Lose 5 Pounds a Month March 2011 Challenge



  • Count me in, That would be very awesome for me!!!
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    count me in I am shooting for 6 lbs :-)
  • Good Morning all.

    Welcome to all the new joiners this month. This is a great challenge to keep you motivated and there's some very supportive people on here. Good luck. :flowerforyou:

    The last 2 weeks of February were terrible for me. It started with the girl scout cookies and went downhill from there until I bottomed out after a weekend get-a-way with my sisters. Sunday night I realized how bad eating junk makes me feel. I was sluggish, bloated, headachey and just overall yucky.

    Monday I was recommitted and back on track. Have had a great week so far with exercising and eating healthy and let me tell ya, I feel much better. :bigsmile: My energy's back, my motivation is back and my focus is back. I guess you could say I've found my Mo-Jo again. Whoo hooo!!! March goal of 175, here it come ! :glasses:

    Hope everyone has a great, successful and healthy day !
  • Dianielle
    Dianielle Posts: 50
    Count me in!!!!
  • lisamfick
    lisamfick Posts: 257 Member
    Wow! it's great to see this topic already on page 6! I'm excited to see all the committed "losers" and can't wait to join in :)

    starting weight 3/1: 184.4 pounds
    3/8 -
    3/15 -
    3/22 -
    3/29 -

    Good Luck everyone!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Sorry I have been a little MIA last couple days.....internet difficulties....but I am alive and kicking....I have been doing pretty well with the BMK challange...my eating is still a struggle at times but have been doing good with the BMK challange lifts and my 5k training...Hope all is well with everyone...there have been like 2-3 pages since my internet went goofy...I will have to play catchup....

    Oh, congrats to all those who succeeded with the 5lb loss in Feb. WTG!!
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    Starting weight for March Challenge 234.4 3/2/11.
  • caroleeb
    caroleeb Posts: 5 Member
    Me too. I'm in.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Ohh those darn girl scout cookies!! I hear you. My mom, God love her, bought me a package of Tag a longs. My favorite!! So I am trying to be preemptive about eating them. Divided them up into bags, some at home some at work. I know I could definitely grab a box and a Lifetime movie and be set for a Sunday afternoon but That's a no no!! :-)
  • I'm in, let's do this!
  • All4Tris
    All4Tris Posts: 215 Member
    I never posted my weight... 165! 160 here I come!!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Sorry this is looong!

    MPF tracks your deficit for you. Plug in your stats and your calories and your goal calories will be reduced for you by 500. Just make sure you stay above 1200 (IMO 1500 is better/healthier, but many on MFP disagree and feel better at 1200 so I would recommend reading up on some posts regarding this and decide what is best for you and your body/life style)

    Yay, I’m also at 70 calf raises

    I’m so proud of you! It’s all about getting back up and dusting yourself off, starting fresh the next day with exercise wont give the extra calories a chance to stick. Good job.

    I feel the same way when I don’t eat right, glad you got your Mo-Jo back! I’m only on day 4 of being back to eating healthy but already I feel my mood improving.

    I know! The pages are fill up fast and flying by! Good luck with your eating struggles; you know I’m always in your corner cheering you on. Great job on the BMK challenge!

    Oh yes, the CS cookies! I got my two boxes today. Tagalongs and Samoas are my favorite. My plan is leaving them at work (I practically sit in a fish bowl) and not open them until I bring them home Friday and I will give them to my guy (then take the kids to dance/gym class) and tell him that if he doesn’t finish them to hide them WELL and Saturday I will be super busy so my hope is that they will be gone before I get a chance to consume them.

    On Saturday I am hosting a 60th birthday surprise party for my mom. It is at a sports bar and I will have all the really bad food and alcohol temptations as well as cake temptations. I feel really nervous and anxious about being derailed just as I was starting to get back on track. I find that for me personally this kind of event is very hard to recover from. I would love to hear ideas from everyone about what you do to prevent excessive indulgence on special occasions. I need all the help I can get!

    Have a lovely day everyone!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Peaked at the scale early and not only am I back under my first mini-goal Im well on my way for this challenge : ) Lets hope these results stick around for sunday for my weigh in : )
  • I'm doing good I think. I am logging my calories, and even did half an hour on the elliptical today. I really need to get ahold of a tape measure and write my measurements down. I think that will help me mentally ALOT!!! I am NOT gonna be the fat girl at my own pool this summer!!!!
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I'm in!

    3/03/2011 - 216
    3/10/2011 -
    3/17/2011 -
    3/24/2011 -
    3/31/2011 -
  • I AM IN.....

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • mjv91199
    mjv91199 Posts: 6
    So far so good, but the weekend is coming and that part of the week always gets me. So I am planning all of our meals now, so I can head to the grocery store and be prepared....(No relying on McDonalds to feed my family this weekend :wink: )

    BMK Challenge
    20 Calf raises down...I am a little behind, but I'll catch up!
    Headed out to walk on my hour lunch break

    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    100 calf raises completed !!! looks like this will be it for today.

    My Insanity workout is on hold right now because, my ankles are killing me.all those running and jumping!!!!

    I think I need to invest in a good athletic shoes!!! any suggestions on shoes and all things ankle pain????

    WTG everyone
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Special events...I wish I had advice! That's why my February was so rough. There's 5 birthdays in February for us so we are constantly baking cakes, celebrating, all that jazz...I love the fun of it all...but I find it so hard to resist!! I remember for my birthday the year I started Weight Watchers before i got prego with my first lovely I requested a Angel Food cake as a birthday cake so I didn't indulge..unfortunately though when it isn't up to you and you can't make requested...you've got to find a way to work it out. Hopefully someone here will offer some great motivation...I'm looking forward to checking back.
  • crystalfaith
    crystalfaith Posts: 23 Member
    Whenever I know I am going to be somewhere with lots of temptations I always make sure I eat my meal before I go and then brush my teeth and chew some gum. It's not much but it at least causes you to pause and think before diving into the goodies :) I also sometimes weigh myself before I leave so that I can have my goals fresh in my mind when I'm there. Hope this helps a little! Any other advice is appreciated! :)
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