Looking for other P90 Support



  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Brent, you are so funny!
    I am going to have to save my walk for this evening. Ran out of time in the afternoon. Oh well. If nothing else I have dinner planned already and it should keep my under my cals for the day.
    Mike, glad your fridge showed up. I couldn't imagine a whole week without one! WTG, getting in both your workouts today. Enjoy your rest day tomorrow!
    Welcome Forever! I remembered when I ordered P90. I was so anxious for it to get here already! I hope you enjoy it as much as I am. Oh and way to go on losing 26 lbs already! That's awesome!
  • forever28
    forever28 Posts: 374 Member
    Thank you for the warm welcome and the add!! Looking forward to the challenge! :smile:
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    I did, thus why I don't do most of the P90 program, not yet at least. I have to lose some more weight first.
    I was referring to others. You can possibly overwork your back during your sweat or sculpt day, and doing abs it's not going to be a "recovery" day, does that make sense now? I was more saying if you're WHOLE body hurts, then do yoga or something, not if your arms hurt don't work out your legs.

    Mommasamfa, I wish you well on your recovery and your journey into better fitness.

    Traci, welcome! There's lots of support available here! Power 90 is a great choice.

    Today was my rest day, so I just took a walk outside. The weather was beautiful! I'm ready for Sculpt tomorrow!

  • TheNewMrsDemo
    TheNewMrsDemo Posts: 26 Member
    Hey guys!
    Really excited to find a group that's doing p90. I'm probably way behind you guys, but it's really motivating reading all your comments. I just started my 2nd week today. It's funny, last week I was having a hard time and then today I did it, no problem, feeling fabulous afterwards. I weighed at the beginning of this past week and then weighed today. After today I will be weighing every other week. So far I've lost 5 lbs! I'm so excited and enjoying this. My mom did this (and still does it today) a few years back and dropped almost 80lbs in the 90 days and went from a size 24-12. I'm not looking for those kind of results, but I'm looking for some and today just proved that Tony's right when he says "Don't go grab a cheeseburger" :)

    Thanks y'all
    Cannot wait to read more!
    Crystal :)
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    ... today just proved that Tony's right when he says "Don't go grab a cheeseburger" :)

    Hehe... makes me chuckle every time.

  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Forever and Soontobe...welcome to your journey with P90. There's a great group of folks here to help and inspire you. We look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to friend me if you like.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Day 15, I did FBE. I got up a little earlier this morning and had a snack first. Not really sure it helped my energy or not. Still yawned a couple times.
    I hope everyone has a great Monday!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Day 15, I did FBE. I got up a little earlier this morning and had a snack first. Not really sure it helped my energy or not. Still yawned a couple times.
    I hope everyone has a great Monday!

    Glad to see your trying something different by eating a snack first.
    Stay committed, your doing great. BB says getting past day 21 is your first goal, as it takes that many days to form a habit.
    I actually found the daily routine to get easier after that. (pushing play that is...not necessarily the workout :-) )
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Status Update:

    Power 90 Program:
    Day 56 (off day) for my son and I today.
    We both lost 1 lb. this week.
    I'm happy with my progress...I think I'm starting to show a little tone in my arms.
    I'll see for sure after Friday (day 60) when I take status pics and measurements.

    Weekly Weigh-Ins at work:

    Jan 4, 2011: 244.0 SW
    Jan 10, 2011: 237.0 lost 7.0 lbs.
    Jan 17, 2011: 234.0 lost 3.0 lbs. (total 10.0 lbs.)
    Jan 24, 2011: 232.0 lost 2.0 lbs. (total 12.0 lbs.)
    Jan 31, 2011: 229.6 lost 2.4 lbs. (total 14.4 lbs.)
    Feb 7, 2011: 228.6 lost 1.0 lbs. (total 15.4 lbs.)
    Feb 14, 2011: 226.8 lost 1.8 lbs. (total 17.2 lbs.)
    Feb 21, 2011: 224.2 lost 2.6 lbs. (total 19.8 lbs.)
    Feb 28, 2011: 223.2 lost 1.0 lbs. (total 20.8 lbs.)
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Morning all,

    Day 8 for me, Sculpt 1-2 this morning... It was a tough morning. I got through the workout but I felt tired and kind of weak. Still feeling a little... slow... but the coffee is helping. Hope I'm not getting sick or something.

