

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I did get counseling for mom, but I really don't see it helping her. You know it only helps if you want it and she just likes being miserable and wants people to feel sorry for her. The counselor is suggesting a psych evaluation because she suspects she may be bipolar and has been all her life. It would kind of explain a lot about what my childhood was like with her and how she has treated me and even my husband and child throughout the years. I know it sounds mean but I am hoping that that is what it is because it is treatable with the right meds and the up and down moods will even out....like normal. Something needs to be done because my body is paying the price for her treatment of me. My arms are covered in a rash from my nerves.

    I don't think that sounds mean at all. I worked in an inpatient mental hospital for 32 years, and I have seen how mental illness affects families over and over again. If medication can help, go for it! And sometimes it is possible to get help paying for it. Don't be afraid to check in with us - we don't care if you are down, we want to help. Keep us posted on what you find out.

    And while I am on the subject, Jeannie, hope all is going well in your neck of the woods.


    Hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected! No loss here, but 300 minutes of exercise logged this week, so I am somewhat proud of myself. I've been pretty busy the last few days. Until later!

    PS Yes, the peanut butter melts in the oatmeal. Personally, I put smooth in my oatmeal, and crunchy in my cream of wheat.
  • marlouise
    Hello ladies, just a quick check in. First day I have not had a peep out of my back or knees, things are looking up. Trying to stay small in the portions but being at home and trying to keep busy is worse than being too busy and not being able to eat. Hope I didn't do too bad, I'm not going to cry if the scale is up again, but I had better keep my nose out of the kitchen!

    Catch you all tomorrow.

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Well, as Barbie always says, "just take one day at a time!" All week I've told myself that if I can make it one day doing my exercises and eating within my calories, I can do it again the next day. So far, so good! It is always so amazing to me when I get back on track how much better I feel right away and how much I don't crave sweets. Eating more fruits is so much better than the sugar sweets. Even today I have been successful, which is wonderful as weekends are usually my downfall. I am so glad for each of you ladies, your posts, and your words of encouragement. We ARE in this together!:heart: Hope you each have a wonderful weekend!! Keep on keeping on!!!:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: It was going to be a lazy Saturday.....we accomplished a few things in the morning and were sitting at the table enjoying a bowl of squash-applesauce soup for lunch when the phone rang and it was a real estate agent wanting to bring someone over to see the house. In less than an hour we finished eating, washed the dishes, hid all the clutter, cleaned the bathrooms, swept, vacuumed, hid the litter box, put the cats outside, and put the dogs in the car for me to take them to the dog park so the house would be perfect when the potential buyers came to look at it. Our house was one of three that they were looking at today so the results are in the hands of a Higher Power :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I love the picture of you with the poodle......that poodle was just the right size for you.......my poodles weigh 38 and 48 pounds and are the light of my life (next to my husband :heart: )

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, that's a great food list and I'm happy to find that I eat most of the good stuff and none of the bad stuff.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I'm glad your son is home.......I'll be thinking happy thoughts for your family.....take it one day at a time.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: marilyn, portion control is still my toughest challenge.

    :flowerforyou: doobiedoo, I'm glad things are going well for you today.....tomorrow I know you can do it again.

    :flowerforyou: I've been sitting too long, gotta get up and move around
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Evening lovelies!

    Barbie, would love to see you play dogsled! Your balance is impressive!

    Chiclet so glad to hear from you even though you're hurting. Please keep posting, might help keep you from feeling so alone on top of everything else you're going through.

    Jeannie also glad to hear from you, what you are going through is soul-tearing, sending you and yours thoughts of light and peace.

    Jackie, BirdieM missing you both.

    Lynn and SuzyQ so glad to hear from you again.

    Barb missing you too!

    Amanda Robin, Marily, Michelle, Mimi, Viv, Mary and all love reading your posts.

    Like many others, weekends are my downfall... too many indulgences, too little movement... but doing better.
    It's been too cold and windy for lunchwalks so dance class has been the only activity.
    Today the wind died down and the sun shone, so even tho' not above freezing, took an hour's brisk walk along the river while the doggies were getting "detailed" (cleaned and polished up, no caudal removal... ;>) BUT... then was so hungry I brought home pizza and salad instead of making the FreezerPurge crepes. At least it was chicken pizza not pepperoni! Over on calories, but not WAY over like Saturdays used to be...

