Anyone fancy startin 30 day shred tmro :-)



  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    I did day two last night and I am very sore today.... :( but I have to say it does help to see others feeling the pain to. I am glad that some of you are ahead so I can see that there is progress and the pain becomes less... I read were some of you are having trouble with the push up's I am too!! I feel like my arms are gonna fall off but I think if we just keep trying to do the best we can and it will work. We can keep it up!! Summer is just around the corner and I dont know about you guys but I would just like to be able to be really comfortable in a pair of shorts!! :laugh: Keep up the good work!!!
  • jbgypsy
    jbgypsy Posts: 13
    My DVD showed up last night so I am going to give it a go tonight. I also do Zumba tonight wonder if i should Zumba first or after the DVD. HUmmmmm I will do my measurements tomorrow and post. Keep up the good work everyone.:bigsmile:

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    My DVD showed up last night so I am going to give it a go tonight. I also do Zumba tonight wonder if i should Zumba first or after the DVD. HUmmmmm I will do my measurements tomorrow and post. Keep up the good work everyone.:bigsmile:

    I guess this depends on how much of a beginner you are. 30 day shred is a though workout. Expect to be sore from it.
  • mommasamfa
    mommasamfa Posts: 87 Member
    I did Level 1 and 2 today. Im sick of not seeing the scale budge.
  • HiJam
    HiJam Posts: 22
    I did Level 1 and 2 today. Im sick of not seeing the scale budge.

    The scale isn't moving for me either but I can say that after a few good workouts I'm feeling stronger. I had a colleague who began working out (don't remember what method) and though she only lost 8 pounds she dropped 3 sizes and was rock solid!

    I'm also glad to report that I'm not nearly as sore as the first couple of days! It does get better so power through!
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    Does anyone doing the 30 day shred do it more than once a day? I do mine on a morning, I'm thinking of doing it again in the early evening. just to give myself an extra boost.
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Hi peeps... I was hoping I could join this... Since I got within a stone throw of the healthy bmi range, I haven't been able to lose weight :grumble: I've concluded that one of these intense workouts is in order, and shred is the affordable option!

    I'm going to buy it tonight. I'm stoked to see what all the noise is about.
  • tltincher
    tltincher Posts: 107 Member
    Level 1, Day 4 completed last night. Getting easier...if there is such a thing! I feel great, and don't know if it's really possible but I am seeing results already :bigsmile: Let's keep it up!!
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member a little off track (I have a almost 14 year old angry at me because I would like him to turn in school work...guess I am the devil!! How dare me!!!) so I didnt do it last night but I did get up early this morning to do day three...and I thought I would be so sore but I have been doing the c25k thing to and so I had to do that to this morning and I think it helped with the muscle soreness! Still very sore but I can walk ok and my arms are not feeling to bad so maybe theres something with that? I dont know but because I got behind I am still gonna do day 4 tonight...hopefully I am changing a bit and it is all gonna work... :) I do have to say though I love reading the updates it is nice to hear someone is in the same boat!:happy:
  • sudepip
    sudepip Posts: 20
    After reading all the post about 30 day shred I went to Walmart at 10pm to purchase. I started last night. It was not as bad as I thought it was going to be (not to say it wasn't difficult) I made it through the entire video.....only stopping twice. I committ to doing it the entire month. If you like we can got at this together.
  • Count me in too!!:happy:
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Did day three last night......It's gets my heart rate so high that I feel bad after I I did another workout...I walked 3miles fast with Leslie Sansone......and I felt better afterward....better than just stopping after the 30 day shred!!!
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I did my workout this morning (Level 1 day 4). I'm glad when I can get it in before I get to work. I burned 177 calories, average heart rate was 139. I have to say I almost thought of not doing it. What keeps me going? I want to report something done to the group. So there, you guys are my motivation to keep going. Seen you guys just go along and not give up makes me want to do the same.

    I haven't checked my weight yet. I weigh in on Mondays. I also just ordered a new scale so I'm waiting for that to get in so I can have better weight readings. The scale I have is crazy, jumps up and down…very inconsistent. I'm trying to focus on building muscles and looking slimmer instead of the number on the scale. I care about the weight but I also want to see the changes in my body. So far I notice my ankles look smaller. My legs always shape up pretty quickly when I start working out.

    I don't do the shred more than once a day.

    Ssampley, I'm also combining the shred with C25K. I'm on Week 3. I must say I noticed that I feel stronger during my runs since I started shredding.

    For muscle soreness, my fiancee helped me massage and stretch. That helped it a lot and I was able to workout the next day.

    Sdgirl, Waltrip-- welcome to Shredding! :)
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    Ssampley, I'm also combining the shred with C25K. I'm on Week 3. I must say I noticed that I feel stronger during my runs since I started shredding.

    yea!!! I just finished week two this morning, I have only been doing it the 3 times a week and I have been walking the other days with my husband (he has a really bad knee and cant run often) but I have noticed a difference to..I thought this morning was probably easier than before..I like the combo together!
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks juliane!! I am posting while ripping the cellophane off. I'l edit this once I finish my workout :bigsmile:
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    I completed day 2 Level 1 today! 28 more days to go!
  • izzys1mom
    izzys1mom Posts: 51
    bump - I am starting this tomorrow :)
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Did Day 5 level 1. Completed all the cardio today so I must be improving!
  • HiJam
    HiJam Posts: 22
    Yay! We're all doing great! I am still sore, especially my outside thighs, but not nearly as much as after fthe first couple of days (I'm on day 5). I love reading the messages here - they keep me engaged and on track. Keep posting!
  • Cheylaing
    Cheylaing Posts: 99
    Whoo Hoo! Just did Day 3! Cranked the radio....a BIG help!
    that sounds like a great idea i never thought bout stickin on one o my dance cd's...cheers for that lol x
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