Like Minded Lushes March 2011



  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    How does one attach the weight loss box to a reply??? I am soooo ignorant. I tried to copy and paste the "link" from MFP.....

    <a href=""><img src="; border="0" alt="Calorie Counter"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:226px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Free Calorie Counter</a></small></p>

    and get this.....what am I doing wrong????

    You have to paste the link into the Signature box, rather than your post itself.
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    <a href=""><img src="; border="0" alt="Calorie Counter"></a><p style="text-align: center;width:226px;"><small>MyFitnessPal - <a href="">Nutrition Facts</a> For Foods</small></p>

    Okay did that......and got just the "code".......errr I know I must have missed a step????

  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    back to the viscious cycle. I had extra calories last night so I had a drink. Vodka. but then I wanted more, not good. I am really going to try to say no tonight and tomorrow night and then enjoy some wine on Friday.

    I hear ya. I have a really hard time stopping at one or two.......or three or four........I guess I would rather have a piece of chocolate rather than just ONE beer......I am weak, if I have one, I'll have two and then I'll be looking for the vodka shots. LOL

    Welcome new friends!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Ate decently last night and then had a few vodka neighbor is a bad influence on me! :drinker:

    Hell, I'm not even keeping track this week any longer!! :laugh:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Gained weight this week :sad:

    Mon - 2 bottles of wine
    Tues - 0
    Wed - 0
    Thurs - 0

    I'm not setting any drinking goals this week cause I just always break them. I can never have 1 drink. I drink till I can't feel my face pretty much. Damn, I need to be good and get this gained weight plus more off. :brokenheart:
  • GinaJ2006
    GinaJ2006 Posts: 67
    hell yeah, what a great thread! I think beer is the culprit for a lot of my weight gain. I've stopped drinking beer, but still have other drinks. I've been trying to just drink red wine during the week and allow myself something a little stronger on the weekend. It does play hell with my calorie intake, but after a long day at work I like to unwind!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Faith, I'm the same way. :drinker: :ohwell:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Oh well, managed one night without drink before indulging in a glass of wine again tonight, I'm having a lushy week, hey ho, I just hope I don't gain weight this week.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member

    I'm not setting any drinking goals this week cause I just always break them. I can never have 1 drink. I drink till I can't feel my face pretty much. Damn, I need to be good and get this gained weight plus more off. :brokenheart:

    Good plan, I've already crashed thru mine...jeez louise...makes me feel lushy
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I think it puts too much pressure on myself. I think it's easier for me to think, well I don't really feel like drinking tonight instead of OH GOD I can't wait until such and such day - so I drink. I dunno. Stupid brain.
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    So, i'm pretty new to this thread.. Curious--what has worked best for those of you who have managed to lose weight (and still identify with this board :))--cut it out altogether? Try and budget some calories for it? This is almost always the reason i'm over on my calories and am looking for ideas. I see a lot of suggestions for lowcal hard-liquor drinks but i never really know how those will hit me, so i'm a bit wary.
  • charityateet
    charityateet Posts: 576 Member
    So, i'm pretty new to this thread.. Curious--what has worked best for those of you who have managed to lose weight (and still identify with this board :))--cut it out altogether? Try and budget some calories for it? This is almost always the reason i'm over on my calories and am looking for ideas. I see a lot of suggestions for lowcal hard-liquor drinks but i never really know how those will hit me, so i'm a bit wary.

    Personally, I don't drink on Monday thru Thursday and usually not on Sunday either. If there is an event, something going on - I'll let myself have a drink during the week, but I'm pretty anti-social so it doesn't happen very often. lol

    I drink Bud55 (lightest I can find) and take shots of vodka mixed with Powerade0 - usually get a bottle of vanilla vodka and pour 1/2 to another bottle and fill them both up with mixer, so I'm not tempted to pull straight off the bottle.........yep, been known to do that a "time or two".

    I've been intrigued by some other cocktails posted on here, page 1 I think - skinny margarita, might try that one.
    On the days I *do* drink, I make sure I burn a few extra calories working out that morning, or that I don't eat quite as much during the day so I can "afford" my drinks. That usually goes down the ****ter though a few drinks in - I start grabbing for the

    Good luck :drinker:
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Hey, Bob, I'm not sure anyone welcomed you.