    Don't really want to "do" anything tonight (food prep, laundry, etc) so think I'll line dance a few songs to see if my mood/energy improve.

    Welcome newbies!

    Hugs to all,
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning all - Happy Sunday

    Just a quick post this morning, before going to walk the doggies.

    Jeannie hope everything works out okay for you and your family.

    Barbie good luck with the house sale.

    Welcome Newbies.

    Doobiedoo - Keep on with one day at a time.

    My weight has crept up a little bit since not having the internet to log my food, just shows how quickly my bad eating habits return!! If I want to reach my goal of being 10stone by end of March then I really need to knuckle down and get back to basics. So I will log everything starting again today and I will do better.

    My GS has chicken pox poor thing, we were going to visit, but now I think we'll wait a while - I need to check it out as I can't remember if its contagious once the spots come out or not.

    Well the doggies are waiting, so I'd better get moving. At least is's getting lighter on a morning now.

    Take Care everyone

    Viv xx
  • Ldspill
    Well, this looks like my kind of place. As you can see by the number of posts that I have, I'm very new at this. I think I just read all of Friday and Saturdays posts, wow, there is a lot going on here. I just joined MFP on Tuesday and I'm still learning the ropes. Whoever said "you can't teach an old dog new tricks", obviously never had an old dog.

    I just decided that I wasn't going to be at the bottom of my list anymore. The kids are all grown and married off and all the grandchildren (6) are healthy and happy..........time for me to get some of that healthy and happy too. Isn't it interesting how we (as women) work so hard for everyone else's happiness and ours gets lost in the shuffle? How are we to continue that endeavour if we don't pay attention to our bodies and what we want? It's not being self centered, after all , the car wouldn't run if you didn't put gas in it or check the tire pressure once in a while.

    Someone posted that I could come in here and just rant if I wanted to. She said you all had big shoulders ......you're probably sorry she said that now. I work out of my house, so I don't have to be anywhere. If I don't fall face first into the keyboard, I could be here a while. I've always kept journels, yep theres an s on that. I keep one for my business and one for diet & exercise and one for my travels and well, I think I'm obcessed. MFP's app is on my phone so I don't have to carry a journal around at lunch or into a restaurant.....it feels so liberating, I may find apps for everything on my phone.

    I lost a few pounds before I found MFP but this last week has felt so good. This site makes it so easy. The only downside now is I have to be accountable, I mean, I come in here and start spouting off about all kinds of things and as supporters you're going to want to help me see results. Hhhmmmmm, I guess I'll have to put up or shut up, by now I'm sure you've figured out, I'm not gonna shut up.

    I wish everbody Health & Happiness and hope you let me stick around for awhile.
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Good Morning All and Welcome to the newbies,

    I wanted to share my success this week on the BFC life style change. I am so excited and I am finally seeing changes.
    I am finally down 10lbs. I have lost about 5 or 6 lbs this week.:laugh: I can't believe it!! I finally get it!! I found something that works for me and it makes sense. In other words "Sugar is the enemy". Learn how to balance your sugar & carbs and you will see results!
    Its all about controlling your insulin/carbs. Insulin is the harmone that controls your body's ability to push fat into fat cells. Without
    lowering your insulin levels, weight loss is impossible. I can wait to see what happens this week. Heres to good health and lots of

  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Happy Sunday all! I have just spent some time reading through the messages here to catch up and what a lovely group you are! It helps so much to know there are people who understand how it feels to go through this weight loss journey, that things (not just food!) make us (me!) eat too much!

