New round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me!



  • Dtough
    Dtough Posts: 70 Member
    I did the fitness test last night and I plan to start tomorrow ! I'm exited to get going!!! How important is a hrm?
  • lindajay3
    lindajay3 Posts: 144 Member
    I did get up and do Day 1 this morning. I'm really hoping to stick with this program and see some results. I know it works because I have a few friends that look amazing after completing it.

    To others out there that have done this before - How long did it take before you started seeing pounds/inches lost? How much weight do you think I can expect to lose (I'm 5'4", 142lbs, 24% bf)?

    I'm into week three of p90x lean and have lost 2.5 lbs and 1" from my hips!! I'm not eating quite as many calories as recommended but eating a lot of protein and not feeling hungry or tired at all. Loving all the workouts so far but especially loving Kenpo. Tomorrow I have shoulders and arms and ab ripper. I can't do all of the ab ripper moves, but I am doing more than week one and that's what counts!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    didn't do day 3 of p90x last nite. :cry: my dvd was messin up :grumble: but i think i figured out the issue. but at least when i was cleanin out the fridge at work i did get some kind of workout. :laugh:

    so 2nite is catchup day & i'll b workin out like a demon. cleanin out the other fridge at work, joggin 2miles, doin day 3 & 4 of p90x.

    at the very least, i did find out what the smell was that was comin out of the break room :sick:, i just now hafta do the other fridge.... :cry:
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Just did Yoga X for my 4th day! And I actually made it through the entire workout! Didn't think I'd be able to...It was good though. The only problem is that it goes on so long! Oh well, I'll get used to it. It was quite a workout....Excited for legs and back tomorrow, and one more round of Ab Ripper X for the week! Oh, and I can't forget about my running this evening either : )
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    Loved Shoulders and Arms yesterday!! Triceps are my favorite muscle :heart: And for some reason I had extra energy afterwards to run 1.5 miles. Today I'm swamped and don't have 90 min for yoga. We'll see what happens. My back is sore and I'm not sure what caused it. I'm thinking today is rest day and I'll do yoga on Sunay break day.

    Emma - try using the bottom stair instead of a chair. Less distance, and if your arms fail you just plop to the ground. You'll get there!
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Is anyone subing Yoga for something else today? I hate Yoga so I'm going to do CardioX I think.

    Today I can hardly walk or sit from Plyo 2 days ago.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Is anyone subing Yoga for something else today? I hate Yoga so I'm going to do CardioX I think.

    Today I can hardly walk or sit from Plyo 2 days ago.

    I sub Cardio X in for Yoga. I may review the Yoga video again and see if there are portions that I can remove that put too much stress on my knees. That's the one reason I haven't been doing it. The Warrior transition killed them.
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    Hey all, first day of my recovery week for phase 1 today!! I did yoga (which I don't hate) and had a few victories. For one, I made it up through the right angle series without needing to take a break. I still can't wrap my arms around my legs all the way, but whatever. I also managed to hold the half moon poses for a few whole seconds. Granted all that hard work meant that I was super shaky for some of the balance poses.

    Does anybody know a way to keep my hands from slipping out from under me during downward dog? I have a great yoga mat, but my hands don't like to stay put.

    Keep up the good work everyone! :)
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Does anybody know a way to keep my hands from slipping out from under me during downward dog? I have a great yoga mat, but my hands don't like to stay put.

    Keep up the good work everyone! :)

    What surface are you on?
  • FLmom2J
    FLmom2J Posts: 67 Member

    Does anybody know a way to keep my hands from slipping out from under me during downward dog? I have a great yoga mat, but my hands don't like to stay put.

    I know they sell yoga gloves at Target, I usually just wear my weight lifting gloves and it helps too. You could also try putting down a big towel maybe?

    I did day 3 level 1 yesterday of the lean version so it was shoulders and arms plus ab ripper. I love the arm workouts!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    So I'm going to admit what a dork I am here. This morning I discovered some lovely new muscles on my shoulders and for the last half hour I've been sitting here moving my arm around and feeling the muscle with my other hand. I even made my kids feel it so I knew it was really there! :blushing: I told my husband that I am downright fascinated with myself at the moment! lol

    Okay, back to business. Today I'm supposed to do YogaX but I really disliked it when I tried it last week. I had decided last night that I would try Core Synergistics today but then I picked up a Biggest Loser workout at the library so I may try that one. I have to decide soon or I'll flake out though. I may do the Stretch X in addition to whatever cardio I try because that felt just plain awesome when I did it last week and I need the flexibility.

