New round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me!



  • am_last10lbs
    am_last10lbs Posts: 41 Member
    I am going to start tomorrow! But would love to join the group!!!
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Well, did Legs, Back and Abs. One more day before rest day and Phase 1 recovery week.
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    I mixed up my days today - woke up thinking I should be doing kenpo but realized I was on legs. I've been waiting to do Kenpo again since last week so went ahead and did that and I'll just do legs tomorrow.

    Wish I had coordinated better, my rest day is on Monday instead of the weekend, so I don't have a day to sleep in over the weekend.
  • Renayz
    Renayz Posts: 12 Member
    My family and I are planning on starting on March 7th. We're excited. This will be our first round.
  • kimmi12
    kimmi12 Posts: 28 Member
    Day 11: Yoga time. Still sore from yesterdays shoulder workout.
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Did Kenpo today for the first time. I thought Kenpo was kind of easy compared to kickboxing classes at a gym. Week one wasn't that bad at all. Feeling a little sore but its not that bad.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    So I am starting tomorrow, Feb 27....

    I am looking forward to everyone's progress.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Woohoo! Recovery week phase 1, here I come!
  • Dtough
    Dtough Posts: 70 Member
    hi I'm new around here but I'm going to start monday as well. I have had p90x sitting around for quite awhile and haven't had the motivation to do it but i think that joining in on this may give me motivation! I am excited but a little nervous that I wont be able to handle it!
  • cytrus
    cytrus Posts: 25 Member
    I was wondering if there was an x thread in here. Glad i found y'all. I've had it for a while and was supposed to start in Jan, but will definitely start monday with you all. I need the accountability. Does anyone want an accountability partner?
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    I was wondering if there was an x thread in here. Glad i found y'all. I've had it for a while and was supposed to start in Jan, but will definitely start monday with you all. I need the accountability. Does anyone want an accountability partner?

    I'm all about accountability. I need it too.
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    finished up legs and ab ripper this morning - those wall squats do me in! Looking forward to a rest day tomorrow and then getting into week 3. I'm also going to weigh in tomorrow and see if I need to add more cardio to lose at least .5-1 lb. a week.
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    I'm super pumped to start this tomorrow! I have to be lame and do modified moves for anything that needs the pull-up bar.. as mine is on it's way in the mail! .. ah well.

    I'm on a 2 day 'rest' as I *ahem* have been pushing myself much to hard and have lots of symptoms of Overtraining. It's still in the early stages so I'm hoping 2 days of doing nothing will leave me OK to start tomorrow - we'll see! I'm going to try.
  • BrittanyShelton20
    I do yoga x with a friend and find it a lot less boring. We talk while doing most of it. I realize that we aren't focusing on it as well as we could if we weren't talking, but at least we get through it. I find that the last half goes quicker in general. So if I can just get myself to do the first few minutes of the second half, I automatically do the rest.

    See if you can convince a friend to do yoga with you. Trust me it will be less boring.
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Ok, I took my "before" pictures yesterday. My profile pic is one of them. I also did measurements and weighed in this morning. Feeling good about it.
    I'm starting today due to physical therapy tomorrow, but will be back on board with everyone Tues. I think I'm going to do a hybrid of the Lean and Classic to see what my knee can handle. I know for a fact all that Plyo jumping is not kosher right now. Maybe by Phase 2...I'm hoping that is the only day I have to switch up. Still not looking forward to Yoga.

    Since this thread is really long is there any thought to starting a new one for Phase 1? Just a thought. Either way, I'll post.
    Bring it!

  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    T minus 24 hours until P90X for me.
    This is going to be challenging though ... trying to do this and get ready for the half marathon in another 6 weeks and 10 weeks.
    I am going to do it when I can ... but not totally stress over it either.
  • mdutch1
    mdutch1 Posts: 14 Member
    My husband and I spent January going through all the DVDs to familiarize ourselves with them. We started January 31st and have completed Week 4. I have gone from not being able to do any pull-ups to doing 2. Can't wait until the end of the program to see the improvement.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    My husband and I spent January going through all the DVDs to familiarize ourselves with them. We started January 31st and have completed Week 4. I have gone from not being able to do any pull-ups to doing 2. Can't wait until the end of the program to see the improvement.

    Wow -- how did you work on progressing? My husband finally put up the pullup bar (after he stopped laughing)... I want so badly to prove him wrong...
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    My husband and I spent January going through all the DVDs to familiarize ourselves with them. We started January 31st and have completed Week 4. I have gone from not being able to do any pull-ups to doing 2. Can't wait until the end of the program to see the improvement.

    Nice job! I could only do 3/4 of a pullup in the Fit Test, so I'm looking forward to seeing results.
    I think I'm going to start blogging my results (start, phase 1, 2 and 3 to end).
    How many people are using HRM's for this? I only burned around 275 cals today with Chest & Back, Ab Ripper. I was expecting more...
  • bonboncito
    bonboncito Posts: 234 Member
    Hey tomorrow is my 5th week doing the lean version.Lost a total of 5 in and 5 lb in the first 28 days. I really didnt do so good in the eating part. I dont have the meal plan since my brother lend me the dvds and he lost them. I also havent made the best choices. So ill just have to bring it as much as I can.