    Life can be very trying sometimes and goodness knows i keep on trying! Something about me:

    I have been a single mum to two daughters since they were 6 and 8 (they are now in their late 20s), we were left by a man who should have known better (he went abroad and left me to it)! I work full time in a worthwhile but demanding job and my daughters are fabulous, kind and loving girls. The eldest was married this year in her dream wedding (which she and hubby-to-be saved for). A few years ago I met a man who, despite my resistance, turned my heart around and we got engaged.... me, engaged! At the age of 49! Well, unfortunately he passed away last May after a short, aggressive illness. I am back on my own, working too long, eating too much......but not so much now. This last two weeks have been trying as (1) it was the anniversary of us flying in from a wonderful trip to Hawaii on valentines day 2 years ago, (2) it was the day I was due to go to the gym for my induction....but instead I cancelled and spent the evening balling my eyes out in the car in the gym car park!!! ..... thought I was okay...should have known better! This was then followed by (3) my uncle dying that week (4) my mum falling and ending up in the emergency room and needing support, including getting her to the funeral, and (5) me ending up in bed for 2 days exhausted and low. And I wondered why I was exhausted!? I am feeling better today ( I have a positive disposition most of the time).... but this last week has been tough and this has affected my eating. I am eating healthy things BUT I am eating a lot of them and I know if I had not banned 'bad' foods from the house since early January I would be in a very sorry place right now.

    It is Sunday, I am here and about to look March in the eye. I am going to Florida in September with my daughters and son in law and I want to be at least 3 stone lighter so I don't feel tired all the time and find the heat overwhelming! Wish me luck!

    Looking forward with a smile, my best to you all!
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member

    It has been too long for me since I tracked my food and checked in on this thread. So I have started again, tracking, checking in and trying to live healthy. These tools do help.

    I have not gone through all the posts I missed; only going through recents posts. I will take as a sign that in the posts I read today I found the nice list of foods good or bad for your liver. Thanks so much. I have saved the list to an electronic diary I am doing for myself tracking a "yoga transformation" course I am participating in (day 10).

    Happy Sunday to all,
  • marlouise
    Hello ladies,

    Been down to the gym today, getting on quite well with the Pilates, soon to start the main course exercises. I will be perfecting the earlier ones until I can do them by memory, thus I can put them with my regular workouts. Trying very hard to snow here, on and off, I sure wish for another 20cm or more, I am fearing we will not have enough to properly dampen the farm fields for spring crops. I am really wishing for the globes foods to level down again.

    CHICKLET, hey gal, we are behind and beside you! You are not alone in the quest you have taken on. Draw strength on the thought of how you are making a difference in someone's life. Where would she be without you? The good Lord will help you and give you the daily strength, just have faith in yourself. Take a time out, go for a walk, sit in a quiet room, play with a pet, phone up someone you have lost contact with in a while. Distraction is not avoidence, it's peace of mind and blood pressure release. We are good distractors too, have you seen the pictures??? Keep in contact, we want to know how you are fairing out. <<<<HUGS>>>>

    LDSPILL , welcome, yes this group of strong and good willed. We are here to help and see you through this journey. I have had several ups and downs and these ladies have given me some encouragement.

    HOPEFUL53, hello, getting through a maze of events that are particularly negative can be a jungle run. I have had a rough year past and this one is not nice either. However this last bit of trouble for me has renewed my energy to fix me up. So too, I am at ground zero and working to the top level. Hang in there, be true to yourself and all will work out.

    Okay gals, I've got work to do, best get at it.
    Love from my house to yours...

  • LovingLifeLori
    LovingLifeLori Posts: 10 Member
    I'm new too. I found the site in my new phone's apps store. I'm delighted by the new "push" it's given me, keeping me accountable and aware. I've enjoyed reading these posts.
  • Ldspill
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Got on the treadmill this morning and was watching TV as I walked and forgot to stop. That's just ridiculous! Nobody forgets to stop doing something they don't like. Oh, maybe this is an "Aha" moment, maybe I secretly do like it but my brain hasn't engaged yet. Not the first time I've heard that phrase. Sometimes we have to stop and rethink what we think we know. Is that too tongue twisty? Blame it on the Psycology degree (that I don't use), I'm always trying to figure myself out. This could take some time.

