

  • JohnHein

    Does anyone know exactly how to count your Insanity workout towards the daily exercise here on MFP? Should I count each individual exercise, or just say 45 mins of high impact aerobics? What it says I burned for aerobics seems way low for the insanity workout. Any suggestions?


    I used the "Add Exercise" feature and created a category for each of the Insanity workouts.
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member
    Holy Hip Flexors, Batman! LMAO! Yah, still felt the burn today with the Core Cardio Balance! You guys were right!
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    You guys are making me nervous!!! We are about to enter the recovery week which I'm looking forward to...not so much about what's to follow :noway:
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    You guys are making me nervous!!! We are about to enter the recovery week which I'm looking forward to...not so much about what's to follow :noway:

    We'd be lying if we didn't say that the workouts are harder. You're going for longer intervals doing more complicated moves. I spent quite a bit of time so far this week just watching to make sure that I had the form down right. But what you should look forward to is the results. You will be stronger, faster, and gain more endurance. Month 2 is really much like month one where you find out what Insanity is all about, you struggle a bit to keep up, but by the end of the month you take your fit test and have the ability to do more than you ever thought you could have done before. Just enjoy the recovery week and get ready to hit it hard the following week.
  • JohnHein
    You guys are making me nervous!!! We are about to enter the recovery week which I'm looking forward to...not so much about what's to follow :noway:

    We'd be lying if we didn't say that the workouts are harder. You're going for longer intervals doing more complicated moves. I spent quite a bit of time so far this week just watching to make sure that I had the form down right. But what you should look forward to is the results. You will be stronger, faster, and gain more endurance. Month 2 is really much like month one where you find out what Insanity is all about, you struggle a bit to keep up, but by the end of the month you take your fit test and have the ability to do more than you ever thought you could have done before. Just enjoy the recovery week and get ready to hit it hard the following week.

    Yep and you'll be surprised at how fast you master it. The first week of Month 2 is a huge leap in difficulty both because of the longer sessions and because of the more complex moves. You will be challenged, you'll be taking breaks and you'll be wondering what Month 1 did to prep you. But it's all by the third week of the second month, I was getting through most of the new workouts without major breaks. Just keep trying your best and know that your body is adapting and getting stronger with each day!
  • jchapa83
    jchapa83 Posts: 71 Member
    No, from what I've read on Beachbody's site, the recovery week is extremely vital. It gives your muscles a chance to really recuperate from all the work you've been putting them through for the lats month. The workouts are not *as* strenuous, but trust me, you are going to be glad for the rest as soon as you start the first workout of Month 2. It's been said earlier in this thread that Month 2 makes Month 1 look like a walk in the park and I am pretty much on board with that statement.

    Month 2 incorporates some of the same moves, but stacks them with others so you're working like you won't believe. I just started Month 2 on Monday and I'm glad I took the recovery week. After doing the Fit Test and the Max Interval Circuit, I was very worn out. You'll want to pay close attention to your body, not just during the workout, but throughout the rest of the day. If you feel your energy dipping, make sure you eat something to keep the fat burning and muscle repair working.

    I start recovery week next week, I'm scared about what's coming in Month 2 lol!! But hey I've made it this far and seeing results already, that just motivates me even more!! I will not give up =)
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    I'm interested in the Insanity program and have been to the Web site to check it out but I still have a few questions:
    For instance, how often is the program? Daily, every other day, etc?
    Also, is this something I could do in my office at work (med-sized office) or at home in the early hours while everyone is asleep or will I be jumping a lot pounding the floor waking the kiddos up?
    What size weights will I need?
    Is it something that I can do at the same time as training for the C25K program (at the end of Week 6)?
    Just that kind of random stuff.
    Thx for the input.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Funny, the original poster must have flaked out.

    The workouts are 6 days a week.
    You will be doing A LOT of sweating, so you should do it at home.
    It does not require weights.
    It's a lot of jumping around.
    You can do it while training for C25K, but it is hard on the knees.
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    Funny, the original poster must have flaked out.

    The workouts are 6 days a week.
    You will be doing A LOT of sweating, so you should do it at home.
    It does not require weights.
    It's a lot of jumping around.
    You can do it while training for C25K, but it is hard on the knees.
    thanks for the info!
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    To you insanity pros:
    I finished recovery week and this coming monday start "fit test & max interval circuit". Just to confirm, do I do the first cd "fit test" and then do another cd for max interval circuit?

