Men on a Mission - Over 250, Looking to Drop 50



  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    This weeks weight 275.
    Was expecting a 3 or 4 pound loss but I'm going in the right direction.
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Hello Men! Reporting (grudgingly) at 237.4. Yesterday, I weighed in at less than 236, but since I officially use Sunday's weight, it wil be 237.4. I'm an engineer, so I tend to be at stickler about data!! Another hard-working week on the elliptical, so that is another source of my frustration. Anyway, that's enough from me!


    Some of you put some big numbers up - nice job Swilson! Just like ceebran last week, you had a 6 lb loss this week!! It's also nice to have you back spinndrift. I think of you, jaskelley, and thomas_vision as my direct competitors (for fun!) since we are all around the same weight. Jaskelley, so kindly, is giving us a week to catch up to him! And DS13, watch out man, we're coming for you too! This should get you guys pumped this week!

    PaulC - good job this week, I bet it feels good to lose a few after having a no loss week. Keep up the good work!

    Keep up the good work Men! Regarding last week's topic (what do you do, listen to, or watch to motivate you?), I listen to techno music when I work out on the elliptical. Also, I also have started watching the Biggest Loser. It motivates me to see people working hard. Sometimes I can do without the drama on the show, but otherwise, it keeps me motivated.

    This week's topic: what is your biggest temptation (food) and how to you avoid it?

  • pancho45
    pancho45 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey guys,

    SW: 435
    GW: 250
    LWW: 410
    CW: 403

    7 pounds down this week...woohoo!!
  • apolloag
    apolloag Posts: 92 Member
    Pancho!! If you would have posted earlier, you would have been this week's winner!! Good job and keep up the good work!
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Some of you put some big numbers up - nice job Swilson! Just like ceebran last week, you had a 6 lb loss this week!! It's also nice to have you back spinndrift. I think of you, jaskelley, and thomas_vision as my direct competitors (for fun!) since we are all around the same weight. Jaskelley, so kindly, is giving us a week to catch up to him! And DS13, watch out man, we're coming for you too! This should get you guys pumped this week!

    Damn, apollo, first thomas_vision sets his sights on me and now you! I'll have to change my picture. The current one seems to get me too many enemies. ;-)

    Speaking of pictures, is anyone else sad DS changed away from his fishing/peeing in the lake pic? That's the only way I know him.

    Congratulations to all who lost this week. Nice going, fellas! DS, tvision, we'll get 'em next week.
  • spinndrift
    I wouldn't say I have single food temptation but ice cream, biscuits (cookies for those in the US I guess) and bacon sandwiches are all my friends. I used to love chocolate but stopped it with the drink on boxing day but had some on Friday and hated it so that could be good news.

    My way of avoiding them is simple - they make me fat if I eat too much of them so we don't have them in the house unless we have guests. I also know how much better my climbing on the bike is after the losing the weight I have so far so I visualise these things as rocks in a bag that slow me down on the hills.

    All said I do still have them occasionally but in sensible portions rather than a complete packet.
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    "This week's topic: what is your biggest temptation (food) and how to you avoid it?"

    We'll for me it is IHOP (International House of Pancakes). I LOVE some good sweet breakfast. How do I avoid it? Well for one I don't go there anymore. I know my goal weight means more than a quick sweet fix. I still put on the sad face when I drive by any IHOP though :-(

    P.S. Apollo thanks for getting my competitive fire burning again!
    Jaskelly, yeah I think its not your main pic its the one in your weight loss ticker that has the number 1 finger up lol.
  • Ibgroovy
    Ibgroovy Posts: 11
    I know it's not a weekend, but d*** it, I'm getting tired of hovering in the same place! Counting calories just doesn't do it without the aerobic exercise, I guess. I've been under on my calories every single day, and I'm not going ANYWHERE.

    all are lbs:
    Starting Weight (2 Jan 2011) (SW): 306
    Goal Weight (GW): 230
    Current Weight (CW): 286.2
    Last Week's Weight (LWW): 285.7
    Week to Week Difference (WD): +0.5
    Total Weight Lost (since 2 Jan 2011) (TWL): 19.8
    weigh-in date: 3/1/2011

    Serious elliptical and rowing mileage tonight! Okay, who's on the road just ahead of me, so I can pass him? I'm back below 20 lbs lost again (after taking three weeks to get from 19 to past 20 lbs,) and I'm p!$$ed!
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Jaskelly, yeah I think its not your main pic its the one in your weight loss ticker that has the number 1 finger up lol.

