 years ago that showed a goldfish in his bowl, rediscovering his castle every time he took a lap aroud his bowl...he was all "hey look, a castle!" *swim swim swim* "hey look, a castle!" CONGRATS on your NSV! I've got no real idea what the UK/US size conversion is, but that's fantastic. :)

    JeninBelguim - Wow, you walked twice?! *bow* That's great work right there. And definitely great job avoiding the gummy bears! Yeah, I'm very fortunate to have this friend in my life. We were college friends turned roommates turned one of my bridesmaids. <3

    Sooo, happy Thursday! Question to those of you who belong to a gym...do you feel like you get the most out of it? Hubby and I are seriously researching joining a gym but our problem is the closest one to us that we're interested in is like 7 miles away from us. From what I read on the boards, it sounds like people are all worried about the fashion show at the gym (i.e. looking cute, panty lines, etc.) and I've read in Yelp reviews about creeps wanting to "help you with your form". Am I overly-worrying about this? I think we're going to grab our 7 day guest pass to really give the gym we're liking a whirl, but I'm just still stewing...
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Well, I tried my veggies a different way last and we all enjoyed them VERY much. I had potatoes, carrots and sweet potatoes and I roasted them in the oven with a chicken. VERY tasty!!!

    I'm doing good on my water - I added lemon yesterday.

    I huge bummer is that my tredmill DIED!!!! :sad: It's totally dead, as in no longer with us.:sad: I was told the brushes in the motor burned up. :sad:

    Hubs suggested we get an eliptical machine. Does anyone know anything about these? He used one at a gym once and loved it, but can't remember the kind it was. He is totally flat footed, so just plain walking really hurt his feet.

    Any advise would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!! PLEASE!! I don't want to give up.

    Sounds like everyone's making great tracks out there. It's been pouring rain here, so there's no way I can get the kiddos out in it and take a walk.

    Carry on, Ladies!!! You're doing great!!! :flowerforyou:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Your poor treadmill! :( But I'm glad you guys are able to get an elliptical! That's great! I've got no idea about the brands out there...maybe hit up a couple sporting stores and give the machines they have a little test drive.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Thanks for the challenges everyone! They look awesome!

    I really enjoy my water with ice and lemon. It's the only way I can get enough down.
    Last week we tried red chard for the first time---it was AMAZING. It's a regular now. Even HUBS loved it!
    I haven't had much motivation to get up and move this week for some unknown reason. I walked with the girls yesterday, ran on Monday, and deep cleaned on Tuesday. I'm hoping whatever this is will leave me soon so I can get back to normal!

    For the 100 miles challenge, I am loving it! I've done about 9.5 so far. I think it's an awesome challenge and it is helping me push harder when I run so I can get closer to finishing a 5k! (I'm at 1.63 miles now without stopping--progress!)

    Still haven't done an official weigh in. I jumped on the scale Monday morning after a horrendous food weekend and cried at the number. I have been watching calories and especially sodium this week and most of that is gone, thank goodness! I'm hoping for something official tomorrow. It's not as low as it was near the end of the last challenge, but I'm getting back on track.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • casey_when_u_go
    casey_when_u_go Posts: 84 Member
    I got the official go ahead to start running again today - YAY :smile: :smile: :smile:
    Good job really as 6 weeks tomorrow I travel to a whole different country (Scotland:laugh: ) for my first ever HM!!

    @Pink - I am a member of my local gym and I really like it there. It's full of very normal people who are either trying to get fit, or keep their fitness up, and that's it. It's not a fashion show, and there are no creepy types, I honestly think you will be ok. And if you like the gym, try to negotiate the fees - I did and now pay half price :smile:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I got the official go ahead to start running again today - YAY :smile: :smile: :smile:
    Good job really as 6 weeks tomorrow I travel to a whole different country (Scotland:laugh: ) for my first ever HM!!

    @Pink - I am a member of my local gym and I really like it there. It's full of very normal people who are either trying to get fit, or keep their fitness up, and that's it. It's not a fashion show, and there are no creepy types, I honestly think you will be ok. And if you like the gym, try to negotiate the fees - I did and now pay half price :smile:

    You can negotiate?! Jeebuz I didn't know joining a gym was like buying a car! :laugh: Do you know if gyms tend to offer discounts for military/law enforcement/teachers/etc?
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Got in three more miles today! I can't wait to get some new running shoes, though... these have seen the end of their life! My legs were getting pretty sore by the end, but hopefully the next run will be better.

    I have a long weekend starting today so I'm excited to get a few things done around my house and spend some time with my husband when he gets home tomorrow (he's a trucker)!!! Also I ran into someone I used to lead scouts with at the store today and she commented on how great I'm looking (haven't seen each other in a couple years) which made me feel amazing! She's like "your legs are so skinny!!!!" What a great feeling!