    Thanks for the warm welcome, certainly is nice to sit down and talk to a group who is going through all the same kinda stuff I am. Sometimes it feels like you're the only one in the world with this problem (whatever it is) but I guarantee you're not. My heart goes out to all the ladies who are not only struggling with their own health and fitness issue but having to deal with others as well.

    Chiclet...You're taking steps to help your Mom, don't ever feel like you're being mean. She can not make the decisions on her own....she needs you. My Mom and I spar (that's what I like to call it) quite a bit. She has just recently finished her 4th treatment session (over five years) for cancer. Her doctors tell her what to do and of course, she thinks she knows better. So she and I go round and round about how she does what she wants and then complains about how she's not getting any better. She got herslef one of those electric chairs and for the most part stopped walking, even after the doctor said, "you need to walk more". So we do what we can to make whatever time there is better and more comfortable. I told her "I can't fix stupid", she responded with "If I wasn't in this chair"...I said "yep, I know, that's why I felt safe saying it...I can out run your chair". Then she busted up laughing. You can only do so much.

    Suezzzque...I love Joyce Meyer, I'm going to use that Chocolate Chip Cookie line with some of my friends.

    Anniebnannie...I'll be 57 in June, don't sell yourself short with that..."younger folks" line. I believe...You don't stop playing because you get old, you get old because you stop playing. Have fun, kick up your heels, do something goofy.

    Marlouise...Thank you for the kind words of welcome, I look forward to possible carpal-tunnel...I'll be here so much.

    Hopeful...Just be true to your name and everything will level out. I studied Metaphysics for a while (I'm an information glutten) and the minister once said.."Things just don't happen, they happen just". There is a reason for everything. You will either get stronger, smarter, more patient or healthier...something from what you're going through now. I know from reading the posts here that I can speak for these ladies too when I say, We're here.

    The snow is gone, the temperature is up (69) and the lake is looking beautiful on this glorious sunday.

    I wish you all Patience and Understanding.
  • ram58miller
    I would loeo join you. I am 52 with a long history of being overweight. I have found it much harder to lose weight since I turned 50. One thing I have had a hard time with is once I start to lose weight I think I deserve to treat mysekf. This has kept me fluctuating between the same 7 pounds for a month. I really need motivation. I think I can find it here. Please feel free to email me @ ram58aughenbaugh@mail.com. i'd love to hear from you.
  • LovingLifeLori
    LovingLifeLori Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the inspiration, ladies. I just burned over 500 calories in under 42 minutes on the treadmill. I feel really good. Thanks for the encouragement. (I did have a piece of leftover stuffed pizza for lunch - which is a food that i love. Confession is good for the soul, right?)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    Welcome back SusyQ! We have missed you.

    There are a lot new people this month, so I will just say hello to all the newcomers and I look forward to getting to know you all better.

    Chiclet - You are not mean. It is never too late to get help for your Mom. Good Luck.

    DS is so much calmer. It is both wonderful and unbelievable that he has suffered so much to get where he is today. To make a long story very short, he was misdiagnosed all these years and the medication the wrong stuff and adding to the dilemma not helping it. Add in puberty and hormones and boom! Now that we really know what is wrong with him and he is on the right medication, he is like a new person, but yet still our son. Thank you for all the prayers and please keep us on your prayer lists.

    I blame our health care system for his misery all these years. Twice before doctors wanted him inpatient for 2 week evaluation and the health plan would not approve it. This could have all been fixed years ago.

    Happy thoughts to all,


    PS: I found low sodium bread at a health foods store. I hope it taste good.
  • LovingLifeLori
    LovingLifeLori Posts: 10 Member
    I totally agree with you, ram58miller. That's always been my downfall. Do well - treat myself - feel guilty - kick myself in the butt - get back up and do well again - just to repeat the cycle over and over. It's time to stop the madness. :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Today is my Isagenix cleanse day which means that I am consuming fewer calories and thus am not so compelled to try to burn a ton of extra calories so it also becomes a rest day and a day when I feel more comfortable sitting at the computer for longer periods.