    Dude, that's my thumb! I just couldn't fit my whole hand in there because my head is so big. :D
  • Swilson87
    Swilson87 Posts: 139
    Growing pains...! Progress is progress, is the way I have to look at this thing. I am still encouraged and willing to fight. Last week I dropped 6 pounds, and this week only 1. Kind of mind blowing, but the only alternative is to give up, and that's not an option.

    SW: 275
    LWW: 258
    CW: 257
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Man, i have not kept up with this post. I hit 31.2 lbs loss this morning

    Starting Weight Jan 1 2011 (SW): 315
    Goal Weight (GW): 235
    Current Weight (CW): 283.8
    Last Week's Weight (LWW): 287
    Week to Week Difference (WD): -4.2
    Total Weight Lost (since 2 Jan 2011) (TWL): 31.2
    weigh-in date: 3/4/2011
  • PaulC9554
    PaulC9554 Posts: 117 Member
    Weekly weigh in...down 1Kg to 138Kg
    I've 2Kg to go to meet my first goal of dropping to 136Kg which in old numbers is BELOW 300Lbs - 299.2 Lbs to be exact.. I haven't been that weight since...well I can't remember, it's so long ago.
    Stick at it guys!
  • thomasvision
    thomasvision Posts: 129 Member
    Hey Guys!

    Today Mar 5th I am - - - 238.2
    On Feb 26th, 2011 - - - 241.4
    On Feb 19th, 2011- - - 238.4
    On Feb 12th, 2011 - - -238.6
    On Feb 5th, 2011 - - - 242.6
    On Jan 29, 2011 - - - 245.4
    On Jan 22, 2011 - - - 246.8
    On Jan 15, 2011 - - - 247.8
    On Jan 9, 2011 - - - 248.4.
    On Jan 2, 2011 - - - 253.4

    Looks like the change in my diet worked out well and I was able to come back down. I will have some good eating today and continue the new eating habits Sunday and beyond. Hope all you guys did well this week. Keep up the good work!
  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    Weigh-in for 3/5/2011: 228.2

    It's weird how weight can come off in such crazy increments. Up a little, down a little, down a lot. I'm not complaining, it just seems weird when your diet and exercise is consistent week-to-week.

    Nice work this week, TVision!
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    Thought you guys could appreciate this. I typically just wear my blue jean shorts when working out on the elliptical. Today I had to stop 4 or 5 shorts kept falling off!!! :-)

    Guess I'll have to find some workout shorts that fit now.
  • Bigeddy
    Bigeddy Posts: 72 Member
    I did see good progress with a lot of you guys. My compliments! Again, I will not dominate the charts this week with so much excellent competition. However, pretty happy about my progress: LW 117,8, CW 116,4.
    So, this sunny Sundaymorning starts off good, now off to the carnaval parade in my home town. Succes to you all coming week!
  • tllstaco
    tllstaco Posts: 133 Member
    This weeks check-in. Weigh 266lb.
  • spinndrift
    239lbs for me this week - no loss but at the same time no gain.

    Had my first training ride today with the team of cyclists for the ride I'm doing in June today which has restored my motivation.
  • chris_andress
    chris_andress Posts: 13 Member
    Last week I weighed in at 255lbs. This week it was 259 lbs. :noway: Back at it!
  • mackoy809
    mackoy809 Posts: 36
    This week 254 lbs
    Last week 257 lbs

    My weakness is the barbeque. I like to grill