New Group - Summer Lovin'



  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    Skipped out on the gym yesterday buuut I stayed under my fat intake! Yay! I'm going to try to hit the gym today.
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I've done good today. my net says 909, but I ate around 1300 and I am FULL I can't eat anything else.
    I would eat a spoonful of peanut butter just to bump up the calories.

    My mom has been sick with the flu/beginnings of pneumonia so I've been keeping an eye on here and here the past couple of days I have been having moments where I don't feel so great! I did get in a kickboxing workout today. I'm gonna get up early in the morning and do some pilates, luckily I don't have to be to work until 10.

    I have gotten quite a bit of water today, just because it's been almost all I've wanted, I've had to force myself to eat my 5 meals.

    Hope everyone else is doing good!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I've done good on my fat intake lately! I got in 25 minutes of strength training this morning. Only 3 days left, including today, to get in our 45 minutes of strength training!
  • dc5rn
    dc5rn Posts: 60 Member
    Name: BJ
    Date of Summer Goal (or month):End of June
    Summer Goal Weight: 190
    Current Weight: 217 (i started at 240 on jan7 2011)

    this is a great idea... i like this

    is it too late?
  • waterbug920
    Well, I haven't done a great job tracking my food this week, but I HAVE been paying attemtion to what I'm eating, even if I'm not getting it logged. Doing well with P90X, lots of strength training involved! I like those two challenged for the week, and I'm actually a little excited for weigh-ins, cause my pants are loose!! *yippee!*
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    My starting weight is 221.5
    My current weight is 213.5! I i lost 1.5 pounds this week !
    My goal weight is 180
    33.5 pounds to go !
  • FaithfullFit
    FaithfullFit Posts: 40 Member
    weight in today 163 down 0.6 from last week.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Name: BJ
    Date of Summer Goal (or month):End of June
    Summer Goal Weight: 190
    Current Weight: 217 (i started at 240 on jan7 2011)

    this is a great idea... i like this

    is it too late?

    We still have a long time before summer so it's definitely not too late! Welcome to the group!

    Pattie, are you still going to make some type of chart with all of our losses?

    How's everyone doing on the challenges this week?
  • dubord29
    dubord29 Posts: 57
    Kind of bummed this week....I have been religiously following the 30 day slimdown and eating healthy. This weeks weighin I went back up 2.8pounds:( Now I'm hoping that it's muscle gain or maybe just because it's "that time of the month". I know it's not the numbers so much as the feeling of how loose my clothes are, but it's hard not to get upset and frustrated:( Well I will just keep doing my exercise and eating healthy. I joined Anytime Fitness to get some extra cardio and workout with my friend! Maybe that's what I need. I have been doing a lot of Jillian's workouts and that is a lot of strength. Good Luck to everyone this week!!
  • chris_elizabeth
    chris_elizabeth Posts: 49 Member
    Hey everyone!
    I am hoping it is not too late to join the motivation train for summer! It would be great to have some others to talk to who are going through the same process

    Name: Christa
    Age: 23
    Date of Summer Goal (or month): June
    Summer Goal Weight: 135
    Current Weight: 150

    I have lost about 11 pounds since December but am finding now i am having a hard time seeing any change, and my bmi etc is still significantly high!

    I used to be involved in varsity athletics in University but since graduation 2 years ago i have found it very hard to stay motivated mainly around food, I love exercising its the snacking that really hurts me!

    By the way, great to meet all of you! :)
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Im still keeping up with the chart. Ive been working about 6 days a week. I will try to upload it tomorrow morning. it is looking good.

    New members are welcome, since some have not come back. I will try to have a good new challenge on Sunday.

    Thanks for being understanding everyone! Life can get in the way sometimes!
  • tashasbaby
    Saturday weigh in

    Starting weight: 169
    Current Weight: 158 (down 0.6 from las week)
    Goal Weight: 130 ish

    I kept below my fat but failed at the exercise :-(
  • Katherine1687
    Katherine1687 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Just checking in with my current details

    Start Weight 233 lb

    Current Weight 230.6 lb (Down 2.4 lb from last week)

    Could have been more but gave in to the takeaway temptation at the end of the week.

    I am happy though!

    Good luck everyone.

    Luv Kat

  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Starting weight 197
    Last weigh in 187.2
    Current Weight 185.6

    I did somewhat good on My fat, this week has been so out of it! I KNOW I did back on the workouts though, I've barely been able to make it at all. I'm gonna work on that more next week.