    I have to admit - I'm scared.:embarassed:
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    The workouts are on different disks. I just finished my first week of Month 2 and my recommendation for that fit test and the cardio circuit is to:

    1) Make sure you have plenty of water. You're going to need it.
    2) Take it slow on the new moves and make sure you're getting the form correct.
    3) Remember to just do the best that *you* can do. The moves are a lot more complex and you'll likely feel like you're back on day 1 (I know I did). Just do your best and you'll be fine.
    4) Don't forget to bump up your calorie intake. You'll be doing longer workouts at a more intense rate and your body is going to need the extra fuel.
    5) Smile because you love it, baby!
  • Xave1911
    Well, just finished my recovery week. And I am PUMPED for the official beginning of month two. oh and im a new guy so add me.

    Xavier- independent BeachBody coach
  • sonnyless
    sonnyless Posts: 142 Member
    I started on Monday. It's kicking my but, but I enjoy it! I'm also taking it at my own pace. I lost 4 pounds just this week!
  • sonnyless
    sonnyless Posts: 142 Member
    Hi. I started my workouts on Monday. Today is my off day... thank goodness! So far I've lost four pounds just in this week! I didn't think that I would see results that fast. I am looking forwards to my progress in the future. Make sure you stick with the recipes or continue to count calories. Best of luck!
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    4) Don't forget to bump up your calorie intake. You'll be doing longer workouts at a more intense rate and your body is going to need the extra fuel.

    I second this one! I did well the first few weeks--even for the first month if needed. At the end of the 2nd and into the 3rd week I'd be good with my 1200 cals (eating back the exercise cals too) but mid-week I'd be super hungry and would want sweets. My blood sugar was all over the place and I'd end up dizzy, light headed and feeling horrible. I saw my Dr. and he suggested lowering my carbs a bit and increasing my cals by eating more protein. I ended up with the flu in all of this so I took a few days off the workout to get myself back on track. I'll be starting week 3 over today and hopefully all will go well. No point in going through all of this if it isn't making me feel stronger/healthier...I want to do this the right way! I just think how far I've come considering a year ago I'd have found ANY excuse not to workout or eat right. Fast forward to now and my fear while talking with the Dr. was he was going to tell me to stop this workout! Thankfully, that wasn't the case!
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    The workouts are on different disks. I just finished my first week of Month 2 and my recommendation for that fit test and the cardio circuit is to:

    1) Make sure you have plenty of water. You're going to need it.
    2) Take it slow on the new moves and make sure you're getting the form correct.
    3) Remember to just do the best that *you* can do. The moves are a lot more complex and you'll likely feel like you're back on day 1 (I know I did). Just do your best and you'll be fine.
    4) Don't forget to bump up your calorie intake. You'll be doing longer workouts at a more intense rate and your body is going to need the extra fuel.
    5) Smile because you love it, baby!
    Well,...I followed your advice - which was great....but I'm not smiling:grumble: :angry: :mad: I did somewhat better on the fit test but I was absolutely terrible during the max cardio circuit. :explode: Not only did I feel like I was back on day 1....I felt like I never worked out in my life.....I'm not smiling...yet
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member
    Skipping my last recovery day workout..... Recovery week Core Cardio and Balance was fun while it lasted, but there is no way I can do another one of those boring workouts. I'm moving on to day 1 of Month 2 tonight... can't wait!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Well,...I followed your advice - which was great....but I'm not smiling:grumble: :angry: :mad: I did somewhat better on the fit test but I was absolutely terrible during the max cardio circuit. :explode: Not only did I feel like I was back on day 1....I felt like I never worked out in my life.....I'm not smiling...yet
    Just contrast where you were on Day 30 and where you were on Day 1. My second run through the workouts after the recovery day last week had me feeling a lot better about the workouts. I still spent some time watching instead of doing to make sure I was getting the form right. It can only get better from here :D
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member
    WOW, just wow! Did the fit test and the first workout of month 2. I'm wiped out! I feel really good about not only my progress on the fit test, but also how well I did in the workout tonight. I definitely wasn't able to complete every single rep of every exercise, but I kept up the majority of the time. I still needed some time to get the moves down right, but next time should be much better. Man, this program is crazy, but I LOVE IT!

    Question: I bumped up my calories by about 300 today. Did anyone else do this during month 2? If so, how much did you increase by??
  • foreverjade
    foreverjade Posts: 213 Member
    Hey All,
    Sorry to join the thread so late but I just started Insanity today... I am going away in 17 days and felt the need to up my workouts for the last 2 week push!

    I did the fit test, and I beat Tonya and what's his name? on all of their first fit test scores and half of their second scores, so I felt confident enough to do another... sooo I did Cardio Recovery, not knowing what to expect, was super unimpressed and didn't feel like I got a workout at all, so I did Cardio Abs after that. Holy are my legs ever going to be sore tomorrow, but I will get on the calendar schedule for the next week and see what happens.

    Can't wait to see what all this buzz is about!!