    I'm thinking that during recovery week I will do my 40 minute "Fountain of Youth" yoga DVD they sent me with my package. (It's from the One on One series) I figure I can do it at least once all the way through since I did make it through 40 minutes of the YogaX before I killed it. If I still don't like that I have a back and abs Pilates video I may do in it's place. I'd rather replace the workout than skip it entirely.
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    My mat is from Gold's Gym and it's a high density something or other. Gloves is a good idea, hmmm.
  • Takeahike86
    Takeahike86 Posts: 13 Member
  • Takeahike86
    Takeahike86 Posts: 13 Member
    I am having the most difficult time using a pullup bar. I cannot carry my own weight at all. Im into my first month of P90X and in recovery do I get to the point of doind a real pullup? I try and success... :8(
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I did Yoga-X today as well (Week 2 Day 4 of Lean) and I use a natural rubber Yoga mat on a laminate floor and I don't have any problems with anything slipping, including my hands. The gloves sound like a good idea.

    I hear a lot of Yoga-X bashing on this thread, but I actually like the workout. It's the only workout where I sweat as much as I do and the one thing I like is that my heart rate ends up being LOWER at the end than before I start. I am burning around 650 calories on this workout and my flexibility and balance improve slightly each time I push play. The Yoga blocks are my best friend, though. It may be a while before they get retired.

    Onto Legs and Back and Ab-Ripper-X tomorrow. It is the only routine I do in my basement because I have to use the green band for back work and I have a support beam in the basement that is perfect for looping the band over. One of these days I will be able to do a real pull up. I'm getting closer...

    Great job everybody!!
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    I am having the most difficult time using a pullup bar. I cannot carry my own weight at all. Im into my first month of P90X and in recovery do I get to the point of doind a real pullup? I try and success... :8(

    Have you tried using the chair assist method? This works great for me, just don't cheat yourself, only let the chair help you just enough to complete the full pull up. Gradually decrease the assistance and you will surely be able to start getting them on you own.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I am having the most difficult time using a pullup bar. I cannot carry my own weight at all. Im into my first month of P90X and in recovery do I get to the point of doind a real pullup? I try and success... :8(

    Have you tried using the chair assist method? This works great for me, just don't cheat yourself, only let the chair help you just enough to complete the full pull up. Gradually decrease the assistance and you will surely be able to start getting them on you own.

    I can't use the chair assist method...either the chair or power tower I have isn't the right height to make it comfortable. I am hoping that maxing out the resistance on the bands will allow steady improvement to the point where I can do them unassisted.
  • cytrus
    cytrus Posts: 25 Member
    Glad to see everyone sticking to it. Keep up the good work. I have been a little less enthused to try the yoga x based on the comments here. but Reepobob has given me the insight to try it for myself. i'll do it this evening n let u know. If i don't like it, i'm more than willing to trade it in for a bikram yoga session weekly. I really get a sweat on there!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Is anyone subing Yoga for something else today? I hate Yoga so I'm going to do CardioX I think.

    Today I can hardly walk or sit from Plyo 2 days ago.

    Is it mean that your post makes me feel a little bit better. Its a battle right now, which one hurts worse (my arms or legs)... my quads got a bit of a workout from doing the pullups, so Im pretty sure the legs win.
    I have a very short run tonight, and just decided to skip the Yoga because I need a lil break ...
    Im terrified on Legs and Back tomorrow... if my legs and arms already hurt how can I do another workout?
  • I sub'd KenpoX for YogaX on my first round of P90X. Now, I am week 7 of Round 2 and I have been doing YogaX each week. I can now do Wheel and can hold Crane for about 10 seconds. My goal is to hold Crane for a full minute.

    I love how during Warrior 3, the sweat just drips from my face. I now LOVE YogaX!

    Tony Horton ROCKS!
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