    Anyway, hope everyone has a great workout today, tomorrow is Sweat 1-2 and Ab Ripper - hope to have more energy!!!

  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    For some reason, my calves/shins didn't really care for jumping jacks today (as well as fast feet). No problems getting through the rest of it though, so that is good. I wasn't really in a workout mood, but I'm not going to let myself just skip it either.

    Last week I finally started getting through the Ab Ripper 100/100, and today I was definitely getting through it a bit easier than even last week.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Oh man, I forgot about doing Ab Ripper this morning! Dang! I wish it was on FBE too! I want to do FBE again Wednesday, but I don't want to forget about AR100. Hhhmmm...
    Nigel, that's great that you can feel your progress with AR100. I never do real jumping jacks, but I don't mind fast feet.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Well I managed to get my bum out of bed for day 1 today. When I saw what time it was on the clock, I just scowled at it, and defiantly went back to sleep for 20 minutes (it's amazing how my math skills improve tremendously when calculating sleep time). Although I got up later than I originally planned, at least I did it. Now I just have to stop myself from eating my exercise calories.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    It is good to get the start under your belt.
    I wan't out of bed as early as I'd hoped today, but I still got my morning workout/errands accomplished. Definitely was not as early as MamaReebs is up each day!
  • poorwayne
    I'm on my second day of P90. I can't believe how out of shape I am, the Cardio stuff nearly killed me. Had to push pause for a bit to catch my breath. Hopefully it will get easier. Going to try to fit the time in when I get home from work, I'm always rushing in the morning.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome! It will get easier. It's amazing how quickly your body can adjust to P90! I am only on Day 15, but I can already feel that I have improved in my ability to keep up and do all the exercises. Looking forward to hearing about your journey too!
    Nigel, I sure wish I didn't have to get up so early! But getting up early is a lot easier when I think about the alternative, which would be staying overweight forever. I want to have a body I can be proud of again and if that means waking up at 4:30, well then I will do it. And maybe one day when my kids are older I won't have to get up quite so early.
  • gbtesq
    gbtesq Posts: 84 Member
    Hello, all!
    I am on my 5th day of P90. Feeling good. No weight loss on the scale but I've got to do better with eating.

    This is a great discussion thread!! Love reading alll the posts!
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    I'm on my second day of P90. I can't believe how out of shape I am, the Cardio stuff nearly killed me. Had to push pause for a bit to catch my breath. Hopefully it will get easier. Going to try to fit the time in when I get home from work, I'm always rushing in the morning.

    Hi Wayne. It's great to have another person starting P90 who is around my age.
    I can relate to having to press pause and catch my breath. It does get better real quick.
    It's amazing how much better you will feel. I also have found success with the routine of working out as soon as I walk in the door every evening after work. Good luck and keep us up to date on how you make out.
  • MikeK51
    MikeK51 Posts: 317
    Hello, all!
    I am on my 5th day of P90. Feeling good. No weight loss on the scale but I've got to do better with eating.

    This is a great discussion thread!! Love reading alll the posts!

    Welcome. Keeping the MFP diary and eating well is essential. Glad to have you along on the P90 journey.
    We are here for you if you have any questions.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Well I managed to get my bum out of bed for day 1 today. When I saw what time it was on the clock, I just scowled at it, and defiantly went back to sleep for 20 minutes (it's amazing how my math skills improve tremendously when calculating sleep time). Although I got up later than I originally planned, at least I did it. Now I just have to stop myself from eating my exercise calories.

    Great job Stephanie, but why don't you want to eat your exercise calories?

    Welcome to our other new friends! It DOES get easier, I promise just hang in there :)