    :flowerforyou: mrsanderson, I just looked on your profile and saw that you are a 2nd grade teacher.....I taught both grades one and two during most of my 30+ years of teaching.....I hope you are enjoying it as much as I did.....for years I came to work every day ready to meet the challenge of higher standards, more at risk kids and shrinking budgets until one day I decided that I'd had enough and retired on a happy note, leaving the challenge to younger teachers.

    :flowerforyou: catmandoodle, you are far from the oldest person here even on this thread....this is a great place for motivation and support.....welcome

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, pizza is a great downfall for me, too.......I'm always sorry afterward:explode:

    :flowerforyou: Viv, thank goodness for the dogs......they keep us moving even when we don't want to :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Izzy, congratulations on your weight loss and on finding a plan that works for you....keep us posted.....I know that keeping sugar out of my kitchen and my life has made a huge difference

    :flowerforyou: Karlene, it's good to see your smiling face again......keep us posted about your yoga challenge

    :flowerforyou: Hopeful, you have weathered some major storms and lived to tell the tale....now it's time for you put yourself at the top of the list....your trip to Florida sounds like just the thing.....check in with us every day and log your food and the weight will come off :bigsmile: amazing things can happen in six months

    :flowerforyou: Marlene, whenever it rains or snows here I remind myself of how important the water is to our farms and gardens.

    :flowerforyou: Lori, great workout on the treadmill. Do you watch TV or listen to music while you're on it? I hope you'll post often so we can get to know you

    :flowerforyou: Ldspill, I watch TV while I ride my exercise bike and the time passes quickly for me, too...when DH bought the exercise bike I thought I'd never use it and it was a big waste of money......now I'm on it two or three times a day for at least 20 minutes at a time.....You'll find that the women on this thread are good listeners and have a lot of insight into life's ups and downs......i hope you'll be a regular poster

    :flowerforyou: Ram, you have come to the right place to meet other women who are going through the same challenges.......I learned to treat myself to non-food items.......Giving up recreational eating was one of the best decisions I ever made.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I'm happy to hear that things are going better for your son.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: the snow is melting a bit but there was still plenty for the dogs to play in at the dog park this morning.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    I am new to MFP. My daughter found the site two weeks ago and just loves it, so she got me interested and now I'm hooked! This evening is the first I've investigated the message board and I'm thrilled I found this thread. I had a yoyo weight history that was totally out of my control (I would fluxuate as much as 70 pounds) until 4 years ago when I was diagnosed with autoimmune disorders. Once we medically got that under control, my weight is more stable despite the maintenance prednisone I take. MFP is exactly what I need to monitor my nutrition and exercise since both have to be limited and I want to be sure I have enough. I would like to lose 11 more pounds, and increase my exercise slowly. I started tracking my eating several days ago....what fun and I love entering recipes.....tomorrow I'll start tracking exercise. I look forward to the support that I see you all give each other. I have a question.....anyone out there dealing with gastroparesis (mine is caused by scleroderma)? I am always looking for yummy soft foods and ways to handle the gastroparesis. About me personally....I am a retired 1st/2nd grade teacher who is a quilter, photographer and does digital scrapbooking. Have two kids, 4 grandkids and live in south central PA. Definitely looking forward to spring and making friends on this site. Life is good! :)
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    Finally have a moment to post. So many new faces. welcome to all of you. You will love this site. I read all posts and comment on some but I never address each person, just too time consuming for me and hard also. I appreciate those that do. It is Mardi Gras here so we have been parading. I really dont LOVE Mardi Gras, can take it or leave it. Most years we try to go away but did not work out this year. Hubby and kids love it so I go. Went back to gym this morning for first time in long time. Did good. Ellipitical was hard but did 10 min. after eating early lunch we went to parade. We parked about mile away and walked to our spot. Then between parades niece and I walked to Wendy's to get tea and potty and walked back then after parade we walked back to car. lots of walking in so I feel good. Weigh in tomorrow so hope all that walking helps bring numbers down. Emma is sick. we think maybe flu (even though she had shot) so I offered to keep byron so he would not get it. he fought his sleep but finally got him down so i will turn in soon in case he wakes during night. Will let you know how weigh in goes tomorrow. Have a good evening ladies.
    Vicki M