    Just get what you can out of this. I appreciate the candor and associating with people who share the same issues I do. I could care less for cookies, cake, chocolate, but man, do I want a glass of wine (or so) at the end of every day.
  • mamawildbear
    mamawildbear Posts: 93 Member
    Never posted here before but was at a hockey game last night and totally thought of this topic. Pondered a bit and picked rum and pineapple juice. Figured I could feel good about the juice and really, the rum wasn't that many calories so YAY! Stayed within my calories for the day as well. Go lushes!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 4 glasses of wine at happy hour, 3 margaritas at mexican restaurant
    Tuesday, 2 glasses of wine
    Wednesday, 4 glasses of wine
    Thursday, 0 drinks...already know that I just don't want any...just too many days in a row

    Here's the weekend plan:

    Friday, 0 drinks
    Saturday, bottle of skinny margaritas (5 drinks):drinker:
    Sunday, 0 drinks...preparing for weigh-in

    Total: 13
    Goal: <12

    Shame and regret are starting to build:embarassed:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so I made it thru last night with no alcohol and as a reward (NOT) the scale was higher than its been since last May this morning. Trying not to be discouraged. I almost feel like giving up but I just can't do that. I have to find a happy place with this weight thing. It seems the only way for me to lose is to burn over 1000 calories per day exersize and only consume about 1500 calories in food. that is what I did to lose 34 pounds. once I stopped working out so much and or consuming more workout calories I began to gain again. Now I just can't seem to lose it. When I was losing I didn't drink Mon thru Thursday at all. then I really controlled the amounts on the weekend. I guess I will really have to try that again and really stick with it. I just gotta wrap my head around this. thanks for listening. (I'd be much happier if I could just have my bottle of wine and not gain any weight)
  • Eileen52
    Eileen52 Posts: 9
    I managed Monday night, and that was that!! I have just passed my driving test so I am not going to drink Sundays as got to take husband to the airport early Monday morning, then the plan is to go out every day somewhere so I won't be tempted to drink in the eves (Mon to Thurs) Friday I have to go pick him up again, so only leaves Saturday to have one!! Well thats the plan anyway!!!
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    So far this week I've had the extra calories, so I've allowed myself to have a couple of Bacardi & Diet cokes each evening. It's my go-to unwind drink. I guess I could give them up if I really had to, but I'm hoping that by budgeting them in I will still see the weight drop. I'm a bit apprehensive about the coming weekend. It isn't too hard to stay under 3 drinks during the week, but weekends tend to do me in.
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Last week I was contemplating not drinking Friday, and I didn't. Last week looked like this:
    Monday, Tuesday - NO
    Wed - Yes
    Thurs., Fri.- NO
    Last Sat, Sun YES
    Monday - Yes
    Tues, Wed -NO
    2 days off, 1 day on, 2 days off, 3 days on, 2 days off.......And tonight not sure yet. The days ON consist of at least 8 Bud Lites.
    Now, mind you, this schedule is much better than my old one: 7 DAYS A WEEK. So, I have lost consistantly this month (thanks to my new doctor's scare of prediabetes). Previously, I had "lost" same 5 lbs. over and over.

    Faith and Amy, I am the same, drink 'til its gone. So for me, abstaining totally is better. Because I know when I do have 1, I will have at least 8......I do try and plan for the calories though. I think I'm going to try the skinny margs, since I do like all the ingrediants. It is close to what I use to drink when much younger!

    Robin, keep trying! I know its disheartening when you put that effort in and the scale doesn't show it. My old trick (that still works) was to have veggies, chicken or fish, 1 egg per bread, pasta, the white foods for a couple of days. Have raw veggies to eat in between meals, do not skip that. No drinks. That seems to kick start losing again.

    Welcome to the new lushes. I think you will find this thread very helpful, and at least not feel like you are the only one who lushes out! :bigsmile: Here's to all for their efforts! :drinker:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I was drink free last night but I had a Big Mac. :embarassed: All that crap I was giving Faith about hers stuck in my brain and it was all I could think about. :laugh: So, when hubs called on the way home from grad school he asked if I wanted anything to eat and I said, "I'd love a Big Mac, but I don't need one." He said, "I didn't ask you what you needed...I asked what you wanted." So, he stopped and got me one...and a fountain Diet Coke. It. Was. Glorious.

    Today, I've had a breakfast smoothie, some tea, and some water. I'm not craving junk and I'm motivated to work out...huh. Brains are weird.

    I have volleyball tonight, so probably no drinks for me.