    Hope you all have a great Thursday!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Welcome Tricia and Blueviolet :D (hope I remembered the right names, I have the memory of a goldfish)

    I have a bit of a NSV going on, dressed top to toe in UK size 12 :D Think That might be a US 8, although again I have memory fail.

    But yay, good times.

    UK size 12 is a US size 10. (I lived in England for a few years.) I miss Sainsbury's, Weetabix, Trebor's mints, M & S... I could go on and on!! I miss living there... fullstop! :D
  • smalltowngirl504
    did i miss the 100 mile challenge?? I totally wanna do that, can someone tell me more about it please please??

    Can I count hte 5 miles ive already run this week, and when is the 70 days up,

    Secondly i weigh in on fridays, so tomorrow, Ive only gotten in 600 calories , its going to be a low cal day for me, like starvation simply because im not hungry, i have a horrid cough that makes my throat hurt and my kids are driving me crazy, i think i want an apple though to take me up to about 900 calories!!

    I hope everoyne has an awesome thursday!!!!!!!!

    And I go to a gym and trust me its not a beauty contest there... it seems that I do care what I look like sometimes, but thats a personal choice, and who the heck is worried about panty lines...lol not me and surely thats not what I am looking at while I am on the elliptical ... I say do it, I dont get the most out of my membership, but thats my own fault, if you are willing to put forththe effort than I say its worth the money!

    No we are not doing the cruise, i chose that picture because it was my favorite...LOL... we are just doing disney , 6 nights 7 days... 3 kids, and a lot of motrin and water...HAHA!!! it should be a good time... stressful and lots of good food, we have hte deluxe dining plan but plan to eat only half portions and also be aware of what I am ordering!!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Welcome Tricia and Blueviolet :D (hope I remembered the right names, I have the memory of a goldfish)

    I have a bit of a NSV going on, dressed top to toe in UK size 12 :D Think That might be a US 8, although again I have memory fail.

    But yay, good times.

    UK size 12 is a US size 10. (I lived in England for a few years.) I miss Sainsbury's, Weetabix, Trebor's mints, M & S... I could go on and on!! I miss living there... fullstop! :D

    I will take that size ten it sounds good. And I am not joking, I am eeating weetabix, needed to push my calories up, so I am having a weetabix with chopped up banana :O It is pretty nice :D
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    What's weetabix?

    smalltowngirl504 - Your WDW trip sounds like it is going to be a blast. Friends have told me how much they liked the dining plan, and it sounds like you've got it figured out! Don't forget to enjoy yourself while you're there, too. You're going to walk around SO much I'm sure you're going to burn off a lot of calories! Heck, when I went to WDW I ate anything and everything I wanted and because I was walking all day for 6 days in a row, I came home LIGHTER than when I went! :laugh: Are you going to eat at Le Cellier? Or Sci Fi Drive-In? GAH! Color me super jealous!
  • smalltowngirl504
    We have reservations at both of those places actually.. :) Also Yatchmen steak house Tusker house, T-Rex, Coral Reef, Teppan edo,Chef mickeys, the plaza, , tonys, hoop de due muscal revue ,Crystal palace and Wilderness Trails end... Should be a good time, and we plan to also eat at the flame tree bbq and another quick service place in MK, I am sure all the walking will help balance out all the incredible eating I plan on doing...LOL, plus 2 snacks a day... Its making me hungry just thinking about not cooking for an entire week!!! LOL!!!

    Weigh in , is tomorrow an after the sodium filled day I've had,I am not looking forward to it, I would accept a 1 lb gain, anything more than that would totally discourage me!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    We have reservations at both of those places actually.. :) Also Yatchmen steak house Tusker house, T-Rex, Coral Reef, Teppan edo,Chef mickeys, the plaza, , tonys, hoop de due muscal revue ,Crystal palace and Wilderness Trails end... Should be a good time, and we plan to also eat at the flame tree bbq and another quick service place in MK, I am sure all the walking will help balance out all the incredible eating I plan on doing...LOL, plus 2 snacks a day... Its making me hungry just thinking about not cooking for an entire week!!! LOL!!!

    *jawdrop* Well done!! Please eat a pretzel bread (or four!) for me at Le Cellier! I don't know if you can get in to these places with the dining plan, but I've heard fantastic things about California Grill @ the Contemporary and Ohana @ the Polynesian. I love that figuring out where you're going to eat is a big part of WDW travel planning. It's so fun!
  • smalltowngirl504
    You can eat at both those places, we chose yachtsman over California grill, I am not sure why, the people we are traveling with kind of chose that, and they didnt want to do Ohana... sigh... I hope to go back in a couple years...lol

    I really need to do the shred tonight..sigh