    I'm getting the chart set up, gonna try to get it up tonight, depends on if the computer at work will block me or not! :(

    Anyone got some good ideas for the new weeks challenges? I want to make sure that the challenges will be a challenge to everyone.
  • hturner_2000
    hturner_2000 Posts: 5 Member
    Name: Hayley
    Age: 24
    Date of Summer Goal (or month): 30th May (holiday)
    Summer Goal Weight: 50kg
    Current Weight: 54.9kg
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Okay, the chart is done. I'm working on getting it up here at work. my work computer is screwing up the site I use to upload, so it may take me a few tries. I will have it though!

    It looks nice! Pretty colors! Today is kind of slow at work, I've finished all todays jobs so I've got lots of free time. I wish I could be working out. Instead im doing some desk workouts. Hopefully those will be good, not sure how I should log them though.

    To the newer members! WELCOME! I'm sorry I haven't been active to welcome you very well. You can friend me if you'd like. I'm gonna try to start make my little status updates about this group to remind people about our challenges and weigh-in day!

    Also, if you aren't active for two weeks then I take you off the chart. But if you come back I'll add you back, but I would have lost your previous information. This is just so our chart isn't MILES long. Some of the names at the bottom of our chart have not been here since the beginning, so it looks like they haven't been here long. Oh, and by active I don't mean just posint gyour weight, if you don't gain or lose and don't feel like posting your weight, that's fine, but at least let us know you're still out there so I know not to take you off the chart!

    I'm excited about this week! I've finally gotten out of my 187 slump! I had a goal of 175 by March 15, but I'm not sure I'll make that. 10lbs in a week is a bunch. I'll be happy if I get 165 by April 1 though!

    @bstamps: Have you done a weigh-in and I've missed it. I'm looking at my chart and I've only got your beginning and goal weight listed. I looked back and only saw where you've kept up with the challenges(amazing!!) but you hadn't weighed in since you didn't have a scale. I didn't know if you'd be adding to it today or not.

    OH and, I will probably add the chart tomorrow, I just thought of this, some people will be later today on their weigh in so I want to give everyone a chance to be on the chart. :)
  • dc5rn
    dc5rn Posts: 60 Member
    so i jumped on the scale today and was very pleased with my results for the last week..

    I started the week off at 217

    Current wt: 215.2

    I didnt really change anything... Im trying to eat bad a couple meals a week so i can trick my body... So far tthe hard work is paying off... I usually try to spin for 60-90 mins and lift weights for 60-75 mins everytime i go to the gym... i attempt to work out 5-6 days a week
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    @dc5rn WAY TO GO! I just have to let you know, I may not call you by your name. ONLY because my boyfriends name is BJ and I don't want to end up calling you babe, or some other random name I have for him..haha. I'll go by your screename..if that's okay with you.

    but still! way to go! I've started doing that bit with my body, not necessarily by eating a bad meal, but by changing my calories each day. I've got it set up this way
    Mon: 1200
    Tues: 1100
    Wed: 1250
    Thurs: 1100
    Fri: 1200
    Sat: 1300

    It all equals out to what I need weekly to have my correct deficit, but it switches it up each day so that my body doesn't get used to the same amount of calories, I also don't eat the same thing each day. I try to switch it up every day, same with workouts. I was terrible last weekend. I went off the deepend, BUT I think it helped me. I was stuck at 187, and then after have a bad weekend food wise (I still had some good workouts) I ended up weighing in at 185.6 on Friday morning, so I'm back to losing again. I think sometimes your body gets used to it no matter how much you try to mix it up. You body just stops so it can catch up with you, thats when you want to break, your body will catch up and then you jump right back on.

    Oh, a lady at work today offered me a cupcake, the same lady that offers sweets EVERY SINGLE DAY! I kindly told her no, as I usually do. She then turned back around and said " Are you trying to lose weight or something?!" I was like, actually I am. She then goes on to talk about how she would like to and how she admires me for turning down sweets because she doesn't have the determination. I told her it's hard, but I have my eye on a bikini that I want for the beach in May. ha!

    wow, so I've talked's kind slow at work...
    i'm trying to come up with more challenges, my brain is coming blank on fitness challenges.
  • dc5rn
    dc5rn Posts: 60 Member
    lol... you can call me whatever you like... hahaha

    thats a good idea to set up cal days like you... hmm i may have to try this
  • Empress17
    Empress17 Posts: 35
    SW: 200
    CW: 200
    GW: 185